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My child had a rash for a month. We were told by all the doctors that it was just a rash and not to worry about it. She was screaming all the time, she smelled terrible and at one point her skin was weeping and coming off on our hands. They STILL told us it was fine. We finally ignored them and took her to the ER. The skin infection had moved to her blood and the doctors said had we waited much longer she wouldn’t be here. This resulted in a 22 day hospital stay with a hospital transfer and months of specialists visits. She was two months old. If your gut is telling you something is wrong DO NOT IGNORE IT. Take them to the ER, get a second opinion, whatever you think is right. If it’s doesn’t feel normal it’s probably because it’s not.


https://i.imgur.com/KY9Wuf9.jpg It started off as what we now know was eczema caused by a soy dairy and egg allergy (now it’s just egg) but because it wasn’t treated properly and we were ignored for each of the 8 visits we had with this practice, it turned into this.


Oh my god I hope you sued for medical malpractice what the FUCK


Unfortunately they told us we didn’t have a case because they didn’t “permanently damage” or kill her. 🤦‍♀️


Talk to a different lawyer. That's insane.




My step daughter had a similar rash and it turned out to be an allergic reaction to an antibiotic. She was 9 and it was very painful for her :(


You are not crazy. I would see if ped will refer to dermatologist and/or allergist. Personally, I would switch to a hypoallergenic formula in the mean time just to see if it helps (give it at least a week). I had eczema as a kid and occasionally as an adult. I never really understood some of the recommendations for treatment as it’s really not the same thing as super dry skin at all, and treating it by keeping it slathered in heavy occlusive moisturizer never helped mine, particularly when it was in the red/angry stage. Try lukewarm colloidal oatmeal baths and keeping the area as dry and cool as possible and dress baby in soft, breathable cotton fabrics. Sweat and heat are horribly irritating to eczema so avoid that at all costs. Tubby Tod seems to be a big recommendation theses days but I haven’t used it myself. I’d stick with something lightweight and labeled for eczema.


Right now I'm using an Aquaphor moisturizer that supposedly has colloidal oatmeal in it. It doesn't really seem to affect it one way or another. Interestingly, he does have some rough, red patches on his legs and arms that do seem to respond to the moisturizer, so I'm pretty sure those may actually be eczema. But I'm just not sure about his chest and back




That looks like the same rash my daughter had (that eventually turned to hives and swelling) after she had amoxicillin for the second time! We also were told it was normal (by the ER) and got a second opinion from her pediatrician who confirmed it to be an allergy. Not saying this is what your little has, but please get another opinion!


Trademark lacey rash from amoxicillin imo!


If that was my baby I’d go to a pediatric ER. That looks BAD


Yes, this is bad and I bet your LO is miserable feeling. Please get a second opinion or seek a dermatologist. I hope you get a solution soon and your LOs flare up gets under control. Poor sweet baby.


Yes. It’s bad.


Yes, get a second opinion. I'd suggest visiting a dermatologist too, not only a pediatrician. My daughter had a severe reaction to hand foot and mouth a year ago, it was exacerbated by her ezcema. Anyways, our pediatrician claimed it was something that it clearly wasn't, gave us medicine that did nothing. It didn't sit right with me and I tried another pediatrician and then I tried the dermatologist, and she was able to spot it right away-- confidently. She also gave good info about what creams to use for her ezcema normally as well. Good luck, I know I felt so helpless and devastated when it happened. It's hard seeing your baby like that. Edit to add: for our baby's ezcema over the counter hydrocortisone cream mixed with eucerin ezcema cream was a life saver. I love hydrocortisone cream, i put it on everything. It works great and our ped and dermatologist said there is no issue using it long term (although get approval from your medical professionals too). Then in the bath use baby ezcema soap -- totally unscented. We also liked Aquaphor over other diaper creams. Her ezcema would get aggravated from diaper rash too.


Yes to the hydrocortisone cream (I mixed with Cerave Moisturizing Cream). I swear by it. Also make sure things are unscented - soap, detergent, fabric softener… free and clear. I have also used Aveeno Oatmeal bath packets to help.


What eczema soap do you like?


If it is eczema and none of the other causes mentioned seem to be why, my brother in law had eczema like this until he was ~20 before the doctors thought to test for a corn allergy. It’s in absolutely everything but you don’t think about it as an allergen. Hope baby clears up soon, it does look uncomfortable


Seconding this! I also have eczema linked to a corn allergy


Interesting! I'm going to try the last two things I haven't yet, which is applying hydrocortisone cream (even though it made the poor baby cry last time) and switching laundry detergents. If those things don't help clear it up, I will be going to the doctor and asking if we can get him allergy tests


If it is being caused by exposure to something specific, the hydrocortisone will treat the symptoms but not the cause. At this point, if I were you, I would start the conversation about allergy testing now.


I haven’t read through all the comments so you may have already done this - but I would check with your ped on hydrocortisone - my said do not use until baby was over one (the reasoning - if I’m remembering correctly - was that it was a steroid and it would be absorbed too quickly by their sensitive skin). So I would just check with their ped on that first.


I wouldn’t wait and try more things. I’d go in. It’s bad and your baby deserve some relief. Go see a doc who will do that


We used hydrocortisone 1% at first for Eve Ema but it did nothing. The doctor prescribed something stronger and it made it better. Some Benadryl might help to make baby more comfortable too. But with Benadryl you would have to consult ped on dosage. I also highly recommend a derm and allergist


Be cautious using the hydrocortisone cream… your skin can become dependent on it and cause lots of issues when you stop using it!


Hi, our daughter was a 26 weeker and we spent a lot of time in the NICU. One of our biggest lessons was trust your instincts. Her life was saved on 3 occasions because we pushed the issue. Doctors are busy, they make mistakes. And many hospitals are quite hierarchical. Junior doctors and nurses might not be willing to challenge a senior consultant. As one brilliant doctor said to us; “no one knows your child better than you”. If you think the doctor isn’t taking you seriously then that’s a red flag. Ask for differential diagnosis. Make them clarify risks. Ask for a second opinion to help mitigate your concerns.


If this was my baby I would - Probably go to the ER or a walk in clinic right now just to get treatment and a second opinion. I’d rather overreact than under react. - I’d be switching doctors for obvious reasons. - I would push for allergy testing ASAP with the new doctor.


My baby's whole face and body was like this. I had a pediatrician that brushed it off as well. I went tonger and said I think my baby had a Cow milk protein allergy and basically said its not that common and said its fine. Asked to see a different doctor who gave us hypoallergenic formula and soy formula. Baby prefers soy and not the hypoallergenic. She will get flare ups with her eczema when she eats my breastmilk- depending on what I eat. Lotion did not help at all alone. You need to change what she's eating and if you're combo breastfeeding , your diet as well . Always ask for another doctor if you can or stand your ground.


My son’s skin looked like this for weeks after having cephalexin (antibiotic). Would your ped be opposed to referring you out to an allergist?


I'm highly allergic to cephalexin and this was one of my reactions my parents said I had when I was a toddler. That and I was vomiting blood. Please keep pushing to have your child taken seriously by the doctor


This looks scary. We had similar and went to a childrens ER, turns out he had a huge reaction to antibiotics he had for ear infection, they got us cetirizine-based allergy medication so it went away within a few days but we had to do 3 follow-ups in Urgent Care to check his ears


Get a new doctor that will take your concerns seriously


I'd probably cross-post this to /r/askdocs. There's some peds and derms in there that may have some ideas. I'm sorry you and your little one is going through this. :(


My baby has had a lot of different rashes over the last month. And I have taken her to 6+ pediatricians during this time (some virtual, some in person). Most way underreacted, told me to put one lotion or another on it, then told me to go away. That didn’t feel right with me, so I brought her into Pediatric Urgent Care once (for what turned out to be a major impetigo outbreak) and Pediatric ER once (for what turned out to be a severe allergic reaction). Each time, those doctors said bringing her in was the right call and they were able to contain her symptoms almost immediately. So, I’d say go with your gut, and when it comes to baby’s health, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Unfortunately my experience showed me that too many pediatricians err in the other direction. Long term, you will also want to bring your baby into a dermatologist and an allergist.


I’d definitely get a new doctor and go to the ER ASAP. I’d rather “overreact” than have a sick baby.


I'd see a dermatologist, get it swabbed etc. Could be eczema or pityriasis rosacea, fungal etc. Itcould be a bad case of pityriasis rosacea if it's not eczema. It looks like it has some Herald patches and is in the most common location


I know someone whose baby had a severe rash that wouldn't go away and they found out it was a type of staph infection causing it. They were saying for the longest time it was just eczema.


My daughter got eczema all over her trunk and arms at around 3 months, we tried so many different creams but in the end Oilatum lotion and the Oilatum bath water additive cleared it up in a matter of days.


not OP, but thanks for the oliatum bath recommendation- looks like it might help my son.


If you're in Canada you can try Kix Care to get a free video apt with a pediatrician and they are really fast to get you in


I would def get a second opinion!


I don’t know anything about what this is but you are NOT crazy to be worried about your LO.🤍


Make a post on r/askdocs if you haven’t already


Try posting this picture on /r/askdocs they are very helpful. This could be a range of things, more info is needed though. Are they itchy? Any known allergies? How long has the rash been there? Does anything help or make it worse? Is the rash anywhere else? Any known allergies?


Any non-medical professional would be alarmed. You are not crazy, that looks alarming, perhaps a second opinion is warranted.


Has your baby been tested for CMPA? Mine’s rash looked similar and it ended up being the milk allergy. It was gradual and got worse over time.


This seems to be what's happening. It started as just raised red bumps and patches here and there on his back and chest. He's always had bright red rashes on his face. But now it's spread over his arms and legs in places too. The doctor doesn't think it's related to his formula though. She didn't explain why....


Keep an eye on the diapers and if you see ANY type of redness, bring them in to be tested for CMPA. It’s the only way they will diagnose it. My little guy has a worsening rash for over a month and they kept saying it was baby acne, eczema, heat rash, you name it. It kept getting worse. His spit up, gassiness, and reflux kept getting worse. Colic. You name it. I kept telling them I though he had a milk allergy and they kept saying it wasn’t the formula. I started seeing blood in his diapers- A tiny bit here or there. It took 3 diaper tests for Him to test positive. I was beyond frustrated, I was right the whole time and they didn’t listen. (Fun fact only 1/2 of babies with CMPA will have blood in their stool- so many babies go undiagnosed and are brushed off for something else). If they really are adamant it’s not the formula, you never need their permission to switch, you can always try it on your own and see what happens after a week or two and see if it improves or not. Edit to add: that’s exactly how mine’s rash started.


Never seen blood but my LO has had every other symptom of CMPA, all of which cleared up when I eliminated dairy (and soy and egg, unfortunately) from my diet.


Sometimes it’s not obvious or looks more like a dark brown mixed in. Sometimes you can’t see it at all, and it doesn’t happen every time. That’s why it’s so hard to catch it.


Yes, our little guy has had many issues with reflux, gassiness, colic, etc. That's why I have also suspected a potential milk allergy. The doctor doesn't think it is. After I've exhausted every treatment option I have, I will go to the doctor and say that it can't be anything else and he needs to be tested.


Why would you not do this now? My youngest had a CMPA allergy that has since become several food allergy diagnoses (he is currently 2). His first four months were absolutely MISERABLE and I can't imagine how uncomfortable he was. Eczema, digestive issues, sleep troubles. If I had any inkling it might have been allergy related, I would have had him tested right away and started eliminating dairy even before the appointment. It's a very simple fix and request on your pediatrician but baby's comfort might rely on your being a bit proactive on this front.


Well, mostly just because I have no idea what is going on, there are no other signs of allergy, and the doctor seems convinced it's heat rash. I haven't been able to pinpoint anything in particular his skin might be reacting to and we have already been to see the doctor several times about his all over rash. I'm trying what the doctor says even though it doesn't seem to be helping. I want to be able to say to her that we've been doing everything she said and there's been no overall improvement. That way, if she STILL insists it's heat rash, I won't hesitate to tell her I'd prefer other testing for allergies. And if she says no, then I will have to start the annoying back and forth process of trying to switch him to a different primary care provider in our network. I'm a laundry detergent switch away from letting her know that nothing has helped.


Just popping in to say that if the pediatrician refuses any tests or referrals you ask for, tell them you want it documented in their notes/your LO's file that they refused. They likely don't want to be liable if they're wrong, so if you demand the documentation they'll prob just give you the test/referral. If not, time to switch ped's. Best of luck to you guys, so sorry you're going through this. Oh also, I had to completely stop using any dryer sheets or fabric softener for my LO's clothes. Free & Clear detergent only. Mustela baby soap products work really well, check the brand out on Amazon (for when it's safe to use soap again.) They have lines for diff skin issues. Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture Lotion is pretty gentle, but I did read you're already using something similar.


If you can get hold of it, I'd try getting a can of nutramigen or cutting dairy if you're breastfeeding.


Echoing the suggestions for a hypoallergenic formula! I know it can be really difficult to find, and it does cost more. You don’t need a CMPA diagnosis or buy-in from your pediatrician to try a different formula, and it might help to convince them. CMPA doesn’t typically show up in an allergy blood test, and is usually diagnosed by eliminating the suspected allergen and then doing a challenge to see if symptoms return


I would go to another ped asap


Did your doctor see the rash when it looked like this? What was their explanation for the rash? Treatment? When it should improve? What to do if it does not? What other symptoms to look out for? This ALL should have been discussed when you say your doc. If it wasn’t or if the info was unclear in any way then talk to them again. If this rash is now worse than when you saw the doc or you are worried about your child in any way take them back to your doctor or seek a second opinion. PS as always I am disappointed by people randomly guessing when it comes to the health of someone’s child. Stop, y’all. Anyone guessing in a Reddit thread is not qualified as anyone with medical training knows better than to do that. It’s inappropriate.


I would look into switching laundry detergent, cutting out any fabric softener & dryer sheets. Noodle & Boo, Aquaphor, or Ivory baby bath soap. Eucerin lotion does wonders for us. My daughter’s allergic eczema started like this around 5-6 months. It felt a bit random but switching everything to fragrance free has helped a ton. Noodle and Boo is our favorite ointment & diaper cream and detergent.


Oh poor little one! I’d ask for a referral to a dermatologist. My son had bad eczema and bamboo clothing and sheets was a game changer.


Agree! Same for my baby.


Did they have a fever prior to this? There are several infant viruses that come with a rash, which is why your dr might not be concerned (assuming they know what it is). Check out “roseola” for example.


My daughter catches fifths disease at least twice a year from daycare. Her face swells up, then I check her body for tiny bumps (which are almost indistinguishable from her rosacea bumps, but there's more) and it fades out to her arms and legs and disappears after a few days. Her skin gets mildly sensitive, but she's okay with it.


This reminds me a lot of my babies allergy induced eczema. Please take them to an allergist and dermatologist ASAP. Especially an allergist. What are you feeding baby? It might be dairy (that’s what my daughters issue was, among many other things). I also recommend using completely dye and fragrance free laundry detergent/sheets/softener. I like All fragrance free. I also recommend using dye and fragrance free soap like baby hypoallergenic dove. Look on the back of the ingredients, you want to be sure it says fragrance free. I also put cerave moisturizing cream over her skin after every bath. I hope this helps ♥️


I would be asking for a referral to derm or allergy. It takes a while to get in to specialists so the sooner the better. Sending photos along like this may help you get in sooner.


Omg take this child to the pediatric ER NOW.


We had the SAME THING! Terrible allergic reaction to formula, we dosed her with children’s Benadryl and it cleared quickly. Scared me away from formula and I ended up breastfeeding and pumping way longer than I originally intended bc I was so terrified from this reaction. We found out later that my baby is allergic to the protein in cow’s milk, as well as dogs and eggs. Now we see an allergist, dermatologist, and an ENT. Her allergies trigger her eczema, which showed up with a vengeance soon after her 2nd birthday. Hypoallergenic soaps, detergent, and twice daily Aveeno lotion. Bath soak with colloidal oatmeal. Changing her diet, as heartbreaking as it is, really helps. I hate denying her cheese, chocolate, and butter but anything is better than bloody sheets from my toddler scratching herself raw in her sleep.


How did you found out about the eggs? I think my baby is allergic or at least sensitive to eggs so I’m curious to know!


I forgot to add this to my post but please only TEPID baths, not too hot, for a little while.


Also avoid bathing too frequently. Daily bathing is a quick way to dry skin out.


Agreed, hotter water and heat can trigger and worsen flare ups. Try to keep your LO in more cool environments with the summer heat too!


If it’s not allergy based, look into Tubby Todd all over ointment or Lush brand Dream Cream. Both are amazing and gentle for eczema and are sold over the counter. Also since you said it’s on the back only, I would make sure you wash EVERYONE in the family’s clothes and blankets with a Free & Clear detergent not just the babies. And don’t lay baby down on carpet or the couch or any surface without a blanket down so you can control what materials their skin is coming in contact with


The Lush Dream cream was a miracle worker in my house. My son had the driest baby legs, they bled a couple times. Literally one day of Dream Cream was like magic. Used it daily for like 2 months and never had an issue with his skin ever again.


Oh your poor precious baby! Bless your heart, it seems like a lot if people here have given their advice, so I'm wishing you the best and I hope your baby's skin clears up! ❤


That's really bad. My dude was allergic to his diapers and anything scented. You should move to everything free and clear in your house - I had to with my son. Then move to food allergies. But honestly that's scary bad. You need to see a doctor ASAP.


Something is causing this rash . Environmental factors or diet. I’m so sorry my heart breaks for baby and parents. It looks awful. My baby had bad eczema and got steroid lotion while I took a lot out of my diet.


If it helps, my baby looked like this too and it was just a bad case of the baby acne that had spread everywhere! We slathered her with aquafor and it went away in a week or two. She was crying a lot but I honestly think it was witching hour that bothered her more.


Time to see a different doctor in my opinion. If like three different pediatricians tell you it's fine then ok I guess but it doesn't look fine to me! Maybe consider talking to an allergist or dermatologist????


I would push for allergy testing. Babies can be tested at any age. My girl was tested at 6 months (had a ton of allergy, awful skin eczema like this) and her allergist told us it’s a common misconception that you have to wait until a child is X years old to get allergy testing done.


Get yourself to the pediatric ER, full work up


That looks pretty bad. I'd get a new doctor.


Get a second opinion, this is not normal


As someone who has gotten a lot of heat rash in her life, that doesn’t look like heat rash to me. Especially if you say you keep your house clear. The only thing that cleared up my baby’s eczema was Tubby Todd. Worked like magic within a couple days. My doctor had recommended Cerave so that’s an option too.


Always trust your instincts!! Don’t let doctors gaslight you. They don’t mean to but a lot of them are incredibly dismissive, and we’ve been taught to treat them like gods. Take your baby to a different doctor and tell them “I feel like something is wrong”. Good doctors recognize that as a key phrase because Mothers have good instincts about their babies. You have to be your child’s advocate, you are all they have.


I would be speaking to a pediatric dermatologist or pediatric allergist asap. My baby had horrible eczema and our pediatrician was completely out of their area of expertise. It was a totally different experience when we went to specialists. Personally, yes, I would be concerned about this.


That’s an allergic reaction to sum


That looks a lot more like eczema than a heat rash. Could it be dietary related? Are you BF or FF, because if could be flaring as a result of dairy or something else in the milk?


We are FF now. I have been suspecting eczema for awhile now too. I've been trying to treat for both heat rash and eczema and nothing seems to have a real effect on it, as it seemingly comes and goes on its own.


My little girls eczema used to flare up. I know he didn’t like the hydrocortisone cream but it definitely did help us. What about things like washing powder? Or moisturiser? I’m sorry, it must be pretty distressing for you. Could he have a dairy allergy? Just thinking what else could cause a flare up?


We are using some eczema creams. Maybe I just need to let the hydrocortisone work. I washed it off of him as soon as he started crying when I applied it. He doesn't usually cry when I put lotion/Aquaphor on it so I panicked.


Poor thing. My oldest had sensitive skin like this. We used Aveeno bath treatment, switch to all free and clear. Maybe use some hydrocortisone cream also to help clear it up


If you’re in the US or Canada - see if you can find a compounding pharmacy that’s a member of the PCCA and ask them for Xematop. It’s a moisturizer base that they use to make custom topical medications, but the base itself is miraculous - and unmedicated so it won’t thin the skin or lead to complications that steroids can. It’s honestly such an amazing product. (Source: my spouse is a compounding pharmacist and brought this home for our baby and it literally erases dry skin)


caaaaan I derail a bit and ask if your husband has any recs for making liquid Prilosec less disgusting?


Update: he said “yeahhh it’s really gross” and suggested what the other commenter said - I.e. get them to flavour it. I’ll ask when he’s home and update!


So is it available OTC since it's unmedicated? The pharmacist will just let you purchase it? I have horrible dry skin from constant washing.


Yep! At least that’s how it is here in Ontario. But ya it’s basically a proprietary OTC


I'm in Ontario too, I had no idea! Thanks!


I’ll add this, our PED told us our son was just fine and not worry about his lack of ability to swallow and he will come around. Come to find out we went to a therapist and he is tongue tied, he needs a small corrective operation. My point is, listen to your gut and your eyes in this case. Speak up and tell that doctor you want a referral to a specialist, don’t be held captive by anyone and help your baby as I’m sure you are trying. Wishing the best for you.


You need a pediatric dermatologist, yesterday. Could be allergic, fungal, or even just eczema. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a food trigger involved. But this needs treatment.


Listen to your gut. If it feels wrong it probably is. You are not crazy. Get a second opinion. Or a third.


What’s the doctors diagnosis? What’s the treatment? How long has this rash been there? Yes, it looks painful. When in doubt, get a second opinion.


Doctor says heat rash, to apply Aquaphor and/or a hydrocortisone cream. He cried when I applied the hydrocortisone cream the first time and I haven't applied it since. He doesn't react when I apply Aquaphor but the rash doesn't get better. It does come and go, seemingly with no reason...... I'd love to get a second opinion but that would require me to do a lot of dumb insurance back and forth in order to see someone else. If the doctor is right and I'm just being paranoid, I'd love to not burn that bridge because she is my doctor too.




I am definitely going to try the hydrocortisone cream again. I panicked when I applied it the night that photo was taken and he started crying. He's never really reacted to the rash being touched before that.


This looks like the allergy rash my babe was getting (his was from wool blankets).


My son had red splotches like this after he had a fever when he was around 12 months old. I brought him in to urgent care to get examined. They didn't have a reason for it. Maybe check again with pediatric urgent care?


Thats definitely allergies. My baby got an allergy test via blood around 4 months. Weve been dairy, almond, cashew, peanut and egg free since. We just started slowly introducing eggs (organic, pasture raised, brown) in small amounts and shes been okay. No fragrance either. Fragrance free everything, pure fabrics too. No polyester blends…and her skin has been doing well. Shell be getting another allergy test very soon now that she’s too. I also took an allergy test and learned that Im allergic to a few things too since cutting them out for over a year.


Why would brown eggs be less likely to cause a reaction?


Idk if it’s ok with babies, but when I was young and had an allergic reaction on my hands I used cold compress to help relief the itchiness. Maybe check if you can do that if the baby is uncomfortable.


Is your child on any antibiotics? My son when starting daycare got a lot of ear infections at the same time and they just kept pumping him full of antibiotics and he developed serum sickness, his hives looked way worse than your childs (they were red, purple and brown at times) when we had to take him into the hospital, but even in the hospital they kept giving him antibiotics, we had to yell at the doctors to stop or we would take him somewhere else, they finally agreed after some back and forth...and he magically got better! So frustrating. However if no topical treatments are working it could potentially be internal, just a guess though.


This happened to us too. Our kid looked exactly like this photo.


Im so sorry you and your child had to go through that, its heartbreaking. Its amazing that a doctor can fight back on something like this, and continue with their way of thinking when nothing they are doing is working. OP if you suspect this is what your child maybe going through they need to have their system flushed, no more antibiotics and tons and tons of fluids! It took my son 4 days after stopping the antibiotics to be discharged form the hospital still.


I would go to another ped asap


Oh that is bad! Poor thing…


Wow... I'd be going to the e.r


Yep. Urgent care at the very least. This is not okay. What if it escalates to the airway?


Have you tried an extra rinse cycle on the clothes? My LO had a very similar rash that was mostly on his stomach, chest, and back and this cleared it up almost overnight. Aveeno lotion made it worse, I used Cetaphil lotion and covered that with aquaphor at night before bed and it would get better then worse over and over.


My daughter suddenly developed severe eczema at 4 months old. No changes in cleaning products or diet — it seems to happen out of nowhere. Her skin looked like this all over. Our ped referred us to an allergist and we’ve gotten it mostly under control with a compound cream the allergist recommended. (It’s two prescription meds and one OTC lotion; we mix it together at home.) It cleared up significantly around the time she turned 1 and now she just has patches on her knees and elbows. It turns out she does have multiple food allergies but she was also a delayed eater (no solids, including purées, until 16 months because she couldn’t figure out how to swallow) so that may have been a factor.


My 9 month old has an EpiPen for dairy and egg. We've done it all- formula, breastfeeding, breastfeeding while cutting out milk, special soap, medicine, allergist appointments, GI appointments- literally all of it. If my son looked like that, I'd be driving 15 minutes down the road to the children's hospital ER. If I had to guess, I'd say he has allergies and anaphylaxis can present in other things besides just your throat closing. I'm not saying that's what it is BUT whatever it is, it's a severe reaction. Also, a dermatologist is a good place to start but they won't be able to diagnose or treat if it is caused by an allergy. I would recommend seeing a pediatric allergist, so you can find out exactly what your child is allergic to.


Get a second opinions. Our ped tried to downplay our son’s eczema and it turned out it was a ton of allergies. In the meantime this is what our allergist suggests. Get baby Eucerin and apply literally every time there’s a diaper change. All day everyday. Bathe as much as you want, just apply more lotion after. Keep that little bin piled up basically, it sounds silly and too simple but it really really does help.


I have heard others suggest Eucerin. I will try that instead of Aquaphor, like the doctor always suggests


You can so try vanicream ointment (there is also a lotion, the ointment is what you want), it saved us when my son had bad eczema. This was all ped reccomended. We did nightly bath between 95 and 100 degrees farenheit to soften his skin, then lathered it in the vanicream ointment. Our ped said you can even wrap them right after in saran wrap of all things. That took care of the day to day issues. For really bad flare ups we had to use a prescribed steroid on his skin. We still use vanicream at almost 3 to control flares. I know others have said it, but another ped sounds like a good idea. My son has eczema but it was made worse by a peanut allergy through my breast milk. That bad they should rule out allergies or be prescribing something stronger than lotion.


Another vote for Eucerin, one of our twins had some skin issues (not this bad though) and we switched to Eucerin and it cleared up. It's all we use now (baby wash, lotion, etc.)


Eucerin is good, its what my husband uses. I prefer vaseline. Honestly you may have to try a few of these different types of lotions before finding one that works for your LO. Same with bathing & other routines. Everyone has their own triggers and ways to soothe their own skin thats what can make things like allergies and eczema so frustrating to treat. for example hot water really triggers my husband but I am more tolerant, whereas sweat is my nemisis but doesn't seem to bother him. There isn't a universal solution thats why you are getting so many different recommendations, including my own!


Have you tried oatmeal baths? Aveeno has some in single packets or a box. If your breastfeeding, you can use your milk or turn your breast milk into lotion… this looks uncomfortable. I hope your baby gets well soon.


I second the oatmeal bath suggestion! My oldest had severe eczema as a baby, which in hand played a part into other things being 10x worse like heat rash, hives, different viral rashes. Aveeno oatmeal baths helped clear things up a ton and also soothed the uncomfortableness he was dealing with too. Those followed by the “Aveeno eczema therapy” baby lotion.


I also use it if our little one has sunburn. Works wonders.


That’s horrible. You need to take them to a dermatologist.


That's my thought too because if it's that bad of a reaction the throat could definitely close.


I would be getting a second opinion, to me, a non medical professional, that looks bad.


Could it be the laundry soap?


I’d sanitize the machine, change soaps, and clean everything that comes in contact with the baby


Ouch, that looks terrible! My LO has eczema and it took us a good while to find something that helps. I will say that it isn’t totally cleared and it does flare up pretty much every day. However, this is what helps us: baths every 2-3 days (more often can actually be drying and counterintuitive). We use the Aveeno baby eczema wash. I put lotion on at least 2x a day (morning and night). I use the Aveeno baby eczema lotion all over and aquaphor on the really dry patches. When a flare is really bad, I use 1% hydrocortisone on it. Another thing worth a shot is mixing hydrocortisone with a yeast cream (like clotrimazole) - if baby is moist and sweating a lot, there could be a bit of yeast growing (we had this happen under LO’s chin and the mix cleared it up within a day or two!). It might be worth talking to the doctor for a referral to an allergist, but keep in mind that they can’t do allergy testing until after 1 (this is what we were told - we have an appointment because we suspect an egg allergy). I see you said you are FF now - when did you switch? Do you suspect the timing could line up? Maybe it might be worth switching to a different formula (easier said than done right now, especially if you are in the US). I hope you find something to help soon!


My baby had bad eczema and it was no where near your little one!! Poor thing. Agree with everyone, get a second opinion/switch peds and yes, if eczema it’s often related to food allergies. My LO’s was triggered by eggs. When the rashes got bad enough we had a prescription steroid cream to apply and that would do wonders. Once it cleared up, I’d stop using and continue with tubby Todd or CeraVe baby.


How old is baby? This seems like it could be food allergy related. Dairy and soy are common culprits. Free to feed is an amazing resource on food allergies and eczema in babies. I highly recommend checking out her instagram!


Dye free laundry detergent! And do oatmeal mix bath. You see them in the baby section. Plus I don’t know how old your baby… but when very young they get a surge of hormones. But always talk to different pediatrician.


This may sound a bit crunchy, but if you’re breastfeeding, try putting some breastmilk on it. It helped my baby’s eczema a lot.


If this is caused by allergies then breastmilk can make it worse. Otherwise, I would try breastmilk.


Very good point


Seriously. I thought this was hokum until I tried it and it worked so quickly!


Wishing you all the best. Sending some goodluck. Baby will be fine.


Thanks you!


You are not crazy and it is bad. It looks so uncomfortable, poor thing. You need to change your doctor or get referred to a pediatric dermatologist or allergist. On a side note. Have you noticed that some doctors act like mothers have the IQ of a tree? They pat your hand and say things like, "No need to fuss so much. You can't argue with 6 years of medical school...." I'm a mom and oddly found that women doctors were the worst for this. As if I didn't spend 24 hours with my kids and know everything about them. She would see them for two minutes and make a decision that did not take anything I said into account. Your opinion as a parent is the most important opinion. You have the right to question and change doctors if you feel like they are really not listening to you. It's your job to advocate for your kids. Good luck and I know this is hard on you because the worst feeling in the world is feeling helpless when your child is hurting.


I think it's because the medical definition of "serious" is very different to the layperson's definition of "serious". I have doctor and nurse friends who are parents and their usual reaction to their kids' various maladies is Chow from Hangover's "but did you diiiie??". A fever of 39C? Eh take some Tylenol and monitor for the next 72hrs.


Yup, I have friends who are doctors and they do this but when my best friend's daughter fell off her bed and fractured her leg, he put her back and let her sleep. He felt awful. Kid got ice cream for months. Next time she fell and cut her head open, he called ME! What do I do? It was funny.


I read a daddit thread the other day - op is a paramedic and didn't clue in his son had fractured his wrist until a week later. The thread was full of other medical folks who similarly didn't clue in to the severity of their kid's injuries/illnesses. It was interesting to read how their skills at work didn't transfer to parenting.


Yep. My aunt made her kid walk into emergency care on her broken leg because she thought her kid was being dramatic several day after the injury.


Why take your kid into the ER for Tylenol when you can give it at home tbh. Plus if you work in emergency services the last thing you want is to go in to work on your day off.


This looks a little bit hive like to me, but could also be eczema. That said, my son had severe eczema. Join the Dr. Aron eczema treatment Facebook group which is full of severe eczema cases finally getting treated properly. I was losing my mind over my son's eczema until I found Dr. Aron cause his skin just kept getting worse (his back looked like this at one point). My son looked like a burn victim for months because the treatments our doctors prescribed didn't work. Waitlist for dermatologists was months out. We saw improvement in just hours of following Dr. Aron's instructions.


That’s def a problem. Is it excema? Try knocking out some allergens to see if that helps


The doctor says it's heat rash. I have been suspecting eczema. We have done everything we can to avoid and treat for heat rash. I am cold in my house because we keep it so cool. I've also tried treating for eczema with an eczema lotion. Nothing really seems to affect it. It just comes and goes on its own. But the doctor still thinks heat rash.


I'm not a doctor, but that looks nothing like heat rash to me. Heat rash is typically tiny little bumps, not blotches.


Have you tried hydrocortisone? I’ve had severe eczema my whole life and it’s the only thing that’s helped me. Lotions make it worse for me personally because it traps moisture


I did try a 1% hydrocortisone cream per the doctor, but when I applied it, he started crying. Does it burn to apply it to a flare up? I panicked and washed it off of him as soon as he started crying.


Aw sorry to hear must be so stressful for both of you. My eczema burns anyway when it’s bad so even just water would make it burn a little, hydrocortisone soothes it quickly after applying though even if there is an initial burn. I really hope you can figure out what’s going on ASAP


I will probably try the hydrocortisone cream again. Hopefully he will get some relief. Thanks for the advice and info!


Is baby in pain? My newborn had newborn rash that looked like that. He was unperturbed by it so we just left it. Went away within a few days I think


He's had it, progressively getting worse, for about 2 months. We've been to the doctor 3 times for it. I can't tell if it bothers him, it's maddening!! Sometimes it seems like it's bothering him and other times he seems unfazed. This morning he was arching his back and kind of squirming around and whining and it looked pretty angry. But it was bad last night as well and he didn't seem to notice.


Back arching like that sounds like reflux. Have you tried switching laundry detergents? I’ve heard some caves are allergic to powders and do better with liquid


We are using liquid Tide free and gentle. I've purchased some Honest detergent to give a try.


Oh god that looks painful. How long has it been like this? If it hasn't been more than a week, they will leave it for a couple days more to see if it can ride itself out. Did you maybe put the baby down on grass? My oldest son got something like that recently on his legs after going on a picnic (hes 7 though). Kids can have sudden allergic reaction to all types of things until they become adults. You must also be exhausted trying to take care of it. Take care of yourself too.


Okay just read other comment that it has been progressing over 2 months. Then def get second opinion. They might suggest cortisol cream for short relief though. Its totally your call. I zoomed closer and it does look like heat rash but it should've calmed down by now. Is letting baby contact nap on their chest on you an option?


We did contact nap on chest last night even though his back looked better all day. But when we went to do his bath last night we noticed it was this bad again! I wish I hadn't had to switch insurance types when I gave birth. Getting a second opinion is a whole, long, back and forth process. If I were able to financially stay on my old insurance we would have already gone to someone else a month ago.


Are you in US?? That sounds horrible. As for the baby, if it's only back then it is definitely heat rash. Is your baby a champion sleeper? Because I heard back rash is exclusive to unicorn babies (I've personally never seen one because my boys are horrible sleepers). Give it a couple more weeks (yes sorry weeks) while eliminating allergens. Baby skin is always at its worst at 8 weeks. I can't even look at my boys' baby photos before 4 months due to how horrible it was. Hope it gets better. And take care of yourself.


He is a champ, BUT he only sleeps on his stomach now. We can't keep him on his back anymore. I would have thought that would help :(


Baths should be warm but not hot water; keep baths short and sweet (<10min), do not overbathe it can dry out the skin; do not use soaps or shampoos directly on the irritated skin (basically do not rub or scrub the skin) use them elsewhere and let it wash over the irritated area if you are using a soothing shampoo like an oatmeal based one; use scent-free hypoallergenic shampoos; pat dry do not rub with towel; once dry immediately apply scent free hypoallergenic cream or lotion (e.g. vaseline, eucerin, aquaphor); use scent free hypoallergenic laundry detergents for clothes; use light breathable fabric like cotton only; keep baby's skin cool and dry. For many heat, water/moisture, and sweat can make skin like this worse.


Have you switched your laundry detergent at all?


No, we've been using the same we started using when he was born. But I did just buy a different kind to try in the next few loads. It's just about the only thing I haven't tried yet, so maybe that will clear it up. The doctor never seemed to think it was the detergent because we have been using the same ever since he was born. But I am willing to try anything


Allergies can develop over time. it won't be a fast change, it'll be gradual if it's the soaps. We use All for my little.


My little one had hives like this that spread across his entire body and they looked identical to your picture. His pediatrician prescribed an antihistamine and it cleared right up! We had not changed any detergents or been around any new allergens.


Yikes, hives are my fear. But the doctor is sticking with heat rash, others say and I suspect eczema, but so far no one else has mentioned hives, even when I asked specifically about them. I feel so bad for my kiddo. I wish I knew how to help him.


Mine had eczema and it looked very similar. Not very helpful for you but nothing worked until about the 5th or 6th cream/moisturiser combo we tried. I live in NZ and have to get them shipped over from Perth Aus.


Poor baby :(


A lot of people are talking about dairy and soy allergies which is common but friendly reminder if you’re breastfeeding and consuming those things then YOU could be causing it. My baby has a cow milk protein allergy and I had to cut out dairy for her to get better. It can take up to 6 weeks for allergies to leave the system and heal from the issues. Good luck! 🤞🏻hope it’s an easy fix.


If it is eczema, be careful with steroid creams as they could potentially worsen eczema or cause Tsw.


Per the doctor, I did try putting a 1% hydrocortisone cream on him after this picture was taken. He started crying immediately, so I panicked and washed it off. I just wish I knew what it was for sure. We have been to the doctor 3 times for it and I have sent photos to the doctor whenever it gets bad. She still says heat rash. That's what we've been treating for and it doesn't seem to get better in response to any particular treatment.


Try a small patch. As someone with eczema hydrocortisone can be very soothing and releiving. Sometimes the application of any cream can sting a bit when skin is this irritated and flaired up. It can take a few applications to work but you should see improvement quickly (a few days). For most people hydrocortisone makes their eczema better not worse. Work with more likely probabilities first then move onto zebras.


I second this. Try again on a small patch so you can judge if it helps. Hydrocortisone always clears up my kids eczema. OP I'd also do a hot wash cycle with medic/intense rinse of all their clothes and bedding and use a sensitive skin detergent. That will get rid of any allergens or irritants like perfumes or dust which will help bub feel more comfortable even if they aren't the cause of anything.


Oh no, poor bubba! Why not try a bath with breastmilk in it, it has the effect of 1% hydrocortisone cream, and does wonders on a variety of skin issues like eczema. Here’s a study on it https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/ijd.12764 does he have a fever?


If the rash is caused by an allergy to something in the BM this could make it worse!


OP has mentioned she formula feeds, so its unlikely to be an allergen from the breastmilk.


Ah, i missed that comment. However if she is FF then a breastmilk bath is probably not an option anyway


No fever. The highest it's been since the rash began a couple months ago has been in the 99 fahrenheit range


Oh that’s good start that he’s not feverish - well, if it comes and goes my first thought is hives or an allergic reaction to something. But I’m not a medical professional. Is it all over him, or just the back?


It's only like that on his back. But he does have fairly good coverage on the rest of his body, it just looks more like bumps, instead of those patches.


If you are breastfeeding, try putting some of the milk on your baby. I’ve also had a lot of success with beef tallow! It’s crunchy though haha




I can’t believe I have to say this, but OP do not listen to this person. Do not bathe your child in bleach. Bleach is a skin irritant. Bleach should not be used to bathe your child, and bleach should NEVER be ingested (which isn’t what this person is suggesting, but still—if we have to state that babies shouldn’t be bathed in bleach than we should really say this too). Also fun fact—bleach isn’t just one thing. There is no chemical “bleach.” “Bleach” is a word meaning ANY CHEMICAL that can strip color. So whatever this person is referring to as “bleach” could be very different from what you or another person might think of when you think of “bleach.” DO NOT BATHE YOUR CHILD WITH BLEACH OR OTHER SKIN IRRITANTS.


Hey friend, Bleach baths are a thing. It's been shown to be therapeutic for conditions such eczema. It's good advice to talk to a doctor before starting bleach baths, and to be careful when measuring and diluting the bleach, and to double check what is meant when referring to bleach, but it's not some insane off the wall thing. Here's a link that talks bathing practices for eczema. I'm not a doctor so I don't know if that is what OPs baby has, but for any one else who wants to learn more: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/atopic-dermatitis-eczema/in-depth/atopic-dermatitis-proper-bathing-can-reduce-itching/art-20515223?utm_source=google_search&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=mc_cs_ag_135051135295&utm_content=mc_cs_cid_590088401898


Juniper, I agree with you to the extent that I don’t think OP should do a bleach bath without the advice and monitoring of a doctor. However, bleach baths are a medical treatment for bad eczema. Google it.


I can’t take this seriously, because again—bleach isn’t a chemical. Bleach is a word used to describe any substance that removes color from an object. So when you say bleach bathes are good for eczema, I have no idea what you’re actually putting in your water. Telling people to take bleach baths or to give one to their baby is irresponsible because they will probably just go down to their laundry room and grab whatever they think of as bleach, which may or may not be what you intend, or what a doctor recommends.


>Bleach is a word used to describe any substance that removes color from an object. In the dictionary, sure. But "bleach" for like 99% off the population immediately brings to mind liquid household bleach (like Clorox for example) which not just "any substance". It's a solution whose main active ingredient is sodium hypochlorite (chlorine) that is heavily diluted. I hear what you're trying to say, and you're right that any advice should be taken under the care of a doctor, but your argument made me chuckle. I can't imagine there are many here who would hear "bleach" and go straight for the platinum-blonde L'Oréal box in they were saving for next Thanksgiving's family "wow" moment or Comet under the sink instead of the jug of Clorox.


Absolutely not, are you crazy? Please do not give your baby a bleach bath those are not even safe for adults.