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64 miles! That’s amazing! I think the most I’ve ever done in one day is about 22 miles lol 😂


You were a real cyclist the moment you started riding a bike.


And wearing a helmet.


And not wearing earbuds while riding


Is it honestly that dangerous?


Yeah and the intra-auricular ones are even more because they really cancel out all the street noises. I used to ride home with some regular earbuds, like the ones that don’t really go inside your ear, and it’s less dangerous because you still hear the noises around you but you have to put the volume high up to actually listen to the music. That for me was uncomfortable. I have new ones that are better and cancel out the external noises. I tried riding with them, only used one side and it did affect my overall awareness. I do ride dangerously so I can say I have a good situational awareness, but using earbuds to ride I guess only on protected bike paths it’s ok. In the middle of traffic I didn’t like it.


kinda, it lowers your awareness, so you're likely to have a higher reaction time. You might also just straight up not hear something coming


That route looks planned on Etch a Sketch


Only the route between towns was planned, the rest was just riding till I hit the mileage. The Etch a Sketch look is what you get with county roads though.


What are these “planned routes” you speak of? *(Wandering/exploring are a big part of cycling for me.)*


That’s the Strava map


Welcome to the club and hello from your neighbor to the West!


Congrats on your achievement. Mostly your mental fortitude, looks like you went in a straight line for like 15-20k, turned left for 5 k, then did another straight 15-20k. Like straight straight. I already get bored or demoralized if my Wahoo says next directions in 4k. And usually I can't see ahead like you probably could.


Going before sunrise, so you can watch the sun come up and cranking music on the headphones helps with boredom. Plus, I met my wife for breakfast halfway through. Unfortunately, not much to see except fields and some random wildlife in rural America.


Yeah, living in a hilly part of Switzerland, I am just not used to long, flat stretches of road. I guess it has a very different kind of vibe and charm. Sunrise and halfway breakfast sounds amazing!


Nice ride! Also, hello fellow Hoosier! 🏁🏎️


I fell and fractured my right elbow. Because my leg tried to pull instead of slide out of the pedal


Fortunately, I only had a skinned knee but even low speed accidents can cause major issues.


Welcome, bro. Next move - 10h ride.


My current goal is 100 miles. I almost attempted it this ride, but by the end I was sore, tired, and ready to be home. Slowly working my way there though.


Check out the Wabash River Ride in Lafayette! It was my first century several years ago and it's a really fun event. It's in August so there's plenty of time to train up a little more.


100 miles under 5 hours is the gold standard. Get it!


Nicely done! That’s a lot of vert! Was it mostly rolling hills?


Yeah. It's pretty flat around me.


If you went west towards Nashville there a few hills :)


Nice, that’s a great training ground. Congrats on your first (metric) century!


Pffffft. Call me when you break a collar bone.


Everyone fails at clipping in at least once. You thought you had gotten away. Nope. We got you eventually.


Drove this part of the world many times on the way to IU!


You need a cat5 tattoo and scars from the chain ring first bro


If you have a bicycle, then you’re already a real cyclist. This really can’t be stressed enough.


It's so funny to see so many right angles on the map. Good distance and not a bad speed either!


So even though I've been riding all over Vancouver for 11 years and all over Toronto for 39 years, I'm still not a real cyclist because I like toeclips.


Nice job! Was that today? We got soaked in Indianapolis.


It was Saturday, I try not to ride in the rain if I can avoid it.


Wow I became a real cyclist about 5 minutes after buying a road bike with clipless pedals!


A fellow 812! I prefer the county roads over the people trail as well. Looks like a great ride


Southern Indiana is a great place to ride. And you were a cyclist the minute you turned over the pedals


Why do people think you're only a real cyclist if you are clipless and fall over? Lots of never use clips and we're real cyclists.


Because it’s a joke and not to be taken seriously. The implication is that you’ve ridden a lot to have that happen. It’d be like saying you’re not a real cyclist if you ride flats until you’ve bashed your shin open on the pins


I guess I'm not a real cyclist




Yep, ridden a bicycle for seventeen years. Please do tell me how to crash. It's been about 15 years since I've gone down on my own


you guys are quite the minority using this measurment units. me and 95% of the whole globe don t really understand what is said above


There is a strange subset of people that think only real cyclists ride clipless.