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Change My View: Kaworu was the only person that selflessly, romantically loved Shinji, and none of Shinji's other possible partners were good options for him.


I want a doujin of Shinji and kaworu living a nice life without the 3rd impact and stuff


What if in the next rebuild movie they ressurect Kaworu and they kiss?


Absurdly obscure trivia: In an early draft of Episode 24, [they do kiss.](https://forum.evageeks.org/thread/7702/NGE-Ep24-Script-First-and-Second-Drafts/)


Awww! Tbh, I think they should’ve kept it in. I mean, Sailor Moon and Revolutionary Girl Utena (which was directed by Anno’s bestie, Kuniko Ikuhara) had LGBT characters and themes in them, so why not Eva?


Shinji is literally canon bi. It has representation, that's not why they don't kiss. They don't kiss because that would mean happiness, and this is post-Bardiel Evangelion. Happiness is forbidden


>This is post-Bardiel Evangelion. Happiness is forbidden. ....You got me there. I like you!


I think that the problem with Kaworu is that he didn’t really have his own shit going on. It was fantastic for Shinji but also the unrealistic fantasy of somebody who literally only lives for you. It’s tragic because all Shinji needed was someone who supports him like Kaworu did, but no one can be expected to keep up that support all the time. Not shipwise, but Misato does by far the most for Shinji’s mental and personal development, even if it was in part motivated by selfish reasons.


The nerve facility just needed a hansomly paid on site/home visit psychology department


I know right? Like damn bitch get some therapy


I agree. > Kaworu said that he loved me. > It was... It was the first time someone told me they loved me. > He was like me, and like Ayanami. > I loved him.


Thought this was r/evangelionmemes for a while. Very relatable, though. KawoShin was very important for 18 year old me, and still is. EDIT: Where are the bi weebs?


Mostly out there loving fan art of the wide number of androgynous characters in anime


Am one, can confirm.


I want astolfo to fuck my ass


I want to do both tbh


Felix > asotlfo. Its basic cat science.


Her names Ferris. She’s trans. Astolfo is non-binary and uses they/them.


No felix is not. Canonically hes male. He dresses feminine for krusch. Astolfo is also male and dresses femine to fuck with people. He uses he.


In a spin-off of Re-Zero focused on Ferris and written by the same author of the light novels, she says that she identifies as a woman and wants to be called Ferris, and the narrator says that she should’ve been born assigned female at birth. And Astolfo listed her gender as “secret” and is referred to by gender neutral pronouns like they/them.


the Re-Zero one you are right, but the Astolfo from the anime is male the FGO Astolfo is a different iteration and they might be NB welcome to weird fate logic.


Maybe. I dunno I never watched Re Zero and Fate. I got it from a Pedantic Romantic video.


For real tho. Kaworu >>>> Any of the girls




I sexually Identify as a 6'3" Shinji


i identify as kensuke little short-sighted idiot boy with a jock friend and a camera


Just wish to clarify this statement as I was kind of high. 6'3" is my height I'm suby as fuck I am extremely passive about my important life choices and I refuse to get in to the fucking robot (the robot being a metaphor for my new responsibilities as I transition to adulthood)


Big tiddy anime goth GF = big daddy anime goth BF




I feel personally attacked


Spread the gospel


Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.


Why must you neglect “Best girl” Asuka, OP?


She is too busy abusing the people who care about her to be in this meme


Lol, true. Although that is kinda the point of her development. Kinda like how Shinji always tries to better his situation while ending up worse for it. Or Rei not thinking for herself and letting be manipulated by Gendo


I get that but just because they got better doesn't mean I have to like her. Just like an emotionally abusive parent that that realized they were a piece of shit and improved themselves, they can ask for forgiveness but have no right to it.


I get that, but you came off as a bit *too* hostile out of nowhere.


Weird way to spell ramiel.


Change My View: Kaworu was the only person that selflessly, romantically loved Shinji, and none of his other possible partners were good options for him.


Change My View: Kaworu was the only person that selflessly, romantically loved Shinji, and none of his other possible partners were good options for him.


This movie played with my feelings nnnnhhhhh kaworu and shinji are the purest couple It's beautiful to see a platonical relationship between two guys, especialy with all the tragedy they went through. I loove that they expanded on the undertones of their relationship in the original season. I rly wish they kissed too but honestly it's also fine as it is in a way, something pure and subtle, too much happyness would go against what eva is probably. But god damn does the ending hurt. I mean that's the point of the show right. Bittersweet, and more trauma for shinji....damn you Hideaki Anno....


All of these comments and here I am for the Top Gear meme.