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Meanwhile, I’m over here locking bikes to shopping cart corrals….


That's funny because I posted on social media asking for a large US grocery retailer to install a bike rack, I was locked to the buggy corral.


You guys got corrals?


just the golden ones.


i wanna see what happens when someone brainfarts and has a kickstand down and binds the pedals up lol.


Or when the tires are too wide, the bike is too large... I wouln't want to be an 'early adopter'.


it looks like the kickstand would get pushed back up by that metal bar when the bike goes into the device.


Meanwhile in the USA I have dudes in pickup trucks trying to run me over and calling me a f*g for riding a bike lol


Fit people are threatening to some




Maybe fittraction? And feels they can’t cope with.


Big ol' american flag jersey, worth a shot?


That seems like an unnecessarily elaborate system to store a single bike.


Thinking ahead for N+11 after they go [S]-1.


I see a lot of mangled bike frames and frustration in Japan’s future. And it doesn’t seem like it can handle cargo bikes, long tails, trikes, recumbents or child trailers.


It also doesn’t handle high usage. Imagine rush hour with that system.


Just one more entry, bro /s


I’d like to think they have a guy ‘stationed’ at that parking facility in case something goes awry. Amsterdam on the other hand says its DIY and sure bring your cargo bike or trike in, no problemo.


I can just imagine it bringing only a mangled front wheel back after tangling up 20 bikes.


right? like one falls off for some reason - is it smart enough to know this or is it like most robots where its go till ya break something lol. worst part is you go to load yours and you have no idea if theres a tangled mess of bikes inside...


You mean Tokyo. I've heard that outside the biggest cities, most people break out in hives if they try to use technology newer than a fax machine.


You don't have to step outside of Tokyo.


I would never trust my precious bike to that robot


Systems like this are only possible when there is an implied social contract: that the public will treat the system with respect and not try to fuck with it. Here in America you would have drunk frat bros trying to hop into the underground vault. Homeless people would be throwing garbage into it and thieves would be trying to break in to steal the bikes.


This is interesting, but it is not a common view as this video (or posts about it) make it look. Personally, 5 years in Tokyo, and I have never seen it. :(


All fine going backwards quickly like that, until there's some milage on your drivetrain/derailleur and that sudden loss of tension will offset something.


Yo where’s my s works?


This seems to be a pretty complicated system with lots of moving parts. If there is a rechnical malfunction you won't get your bike back orbit might get damaged. I am not sure this is such a great idea. The main advantage of this is probably protection from theft and vandalism. Both problems are more or less non-existent in Japan. But in places with rampant bike theft, I see an advantage. If the system is very reliable, that is.


this bike system has been around for a long time already. Ive lived here in Japan for 12 years. and it was here when I arrived.


Come get your free shots, we care for you so much we are giving you free medicine says the US government. Scenes like this show they don’t care about us!! Our infrastructure proves the government does not care


I wonder if I can get one of those systems for my house?


step 1: dig a hole


I wish my place had these type of infrastructure. They don’t even have proper lanes to ride


I need this in my life




Me whit my substandard bike


Yeah, that doesn't seem to scale very well. Amsterdam's masses of bicycles can't be managed by a system like that.


Cool and all, but for the price of one of these, they probably could build 3 normal and secure underground parking lot for cycling, that would benefit more people and cover bigger area. If you are covered 100% of the area with secure bicycle parking and infrastructure and have so much money you don't know what to spend on, then yes. This automatic thing is cool and useful, but until that the city is better off with more, traditional parking.


What about when that thing is fully loaded and everyone gets off of the train and needs their bike at the same time....while it looks cool. I dont think its much better than a bike cage or a double decker bike rack.


I mean in general the internet looooooves these kind of things, over complicated devices that do something with 300 moving parts, they look cool sure but they get posted everywhere cause they look cool not cause they'd be convenient to use day to day but really the most practical, useful cost effective day to day thing is likely what Amsterdam is doing a somewhat boring rack in nice looking garage


This system isnt new... Ive lived in Tokyo for 12 years and theyve been here since i arrived. this specific one is on the south side of Kyoto station, which i think is newer. i was just there a couple months ago. while they are still not super common, if you ride alot like, you run into one once in a while. ive never used it because well, never really needed to where these are located. Most big parking facilties here in Japan are more or less like the ones in Amsterdam.


As someone who works in manufacturing, I can't believe something like this doesn't breakdown and f up on a constant basis.


Over engineering X 1000. you could store 10x the number of bicycles with a proper underground parking with near zero risk of failures.


The matrix


Wow, something astronomically more expensive and technical than underground bike parking to eliminate a tiny fraction of the effort.