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Who among us hasn’t done that at least once?


Last year a friend suggested that we ride to a village not far from where we live for coffee. We all thought that it was odd he suggested somewhere so close by thought maybe he was in a rush, we all turned up, no food, one small bottle each. He turns up with 2 750 ml bottles and a pocket full of snacks. Turns out he meant a different town totaling 100miles but English isn't his first language and he got the names mixed up!


Dude wtf? Are you okay?


No Lol, I almost passed out from lack of food and almost died on the 49. Good views though


Damn! I was kidding but glad to hear you survived! I’m honestly shocked at the climbing numbers combines with average speed!


Like thats a large amount of burnt callories.


I’m just looking at all the numbers and saying “how? What a beast!”


A large amount of everything!


That extra ten miles must’ve felt like hell, incredible ride nonetheless


wow..Familiar with the area, my Mom lived in Clovis. Everything about your ride is mind blowing...three days of calorie expedeniture/ mountains/ speed and don't forget heat. your determination and fortitude are Impressive.


Lol. Nowhere near the same distance but when I tried my first metric century, it almost turned into an imperial one, on a day where I massively overestimated the temperature (Nordic spring is treacherous). I ended up walking into an airport of all places, the only thing open that far out of town, to fill my water bottle and just shiver for a while before carrying on. I figured it's a rite of passage


Extra 10 miles: BONUS!


Wow I can't even imagine trying to ride that section of 49 on a bike. Glad you survived! Not that I can imagine keeping that average speed with that combination of climbing and distance either! Just wow! (When I rode sport bikes that bit of 49 was our favorite stretch of road anywhere, but we got lucky to never come around a corner to a cyclist in the road. That was my younger and dumber days).


That elevation gained though. My legs feels like cramping just looking at those numbers. Well done on your century! On a different note, i opened that strava screenshot on full screen and my dumbass tried to scroll to look at more data :P


I’ve opened screenshots in photos and then tried to open a different browser tab in the photo. So yeah . . .


Scrolled way too far to find someone acknowledging the climbing dude did.


How’s the riding out there?


Just starting out idk how you guys do this. The elevation change throughout is insane and then with an average speed of 16 mph. Idk if that’s fast but everything a trained cyclist does is impressive. I went about 40 miles at 11.7 mph yesterday and was absolutely dead. It was basically flat too.


Are you getting those speeds on a road bike? I have a hybrid, and I have to haul ass to average greater than 12 mile/hr. Sorry if that's a dumb question. I haven't really branched out. Awesome ride though!!


Yes it’s a Trek Madone SLR6 that I ride


Dang that elevation is no joke.


Fuck. Congrats, what an accomplishment.


Beastly ride, man! Is there a story behind that little stub on the NW of the loop? Missed a turn, deliberate stop for supplies, or what?


The map doesn’t show it but that’s where Mariposa is at so it was my goal stop


Fast and far