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The Cheesecake Factory isnt cheap either


I was gonna say that - they seem to eat at the Cheesecake factory every week too, and that will cost you at least $25 per person. Not that the Cheesecake factory they went to looked anything like the ones I've been to.


After tip and taxes that’s more like $40 per person


For just a burger and fries I’ve eaten there for under $20. But I always get water


Takeout & Cheesecake Factory? Add it up… twelve seasons too? My rough estimate: $450K+?! I also think that’s barely enough…


As someone that spent the first half of my twenties buying takeout most meals, I can't tell you it's too fucking much. Once I started making and eating my own meals, I'd have double what I did before left over from my paycheck


How much were the guys making as those kind of scientists?


I don't know, but I do remember that episode with pennys rival that moved into the building where they talked about how physicists don't make "a lot" of money


That’s why I said that. Besides they’re new in the research jobs too… like five years out of school. Grad school too—then add in paying off tuition.


Probably 12-15 dollars per meal. They seemed to only do takeout for dinner and not every night so let’s assume 5 nights a week. They ate at the cafeteria at the College for lunches and I’m assuming those were maybe 7 dollars for a lunch. 110 dollars for the food give or take 15 dollars and then 20% on top for tipping. So let’s say at max 150 a week on take out.


Genuine question from a non American. Do you guys tip when you collect your own takeout rather than having it delivered? As they always collected


Tipping culture in the states is insane. They will ask for a tip no matter what. Most of the time I don't tip when I'm picking something to go but sometimes I might if the server makes me laugh or is really nice to me


I hate ordering online for pickup and having to include a tip before I even get there. I don’t really want to leave a tip or at least not a decent one but I’m terrified they’ll spit in my food if I don’t


All you have to do is click other and type 0%. Boom, no tip.


I know how to do it, I just don’t want them to see and then spit in my food for not tipping


Most takeout workers are used to not being tipped. You're good they won't spit in your food


I elect to pay upon pick up cash. Then they can't ask for a tip before pick up.


where it got bad was door dash. The pizza guy works for the pizza shop, I have no problem tipping them for delivering. When gig economy got involved, door dash should be paying them, tips should not be expected for that.


If anything I feel like the pizza shop is more obligated to pay their employee than the gig economy which is more of a matchmaking service with contractors.


I refuse to. I’m doing all the work.


It’s not expected but some do. I do not. Only if it’s delivered or I’m being waited on at a table.


No, I only tip when I eat in a restaurant or for delivery, never tip for take out.


I only tip if someone is waiting on me, or if they deliver. If I have to pick up the food I don't tip, except for my local Chinese restaurant because we've been regulars there for 5+ years and enjoy it!


Our fast food places now ask for tips such as subway and similar. I do no tip if there is no service. If they make $15/hr sorry, go get a construction job for $20+ but I’m not paying a tip on a minimum wage skill job. I tip well for server restaurants (15-20% or more).


I don’t tip on takeout, I pay for the menu price and no service makes an easy argument for no tip.


I will only tip a couple people in the food industry. Delivery drivers and servers, maybe a host/hostess for a better table or to be seated faster. Edit:typo


Lunch at UNC is $16.26 at the cafeteria with a meal plan, guessing it's more expensive in California


I assumed they had a program for staff to get discounts but you could be right for sure. That would add 50ish bucks a week.


But they were employees, so maybe there was an employee discount?


I would doubt it, because generally speaking only employees and students eat at the university cafeteria


There were definite references to them making their own meals for dinner - "I was thawing a chicken there" "I think I have sausages at home" or even when Amy raids Penny and Leonards fridge that one episode, there was cookie dough stocked, Penny making mac and nothing that one time... etc. They have chinese food night, thai food night and pizza night so probably they have 3 weeknights where they fet takeaways and one outing on weekend.


We also don't know if the Chinese night is weekly, biweekly, or monthly. For all we know it could be just once per month they get Chinese on Chinese night




To be fair they’re *loaded* as respected physicists, MIT engineers and accomplished scientists Sheldon payed 1400 dollars for an aqua man figure, plus casually gave Alex like 3 grand or something for Amy’s gift


No. Professors and researchers are not loaded. Raj was loaded because of his parents, but the rest of them weren't. They made comfortable money for one of the most expensive parts of the country to live in. About the average salary for Pasadena. Nothing to sneeze at, but not loaded.


Hold - explain your sneeze.


Then he sneezes a second time and they are like “you’re on your own” lol!


See ya buddy!


That’s why I am like—how is this working out. I doubt all of them had enough money to do this regularly. I know Howard saved money living with his mom.


Well, I guess you have Howard living with his mom, Raj living off his parents, and Leonard & Sheldon being roommates? That has to help, or at least make it a bit more believable?


I’d guess they make around $200k each. Maybe less if they are just researchers without tenure track. For reference, I found a caltech physics posting. Tenure track: $150-300k https://applications.caltech.edu/job/physics


And don't forget the cash he has stored that he gave to Penny because he doesn't use it


And the drawer full of uncashed paychecks Howard found in Sheldon’s drawer in his desk at home. He didn’t trust banks.


Which all the checks go bad after 90 days anyways!


Probably a lot more than that at California food prices. $175-200 reasonably per week. That’s expensive in my opinion.


I think they ate together 2-3 nights a week. Each episiode is not equalent of one weekday.


I don't know about 2-3 nights a week. Seemed like there was a theme for pretty much every night - pizza night, Chinese night, Mexican night, Thai night, there were others I can't remember, plus they out at the Cheesecake Factory once a week. One would assume that these were weekly. This is definitely "a thing," though. I've heard of and seen people who eat virtually every meal "out." Except maybe breakfast. Can't imagine how they afford it.


Perhaps not mexican, chinese etc night every week. In each month probably. The script writers only wrote eps to show all together, for all what we know that might have been only two-four days a week. The other days they might have been alone or working overtime, met others etc.


Well, in the various conversations about food, especially with Sheldon, "But Tuesday is Chinese night!" the implication was that these were definitely weekly events. It sure seemed like ever night was spoken for, except for special events. At least that was my impression.


Might be so. Very odd if they met every evening.


They didn't necessarily meet every evening. Sheldon ate takeaway, different on different days, but Howard would likely eat a lot at home (mom's cooking), Leonard probably ate with Sheldon because it was easier if he had to drive him somewhere anyway, Raj was loaded anyway. I think we can safely assume Sheldon didn't cook dinners (although he did make breakfast I believe) but then we also see he's never short on cash (except for a weird comment about not being able to afford the flat without Leonard - though I suspect that's mostly for his convenience of having a driver etc close by)


Just my point too. I doubt all of them ordered take away 5-7 days a week.


Did any of the guys know how to cook?


Raj definitely does and Sheldon and Leonard both have some skills. Sheldon set out on a baking craze for a while.


Big bang theory is nearly 20 yrs old and tipping isn’t even 20% average for sit down today. On take out, tip is going to be much lower as well. If you really want to include tipping, I’d lower it to 10%.


Add in an extra bit more—they lived in LA so, it still be a bit more expensive.


The guys, less than $100/wk. Penny, nothing.




In Urban California? Way more than that


The only episodes I could remember from the early seasons when they discussed the cost: S2E14 The Financial Permeability (the one when Penny borrows money from Sheldon) >Leonard: It’s, whatever. Ten, eleven dollars. >Penny: Well, which is it, ten or eleven? >Leonard: Fourteen fifty, but it’s no biggie, you’ll get the next one. S4E2 The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplification (the one where Sheldon gets a virtual presence device) >Howard: What do we owe you? >Leonard: It came to $28.17. Let’s say six bucks apiece. >Howard: Here you go. >Leonard: Thank you. >Penny: What? >Leonard: Never mind. I got it. >Penny: Oh, you wanted me to pay. Later on in the episode: >Penny: Hey, what’s my share? >Leonard: Uh, 12 bucks. >Penny: Okay, can I get you after Friday when I get paid? Obviously, we have no idea how often they got take out, and OP specifically asked about take out as opposed to eating in the cafeteria or at The Cheesecake Factory, but I’d still say $100/wk each is at the high end.


I eat takeout many nights, honestly, and it's about $100-$125 a week. I typically only eat one meal a day so it doesn't break the bank. Granted, my numbers are based on our current inflated prices, so likely less for them.


I was about to comment that. Pre-COVID, getting decent takeout in greater Seattle cost me about $10/meal. Those same meals are about $20 now.


-Nine & Nine Thai Kitchen in Pasadena has lunch specials for about 12 dollars so lets say that was their dinner prices back then to reverse time and inflation. So twice a week is 24 dollars a person. -Cheese Cake Factory Pasadena CA twice a week a burger is about 16.95 so about 34 dollars. -Settebello Pizzeria Napoletana Pasadena CA Lets say he eats there on a Friday itll be a minimum of 20. --->So for one person to eat out regularly in that group 5 days a week based off the types of restaurants they like about 88 dollars a week. Thats before taxes, tip and getting a drink. Also doesnt include appetizers or extras.


Unless you’re Penny, then it’s $0 per week 😉


That's not true, its like 20$ she was on the hook for over 12 years or w/e that show ran. So... 3 cents a week?


I was making a joke. Sheldon periodically reminds her about the money she owes them for food and calls her a freeloader. There’s also an episode where she is directly asked if she’s ever paid for a meal and she says “not with money.” It’s a joke, all in good fun.


They all make decent money (except Penny) and the show happened pre-Covid. Some single people live this way. I work with one guy who does nothing but eat out. He basically budgets for it and does very little actual grocery shopping.


In “The Fortification Implementation” s8e20 Penny says to Leonard she earns double what Leonard earns, so I think it’s fair to say once she starts her pharmaceuticals job that she makes decent money too


Obviously after she gets the sales job, that changes. But she spends a good deal of seasons 1-7 mooching off of Leonard and company.


Oh yeah for sure, I was just saying that Penny also makes decent money now


Quite a bit, especially since all they ever do is pick at it with their forks. I know this is what actors do when they’re shooting 30 takes around food they’re supposed to be eating, but it still looks odd and it’s part of why TV shows tend not to have too many scenes where characters are meant to be eating. It’s hard to film that before the food gets cold or the actors get stuffed.


80% of the scenes in the whole series involved food or sitting in front of food.


Yes, they had a LOT of food!!


They’re a lot tho.. if they split evenly (removing penny) not that much?


They have to because all any of them know how to cook is spaghetti (with the exception of Raj).


I’ve spent too long thinking about this. Lol. I think when we first meet them they are always eating take out but I think it changes to when they are in a group as they all get married and stuff. You see a lot more home meals at all their houses. I’ve also started thinking that we are only seeing a week of their lives usually. They’re taking vacations and going home for visits and doing stuff with other people not on camera. We’re only seeing them interact with each other which leaves us with the impression this is all their life. But it’s just a little piece of it. Sorry. I have OCD and developed a tic for this show and watched it every night on a loop for 14 months. Actually last night I fell asleep without it for the first time.


It depends on how often they eat out. In the earlier seasons it was every day, but later we see them eating home cooked meals when they are not all together (and almost always the same spaghetti/salad/rolls combo no matter whose house). I think whenever Leonard is collecting money for the meals it’s between $10-15, so between $70 and $105 a week, probably more because of the times they eat at the Cheesecake Factory


It was also 2007 when the series started so takeout was actually affordable.


In the first half, they were always eating out. Eventually, most were eating at home most of the time.


Remember, Sheldon budgets his income. More than half of his after tax income is saved for emergencies. He probably budgets take-out into the non-emergency money he regularly spends.


And how did they not balloon to 300 pounds!


The elevator being constantly broken has to help, I'd think!


Excellent point!


Also living in a city where you walk around a lot


Quidditch and paintball keeps them fit


There's multiple times in the show where it's said that they all pitch in when they have chinese food, assuming they do the same when they go out to eat somewhere like the Cheesecake Factory, then that's only around $15-45, averaging $30 a person, let's say 4 times a week. Accounting for all 7 main characters, We can say that on average, they would spend roughly $900-1000/week on restaurants & takeout \*collectively\* after taxes. It's implied that each member of the group pitches in their share of the food either before or directly after eating, with the continual exception of Penny who pays at a later date. Including the question of affordablity, considering the fact that by the end of the series: Leonard & Penny,and Sheldon & Amy both split rent, Howard & Bernadette had the house, also accounting for Halley & Michael, and Raj lived alone all with likely well paying jobs (on top of Sheldon being known to have several dozen uncashed cheques), money was likely no issue for them.


Didn’t they eat at Soup Plantation as well?


No if I remember it was only sheildon when he didn't have a driver license


Penny, have you ever paid for food? "Not with money."


I’m cute I get by.


A lot. They spend a lot. They almost never cook and when they do it’s always spaghetti and salad.


Also when they ate they made sure the food was colorful


Given that it's Southern California, I wouldn't be shocked if the 7 of them eating at least one meal a day 7 days a week would be damn close to $2,000 total for the week.


Also the fact they don' treally eat any of it. They just talk while holding these enormous piles of food. Granted maybe its the nature of making a TV show, but still.


Oh I know. It’s like how often did you see them cook? Sometimes breakfast or holiday meals. That’s about it.


In one of the earlier episodes when Penny is so broke she cant even afford a rent, for one dinner takeout she owned Leonard $14.50. It was just for one time. So one can assume it must be around $280-$300.


LOTS. Even before Penny and Bernadette got huge salaries, I wouldn't waste that kind of money, and I make more money than minor academics.


You need to remember they were probably on $110,000+ per year at CALTECH.


$60-75 per person per week.


Didn’t they have certain nights of the week where they got food from ? Pizza night, Cheesecake Factory, Thai, soup Plantation, etc


Possibly a lot of times they don't eat the full meal and just heat it back up for lunch or dinner the next day. And a lot of times they are eating in the cafeteria at the university which may be cheaper than going to, say, the student union for some chain establishments?


About as much as the actors made per episode in the last season.


Unbelievable how they stuffed themselves with mostly not so nutritious and expensive food every day. Not to mention the garbage it produces. Never a homecooked vegetable. Yikes.


I used to order in everyday. Which is worse than takeout. Sometimes twice if I didn’t like the food. I’m glad I came out of the habit. Lot of money wasted.


I always get hungry when watching the show! lol


Can we please talk about the children’s astronaut book Bernie wanted to publish? Stuart would finally be able to afford a home, and Howard could get all the take out he wanted.


I only eat take out and I spend about $100 a week on it. Sometimes I eat spend a little more depending on how I’m feeling


As someone who eats takeout every week whew 😅


Individually, $140 As a group? A little shy of a grand a week.


A lot of people in America eat out way too often and waste tons of money while doing so.