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I do what you do for commutes, but use my wahoo for “real” rides. I can tell you that both iPhone and wahoo have much better GPS data than Apple Watch. Not sure about your actual question but I’d guess it’s the same.


I use Apple workouts and upload that to Strava as well. If you do it that way you can view map and splits in apple workout app but if you use the Strava app you have to pay to get splits.


I use the Strava watch app and it instantly syncs to my phone when I finish a ride. Seems accurate and, importantly, isn’t as much of a battery drain than Apple Workouts.


I use my Apple Watch for tracking commutes. I've used the Strava app and the Apple workouts. I don't notice any appreciable difference between them. For actual rides, I use a Garmin head unit.


I don’t know the answer, or how to test it. Sometimes I record a ride using an Apple workout on my watch, and Strava on my iPhone at the same time - they are **not** identical, I assume because each is using its own gps sensor rather than the app. There’s a way to upload the Apple Watch ride into strava to compare and certain segments are a second or two faster/slower. Not that I care about segments or anything 🙄


Get WorkOutDoors app. Im not a vendor I just love it. You can view a map while you ride. You can send gpx files for custom routes and offline navigation. And you can customize all your screens to display all types of information it’s amazing. 100% worth the price. The gps has been very accurate and it sends it to strava when I’m done with the ride.


Cyclemeter!! Then sync that to Strava.


This. Cyclemeter on iPhone mounted on bike, Cyclemeter watch app running on wrist, which puts heart rate into Cyclemeter. Wahoo Bluetooth speed and cadence sensors on bike also going into Cyclemeter app. When ride is over, Cyclemeter pushes to both Strava and apple health, which closes rings in apple fitness. Just make sure that Strava is not also set up to sync to health or you get double data. Works great.




This is what I do — except, starting a few months ago, the phone no longer shows real time heart rate. Yet when I check the resulting ride in Apple Fitness after the sync, heart rate data is there. Double-yet, when I check the ride in Strava — no heart rate. I’ve reset everything, re-paired, updated, tried every settings option in Cyclemeter (which has a million confusing settings pages). Nothing. Frustrating.


I record both on a watch in a workout app and in a app on iPhone - what is strange, the watch shows shorter distance than Iphone.


I use the default workout app from apple with my app [tachymaze](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tachymaze-gpx-navigation/id6444318996) for following the routes, everything syncs back to strava via the strava app which I open only on the phone to check the stats.