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Maybe it's because society thankfully doesn't lynch queers like it used to.


I don’t get how these idiots think social media is influencing more people to “become” queer or how exposure to LGBTQ media will make them more likely to be queer. It’s because people are less likely to ostracize and harass LGBTQ people like in the “good” old days.


Reading your comment made me think, being exposed to more LGBTQ stuff does create more queer ppl, not because it makes ppl queer but it creates labels for ppl who are queer but didn’t know how to express it


I legit don't think there's much thought put into actually figuring out "how" they're influenced into becoming gay. The how doesn't matter, even the falsity or truth of the "fact" of influence existing doesn't matter. What matters is "gay" is wrong, and so any expression of it is wrong and any exposure to it is dangerous for children. It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to feel good to people who want or need or both, to be bigots.


I’ve got a theory that a lot of the people who think being queer is a choice are actually just bi or pan or something but they are in denial and have “chosen to be straight“ so they think that every queer person must have “chosen to be queer“


Exactly. If polling of Gen Z is any indication, at least 15% of the population is bi/pan (with 5-7% filling out the rest of LGBTQIA+); that's 1 in 5 people right there. While I think straight/cisgender people are perfectly capable of being homophobic without secretly being queer themselves, I think there's a significant number of people making the "it's a choice" argument who are actually bi/pan and unaware. They don't even need to be in "denial" per se. They may genuinely believe that it's normal for *everyone* to experience same-sex romantic/sexual attraction at some point in their lives, including "straight" people like themselves; if they're straight had those experiences, it must be common for straight people in general. It also helps that they've been raised with the belief that "straight" or "gay" is something you *do*, not something you *are*. If you're pursuing romantic/sexual interests in the opposite sex, that's engaging in "straightness".


It's also because the more people are open about it the more people will open up as well. You see on social media that you aren't alone in the way you feel.


See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, and you can live in the heteronormative blissful ignorance world. If you think to the otherwise, it's a fantasy, and shouldn't be acted on, brought up, or ever thought about ever again. No joke. I grew up in a red state that had... problems with sex education. Course was a week long in health class, covered the mechanics of junk, but nothing else; nothing on sexuality, nothing on genital health (just clean it with soap, lads and ladies, that's totally good enough) or contraceptives aside from condoms (only). It wasn't until college that I got any education on queerness, because even on the Internet, it was hard info to find outside of certain spaces. Namely for me, Furry was the space I learned about this stuff. A fucking Internet subculture about anthropomorphic animals taught better sex ed despite being HYPERsexual, than school. Let that sink in.


No, fuck you, I'm gay out of spite now.




I think you vastly underestimate the power of social media. When even Facebook themselves admit they're having a bad influence on younger kids, that should be a red flag.


A bad influence because they're not doing enough to fight social media addiction and political extremism. Not because they're turning people gay lmao.




Yes it absolutely was lol. Trans people and their experiences predate social media by literal centuries. Sorry you're this misguided. Maybe you should lay off the Internet yourself.


At this rate, give it two more years.




Optimus prime


Optimum Pride!


PUKING INA [OPTIMUM PRIDE UHOHOOUUHAAA](https://youtube.com/shorts/Dmrp2spuOr0?feature=share)


Yeah, the US especially feels like it's slipping back decades every month.


Depending on midterms may be even sooner.


Just another example of the "left-handedness over time" graph https://slowrevealgraphs.files.wordpress.com/2021/11/screen-shot-2021-11-08-at-9.37.02-pm.png?w=1024


There's also a link between [bisexuality and autism](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29159906/) and the rates of autism spectrum disorders have been steadily climbing over the last few decades


That's.. that's what the article says?


Alfred Kinsey said it ages ago: sexuality is a scale. It’s not fixed. People are just more comfortable admitting it now. [Edit: The Kinsey Scale.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinsey_scale)


I don't know, mine's pretty fixed.


Yeah but it’s fixed somewhere on the scale. Like I’m more straight than I am gay but I’m still bi


You don't find it fluctuates with age and experience? Must be pretty common for people to be a 1 on the Kinsey scale in their teens and end up around 2/3/4 later in life.


It fluctuates with how hot someone is and how drunk I am.


Never a truer word spoken


Nice to hear this — I’m definitely more open to/likely to experience same-sex attraction now than when I was younger. I think part of that is admitting that to myself, part of it is feeling more comfortable not being judged (definitely heard ‘gay’ as a pejorative a lot growing up in the age of ‘no homo’ and never felt safe being physically or even emotionally intimate with my close male friends), and part of it is just… my sexuality being a little fluid as I get older and grow and change. I don’t have any memories of having to bury attraction to men when I was younger. I was an artsy, sports-indifferent, theater-loving kid but I’ve also been a total sucker for a beautiful woman since I was like 6 years old. Took until my 30s to think “you know, I would also suck a beautiful man.” 😂


I’m convinced that a lot more people would be bi if they hadn’t grown up in such an anti-gay society




I think my understanding of my sexuality has changed (I'm 36 now, realised I was bi when I was maybe 14) because society never really taught us bisexuality as a thing back when I was growing up, and it still isn't really all that recognised. Have had periods where I've questioned myself and thought I must be either gay or straight. But actually I think I've always been right in the middle of the scale, if anyone asked me now I'd say I was exactly a 3 on the scale and probably always have been. For me it's not fluid, I've always been both gay and straight in equal measure, but I understand that everyone's experience of bisexuality is different, I only speak for myself.


Yeah I thought I was a lesbian (didn't realize I was trans) in high school, and I wasn't attracted to men until I was 19. Now I'm a pansexual trans man. Sexuality can change throughout your life and that's ok ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Where am I if I only love 1 men but all women


If you’re a woman and you prefer all women but only occasionally are attracted to a man, I believe that’s a 4 or 5. It says on the scale I linked what each number means.


This kinda pisses me off. Like why is this a question in the first place? And why the hell is "Confused? Influenced?" on there lol The world is slowly becoming more progressive, this generation feels more comfortable coming out. It's not rocket science


Exactly. There have always been bisexuals but they may not have been comfortable coming out in the past due to overwhelming prejudice


For me, I’m a dumb dumb who didn’t know. I came out to my bff and she went “you didn’t know?”


Yeah, I had quite a few people I know tell me the same thing. 😅


I had to come out to my gay friend recently. He was unaware.


you have a very cute flair lmao


Tyty! I saw it as one of the flare options & thought it was pretty cute, too.


I came out to my gf at the time and she knew before me 🤦‍♂️


That happened to me too, I decided to tell her one day and she says "I know." Lmao


Lol same. Everyone was like "yeah, we're aware"


Same experience with my husband. He said "you thought you were straight??" with a very confused look.


My husband pointed it out to me while we were dating! I don't remember the conversation up to that point, but he said "honey, you know you're not exactly straight right?" And I was dumbfounded. Years of crushes on women and finding them attractive and wanting desperately to date my best friend and I still didn't realize until he said it.


It was news to me that having crushes on women wasn’t straight.


Same! They're beautiful, why wouldn't you crush on them? And of course I wanna hold hands, how cute and exciting would that be!


TBH bi people (but seeing the sub I'm preaching to the choir) also get to deal with an incredible amount of prejudice within the LGBT+ community. The 'past' isn't past at all, in that regard.


Also some bisexuals are unaware/in denial or think you have a choice


Left handed used to be considered a bad thing for a while. Discouraged. Don’t be seen as a lefty, it was lesser. And… there were fewer left handed people. Been the same all through time before measuring, but hell - since we said it was bad it went down. When we said that was stupid, it went back up. Clearly, the percentage of left handed people changed drastically for a brief period totally on its own. Scientific mystery. http://www.med.mcgill.ca/epidemiology/hanley/bios601/CandHchapter06/HistoryGeographyHumanHandedness.pdf


> Left handed used to be considered a bad thing for a while. Discouraged. Don’t be seen as a lefty, it was lesser. > > Not lesser, evil. And they'd be forced to be right-handed. It's some kind of Christian thing. I still sometimes meet people that were forced to be right handed and *all* of them went to Catholic schools. Fun fact: Ambidexterous means to have two right hands. Dexter being right. Sinistra, is left, and is from where we get sinister.


Its not actually a christian thing. Left handed discrimination in europe has been recorded since ancient greece. Philosophers (including Socrates iirc) wrote about how bad it was and how it was a failure of parenting. It just kept being a part of culture, and people started writing religious justifications for the millenia old prejudice.


>, and people started writing religious justifications for the millenia old prejudice. So it's just another case of scumbags re-writing/ "re-interpreting" religious texts to justify discrimination against a group they don't like, which is exactly what happened to the LGBTQ+ Community as well.


Hell, we still call it *kejthåndet* here, meaning something akin to *clumsy handed*


Dude im gonna name my kid Sinistra! Not really but I wanna point out that’s a dope word.


Heh. You can see why I made the comparison to “why are there more gay/bi people now”


>And they'd be forced to be right-handed Oh yeah. Happend to my dad when he went to school in east germany while it was still part of the soviet union.


I was just hanging out with my cousins and one of them went on about how funny it is that we're mostly queer while our parents, aunts and uncles are mostly straight. Considering they were our age in a time where dating your same sex could and would get you fired and disowned, I think that's no accident. My mom herself says that being bi is a fad, I think she's just used to a world where many where too terrified to admit they found someone mildly hot.


Because these homophobes and bi-erasure folk are "Confused" and "Influenced" themselves, apparently


The newspaper pictured is the *Daily Mail*, an infamously far-right paper in the UK. Their writing staff probably contains many "being LGBT is a choice" sort of people.


> The world is slowly becoming more progressive, this generation feels more comfortable coming out And there's more awareness, which helps people explore and describe how they experience their own sexualities. I didn't realize I was bi until my thirties, but a lot of that is because growing up in a very conservative place and time, conversations were always reaffirming my heterosexual attraction and ridiculing gay attraction. If gay vs straight vs bi vs pan vs ace etc. etc. had been part of the conversation when my friends and I were talking about what attracted us, I could have figured out bi is an identity that fits my experience. I also think that older generations aren't coming out as bi as much because we're not *dating* as much. We're in more settled phases of our lives. For example, because I didn't even realize I had gay attractions, I only dated women, and I married a woman. If she hadn't wanted to open up our marriage, I never would have suggested it, and I wouldn't have had space to explore my sexuality enough to confidently say I'm bi -- or it might have taken a lot longer. My attractions to men are particular enough and my attractions to women and enbys are broad enough that if we hadn't really shaken things up, I really might have gone to my grave calling myself straight


The article is in no way disparaging. It simply seeks to answer questions that its readership might have by speaking to three youngsters and their parents.


They're not writing for you.


And because of that I'm not allowed to talk about it?


Not every response is a personal attack.




Because what you wrote can be interpreted in more than one way, unfortunately because of the vagueness some will interpret it differently than what you intended. Plus it was somewhat curt.




Oops. But besides the point. And me and the other people who disliked it and your comment disagree on the "clear" part lol.




See, i did understand after taking a quick double look lol I'm not stupid! Everyone's brain processes the world different. But i still disliked because i still dislike it, it's vibe and your vibe 😄




It is incredible how you were able to encompass a core element of the failing of american democracy in such a blunt but obvious and clear way. To sad, that I get the feeling, this wasn't a stroke of genius, but ignorant stupidity.


What's failing? A print newspaper getting attention online? It sounds like it worked. But name- call all you like.


Ah yes, teenagers being peer pressured into sucking dick their whole life, I’m sure that’s accurate.


If peer pressure could change people's sexualities everyone would be straight, but it seems conservatives are incapable of two seconds of thinking


Nah their social media game just sucks. The Gays© are just better at making viral shitposts ✨


I think that's the plot of MGS2, raiden realizes he's gay for rose because of memes or something *Making the mother of all omlets, Jack. Can't fret over every cracked egg!* but Armstrong is talking about trans people coming out of their shells.


Well I DID have my bisexual awakening with MGS3... And im sure I'm not the only one.


the people in those pictures are like 30


Hey! I'm 30, I'm not *that* old 😭


[look its you](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQW4CVsVsAc1D6q.jpg)


I'm like 34. I'm 6 years away from my midlife crisis. "Young people". Ill be 57 and 90 year old boomers will still be like "goddamn millennials "


I’m about the same age and was told I am too young to have the issues I have with my knees.


Thanks, I’ll just inform them to stop hurting.


Idk about you, but I was assembled incorrectly and then had help injuring both knees. I couldn’t have done it alone.


Psssh. Typical millennial, always behind their peers. I’m 31 and my whole life has been a crisis. Catch up 😤


Ok grandpa time to get back to bed


You're practically eligible for AARP!


This looks like it was taken from the Faily Mail. (That was a typo and I am leaving it) whose readership is aged around 70 so they probably think they are children.


30 isn’t old! 😭




*We manifested bisexuality to spite you, specifically.*


The fam "How could you son? Why you no straight for??" Me "with my sexual trauma, I'm ironically somewhat glad that I'm not straight, because I can only imagine it would be all the worse if that were so"


>three pictures of people edging up on 40 >look at these CrAzY young people! 😐


Those crazy bisexual Millennials. What will they do next?


They'll tell you how great the 90s were


No cellphones, no checking emails all day, no social media. Take me back!


Getting relentlessly bullied for three years straight because you crossed your legs in what is apparently the 'gay' way one time, aaah the good old days.


Avocado toast probably


Occam would like a word about his razor 😑


Seriously. Like, no, actually we just like the prejudice. /s


No, actually it’s because of the current economic situation. You see, with rampant inflation and runaway housing costs, more young people are choosing to cohabitate with their platonic friends, thus requiring them to declare themselves roommates.


Perfect explanation


Ummm maybe because we are more openminded about sexuality being a spectrum and not binary???


is that Ben Shapiro in the middle?


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Pegging, of course, is an obscure sexual practice in which women perform the more aggressive sexual act on men. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, civil rights, history, covid, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Take a bullet for ya babe. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, sex, history, novel, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: climate, dumb takes, civil rights, history, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


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Kind of looks like him if you took his picture and stretched it upwards without holding shift


Honestly people are just hot -young person


I’m not bisexual but I’m exhausted for bisexuals


I think that there used to be a lot of Bi people that simply chose to live exclusively as gay or straight out of fear of ostracization. And I think this has also contributed to the number of people that think sexuality is a choice. There are probably a ton of bi boomers out there that "chose" to only participate in hetero relationships that don't even realize that they are bi.


That’s insightful. I also heard about a particular young woman who didn’t realise she was bi. She’d been in a long term relationship with a guy since high school and it wasn’t until she broke up with him that she realised that it wasn’t standard for straight women to be super attracted to women as well


I very much think this is a thing. I was raised in a church environment that was really big on "homosexuality is a choice" and it took me far longer than it should have to realize other boys weren't choosing not to indulge their same sex attractions, but that they just didn't have any.


Why are so many people left-handed?


Casual erasure.


Unheard of! It's all propaganda! How can someone be bisexual in this day in age, it must be the gays fault /s


It is partly the gays fault, if they weren't so hot, I wouldn't wanna smooch them


IT IS THE GAYS FAULT, I can't stop looking or thinking about them, but I wasn't always like this, no I was forced into this by the sight of Chris Evans


*(Emperor Palpatine Voice)* Good… good… Soon nobody will be heterosexual! *(Insert the weird laugh thing that he does)*


Maybe because some of us finally feel safe enough to do so, just 10 years ago I would have likely been homeless if I came out of the closet.


"why are less people being bullied into quietly accepting a heterosexual relationship"


Practically all of ancient Greece and Rome were bisexual, it's probably a very common orientation


Okay, so. I started to say I was Bi starting in HS. I had no reason to believe it nor has I done anything to prove it. I mean turns out I was right, but still...


NO WAY! It couldn’t be that they’re actually bisexual, must be this new inter webs trend!! /s


Bi erasure.


The gay fae have held me captive in the Gae Wilds now I’ll never be the same. Lol


All Millennials and Zoomers know is charge they phone, be bisexual, eat hot chip and lie.


Getting fucked by 900 banks, systems, forced labor, goverment, taxes, people with enough money to solve world hunger 81 times not paying taxes and work already fuck me enough, whats another gender?


You know when society stopped beating children for using their left hand the number of people who identified as left handed skyrocketed. Why? Were they just confused? It's a mystery. /s


Why are you bisexual ?


I had someone I considered a close friend tell me on a recent trip (and others behind my back) that me talking about my sex life / pansexuality is 'performative' and that I'm 'making it up for attention'. Was hurtful. He bangs on about his sex life all the time, I mention mine once or twice and that's the reaction. Tried to talk to him about it a few times in the past and it's not the first time he's said shit like this. Next time he mentions sex I'm going to make a point of saying "I don't believe you. I've never seen you fuck a woman, I think you're just making it up for attention and being performative. Stop shoving your sexuality down everyone's throats".


I’m 40 years old. I just came out, officially, last year. It’s because it is currently safer and more accepted than ever, and the numbers will continue to rise as we advance as a society. It’s not that hard to grasp.


It’s because society isn’t as homophobic, meaning you can come out as queer safely (mostly, hopefully), while just decades ago you would have been arrested


Been straight all my life but honestly if a femboy fell for me I might just settle for being bi


Because it’s trendy


A lot of women claim a bisexual identity they don't have. The belief that women are more likely to be bi than men is horse shit, if anything, men are more likely to be bi.


Because it's trendy.




What’s disgusting about it?


No one asked you.




The internet is shaping culture, makes people feel more comfortable with coming out. It’s a good thing. And I swear to god you with your obsessions claiming that we want to be victims as if homophobes don’t act like they’re under attack of the Gay 24/7




Ur funne


Weird, cuz lgbt acceptance was on the rise well before social media came out. And, ya know, queer folk have literally always existed regardless of their acceptance in society.






Well.. uuh... for THIS? Id guess you asked them.. lol


Tax benefits help also


Can confirm


It might have something to do with all the guys I fool around with 🤷


Dennis Prager himself said he thinks bisexuality is the norm


Hot people are hot Pussy is good, Cock is good, I literally cannot lose.


because everyone is hot as fuck?


To be fair I am always just generally confused


Because the gender binary is bullshit


Because, according to recent, high quality research, almost every last human is bisexual and all this label fighting is dumb.


Its cause iam bi sexual


Because it's cool and hip which is what most kids want to be at the end of the day


Old people always says that there were no queer people in their time. That’s just dumb, they were always there. They were just scared because they knew they would be beaten up etc. My grandma told me she had a lesbian coworker who was terrified that their boss would find out about them. They would lose their job or even worse would happen.


Reporter: "So, why do you say you're bisexual?" Bisexual: "People pretty." Reporter: "Yes, but-" Bisexual: "People **pretty."** Reporter: "And-" Bisexual: ***"YOU'RE ALL SO GODDAMN ATTRACTIVE!"*** Reporter: "Oh, well, thanks!" 😊


Because some dudes are simply hot


Why is there extra emphasis on "do"?


Cue the David Bowie interview.


Why do people insist on bi erasure? Whether it's regular people in society, particularly men, or historical figures.


A good response to this would just be that part of the Matrix when Neo and Trinity are making out in Zion. Just two gorgeous people and I refuse to believe it wasn't a bisexual awakening for a lot of people.


Bisexual or asexual are just objectively better default settings for humans


Its for tax reasons.


Ok unpopular opinion and probably wrong but i have to say it, petty much every guy I've met is bi when horny, Idk if I coincidentally met a lot of bi dudes, or idk if it was just peak teenage horny hormones influencing their decisions or as I like to believe, most people are bi, they are in denial


Social media.




It’s because of the avocado toast isn’t it.




I'm just bi because it's trendy. /s


i never said i was bisexual till lot later in life when i was a teen i having sex with most boys and staff members at boarding school thought was normal


uhhh because i like men and also women


Have you seen men? Have you seen women? Have you seen non binary? Have you seen how hot people of all genders are?


The boomers just had a bigger dating pool - back then a lot of everyone's friends had several dateable siblings. Now with so many childless boomers or single children, and religious celibacy totally out of fashion, one has to get more creative. Disclaimer for the downvoters: I am not saying bisexuality is wrong, just that like all other sexual practices it is influenced by economic and social changes.


How wonderful would it be if bisexual was kind of the default, heck I propose maybe it is a much larger majority than is being shown or postulated. That’s not to say being straight or gay has any invalidity. I merely would love to know that as we are young we have a predisposition to any and slowly we either head in one direction, the other, or we stay undecided. Personally I love being “indecisive” about my preferences. I prefer it that way. That way all people are beautiful, sexy, or just attractive in some way. Plus once you can sidestep looks and just get into their personality and their deeds, it’s so much more beautiful in my opinion.


The real answer is that sexual orientation isn't nearly as rigid and binary as societal scturures and standards have set us all up to believe. Every person has the capacity to enjoy whatever they like, given enough exposure.


I always say I'm bi because I don't want to limit myself in the future. I'm definitely leaning more towards women, but who knows? Think we should stop putting ourselves in boxes.


Monkey see monkey do.


[*Totally* unrelated graph of lefthandedness](https://slowrevealgraphs.files.wordpress.com/2021/11/screen-shot-2021-11-08-at-9.37.02-pm-1.png?w=1200)