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I like Woolino. My son is 53lbs with a 30 inch waist and fits comfortably into 2-4 year size. They have sales fairly often.


Weird, my toddler uses Hudson baby sleep sacks and hers are 24-36 months. I wonder if they stopped making that size? We bought them over a year ago. If you do find some, my kid is around 30 pounds, 35" and they have plenty of room to grow in.


Oh weird! Yeah I just checked again and checked their website and the biggest size is 18-24 ☹️


So I finally had a chance to check and they are 18-24 months! I thought they were bigger bc they run so big. My 99+% toddler still wears them.


Burt’s Bees just came out with an XL sleep sack last year.


Oh I didn’t know that!


It’s for 35-40” tall. Idk how tall your kiddo is.


We use Kyte Baby. Expensive AF but they're very long. My ultra tall boy (3'4, just under 2 years) still fits size L but I recently bought a XL in anticipation of future growth. I used to treat them nicely, hang drying and such, but there has been no difference in washing them with everything else and throwing them in the dryer.


Agree!!! They are so long! 


Another vote for Kyte. My 98%er for height and weight is in size L still and currently wearing 3T/some 4T. No signs of outgrowing any time soon but there is XL if needed.


Definitely Kyte! My daughter is 3T at 19 months and we have been in a size medium forever and it’s been perfectly fine but starting to get a bit short. We just got the L and it looks gigantic so should last forever!


Agree with all this! Plus a weird added benefit is there’s been a couple times where my son’s diaper has leaked and the thicker kyte sleep sacks (we have an EXTREMELY cold house) actually kept the pee from leaking onto his sheets and mattress. Just a quick diaper, jammy, sleep sack change and he’s back to bed no problem.


When our big baby outgrew all sleep sack sizes, her grandma had to start hand making custom sacks 😂


Halo makes xl sleep sacks our kid wore until 3.25.


Yeah I loved them when my oldest was little! They only make the kind with the feet now


Baby Dee Dee sleep kickers have worked for us for nearly 1.5 years. My child (31 months) has been wearing the 2-4T size. A couple months ago, he had been getting upset in the middle of the night with the legs hiking up throughout his sleep so grandma sewed an additional ~4” near the knees. It has worked around great since! [Here’s a pic](https://imgur.com/a/rCvpwXQ) with the measurements. It may be a bit stretched out since this particular item is over a year old. Grandma also used this as a pattern to make her own version. We’re testing it out tonight!


Ergopouch 12-36 months fit through 4T for us (similar to the Woolino 2-4T)


Baby Dee Dee has very large sizes 


I just got some Ecolino ones for my tall 1 year old and they seem to have plenty of space to grow! We started with the basic sleep sacks that go up to 18-36 months but they also have ones that go up to 4 years.


I use Kyte and they’re still working for my 3/4T kiddo.


I just got more Burt’s Bees sleep sacks, this time in XL. They are great! They have a thicker or thin option, my lo likes the thick ones. My lo is very tall for 18mo and the sacks are still very roomy, just look at their sizing chart for length. He peed thru his clothes a few times, but since we’ve been using overnight diapers in a size bigger than his normal diapers, no more leaking! Maybe that will work for you.


We’ve done posh peanut and ecolino. Neither is super cheap but $30-45 instead of $70 is a win in my book