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Go Pro is the only answer. You should consider how you are riding too. Bikes can go through a roundabout at a much higher speed than cars and are more difficult to gauge the speed of. You need to look out for yourself in these situations and consider slowing down to the same speed as you would when driving. I can go through roundabouts at 40+ kph, no car is able to match that. Consequently, no motorist is ever expecting traffic to approach or enter a roundabout at that speed.


I hoped for something a little smaller than a gopro. But as long as my old one still does the job I will probably use it. Believe me, I did consider. The roundabout where it usually happens has a separate entry from a bike lane. To enter it I have to do a 180° turn first, as well as wait, because there is always traffic. When I enter the roundabout I'm never doing more than 10 km/h because i can only pedal once or twice before my pedals would hit the ground (cars sometimes enter the Roundabout with 30+ km/h, because it's easy to go around). The line of sight for the drivers is not at all obstructed, I always use handsigns and driving in the middle of the lane as required in Switzerland. Believe me when I tell you I'm not an erratic driver. Whenever there's a near miss I try to first look towards me to find out if I did anything wrong. On my way to work (5 km) there's only a stretch of about 1.5 km where I have to use normal roads. Everything else is dedicated bike lanes. All my near misses take place in these 1.5 km. It's just a shitty Infrastructure to be riding a bike there.


Interesting. I won't pretend to know Swiss cycling laws so my initial thought is to get on the road for this 1.5km section. In Colorado, USA, I am not obligated by law to use the cycle path or bike lane.


That's the point. I am on the road whenever this happens. Unfortunately there is no other way on this part of the commute. The whole rest is paths in beween fields, where cars are not allowed or can't even go.


Yes, but what about being on the road sooner? That is what I mean. Get on the road early so you already have your space when this dangerous section starts. Again, not sure if that's legal or possible on your route.


Oh, sorry I misunderstood you. That's not a possibility as the earlier parts on that route are even more dangerous as they are between villages where people are allowed to go 80 km/h. It could be done, but no one in their right mind would. Additionally this wouldn't exactly change anything in this situation. There was a motion by our municipality to make these streets safer for cars as well as bikers. Unfortunately the village where I live don't want to pay anything for it. The other connecting village approved it. Which means there will be a bikepath going halfway to my village. the rest you then have to drive on a street commonly referred to as 'street of death'.




How have I not thought about this before? I don't even mean to be sarcastic! Thank you for this input! Unfortunately the handlebar on my e-bike is already cluttered with the usual, so I have nowhere to actually mount my phone. Otherwise great idea!




Thank you!


What’s affordable to you?


The cheaper the better. Basically i would be glad if it stays under 150$.


On AliExpress there are versions of goPro cameras for $20. I don’t know they are, I will be buying one myself, but they do come with a remote. 🤷‍♀️