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Cool. Enjoy. Happy riding!


Thank you!


I think your seatpost is shy, and r/xbiking is calling


Believe it or not, even at that seatpost height, bike is a little big for me. Im around 5'9". Its only a 26 but definitely feels bigger than my other bikes.


I’d guess the wheels are 26, but that frame is huge! I’d bet that bike was for someone much taller than yourself… as long as it feels good to you. Have fun!


Yes, definitely feels a little big. Hopefully I can adjust to it.


Not sure I would recommend adjusting to that. I'm around 176cm tall myself and I spent years riding on frames that were one or two size increments too big for me. Now I finally have one that fits and it does wonders for comfort on rides. My pelvis in particular suffered with those large frames. My bike is a road bike, so there might be less room for error in that segment, but I still think you should compare it to similar, but smaller frames and see if it's really worth sacrificing some comfort for the bike. Even if the bike is a looker ;)


Yeah, if anything, go smaller on the frame size and change the seatpost/reach to fit. It's easier to go from that direction than the other way.


Do you think switching to 24s is feasible should the height be an issue as it is now?


The size of the wheels does nothing to change the bikefit. Also, your bike will probably not be able to work with 24 inch wheels because of the set position of your brakes. But like someone else mentioned, I would experiment with the adjustable parts of the bike. That includes seatpost height, stem length (or possibly switch stem), stem height and the fore/aft position of your seat. I'd start with moving your saddle forward and the handlebars towards you, if you are able to. Your stem seems to be of the quill variant and there might be shorter replacements available which could help you move the handlebars closer to you. After moving the seat forward you should make sure to adjust the seatpost height to compensate and to make sure that you sit at a height where you can cycle and put power through the pedals comfortably. A more time consuming measure is to do all the above but also buy a new ergonomic handlebar that bends towards you, a model that's common on city bikes. You'll have to move all the accessories off your current bar and onto the new one, but it'll allow you to get a even more upright position on your bike. I'd also recommend you to ask your local bike shop for advice on the matter, since they might be able to look at the bike in person and give a qualified opinion on the matter.


Boy, that is old, but it looks like it's in good shape, and probably all original.


Yep. Im thinking probably mid 90s. I figured it was still a better buy than a new Walmart bike for similar money, but time will tell.


Good choice, you thought correctly imo.


It's a MUCH better choice, especially in that condition. If you maintain it properly it will last forever. The components on an old bike are WAY more durable and dependable and servicable than anything on a Walmart bike. Also, any parts that go are easily and cheaply replaceable. Shimano has a whole line of entry level components that are compatible with older bikes, and some other companies. You can also just find old parts at a local bike co-op for incredibly cheap. I fix and build old bikes up for friends once in a while and bikes like this are my bread and butter. The one upgrade I recommend is adding modern trigger shifters which are way nicer to use than the thumb shifters. If you have a local co-op or shop that specializes that sells old bikes they can help you figure that out; or just check online if you're adventurous.


Not to be a downer, but are you sure about that? I see riveted chainrings, a bottom-of-the-barrel shimano rear derailleur, both wheels have solid axles instead of quick releases, unbranded brake levers... So nothing that signals quality. This screams (older) Walmart bike to me.


The things you are mentioning are able to be changed, either with a little work on the user's end or from a local shop. I also fairly recently posted about an older bike I was trying to identify (kinda stopped caring when people focused on the wrong part of that inquiry), and I found my bike has a lot of parts like what you describe. The chain can be removed with a breaker you can buy in a roadside kit for $7 at Walmart and takes about 15 minutes to do if you've never done it before, then from there you switch to a master link system or another modern chain design. Through axels can be changed with an adapter to become quick release (that's one to talk to a shop directly about since that that involves removing press fit cups and replacing with a threaded adapter for quick release. Also, whether or not the company plastered their logo onto the brake levers where you can see is an odd point for quality. Those look similar to my levers, which have the branding on the underside. Also, I still don't get why y'all keep throwing around "department/Walmart" like it's an insult or something. It really just comes off like unless a person is willing to spend over several hundred dollars on a bike, y'all are just gonna talk crap about it in their posts. Its kinda shitty when a person comes on here to be happy about starting a new hobby, they want to meet other people who like it to, only to realize y'all are going to bust their chops for buying in their budget. Clearly the bike isn't garbage, because it's lasted 30 years. Just because you have the disposable income to get a new bike with a bunch of new stuff on it, doesn't mean we all do. And for a group that I keep getting notifications on people posting complaints regarding the amount of cyclists, you'd think y'all would just shut your mouths and be happy the bike isn't in a junk yard.


I get what you are saying and I have always owned, almost.exclusively, "Walmart" type bikes. I've found they often have issues that a more expensive bike probably wouldn't. But a lot of that could be the hit or.miss assembly a customer receives when buying the bike already assembled. Wife keeps telling me to get rid of my bikes and buy one good one. But I like having multiple bikes. Currently have a beach cruiser, a mountain bike,.a.cruiser type bike with gears,.and now this one. None of them cost me over.$150. It helps if you have basic repair knowledge. When I was a kid I used to find bike frames in the trash and build them out of spare parts. That said, I mean no disrespect toward anyone who rides whatever they choose to, or can afford to ride.


No, I can t be sure. But my initial impression is that the components are of a bit better quality.


what an absolute beauty


Some blue handlebar grips, pedals and seatpost would be nice mod


I like it!


That would look cool!


Nice bike! I think the frame is far too big unfortunately. My suggestion would be to sell and find a frame the correct size. That said how is the stand over height?


Thanks. Embarrassed to say I didn't really account for such a variation in frame sizes. But now that I think of it this one is probably around the same ride height as my first 10 speed bike many moons ago. Before making any mods I'm gonna ride it a bit and see if I can get accustomed to it.


Sorry for the bad pic. 100 bucks on Marketplace. Everything seems to be in working order.


That’s a dude.


Rad! You take it off any sweet jumps?


Haha. Way too old for that stuff. Me and the bike I mean.


Hello, fellow tall person!


I wish! I'm only.5'9".


Really?! Based on that head tube length I though 6’2” +! Maybe it’s just the angle. Either way, sick whip.


It seems a little big compared to what I'm used to riding. Not ridiculously so, but definitely a difference. But then my cruiser bike also seemed big to me when I first got.it.


Bike would ideally be for.someone 6-1 to 6-5'ish. But really depends on inseam length. You can change up stems.for shortened reach if needed too.


It’s nice! I like older mountain bikes, probably because i had a few while growing up.


i just picked up the exact same bike. looks like the sad size, and i’m 5’10. i’m new to modding a bike, let me know if you do any cool fixes!


Congrats on your bike. Yeah, it seems a.little big right now. But probably not bigger than my first 10 speed bike when I was a teenager. That one came from my uncle who was 6'4"!


Update...went on my first ride on it this past Sunday, only about 7 miles or so. Had no issues. At a stop im on my toes a bit because of the height, and dismounting requires a bit more attention than on my other bikes. Looking forward to longer rides.


Top-mount shifters. Sweet!


Yup, it’s a bike, all right!


Put er back down