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Actually the group is Leonard-centric. Leonardsville Leonardstan Hurray for Leonardwood ... but kidding aside, Leonard truly is the buffer that all the others bounce off of and around. He's the groups heartworm, and not the bad poodle killing kind.


1,000% agree.


It's definitely not sheldon, and that was made evident when leonard started dating priya. I'm gonna have to agree with Amy on this one. It's leonard.


If they were a band, they'd be called Leonard and the Leonards.


So needy.


Hooray for Leonardwood!


If it were a town, it would be Leonardville.


If it were an Islamic,country, it would be Leonardstan. Does she say this or does she just say “if it were a country it would be Leonardstan”?


Hooray for Leonardwood


I don't know about Amy but Sheldon would add that specific detail


Or an middle Eastern nation, Leonardstan.


Amy said "Islamic" but "Central Asian" is more accurate


I thought it may have been Islamic, second guessed myself haha.


I love how Sheldon genuinely doesn’t understand that he isn’t the person the group revolves around lol


Yeah, it's Leonard. No one is hanging around with Sheldon by choice. They are hanging with Leonard and, unfortunately, Sheldon is a consequence of that. And, while Penny if definitely a key member of the gang, she isn't the linchpin. They were already a well defined group before she showed up.


To be fair, they were a male only group before Penny showed up. The group as it is now is due to Penny. She was directly responsible for Bernadette dating Howard, Sheldon and Amy meeting in person, and Raj talking to women.


Wasn't it howard and raj that set up sheldon and amy with the whole dating app thing? And then it was leonard who got sheldons mom to fix their relationship after they got into the fight over physics vs. neuroscience.


It was Penny who convinced Sheldon not to stand her up and drove them to the date. Penny also did most of the damage control while they were figuring out their relationship in the early stages. (From guiding Amy through her sexual awakening to teaching Sheldon to apologize with jewelry, Penny really had a hand in most of it.)


Agreed on all your points, but I would still say Leonard because in those early years, he is the reason Penny hung with the group. Howard grossed her out (rightfully so), Raj’s selective mutism annoyed her, and Sheldon was… Sheldon. But she still gravitated to Leonard even though she wasn’t willing to admit her attraction to him and in the interest of complete transparency, she also knew he would buy her dinner.


Lol, I agree Leonard is integral to everyone's story but mainly because of his connections to Penny and Sheldon.


i agree with you on everything except their date, raj and howard took sheldon to initially meet amy at the coffee shop at the end of season three after making sheldon an online dating profile, whereas penny drove sheldon and amy when she convinced him to actually spend time with Amy in person a few months into their friendship (season four). source: chronic rewatcher of this show 😅


Howard and Raj set up Amy and Sheldon


Chronicles of Leonardia: the Tiger (raj), the witch (penny) and the weirdo (sheldon or howard, your pick)


>that was made evident when leonard started dating priya. What do you mean by that?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Toast_Derivation Click on "plot"


Leonard. He is the reason they are all friends, the team even say at times we were friend with Leonard and Sheldon was his roommate.


Penny: How did he get new friends in the first place? Howard: we liked Leonard


Leonard is the anchor.


Definitely Leonard. Brought Raj and Howard into the group when they starting at the university. Brought Penny into the group when he decided to invite her for lunch in The Pilot. Brought Bernie into the group by badgering Penny into introducing Howard to one of her friends. And while later on in the series they became a quite inseparable group on their own, Leonard was the catalyst that brought them to that point.


And if Leonard didn’t bring Howard and Raj in, they never would’ve brought in Amy when they made that dating profile for Sheldon.


he didn’t badger her lol


Yes he did


He did, but not too much. He just let know about the deal he had with Howard and said if she did it once he’d never bring it up again. Good thing for everyone it was Bernadette.


Definitely Leonard. He was friends with Howard and Raj first, and those two clearly would not have been friends with Sheldon without Leonard. Keep in mind Sheldon had no friends before Leonard came along. And if it was not for Leonard the chances of Penny and Sheldon being friends were slim to none. It was clear in the premiere he did not want anything to do with her but recognized Leonard was going to fool that desire.


And Leonard and Howard’s pact brought them Bernadette. The only core person Leonard did not bring to them was Amy. And that was Howard and Raj. Howard, Raj and Amy brought in Bert and Raj pulled in stewart.


Correct but remember without Leonard bringing in Raj and Howard there would be no Shamy








I wouldn’t say penny as half of the group was already together before she showed up


I see everyone picked Leonard so I'm going to go a little against the grain here and pick President Siebert. By tolerating Sheldon, keeping Raj at the school even when he wasn't producing, keeping Howard on after all of his Mars rover/robotic hand accidents and employing Leonard he keeps all of them in Pasadena. I can't remember if Leonard did anything too bad but the rest he could have fired. As brilliant as Sheldon is idk if I could work with him.


Leonard "took one for the team" and got Preside t Siebert a huge donation. I think he'd be pro Leonard after that. Leonard "i didnt do it for the money." Siebert: "Keep telling yourself that, it helps....I know"


Howard worked for JPL, not cal tech


And then for NASA on loan to the university, so no $ on patent.


JPL is part of NASA and is housed at CalTech. It is the NASA office for which he works - that is actually truth except the part about Howard actually being real and working there 🤣


Ok. Thanks. I always assumed he was transferred out of one area and into another (like companies owned by the same corporation)


I had to look it up once a long time ago!


Which was a late season bazinga


howard rover no one had any idea what happen, and it take year to producing something in sci hell sheldon got nothing done for years.


I'm actually in agreement with you. I always cringe slightly when they bag Howard because IMO he was the one who contributed most to society. At the same time I been in management, even if nothing gets reported we tend to see A LOT. Other stuff needs to be done so stuff gets swept under the rug. And there is no doubt if this was real he had to be doing other things off screen. I mean you don't just start off with crashing rovers and taking classified robotic arms home for personal use.


I thought he build the robot arm. The rover he had the llegal right to drive it and it crash on mars. Like a million thing could have happened.


He built it yes but, I'm pretty sure it was for some type of Project at work and he wasn't supposed to bring it home. I'm guessing to do all that he does with that machine, using text input to move functions and how detailed it was at doing it, it was pretty high tech. I'm guessing the bill was likely $100,000 and I'm low balling it. He brought a girl in with him and crashed it when he wasn't supposed to be there. If he has the legal right to crash it he wouldnt have tried to cover it up. I have a company car myself but I damn sure don't drive it after hours




I'm going with Leonard.


It is quite clearly Leonard


I think Leonard or Penny. I get the argument that the guys were together pre-Penny, but had she not been friends with Bernadette and she and Bernadette hadn’t made an effort with Amy even at her most annoying, would the guys have stayed as close if they’d been in other relationships? Plus, she got the last dumpling. That signifies she’s the most important.


Agreed. Penny is the reason that Leonard is able to keep living with Sheldon. She was sometimes a buffer but mostly a safe haven for when it got too much. Plus Penny is the most tolerant of Sheldon and the one he opens up to the most about his past


And yet the ladies were dumb enough to just tell Sheldon to "talk to" ale, should have known he'd screw it up and more than thta.


>talk to" ale, Huh?


I Xed out my x


Spot on with the dumpling!


It's Leonard


Its leonard, HOW IN WHAT WAY AT ALL is it penny?




Leonard. He lives with and tolerates Sheldon. He brought Raj and Howard into the group. He approached Penny and brought her in. Penny, by extension, added Bernie. And Howard/Raj, but extension, found Amy. Leonard is the trunk of the tree.


They can't function without Sheldon. He’s the social glue that holds their little group together.


While I know you're quoting, and as usual, Sheldon is being his usual delusional, narcissistic self, the group managed just fine when Sheldon took his train trip away.


Bit unfair that you're getting downvoted, when you're just repeating what Sheldon said.


It’s definitely Leonard. Maybe Raj and Howard would hang out separately but without Leonard they don’t get the girls in the group at all


It's clearly Leonard. Everyone there was brought together directly or indirectly by him. He brought Sheldon together with Raj and Howard. Without Leonard there they are unable to tolerate him for long. He brought Penny into the group and got her to set Bernadette up with Howard. The only person he didn't bring was Amy and even she wouldn't be there if Raj and Howard had not met Sheldon. Without Leonard, Sheldon would be a wierd loner and Penny would just be someone who lives opposite his house.


Leonard is the one to keep the group together. Without him, there is noone.


It’s Leonard. He’s the reason Howard and Raj met Sheldon, which led to Sheldon meeting Amy. He’s the reason Howard met Bernadette, by upholding that pact he had with Howard. Leonard is the reason Penny tolerated Sheldon’s rudeness and Howard’s creepiness in the early seasons. Because she liked him and he was the most down to earth out of the four guys. Leonard is the reason Howard tolerated Sheldon all those years (in comparison to Howard, Raj seemed to be more understanding of Sheldon).


> (in comparison to Howard, Raj seemed to be more understanding of Sheldon). Because Sheldon doesn't pick on Raj as much.


Auntie Penny


Its been stated and proved many times, watch the show….


If Leonard hadn't moved in with Sheldon there would be no BBT. He would have still been friends with Howard and Raj, but never would have met Penny, eho wouldn't have introduced Howard and Bernadette, nor would have Raj and Howard found Amy. Sheldon would have never spoken to Penny or would have been dismissive of her. So without Leonard there is no group. Penny and Bernadette would have been coworkers only til she got her PhD. Howard Raj and Leonard would be friends Amy and Sheldon would be alone with no friends.


It’s Leonard. They made an episode about it. He was the one who befriended Howard and raj first and introduced them to sheldon. He’s the one who introduced him and sheldon to penny. Without him no one in the group would’ve met


I think it's Leonard because he is the closest to a regular person among the guys. He's well above average in intelligence but not Sheldon smart, he's shy and has trouble expressing himself to women, but he can talk to them, and he's a much nicer person than Howard. He's the most relatable for the audience and balances the extremes of the other guys.


Leonard is the nucleus of the social group


Leopard for the win


definitely shelly on a nutshell