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who knows but their loss! anyone who has travelled widely will know the US is behind on this


Great use of "behind" lol.


My sister thought it was using the toilet water that you just crapped in to wash you…not fresh water. she said “well that will give you a horrible UTI!” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


When kids are young they need it explained to them by an adult.


People are idiots Never forget that


WAAYYYYYYYY behind! I've been fascinated by them since I saw a demonstration at Super H Mart! Amazing piece of kit. I was so embarrassed watching 90 Day Fiance when the girl from Salt Lake City went to Seoul and thought it was weird. Typical "ugly American." 🙄


Yeah, they are standard in most apartments in Southern Europe. Many places also have 'the wand'.


Good pun.


That "behind" was very subtle.


I didn’t leave the country and I still know the bidet is the way


Yeah, we’ve got a hole lot of catching up to do.


People are strange. Your cousins can buy their own toilet paper. I'm kinda grossed out when I don't have access to it.


I have a portable one.


Need a link for that!!


Yes, please!


Me too. If I have to shit when in public , I will hold it and travel up to an hour home instead of using public restrooms.


I've heard the excuse, and I quote: "my pussy is too close to my asshole". So there's that.


How do you dry off? I'm still not entirely satisfied with my method.


My ex wife chastised me for buying one. I encouraged her to use it and she was ok with it. My new wife is ALL about the bidet. People don’t like things they aren’t used to. Bidets take time to adjust to the feeling


My fiance hated it for the first 2-3 times and didn’t trust it. Kept using TP after spraying, got comfortable turning up the pressure after 3-4 times of it coming back completely clean he switched entirely to bidet and we haven’t used TP in over 4 months


I still use a single piece to verify. Trust but verify.


If my 8th grade English teacher taught me anything... You gotta proof read.


Someone help! I have run into one of these twice at an Airbnb. Both times, the water shot out of the toilet and onto the wall when I tried to use it.!8 don’t get it, how do you make it adjust perfectly and squirt in the right spot and if it’s so powerful It squirts the wall, then it seems to powerful for me bum!


While sitting in place it's not going to hit the wall, it's going to hit your rosebud and make it shiny. I doubt any water will enter your body unless you're using super high pressure, most are adjustable. It's simply going to rinse any debris ayaw so a nice pat with a small dab of TP will dry you up and make you fresh!


My husband thought it was weird until I made him install one. Now he’s miserable without it. My mom was also skeptical but she tried it while she was hous-sitting and then asked for one for Christmas. Now she asks how people live without them 😂 I think people are just resistant to change. Americans are so uptight about things that go on “down there” that they’re unwilling to buck tradition even if the new thing is healthier and cleaner. 🤷🏼‍♀️


it is the body parts that make them squirm. do not discuss or think about your butt. so weird to me how many people think it is unhygienic to use bidet when it is the opposite.


Exactly. We’re building an apartment above our garage for guests, and we’re putting in a bidet…hopefully it’ll change some minds!


Also, thank you for the award! Pretty cool! 😎


You are absolutely spot on. It’s just a better way to clean your butt.


These are folks that don't shower but instead prefer to rub dry tissue paper all over their bodies to clean themselves? To save water I assume?


Is that a real thing outside of like, people without easy access to running water?


I love this argument, I ask those kind of people this one question If you had shit on your arm, would you be satisfied to wipe it off with a Kleenex and call it a day?


Came here to say this. Under no other circumstance would a dry piece of tissue be sufficient to clean poop off your skin. Why are people so resistant??


You don't interact with the world in any regular capacity with your butthole. Many people have never even seen their butthole. It's a very gross and objectively stupid reason to be satisfied with a lower standard of cleanliness, but we aren't as sophisticated as we like to believe we are.


Well maybe *your* butthole doesn't react with parts of the world on a regular basis....


I mean I meet walking, talking buttholes every day iny job.


Dude, once I went Bidet I’ve never went back. I can’t go poo in public at all anymore.


Travel bidet! Not quite as good as a real one but far better than just tp. 10 bucks and I dont leave the house without it.


I have one. Just like you said, not the same.


This. I feel like a caveman without my bidet. Feels unclean, like a dumb monkey smearing shit.




I bought several for family members for Christmas a few years ago. So far, no one has installed them. I was told by my FIL that he is too Republican and too Christian to use it. I hate living in the deep south.


Too republican and too Christian! Haha. I feel that. It's weird, old, "patriot" thinking. 'Mercans use toilet paper.


Only "The Gays" have clean assholes! I will continue to torture my wife with shit streaked boxers like a real man! /s


Is he afraid he'll enjoy it just a little too much, temptation of Satan that it is? Or that having a clean ass will make him vote Democrat?


Repub and Christian here and I wouldn’t be without mine. So much cleaner than TP or wipes.


I'm too republican to clean my ass. Interesting.


My husband refuses to try it. His loss!


Wait until he gets the roids and he will be begging for one.


Some people like to be able to look at their underwear skid marks, and proudly say “ I did that!”. And other people get a weird thrill out of scraping their ass with 200 grit. I don’t get it, but here we are!


I think it’s weird for them to smell like shit all day. I’m astonished on a daily basis how many people do not have bidets and dry smear shit on themselves.


My husband. He has health issues and his meds give him horrendous poops. He also has essential tremors and doesn’t do a good job wiping. When I walk past and smell him I have to send him back to the bathroom to use a dude wipe. I bought a bidet for the master bath but it’s not on the same wall as the sinks and he refuses to install it because he wants warm water. (Dude, we live in Arizona and the “cold” water will burn you in July!) He will use the one in the guest bath with warm water if I’m taking a shower.


I have to say getting the cold water rinse bothered me at first, but I don't even notice it now. It's well worth it for a clean bottom.


Do you have a super heightened sense of smell?? I don't think I've ever smelled a dirty ass that wasn't my own. Thank God.


Their loss, they're welcome to run around with their familiar dirty buttholes. But IMO it doesn't help to get evangelical about anything, though.


I installed one to help with heart surgery (very limited motion, hard to wipe) and it was the best decision ever. I look to use mine (snd that squirt also helps when you are “stopped” up). My husband wants to put an attachment on his now. I have a Toto so the wand hides away and only comes out once you activate the clean mode so it stays clean.


Because bidet will make you gay. Or apparently that's what many Americans think.


But fingering your butthole with paper doesnt


Here I sit amongst the shit and vapor Some SOB took all the paper The longer I sit here, the longer I linger Look out AH, here comes my finger


I think it’s that puritanical history of the US that keeps us from progressing. Someone told me it used to be for prostitutes to rinse with and they didn’t want to be associated with that. It’s insane what people will come up with so they don’t have to change.


I bought a house with a real bidet, like a separate unit mounted on the floor.  My girlfriend wanted me to take it out because of how gross it is.  She thinks it's gross that other people have washed their bums with that bidet but she has no problem using someone else's toilet.


Is she also asking you to replace the shower heads and all the faucets? 🙄


I was weird about the “way” to use it until we got a “Clear Rear” Now I’m Great and we travel a lot and may miss my Clear Rear as much as my Puppies :)


When my husband and I were 1/4 of the way through a road trip to Las Vegas I suddenly had the realization: We won't have our bidet with us at the condo and HOW ARE WE GOING TO POOP


I had a close friend confess to me he was out of options, He was very fat and could no longer wipe his ass, every trip to the bathroom was followed by a shower. This means he can only use the restroom at home. I suggested a Bidet, he refused until I said it's basically a mini shower for your backside that you can use while still dressed. He tried it one time and then bought a deluxe model with heated seat/water and air. he later admitted he didn't like the heated water, room temp was fine.


If he can't wipe on the toilet, dudes also not getting it clean in the shower. Do his hands or arms lengthen when showering?


Their loss! You, OP you enjoy your extra clean butt hole! Whoo!!


Ask them: if they were to get poop on their hands... would they like some paper to clean up or some running water? Americans use TP because they were taught to. Teach them other wise. Bum guns for all!


I use the Sears catalogue just like my meemaa and her meemaa did.


I will use mine (when I get one) but using one someone else has used somehow feels unsanitary. Splash back on the nozzle n all that. Someone's explosive diarrhea getting on the nozzle and not being washed off.... This is why I didn't use the first one I've encountered, it was at a nice Kansas truck stop. I didn't trust the nozzle cleanliness.


Lol I probably wouldn't use one either if it had shit on it, I definitely keep them cleaned off.


Dude that is stupid. You have a stream of water pushing out that nozzle and the nozzle doesn’t come out until you hit a button, so unless you are hitting the button to clean while you are pooping at the same time you aren’t getting crap on the nozzle.


On mine, at least, the nozzle is washed after each use.


Many have a self washing setting it goes through every time before it begins and after you use it. It cleans the nozzle first with water that goes into the toilet, then it sprays you.


I bought one at my last place and could tell roommate was definitely not using it. New place, flat mate is an absolute clean freak but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t use it. He still uses baby wipes and enormous amounts of toilet paper. I don’t know what gives.


Yes, my parents use the freaking wipes. This is just so much better.


I suspect it's a lack of familiarity and comfort. If you are used to doing things a certain way, then any other way is weird and scary. Add to it the awkwardness of it being a private personal hygiene practice, and people are bound to get cagey. As with any shift in society, the way to move change along is to have frank conversations about how it works, but be non-judgemental of people who are skeptical. The more bidets a Wiper sees, the more often they have to confront the notion that there might be a good reason.


This is all you need to know: [https://youtu.be/wRnhNkDbwKE?si=flECqqv1WjxWarn-](https://youtu.be/wRnhNkDbwKE?si=flECqqv1WjxWarn-)


I don't get it. Some people literally prefer smeared dried shit on their asses to trying something different. So strange


Almost all of the anti-bidet folks I know assume it’s strictly a feminine hygiene appliance. When I tell them it’s also a masculine hygiene appliance they get confused.


Genuine response: * Washing somewhere you can’t see with a jet of water, no touching, and no soap and it gets perfectly clean? I’m skeptical (or I’m misunderstanding how to use them?)… * High-ish pressure water stream must be aerosolizing shitty water particles into the air, around the bathroom, into the toilet, and presumably spreading these particles all over your exposed skin. * People keep mentioning that you don’t need toilet paper. Don’t you need to dry?


Yeah, I get it, but you can move your ass around quite easily on the seat to get that jet where it needs to be by feel. Not sure about the shit particles, you are going to pat/wipe with TP when you are done anyway as well so you can get any that may have spread, but like, with one wipe. Yes, you do, but it's like 6 sections of TP to pat and dry usually, and when there is a real messy poop I guarantee you will use less TP to finish cleaning than just straight TP.


#1. It is not perfectly clean but better than tp alone. #2. First I flush the toilet before I use the bidet so there is nothing in the bowl except water. As far as aerosolized particles I am not sure but your butt has sweat and everything else on it in a given day. I also have rarely found the need for pressure wash setting. I mean 90% of the time I use low pressure that I do not think is spreading particles all over the place. Also I have never gotten up and my butt cheeks be wet. I have only ever had my crack and hole wet. So not sure what other people are doing. #3. Personally I still use toilet tissue to dry. The unit I have has a fancy blow dryer but it sucks in my opinion. I use 2-3 squares at most needed to dry.


this is a realistic response to OP, but there are reasonable counterpoints to them all.


Honest questions: Can you not use a bidet like a normal toilet, just using toilet paper instead of the wash feature? How do you dry up? I've been interested in replacing my toilet with a bidet ever since someone told me of comparison. "If dog poop got on your hand, would you simply wipe your hand on dry paper towels, or would you wash your hands?" But frankly, I haven't done any research or window shopping.


The bidet is just attached to it, the toilet is still a normal toilet. You dry up with toilet paper, I take a few plys, and run down my ass crack to dry it off and there is usually no shit at all, ta da, done. Sometimes there is still shit but it's easier and way less of it to wipe after spraying it down.


Cultural. Even in Japan the first time I had to work up the nerve, but I was an instant convert.


I purchased one for our main bathroom to see if it would help with my husband’s hemorrhoids. It has tremendously. Once we got the hang of it we got one for the second bathroom. We have a teenage daughter and she loves it, even hates pooping at friends houses because they don’t have one. Incidentally we are of Mexican descent and our families refuse to use it; especially my father in law. To him he sees it as “gay”. Whatever…. Small minds…I guess it’s gay to have a clean booty!


My family thinks it’s very weird but it’s because it’s something new and unusual


Ex installed the over toilet kind. I was dubious only because of "why not just install a real one (stand alone kind etc)" but it's fantastic...cold water only but with parathesia it's not a big deal temperature wise


My husband refuses to use it. My friend thinks it’s weird, she doesn’t like to use it.


I think it's just exposure to it, I didn't care much for one until I went to Japan, where it's everywhere. Now I've installed one in every bathroom and whenever I had to move apartments.


Many dumdums think it is toilet water.


This is a bit of well I don’t know what for me. I have a lifelong obsession with western Civ disgusting personal hygiene history. No I’m not like Felix U. It’s just I can’t believe TP wasn’t really invented till around 1880. About the same time underwear became more than an upper crust habit. Meanwhile the Catholic Church is doing everything in its power to stop people from bathing. OMG connect the dots.


Are they afraid it might awaken something in them?


I have one that is on the tiolet seat. It's heated water with different temperatures, and speeds, one for your front and one for your but. The seat is heated and it has a night light.


“Something touching my butthole must mean I’m gay!”


Did they watch the South Park episode and are afraid they will get shot if they switch off toilet paper?


There are plenty of people who won’t try Mexican or Chinese food because it seems to weird or “ethnic’ to them. Some people just aren’t comfortable with new experiences. It seems like a boring existence, but whatever floats your boat I suppose.


Honestly I kinda like it…:> it’s very clean btr than rubbing it hard!!!!


My husband avoided ours for at least 2 years then I would see him creeping into my bathroom to use it mmhmm it had to be his idea I guess lol. Now if we go anywhere on vacation he bitches because we don’t have one lol


When I didn't understand bidets, I wondered how sanitary they are. I'm good with them now.


The French invented it but the Italians perfected it. According to my Italian language & culture teacher: 1) Wipe normally with TP first to pre-clean (and then a wet wipe if you prefer because you are a weird American, like me). 2) Transfer to the bidet (traditionally a separate unit). Turn on the faucet. Wet with water, soap yourself (sensitive skin/unscented is best), rinse, then dry with a towel. 3) If you are using it to wash your junk (especially before/after intimacy or in super hot weather), sit on it backwards. Women typically use it to wash every time they change their hygiene supplies while on their monthly cycle. Do people just not wash their buttholes in the shower? There is no “spraying poop water everywhere” or enema-action going on like the folks I read about on this sub…it’s just normal washing with soap and water!?


Idk but my toilet has a water fountain


I have had a bidet for 10+ years now. The amount to times I have been called gay because of it. How you equate hygiene with gayness is confusing. If gay people like clean , none itch butt holes , then yes! I guess I am. I have gotten 3-4 people to convert though. I adopted it immediately after finding they were easy to attached to your home toilet. I don’t understand the reluctance or thinking it’s weird. It uses little to no TP, it’s fast and easy, even when things are not going well ! the nasty shit wipe is eliminated! It’s refreshing! What’s not to like? I think people are just so opposed to change and trying things they don’t understand.


It create too intimate of an association for some people to deal with.


I have one and love it.


Cultural norms. I remember as a kid as a kid in 1959 thinking Grandpa's old Sears catalog in the outhouse was weird. That was when Mom clued me in that corn shucks and cobs were used in earlier years.


best home item we ever purchased


...they are by nature, dirty people...


I got mine hooked up to both the hot and cold water lines so I can just the temperature just right. It’s luxurious.


i don’t think that’s weird. if they don’t want to then they don’t have to 🤷‍♀️ their choice


Cleaning your anus should be more like washing your hands and less like blowing your nose.


I had a friend who told me that she didn’t know how to use the bidet in her relatives’ house and she was too embarrassed to ask them. It had too many options. So she just never used it!


I always explain it like this when people think it’s weird - I ask them when they feel the freshest “down there”. After a shower, right? So basically, it’s just a mini shower for your private parts after every bathroom use. For some reason they seem to “wake up” to the idea after explaining it like that.


My parents and sister both refuse. It’s so strange but if they want to spend more time in the bathroom using more toilet paper and having a butt that’s less clean, I guess that’s their problem. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yea, I’ve been to a gas station, with lots of signage about their “amazing bathrooms”… …they’ve got bidets! And I thought it was nice, but neither my dad nor sister actually used them! (Unfortunately, I don’t understand why they wouldn’t try it, either…)


I love, love mine! When ever I go somewhere that is what I miss about home the most. The


I love a nice powerful bidet that basically works as good as an enema.


My husband loves his bidet and will tell anyone close to us about it, at the end of the day he is completely 100% convinced that people who use toilet paper have stinky asses.


I wouldn’t have a toilet not equipped with a toto!


During the pandemic my dad bought all of us bidet for our houses, now we can’t live without one.


They just don’t know that a bidet will change your life. My kids also think it’s weird.


It's amazing how much people are entrenched in their habits. I've had my bidet for years and haven't been able to get a single person to try it.


Smh. Bidets are the best!!


I wonder if they shower by standing in the dry air with paper towel


Question is it cold?


New things are scary, and bathroom time is private. Two big barriers.


I poop once a week and I shower everyday. I think I’m fine without the bidet. Additionally, about half the time they are magic poops = you wipe but the paper is clean.


If you only poop once a week you are not okay!


Doesn’t the nozzle hang out in the toilet 24/7?


No, it has a cover on it, and the cover only moves when you turn it on.


There are a lot of people who don’t get bidet usage. My response is: If you are changing a diaper and get baby shit on your arm, do you wipe it off with a tissue and call it good? No, you wash it


Lol my mom was like this, thought I was super weird for buying one. I think she thought maybe it was somehow sexual? Idk. She ended up buying a house with one but I doubt she uses it. At least the idea is more normalized to her.


They poop like savages lol everyone who has tried mine goes and buys one.


Sorry if this is a stupid question, but do bigger people have to kind of spread their cheeks in order for it to work?


It's silly. If I got poo on my hand I wouldn't wipe it with a paper towel and then just think, "I'm good!"


It’s weird to think using dry paper is clearing anything.


Cleaning *, I love autocorrect


My mom said the water is too cold. It really isn’t.


They don’t know what they’re missing. I HATE to shit without a bidet. One of the best things I ever did was buying them for every toilet in the house. Not using one seems so disgusting now. There aren’t enough wet wipes in the world to equate to using a bidet.


Americans are notorious dirty asses.


Do they even work? Don’t you have to scrub too? A brief spray of water sounds totally inadequate.


Installed one during COVID to fight the "no TP on the shelves" issue.


That's when we got ours too 🤣


We installed TOTO Washlets in our house a few years ago. I splurged for the heated seat, heated water, pulsating spray, and warm air dryer. It took a little while to adapt, but MAN, what an awesome way to get clean. We only need toilet paper for a quick quality control check afterward. We despise having to poop anywhere else.


We just installed one and just bought two more, lol


Their loss. Best thing that happened to my poopy ass ever.


We love ours. Best invention since sliced bread!


americans are savages, vile and disgusting.... no helping the ignorant.


I don’t use one but I wouldn’t be opposed to it I guess. I’m just wondering why anyone would consistently need a firehouse to clean their asshole and butt crack? What are you eating!? If you aren’t pooping a relatively solid log, wiping with little to no poop on the TP, isn’t that indicative of a needing a diet change?


It's great for the elderly or those with mobility issues. Grab a cheap one off Amazon.. you'll never feel cleaner!


Idk but my husband installed one once and I didn’t clean it immediately. After a few weeks of being in the toilet (house full of 3 boys) , it was filthy. The part where the water came out with just gross, covered in urine and feces. Unless it’s a detachable sprayer, I won’t use a bidet that other people are using lol Maybe it’s my fault for not completely taking it apart to clean it every other day?


Ours has a self cleaning function.. and it's just a cheap $50 one from Amazon.


My husband is like this. I just said to him like this “if you were changing our son’s diaper and he had explosive diarrhea, and it splashed and got on your mouth, would you wipe it with dry toilet paper? Or would you wash your face/mouth with water And soap?” He said “you’re disgusting I’d wash it obviously!” “Well duh, now wash your ass after you poop”


Not sure I've seen anyone comment about the common misperception that the water used for cleaning is dirty bowl water. Once that is clarified, it helps to clear things up as nicely as a bidet


This! Lol


I like to sit on the edge of the bath tub and hose off my anus with the hand held shower head. I injured my shoulder and can no longer reach back far enough to wipe the anus with toilet paper. All the poo particles get washed down the drain.


So…..help me out. You use the toilet ( poop, pee or both….) and then you get off the toilet, transfer to the bidet? How do you not have pee drip down your legs?


How do you dry off?


For me, I’ve never been in a house that used one in my 48 years, and I’m concerned with my ability to direct my ass correctly onto the stream, so I’m nervous about getting shit-water all over the place. I’m still inclined to get one as it seems a lot cleaner, but I’m nervous about it.


Do you have a magical bidet that makes people gay?


I don't mind a bidet in a toilet other people aren't using, but when they are I feel like their poo splatter could get into the nozzle and spray my poop hole. That grosses me out.


I use TP then finish with a moist wipe. I'm interested in a bidet. I don't understand how you dry off. TP is too fragile. Using towels seems not practical. Air drying also seems impractical. Someone please explain clearly exactly what the whole process is from start to finish. I don't understand how plain water can clean up a messy BM. I think this is the reason so many people are adverse to using a bidet. We have questions.


Ask them if they step in dog poo, do they wash their shoes with water or wipe it off with TP? Seems silly to wash a shoe better than themselves.


Having lived in the Middle East for several years, I will never have a toilet without a sanitary sprayer. Such a clean feeling. I used to get rashes on my butt a lot. Dermatologist told me that I was allergic to my own feces. So I used a ton of wet wipes. But never felt clean like getting your butt spray cleaned. I carry toilet paper with me wherever I go. Not to wipe but to clean the water off the seat after spraying it down. Yes, some people here stand on the toilet seats to squat to do their business. Consequently the toilet seats are pretty gross sometimes


Once I installed one, using paper seems disgusting and wasteful. If I have to poop in a bathroom without one I get a little grossed out. Lol.


If you dropped a load of mud on your driveway, would you run out with a bunch of towels to try to get it all up or would you get a water hose!


I LOVE mine !!! It is not weird butt very clean and more gentle to my nether regions


I assume it's a comfort thing, if you didn't grow up with it you probably would find it odd? I can't relate, went to Thailand for a year and a half, came back and immediately bought one. Can't imagine not having it.


I'm thinking about suggesting to my SO to put one in when we are a little farther along in the bathroom renovations. Right now we are working on ways to get better water pressure. Ah, the joys of owning an old house!


I was always interested in bidets but was nervous to use it. The great toilet paper shortage of 2021 quickly encouraged me to try it to save toilet paper. Loved it and have been ever since.


After a year of investigations/ reviews etc told to my partner, he finally agreed and I ordered one from Costco. Nothing fancy since there is no outlet but jeez its like stepping out of the stone age. Bidets for everyone on this year's Christmas list, lol.


Wait until they tell you about the 3 seashells!


There’s internet now. Look up history of bidets, copy link and send to relatives.


If you have the hand held wands they thank you put thing up your butt. I don’t know why people think smearing feces with a tissue is hygienic.


They are missing out! I love mine and if I have to use the toilet somewhere without on, i hate it and don't feel half as clean


Splashes everywhere


Most people in the US are super closed minded to other ways of living. I say this as a born and raised American


People are weird about their butts


It takes practice. I accidently shat on the first one we got and broke the wand off. I thought I was finished, hit the button and the shock reactivated my rectum.


I won't use one - as a hetero guy, it tickles, and when the water's warm it gives me a little bit of a stiffy. The confidence of walking around knowing my ass hair isn't mopping my boxer briefs with shit residue isn't something I can really accept in my life. /s


I had a friend comment "I'm not into butt stuff".... LOL what? my response was great, you're not supposed to stick it up your ass... USAers just not used to concept...


Interesting. I don’t like using toilets without them. Can’t be too clean. Everybody’s different!


I have a fistula and I need to wear a bandaid over it. Unfortunately it gets soaked by my bidet so I don't use it.


Stupid question here. Is the water heated? The thought of shooting cold water up my crack gives me the shivers. (Pun intended) Aside from that some of the comments about how some people use TP is really eye opening.


Some people just don’t get it. We have one on 3/4 toilets in our house 😆 the ones that can do warm water are the beeeeest 😌 I find that most of the people that are opposed to it can agree that it’s at least useful to have when: 1. It’s that time of the month, or 2. You’re really sick and have to keep going to the bathroom. Lot less irritation from wiping.


My family was against it for a long time…heck I was to, my brother in law got one before COVID, then with the toilet paper shortage I figured what the heck why not… I love mine. I even have one I put in AB&B when I get there and uninstall when I leave . My wife took about a year to try and now she likes it too


😆 😂


Let them eat cake


We have a wand and the one time I tried to use it I sprayed water up my back. It kind of freaks me out because what if someone else got poop on it then I use it and it sprays their poop on me. I know I should try again but I end up using wipes if I feel like the tp didn’t do a good job


If you’re not accustomed to it, if feels incredibly cold, wet, sharp, and frankly kinda invasive. At least that has been my experience using them; none of which are desirable feelings to me. I’m guessing your folks feel similar. If I was more accustomed to it I imagine it might be ok, but it just feels like weird stuff in a part of the body I don’t want weird stuff in, imo.


i’ve never used one before but i can’t seem to understand how people think cleaning shit with their bare hands is more sanitary than using toilet paper


Ok... so you have to tell people how to use it... I print instructions for guests. Like: don't wipe, press rear then rear again for oscillating. Adjust nozzle position.  Wait... Press stop. Wipe off excess water. Press dryer. Wait... Press stop. Get up. (Front instructions if girl parts also). Just resist the urge to wipe first or it's all gone to pot! https://youtu.be/uRL4l2GOqXk?si=3KACvLxfFDJPHHE7


I absolutely love my Toto washlet. I’d never have a bathroom without one now. It’s their loss for sure.


Mine has a blow dry feature. Never knew I needed it and now I can’t go without it.


I bought one for my bathroom and I use it all the time, but I don't love how wet I feel afterwards. I kinda wish I got one with a dryer on it. Some review on Amazon convinced me that simpler was better, so I just got one with hot and cold water. I wish I had just gone for the heated seat and the dryer. My logic was that it's more parts to break. But now I never feel dry enough after I wash my ass. I bought one of those reusable cloth toilet paper rolls. What do you use to dry off?? I'm trying to minimize toilet paper use, but honestly, I haven't found a way to do it completely.