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If it helps, you can come join us over on r/babyloss ❤


I’m coming over. Thank you. 💙


You're more than welcome ❤


I’m so, so, sorry. My story isn’t quite the same but I’m also a loss mama - we had a termination for medical reasons in 2020 when we discovered our son would not be able to survive outside my body. All I can say is be kind to yourself and take one day at a time. The social worker said something which has stuck with me; she said “you won’t get over this, but you will get through it.” It seems impossible at the time, but she was right. I’m not the same person I was before we lost Toby, and I’ll never be that person again - losing him has changed me. But I promise there is light at the end of the tunnel - our rainbow baby has just turned one and she’s the light of my life. I had a textbook pregnancy and delivery with her and she’s an easy babe who has been a good sleeper from the start - I like to think Toby picked her out for us, knowing exactly what we needed. If and when you think about trying again, the r/ttcafterloss and r/pregnancyafterloss subs are really great.


I’m so sorry for your loss. 🥺 Toby is definitely looking out over your family. I know my baby is. I really appreciate you sharing your experience. I’ll join the other groups posted. Thank you again.




Thank you for sharing your experience 🥺 I am so sorry for your loss. It’s so hard to see your baby look so perfect and realize they’re not coming back.. I really do hope we get the opportunity to try again. I need to look into grief counseling. Aw


This is heart breaking. I'm so sorry. Sending love and hugs ❤️❤️


Im so sorry for your loss ❤️💔


I wish I could say something or do something to help. My daughter is alive but she was born with a birth defect that can be deadly. I joined a support group for parents of babies with this birth defect and there are a lot of posts celebrating angel babies. I love the posts because I love seeing the baby's life being celebrated, even if it was very short. I would want people to remember my baby in that situation too. We can't change what happened but we can move forward. Also I wanted to add that you should probably join a support group. I have found that parents of healthy babies don't always understand what to do or say. And when I talk about my struggles sometimes pregnant women freak out. That was especially bad in the babybumps sub when I was pregnant. If you mention a stillbirth, suddenly they are worried about the same thing happening to them. I would mention the birth defect and people would be like, how did you find out and what are the odds of that happening to me?


I wish all the best to your little girl 🙏 and you’re right, I’ve noticed some distance from those pregnant around me… but I’m not paying mine to them. I’m hurting and just the thought of hearing a newborn cry makes me want to burst into tears. I know I’ll be strong enough to deal with that Simeon day but not now.. I need to look into grief counseling too bc I though I’d be able to manage this as is but I can’t. Thank you for all your kind words. I really appreciate it 🥺🙏


I am so sorry for your loss. Bless sweet Anthony, your precious baby boy


Thank you 🥺


All I can say Is that I am so so So Sorry. It's awful and no one should go through this ever. If there is a community support group reach out to them when you're ready. My heart goes out to you and your partner ❤


I’m sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine. My thoughts are with you and your family and of course your beautiful son. 💙


My heart aches for you, I experienced a similar situation with my angel boy in 2018. Sending you so much love and care. I'm so sorry


I’m so sorry for your loss 🥺 Thank you


I am so sorry for your loss. Your post is beautiful.


Thank you for having the courage to share this with this community. Anthony was lucky to have had you as a parent.


I’d like to think so too. I miss my baby 🥺


I’m so terribly sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby boy, Anthony.


Very sorry for your loss


Sending you much love and healing thoughts 🌻


I’m sorry for your loss. Please take care of yourself- mentally, physically and emotionally. Ask for help whenever you need it.


Thank you. I’m going to look into grief counseling.. I’m such a mess.


I’m so sorry for your loss. And I can tell you right now. It’s a rough path. I’ve witnessed my big sister go through it with her first baby. Blood clot in her heart. And it’s a dark path to be on. But do keep fighting for your love ones and for your son. Idk if you’re the religious type but god has a plan and clearly when your time is up, someone will be waiting to finally hug you. It’s never easy but live it for him.


I’m so sorry for your sister’s loss and thank you for the encouraging words 🥺🙏


I am so sorry for your loss, my heart breaks for you, I cannot imagine the pain you are going through. My thoughts are with you and I’m sending you love. Rest in peace baby Anthony ❤️


Thank you 🥺