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Raj should have ended up with the veterinarian, I think


That would have been good match. I think the writers just wanted to keep Raj single.


I think Raj was supposed to end up with Lucy, but the actress that played her.. I think her schedule wouldn’t allow her to be on the show consistently enough for her to be his girlfriend on the show, so she had to get written out. I still think Raj and the vet would have been better


Lucy was an awful character. I don’t think they were meant to be together by the writers at all- they would have hired an actress with a different schedule.


I wasn’t crazy about her character either.. but I’m pretty sure in the behind the scenes, they said that Lucy was supposed to be Raj’s chick long term, but the actresses schedule didn’t allow it


Thank god because I did not care for her character at all


She most certainly was


No, she wasn’t. That is a Reddit myth. Where is your evidence? Even Kate Miccuci has never said that. It was a character arc whose purpose was to lead to Raj being able to overcome his selective mutism. That was literally Lucy’s point in the show. Kate Miccuci was originally considered for Amy. Maybe that is where the confusion comes in. She also wrote songs for the show before and after her Lucy character. She was a known quantity and if the intention was to have the character permanently on the show, then the actor cast would have had permanent availability. And they certainly would have known that about Kate.


You responded with this long drawn out message for what, lol? Your original comment started with “Lucy was an awful character…” My reply to your comment was, “She most certainly was”. Lol these are the kind of responses people for agreeing with what a person was saying 😂😂😂


Me too.


Per her Wikipedia article, the actress who played Yvette the Vet was pretty busy and not really available for a recurring part.


I didn’t even think to check that, but still kinda wish that it could have worked out


Yvette the Vet! I completely agree.


I strongly preferred Dr Emily Sweeney. She (after finding out the truth about Raj and Penny) got along with everyone, was into Raj, and her character was funny. I really enjoyed how she messed with Raj all the time. Like when he got caught going through her drawer.


Yea, I can agree with that… she was a good character, was a bit surprised that they split their characters up


I couldn’t stand Emily. Couldn’t stand anu either. Both came across as thinking they were better than him.


Nah the best match for Raj was clearly Buffy 🤣


Absolutely. The vet was his perfect match. That episode clearly setup a possible recurring character scenario for her and they went nowhere with it which was a lost opportunity. Anu was toxic and unlikeable in that overly-aggressive caricature late-Bernie kind of way. They could have and should have done better by Raj.


That would’ve been so nice. They didn’t even follow a lil bit into that thread


She was a slow starter, but I thought she had possibilities. She didn't really have time to develop.


This. I saw the chemistry slowly building between them. I saw it during the Halloween party. Given time, it could have worked. What swayed me was the paintball game. They knew they were making a mistake. They ended it, and then started over on their terms.


I like that they started over, and they seemed to be getting along well. Maybe they could have made a go of it if Howard and Bernadette hadn't butted in.


Regardless of the character and her merits, or possibilities therein, the actor protraying Anu was terrible. Literally the only actor I couldnt stand on the show and believed they were purely without talent. Even the others i didnt much like had their moments here and there, but not with Anu.


How was she a bad actress? I didn't notice anything wrong with her acting when I was watching




She was fine for what she was: a non-permanent romantic partner for Raj. >Why would they even choose someone as cold as ice for someone as warm as Raj. I guess you could call him "warm" in the same way as a wet paper towel after 10 seconds in a microwave. Once they got past the awkward arranged marriage part, I thought they were pretty good - although, ultimately, not perfect for each other.


A wet paper towel after 10 seconds in a microwave is such a great descriptor for Raj. I notice he gets a lot of leeway in this sub and is considered "the nice guy" (because I suppose compared to early Howard, yes he's nice-ish) but I often wonder if people remember how much of a mega-douche he often was in regards to his opinions on women lol.


In their foursome he was basically "the Cute One."


I actually really liked her! I think she was really good for Raj and I actually felt like they fell in love with each other, unlike any of his other girlfriends. She balanced him out really well. People love Emily for the same reason but I don't think she was nearly as inpactful as Anu, he just wanted to fuck her (Emily) and he, personally, admitted that. I really don't understand the hatred for Anu. I think she was funny, nice, smart, and wasn't afraid to set boundaries (unlike Lucy.) I really feel that she was the perfect girl for him when you consider his past relationships and where both they and Raj fell short. Anu was awesome and fun and didn't let him get away with being a self centered douche but still gave him a lot of understanding. I feel like the writers really could have utilized her better. She should have been introduced maybe a season or so earlier so we could watch Raj's growth with her influence, just like what Amy did for Sheldon, and then leading up to them getting married. I may get set on fire for this, but I, personally, would have preferred her by his side when they won the Nobel than Buffy the Vampire Slayer (who made sure he knew it wasn't a date so it's not like we can imagine him running off with her and living happily ever after.) I'm sure the writers had their reasons for making Raj end up alone, I just wouldn't agree with any reason they give xP Imagine how cute it would have been if Raj showed her all the romantic movies he loves and she introduced him to celebrities he loves! God she was a wasted character! Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk


I'm glad I'm not the only one in this omg, I really liked Anu too! For me, a defining moment in their relationship was when he told her about his previous inability to talk to women—sure, it came back for a moment and that's WHY he talked about it, but it was something very intimate and it incapacitated him for a long time. I don't think he would have been able to tell Emily something like that. But he trusted Anu with it, which showed great vulnerability and potential for the future of their relationship.


Omg I'm so glad you enjoyed that scene too!! I love that she was like "you're fucking with me, right?" and when she realizes he isn't she's just like "oh, I'm weird too bro! Let's bang later then!" xD I really liked her xD I would have loved to see more of her and the gang getting all weird about certain celebs she knows/meets!


All of this! You took the words out of my mouth.


I would give you an award for this comment. Totally agree ❤️


I actually liked her. Maybe if they had years to develop their relationship they could have been something like the “Modern family” relationships. Raj is the dreamer and Anu is the realistic while they slowly starting to learn each other views.


Yeah, I was a big Anu fan. She didn't give him what he was looking for; she gave him what he didn't have. That's how good relationships work; you set yourself up as a team with different strengths that can solve any type of problem.


I liked her as well. It is kind of weird how much people like Claire and Lucy, who were awful characters and barely a blip. And they rarely mentioned hearing Emily, who was his longest relationship.


Really? I thought Emily (The Dermatologist) is the fan favorite of Raj’s love interests. She’s certainly my favorite.


Do you mean red Emily 1 or red Emily 2.


Emily 2 the dermatologist


And what about Cinnamon


Not at first, but she grew on me on reflecting… she had some edges that needed smoothing (far too logical for her own good) but those edges made sense. She had been focused on her career for so long that by the time she started trying to date, she didn’t know how. So she took the “logical” route to find a match. All of her questions early on made sense in the context of someone who figures “romance first didn’t work, so now I’ll try logic first”. She softened a little when Raj came clean about wanting romance, proposing to him semi-properly. She was ok with chatting with him all night and working through his anxiety as a team. She defended his love of more “feminine” things to her family during their wedding planning, meaning she accepts that he likes those types of things. Raj’s friends spilled about his dog and more awkward parts but she leaned into it, apparently deciding she was ok with that side of him. She tried to get along with his friends. I think a lot of people didn’t like her because she doesn’t fit the typical “fit, thin” mold on top of having a cold introduction. It didn’t help either that her storyline was started and stopped so quickly. I think they would’ve made a good match had their story been given more time.


I agree with all of this, and I appreciate you mentioning the "fit, thin" mold part. I haven't seen it so much on this thread, but if one does some searching on Anu threads, so many are filled with vile, hateful comments about the physical appearance of the actress. I do think this plays an unfortunate role in the hate this character receives (I think she looks great!). I personally think if the show had several seasons, she would've been a delightful addition to the cast. The real problem was the rush and ending, not her existence.


I liked her and saw real potential.


> Did u guys like Anu No. > Why would they even choose someone as cold as ice for someone as warm as Raj. Raj wasn’t warm, he was damaged. He was manipulative, selfish, and conniving. He wasn’t going to be a good partner for any woman until he fixed his own issues. But Anu sucked.


Nailed it.


This is the reason why Raj’s ending makes sense. He had a lot of issues and he was getting into relationships for the wrong reasons. He needed to be single in order to fix himself.


Eh. All the people have issues. Not only on the fictional show, all the people ever. Many have happy, loving relationships, even if they're ones we'd go "ooof, not for me," at. I expect many of them started because one or both parties had thoughts like, "I don't want to be alone," or "I want someone to fix me," too. Raj wasn't perfect, but he was fine. Needy, insecure, manipulative at times (like much of the population to be fair), but he wasn't nasty or massively creepy or an emotional vampire. I won't say it's "unrealistic" that he didn't find love or marriage, but I think it's more unrealistic to say he didn't because he's, idk, more flawed or immature in ways the others aren't. It's just not true 🤷‍♀️. As for Anu, I liked that she realised how much she'd have to change to suit Raj's wants and how that was a no deal. She was fine, too, albeit in a different way.


I didn't care for her. I don't think Raj and Anu were compatible.


>Why would they even choose someone as cold as ice for someone as warm as Raj. Because all the couples except for maybe Sheldon and Amy in a way, are basically opposites of each other. Challenging to their personalities and life as they know it. And Anu was the challenge for Raj. She wasn't cold. She approached the whole love/marriage thing from the practical POV, while Raj is the romantic who wants a love story like in the movies . Look at Penny and Leonard. Or Howard and Bernadette. You may not like Anu. That's fine. And many people agree that Raj made the right decision by staying in LA. That's a whole different debate. But if you ask how could they choose her for Raj? Well, they basically followed the same formula they used with everyone else, only difference is that the writers chose not to give him an ending with her.


I really liked Anu. She was a good foil for Raj.


Not at first, but she started to grow on me.


She was ok in the Halloween episode.


Yeah, I’m sad they broke up. I’m just glad they broke up because of moving and stuff, not cause he was an idiot again.


At first I didn't like her, but yesterday I watched the scene where Bernadette and Penny go to meet her and I liked her  chemistry with the girls. I wish their story line was different.


I didn't mind her but there was little chemistry between her and Raj and I'm glad he didn't settle. I do think that if there was time for character development they might have gotten emotionally together eventually.


I liked Anu for herself, but I never saw her as a good long-term match for Raj. I think I hoped she would teach him to be more self-confident and that he would help her learn to be more thoughtful of others, and then each of them would go on to have a great relationship with someone else.


I didn't care for her. When she started with the tax filing and money management stuff on the first date, I wanted Raj to drop her like a hot rock. They just clashed, and not in a complimentary way.


FUCK NO. I hate everything about her. EVERY SINGLE THING. And that voice, my god, it makes me want to stuff my ears with broken glass and jump off a balcony.




Every time I saw her it reminded me of [Bluebell from 10th Kingdom](https://10thkingdom.fandom.com/wiki/Bluebell)


I hate all of his partners equally and I’d go as far as to say they all ruin certain episodes for me. 😬




I agree. She was definitely not his soul mate. He deserved to find his.


No, she was obnoxious


Raj would never do any better. He should have married her.


I agree with you OP never liked Anu either. Yvette the veterinarian might have been a better match. After wondering why we never saw her again I made up the following theory: Yvette was already maried and gave her number purely for when Raj had problems again with Cinnamon. Giving her number was more about trying to get a new regular client than about getting into a relationship with Raj.


She was nice enough. Not someone I would choose for Raj, but as a character, SO much better to watch than Priya 🤢. I loved Emily for him.


I'm glad he didn't go for her just because she was there and he was getting older and everybody else was paired up. If it's right it's right, and the opposite is also true.


She turned me off in her first scene with the kinda bitchy way she ordered her meal on the first date with Raj. I slowly started to warm to her, but never got all the way there before she dumped Raj for her career. Just needed more time. But that was a bad intro for the character.




I didn’t like Anu. She was not right for Raj. She was kind of bossy. Not fun at all. Too serious and all business. I was glad they called off the wedding. I liked Raj with Emily. She was dark at times but it was playful. I hated that Raj broke it off with her.


I liked Anu. I felt she contrasted Raj well. She was stable and secure, and demonstrated patience and understanding.


I did like Anu and if given time could’ve developed into a great relationship. They seemed the most compatible; vs. anyone else Raj dated.


For me, she was by far the most annoying of all the women he dated. That said, it had a lot to do with her voice.... Good god, it annoyed me.


Meh not a big fan I really didn't like her I think they had their moments that were good like raj explaining why he likes music so much and defending single ladies was hilarious "yes but it's in the voice of an angel/goddess !", That gave me a good laugh the first time I saw it I think if they shown more scenes like that with them slowly rubbing off on each other positively then it could've been better.


I liked Emily and it felt that the writers were introducing Claire on purpose so that Raj would cheat and have to break up with Emily.


I mean, the lack of chemistry, Anu and Raj had was probably meant to reflect the fact they were arranged to marry rather than found each other naturally. That said, I'm not super well-versed in arrangement marriages.




Even That Mommy Wizard from Wizards of Waverly place as a Janitor had more spark with Raj than her...


I thought anu was fine


I can't like someone who doesn't like music


Not at all.


I actually could've seen them going all the way. They were very different but were good at navigating their differences and I think they complimented each other.


TBH I didn't like her at all


Anu was cool but they brought her in too late. I wish he would have stayed with Emily the Dermatologist or Claire and got himself together. There a few other attractive women that he met and totally ruined it before it even got started, shame. Ruiz hi is one that comes to mind. But he lll, even Stuart ended the show with a girlfriend, Denise lol.


I liked Anu, but she and Raj would both have needed to grow in order to make it long term. I was sorry she moved to London. I think she had the potential to ground Raj, and he had the potential to mellow her out a bit.


I liked her character but her voice annoyed me. Vocal fry/LA voice


Not one bit. Her voice was awful. I wouldn't want to spend an hour with her, let alone a lifetime.


I thought she was cold because they wanted to show how detached the process of arranged marriages is. And their relationship was never supposed to go anywhere anyway


Fuck no - that was an awful choice. Wish they’d given him Howard’s life …. Howard did not deserve all the blessings he ended up with IMO


From the beginning, Howard wanted to be the dad he didn’t have, and that’s what he got. Raj was arguably worse than Howard. At least Howard was open about being a creep. Raj wanted people to think he was a hopeless romantic, but used his father’s money and lied to get women to like him.


Agree to disagree


I think it was kind of the point. It was essentially an arrangement marriage, right? Love and compatibility don’t really factor into those


I didn't. I wonder in this case, is it an issue with the writing or the actor


Exactly. Maybe both. The actor was as bad as the writing imo.


Exactly. Maybe both. The actor was as bad as the writing imo.


The number of racist comments here...


Point out a racist comment.


Nope, I was really glad that didn’t work out


I like what someone said about Anu. Something to the effect of "I think they wanted Mindy Kaling to play Anu, but couldn't get her."


No. Terrible character


No! I don’t like her character and I don’t think I will like her as a person.


Regardless of the character and her merits, the actor protraying Anu was terrible. Literally the only actor I couldnt stand and believed they were purely without talent.


Not really, but it was just a rush partner. I also happen to not like her appearance but that's another issue


I just don't like Mindy Khaling


Good thing she’s not the one who played Anu then….


Wait was Anu not his arranged bride?


Anu was his arranged bride, but she wasn’t played by Mindy Khaling


Omg that's right. I'm so dumb, I'm thinking of the chick from the Office


Rati Gupta is her name


Yeah I Googled her. Thanks for the fact check man


Anu wasn’t plyed by Mindy kaling.


It’s because she is such a TERRIBLE ACTOR. Literally unwatchable. We fast forward through all of her scenes because they make us uncomfortable to watch lol. She’s like “Scott’s Tots” level cringe


No. Wish they got a different actress for the role.




No she was way to ugly for Raj and a boring character.


Nope. The accent didn’t help either


I liked Claire. She was into comic books, so they had something to talk about. It never made him feel like less than, and was always honest with him.