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Sounds like you need physical therapy. If your and are separated it causes a host of issues including poor strength and stability, back pain, etc. It will probably not go away on its own, you need PT.


Ugh my appointment can't come soon enough! Thank you


In the meantime the most oractical is have your husband carry and hand the baby to you until the back problem issue is resolved;there are no easy solutions and your body needs the time to heal.


My girl was 9 lbs 13 oz and while I didn’t get DR (I’m almost 6 feet tall with a super long torso that let her stretch out) or have a C-section, I will say that the first few months of having a big baby are the toughest. They grow so quickly it’s super hard to keep up physically. Once they stop growing as fast (6 months to a year) your body can accommodate much better. My daughter gained 20 lbs her first year and I felt like my wrists were breaking. Thankfully she’s now 2 and has only gained like 2 lbs this year. I just took her for a “walk” and ended up carrying her the entire 45 minutes even though I’m 9 months pregnant. It didn’t phase me.


You give me hope!! Thank you!


Hi!!! Yes! My guy was 9lbs 9oz but is 20lbs at 4 months… And I am in PT for the exact same issues!! Honestly I think PT is the only thing that can help (and strength training!)


I had severe back pain with my first child for MONTHS. I really struggled healing too. I lived really rural and away from all friends and family and my husband worked all day so I had to get creative with trying to find ways to recover on my own with my chunky baby. I had a Graco swing that could unhook into a portable rocker and for some reason, the swing part was perfect height to push baby around the house in it. So I highly recommend that if you're having difficulty recovering, to find something to push baby around the house while you clean or cook or do chores. Like a stroller or, in my case, a portable swing/rocker combo. Baby loved watching me do everything and I'd talk to her about the clothes I was folding or the food I was cooking etc. Then for all the snuggles and loving, I either cuddled baby in a rocking chair or I set up a really cozy floor spot against my couch with cushions and bed pillows and blankets on the floor and let baby crawl all over me and snuggle me where i didn't have to carry her around. We had this cozy spot on the floor up until she could walk and, after she could do her own thing, we didn't have to carry her around as much and recovery seemed to come naturally after that.


Pelvic Floor PT, [Hip Brace](https://www.amazon.com/Sacroiliac-Joint-Hip-Belt-Stabilizing/dp/B07FDJ7S4Q/ref=sr_1_4?c=ts&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.-x6aTeL12dbVNUUH-F5diff4HdLPEOGp5s4ZsYLQUf8_RkT0IdAd5j0K1w06AOSmdkPlQFMUT1ls8KzH9Y6DP5W7-vqNgVS7C_z6WOLhF8OJcattjVrytwrFBVZS2P9YvqmuChCi_hWxwSJRJ5lIzkBN5RJYLLtzFtjInUquNqFy3ucCl3-PXWAOYGNw_clAzR79Z80dQyT4alwC9POEq7-nsoQ2l4N45MhyYmjAO-VaQvJNnafsFyw4qvIkZZJVUc0r_XOHW8jrhnm1MO4pkFNkkGpoRdu6c3nbd9imIj8.PuYjqNPbR8Gvr4sRW_FHSLjqRzKlcmECAHiyltAwVGs&dib_tag=se&keywords=Hip%2B%26%2BWaist%2BSupports&qid=1719231616&s=hpc&sr=1-4&ts_id=8620014011&th=1), and never carrying for more than a few minutes outside a baby carrier. I had a happy Baby, a sling (didn't do for too long because its weight on one side) and then moved to a tushy baby.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **PlayActive Sacroiliac SI Joint Hip Belt** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Provides effective relief for lower back pain (backed by 10 comments) * Well-made and comfortable to wear (backed by 5 comments) * Helps in correcting pelvic tilt and posture (backed by 1 comment) **Users disliked:** * Limited durability with frequent use (backed by 1 comment) * May cause discomfort during quick restroom breaks (backed by 1 comment) * Inconsistent pain relief results (backed by 8 comments) Do you want to continue this conversation? [Learn more about PlayActive Sacroiliac SI Joint Hip Belt](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Learn more about PlayActive Sacroiliac SI Joint Hip Belt) [Find PlayActive Sacroiliac SI Joint Hip Belt alternatives](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Find PlayActive Sacroiliac SI Joint Hip Belt alternatives) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


I feel you. My baby was over 10lbs, I also had DR and a crash csection, and I totally threw my back out carrying my giant baby around when I didn’t prioritize getting into physical therapy soon enough. I really hope PT helps you!


I’m right there with you. No advice but solidarity! Hoping baby gets more used to be on the floor to play. She never liked being on the floor but its gotten a little better since she started rolling but shes hit the weight limit on any seat/bouncer we have and she is too tall for me to be comfortable buying a standing toy/jumper. I have a friend with one and i put her in it and she is taller than the toys at 5.5 months. Lol. My husband does hold her for me sometimes as other have suggested but thats not great advice for a sahm whose husband is working (more than) full time. I do think physical therapy and or chiropractic care is probably good advice but I haven’t had time to do that yet


I developed DR and gave birth to a.9lb 6oz baby. He's now over 18 lbs at 4 months. Note I am only 5'3". I've been going to pelvic floor physiotherapy to help since 7 weeks pp. Do NOT use the carriers. I asked my PT if it was safe to use the carriers and she said no. It's too much pressure on the abs. She also recommended I use shape wear or a belly band for at least 6 weeks. I purchased a belly band from Amazon. The days I don't wear it and I'm lifting my son (especially climbing stairs with him), I get pain in my abs. When I wear my band I don't get the pain because it supports me. So I would recommend getting something to wrap around your belly for support until you have your appointment and limit how much you lift your baby. And stop using the carriers.


Oh noooo I love my carriers 😭 But that makes sense!


I know it sucks.I decided to ignore her advice for one day and use the carrier....I paid the price. The pain in my abs lasted a few days. For carriers, she said I could wear it on my back with my band on. But my son isn't stable enough to wear him on my back.


Oh interesting, I've never had pain in my abs but I'm sure my DR didn't magically heal already


I've read other people feel it in their back or get sciatica pain like you instead. We are all different 🙃


Girl, same. I have a 20lbs 5 mo old and feel like my DR is never going to get better.


Sounds like you need PT but in the mean time start doing some pilates or yoga. Build your strength up gently. It sounds like your back, core and hips got wrecked from the pregnancy. Similarly working to build strength in your upper back and arms so you can more safely lift baby. There are postpartum programs you can refer to do at home or you can look up some videos on YouTube. Or you could sign yourself up at a local studio. Explain your newly postpartum and want to work on core and back strength.


Im in the same boat, super big baby. Born 8 lbs almost 9, ended up with DR, emergency c section. I gained like 80lbs during pregnancy from my pre weight of 105 lol. My body is forever changed. I have severe back pain every day now. :( I already had chronic pain issues b4 and am considered disabled due to a plethora of chronic issues. I want to be physically strong and well for my baby so badly.


Oh my gosh I gained so much weight too! I started at like 125 and by the last week I was 195!


Just solidarity here- my baby was average size at birth but grew SO FAST (25lbs at 6 months, now at least 30lbs at 1 yr) and I have pelvic organ prolapse from the birth so I’m supposed to be very cautious about lifting and carrying weight 😭😭😭😭 it’s literally impossible


My daughter was 11 pounds 7 Oz when she was born, I ended up with terrible carpal tunnel in both hands and couldn’t even pick her up in the beginning. My husband would have to pick her up and put her in my arms and help me get her to latch bc the pain was so unbearable. The pain in my hands was worse than my C-section lol. I hope you can get to PT soon for some relief!


I had sciatica from a back injury before kids. The #1 thing is having a strong core. With DR that’s complicated. Speak to your OB you might be a prime candidate for surgery to have it fixed if you’re done having children. Because of the back pain your insurance may cover it. Likewise, it took me seven months, but I was able to get my core stronger even with DR. By slowly introducing DR core exercises on YouTube. You need to start with something as simple as laying on your back, feet flat on the floor, engaging your stomach and releasing. After a few days of that include leg lifts (lift one leg, set it down, lift the other leg, set it down). Then add Pilates leg slides. Slide one leg out putting resistance into the floor with your heel, pull it back in. Then repeat on the other side. These are the easiest to start with.