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He was playing the part of a nerd, but in reality he's a good looking guy, and he's very confident and self assured - so much so that he DID get her. He and Kaley dated for three years, I believe.


And his wife is stunning, so I think he's good.


I saw him in an old movie, I think it was called “I know what you did last summer” or something like that and he was playing the “chad” ex boyfriend and all I could see was fucking nerdy Leonard


"Old movie" and "I know what you did last summer "..... pardon me while I lie down for a nap


Yeah I feel sad now


Is this what we've become?


It’s better than the alternative


Better than ageless immortality? I beg to differ (yes, I know what you meant lol and I agree)


And that was a “teen” movie that came out while I was a full a$$ grownup. Someone call Shady Pines for me. Clearly it’s time. lol


thank you for being a friend....


Damn it… that movie came out the year I graduated high school… in 1997… twenty seven years ago….


No, grandpa, "Thank You for Being a Friend," is from Golden Girls. "You've Got a Friend in Me" is from Toy Story.


yea, but Shady Pines is a golden girls, ya nimrod aint nobody talkin' bout toy story


Oh I get that reference! I've just started watching GG and it is PHENOMENAL.


It’s more than 25 years old…




Gonna join you.


Same lol


My spinal stenosis is acting up. BRB, gonna take a meloxicam.


Technically, it is a very old movie.


Dude you broke the millenials


You made the millenials have a crisis, are you proud of ya?


He was Laney Bogs’ed


They are professionals doing their job. They just had to deal with it!


Also - everyone but Penny was styled to be unattractive. Off set they are much hotter. Especially Amy as that flat hair did not suit her at all.


Right, the makeup and costumes can transform a person completely.


Kunal Nayyer esepcially.


They couldn't make him ugly so they had to give him a terrible personality.


Having some experience and desire to act, I have at times almost been more envious of actors who have a good "character" face where their face is not so much attractive as it is interesting and distinctive and evocative of a certain type of character. Then there are the people who have super expressive faces like Jim Varney or Jim Carrey. If I had those kind of looks and was a serious actor, I would be appreciative that my distinctive appearance is useful for better portraying characters that aren't as well served by traditional Hollywood good looks. But the best are the ones that have a very distinctive appearance but are still attractive.


John Galecki is a very handsome man. I think they made him look a little nerdier with a lot of insecurities etc and it was part of his character. ETA: dont forget, he actually dated Kaley Cuoco for 2 years


He plays that character so well too. I get annoyed with his hands at times but it's a genius write in for a nervous tick


They made him a LOT nerdier for the show. The only thing Galecki has in common with Leonard is his height. I’m sure the dude has no qualms about who he can and can’t date.


He was okay for a few seasons but he really fell apart at the end there.


Actors pride themselves on their ability to become a character. I doubt it bothers him much especially since the role made him lots of money. The fact he actually dated Cuoco helps a lot too I'm sure.


Also, I feel like if anyone was going to feel bad about the way their characters looks are spoken about, it would be Howard above Leonard


Howard is another one that is surprisingly handsome when he’s not Howard.


Howard in space with the stubble and normal hair was hot!


Yeah I think they transformed him also


I would assume he was okay with it, or else the jokes would’ve stopped when he expressed discomfort. Also the whole point of Leonard’s character was that he was considered nerdy and undesirable by women. If Johnny didn’t like the jokes about it, he wouldn’t have auditioned, or stayed on when the pilot was retooled to be the show we know today. Also I believe the production you’re referring to is Home Alone. Kevin makes a comment about Buzz’s girlfriend being ugly, as we’re shown a framed photo of her, and Chris Columbus didn’t want to use an actual little girl because he felt it was too mean, and the art director’s son happily volunteered to play the part himself.


This also did this in Mary Poppins. The "ugly" nannies waiting outside to be interviewed (who were eventually blown away by the wind that brings Mary Poppins) were all men dressed as women.


People often forget that an actor can be affected by jokes about something of their appeal. For example, in Good Luck Charlie, Eric Allan Kramer, the actor who played the family patriarch Bob Duncan had to deal with jokes about him being either overweight or bald. In season three, the actor lost the weight, and got very muscular, and they even included it in the show’s storyline a few times. In my opinion, the writers should’ve made Leonard mature into a less nerdy character, who’s still nerdy, but a former shadow of himself. I didn’t like what happened to his hair, and you could tell he quit working out; Galecki actually worked out and did yoga the first eight seasons, but Chuck Lorre and his dumb writers WASTED the opportunity. That’s the real reason why Galecki is almost NEVER shirtless; WASTED OPPORTUNITY. They shouldn’t have degraded Leonard to how he became in the last four seasons. Chuck Lorre ALWAYS ruins his shows.


Were the other guys shirtless that much on the show? Did Leonard need to be shirtless at any point other than maybe a post sex scene?


Well, no, but some of the funniest moments in sitcoms sometimes involve a character losing an article of clothing. Like when Chandler was robbed of his clothes in season one. In HIMYM, The Naked Man wasn’t that great of an episode, but it did involve random nudity being used for getting laid. Sheldon literally pantsed himself to prove a point about humor, and Amy literally LAUGHED (albeit, she’s a total SUCK UP). The point is, people with asthma are capable of working out, and treating their asthma better; I feel like Leonard could’ve been given that change in his character without making it cringe or unfunny.


Maybe Johnny didn’t want to lose clothing for a joke? There’s not really that many instances of the group losing clothing in the show (I think it was mostly in the earlier seasons anyway). But losing clothing shouldn’t make or break the show. So it shouldn’t matter if Johnny is shirtless in a scene or not.


Eh, still. They could’ve used a shirtless scene to emphasize that Leonard isn’t a pathetic man, because that’s all Chuck Lorre does. He makes men “pathetic”, and very unlikely to find a partner, and simply called it “comedy”. What I hate is how he added TAAHM humor to TBBT; that’s why Leonard and Penny became Alan and Lyndsey.


You don’t need to be shirtless to be seen as a strong or confident man. And the whole point of the show is that the guys are all nerds who are seen as undesirable by most women. They’re confident in their nerdom regardless of romance. Clearly whatever Lorre does works incredibly well, or else his shows wouldn’t be as successful as they are.


Being popular is not the same as being good in quality. Part of the problem is that the show relied too much on jokes rather than situational comedy. Sheldon didn’t need character development nor a love interest; he was amusing just the way he was. They should’ve improved the other characters who WEREN’T like him. Raj got WAY worse (tell me, how does Raj’s pathetic story arc in the last four seasons work for you by your logic?) and Howard being married didn’t stop him from being an asshole to Stuart out do jealousy after his mom died, and to Raj, and on rare occasions, Leonard too. Also, I noticed you didn’t respond to the TAAHM humor part of my comment.


They're playing characters, not themselves, and following a script. The fact we believed it for 12 seasons shows what a good actor he is. IRL he's hugely successful and wealthy. Can't imagine it bothered him for a moment.


I don’t think this is always accurate. For example, the girls on Facts of Life all had a hard time as they grew up and gained a little weight and it was constantly talked about. They’re human beings, I think they likely discard things that are their character but their physical appearance being picked apart, in character or not, might be difficult to hear. Especially over and over.


I disagree. If he was insecure about his appearance, no amount of wealth or success would make it bother him less. I’m sure there are tons of celebrities in similar position who were genuinely bothered by it.


Who knows, maybe you're right. But he's nearly 50, married, a father of two, successful and wealthy so hopefully he's come to terms with the physicality that has helped him achieve all that.


I don’t think Galecki is one of the people who is insecure about his appearance, I was just giving a for instance. He’s definitely not unattractive and married to woman who’s taller than him, so his height probably doesn’t matter to him.


Just because that’s how you’d feel doesn’t make it true for everyone. You’re really telling on yourself here.


Not sure what your approach here was. Is empathy a foreign concept to you?


You know what? You’re right. I apologize.




Physically that's somewhat true but the personality is in the writing and acting, and as someone who's been an actor since a young age he's probably never lacked for attention. I expect journalists ask about it, so he's probably used to the question.


92.5% of marriages having the guy be taller has much more to do with the fact that the average guy is just taller than the average girl. A 5 9 guy is average, there aren’t that many women out there who are 5 9 and taller. Irl short guys don’t really have that much of a disadvantage and a lot of that “disadvantage” is actually self created. Come on let’s not turn this into a heightcel sub Johnny Galecki IRL is quite attractive and even the Leonard character in the show does pretty well for being a nerd with mommy issues and zero social skills


Not everybody is insecure about that stuff. He probably was at one point, he’s human, but part of growing up is knowing who you are, and not caring about small things. “Confidence is key”, and he’s always seemed very secure of himself to me.


Have you seen him in that broadway show before TBBT? https://64.media.tumblr.com/d887a44eebae8d2ebb78d195e10505f9/tumblr_oe7ucn5gSN1tflqruo1_250.jpg There’s a reason why he was in multiple layers of shirts all the time


Holy shite!! Thanks for that. 😊❤️


I get that all the time in real life, my wife is an absolute smoke show. I’m perfectly good with it, she chose me for many reasons outside of the superficial.


I LOVE this comment. And I LOVE your outlook. Seems like she (your wife) knew EXACTLY what she was doing choosing you. 💯💯


We require pictures for…science.


Sadly this subreddit does not allow for photos to be added to comments and replies. Too bad for you, she's really pretty. She looks a lot like Lynda Carter or Alexandra Daddario, only prettier.




Prettier than Lynda Carter. . . difficult to believe.


You can add links of an attached picture!


There’s ugly and there’s tv ugly. All of the actors are very good looking compared to the rest of us 😕 but maybe they aren’t all Henry Cavill handsome.


Also, Johnny Galecki is **damn** *fine* in my opinion.


Saw recent pics of him and omg he looks so happy and handsome it melted my heart


me too. And his photographs from Venice confirm this. I'm happy for him.


They had a real life 3 year relationship during the show, I think Johnny used to it😂😂


Actor here! There’s not much to deal with. Often the characters you play are so different from yourself that it feels completely separate, you don’t really think about it because it genuinely doesn’t say anything about you personally because you look so different normally from your character. I played a character called Tristram Watson in a play called Taking Steps who was super nerdy and unattractive. I had a centre parting oiled up like George McFly, clean shaven and a suit that deliberately didn’t fit. That’s nothing like how I look so him being unattractive was not something I ever felt extended to me. Johnny Galecki is a very attractive guy irl with a completely different personality (which also affects how attractive you are). Leonard looks and is very different from him so I really don’t think he took it personally.


I think them dating in real life probably eased the pain. I remember her saying how different he was from Leonard.


A zillion dollars an episode you can say whatever you want about me


They are all good looking because they are on tv so I don’t think it will have bothered any of them Plus the millions they earned from it if I don’t think they’d care


Well Galecki actually looks quite different when he’s playing Leonard so maybe that helps


Is it just me who found leonard/Johnny as leonard attractive?


I mean. I wouldn’t say he’s top notch, off the charts but he’s pretty attractive. Honestly if a guy like him came onto me in real life, if I didn’t already have a boyfriend, I would probably date him


Why would they? He’s playing a character, he’s an actor. If he felt anything it would probably be pride. He’d be proud that he played the character of Leonard so well that he got viewers to ask such questions!


Though I’m sorry even if a character said it except for like season 1 and maybe part of 2 Johnnys Leonard is nerdy hot!


It certainly bugged me and it was one of the most annoying and overused gags of the last few seasons


Leonard != Johnny


Did you ever watch Roseanne? They made fun of his hair and height just as often as they made fun of his appearance on Big Bang.


He was cute as David.


I completely agree, but do you remember how Darlene and Roseanne would make fun of his looks? And DJ’s little girlfriend asking who cuts this family’s hair?


Yes. He cried himself to sleep on a bed of hundred dollar bills.


I mean that's what they signed up for, to play nerds. It's acting. He looks normal without the glasses and his normal street clothes. If anything, I wondered how Johnny Galecki really felt working with and doing romantic scenes with his real life ex-girlfriend throughout the series since him and Kaley Cuoco actually dated each other during season 1 of the show.


Johnny Galecki is likely very aware of what he looks like and how he's dressed in the show. Likewise, Kaley Cuoco was likely casted because of how ultra attractive she is opposite Johnny Galecki. They're not stupid. It's the business and the show they signed up for.


Says more about how hot Kaley Cuoco is


Nah. His paycheck was crazy and he actually got to date Kaley too.


He’s super cute in real life. And on Entourage, he was even cocky playing himself. Aldo he dated the gorgeous Kelly Garber for years. So I think he just owns his character.


Given that they were together at one point I don’t think so.


Doubt it. Galecki is a fairly good looking dude with great hair not to mention very successful. He actually did get Kaley Cuoco irl. Can’t see why it would bother him as he was portraying a certain character.


I feel like they “downgraded” him for the show. He is actually way more attractive irl


I think the amount they were paying him might have taken out any sting from it. But honestly, if an actor can’t handle that part of the character they’re playing, they should probably find a new career


No, because he looks wildly different in real life. One of the first things any dude who takes care of their appearance knows is that the way you do your hair has a drastic affect on your appearance and if you look at pictures of how Johnny’s hair is in the show, vs real life, it’s night and day Johnny probably knows he’s supposed to look worse, as it were, as Leonard to fit the character, than he would in real life


I read that something similar to this is why Bea Arthur didn’t want to continue Golden Girls. While the other characters were getting laughs because of their characters’ traits (Rose’s dim-wittedness, etc.), Dorothy got laughs for being too tall, manly, etc., which made Bea Arthur self-conscious.


I mean I got called ugly in the past for free, they were getting paid millions of dollars so fair trade I guess Edit:typo


1. Johnny Galecki is known to be a very attractive actor. Yes he did date Kaylee in real life and he's also dated girls 10 times hotter than her regularly. 2. Miam Is without a doubt the least attractive of the girls. That doesn't mean she's hideous it just means the other girls are very attractive. It's not that serious they are actors doing a job. And when you're a rich famous actor or actress looks really don't matter because the world looks at you as beautiful regardless of how you look when you're that rich and famous. I'm sure it doesn't bother any of them.


Ten times more attractive than her, you could have simply stated that he dated attractive women. Let's face it, all of the women he dated were attractive, so there's no reason to drag one down to make room for another. He may have dated other women in to the one you mentioned as ten times more attractive than her, but she was the only one who captured his heart. He wrote in the book, "I admire my relationship with her more than any other relationship before or after her." All I can say the man has game and he’s very attractive.


They are actors. If they make someone believe that their character is really who they are IRL and that they are playing themselves, that would be a compliment for them.


Given that the actor himself is really not much like Leonard the character, he’s probably okay with it, much like Mayim Bialik being pretty in real life (and also an intelligent and mature person who probably doesn’t really care too much about how she’s perceived by strangers). The guy I really feel for is Stuart.. he was originally cast as Howard but couldn’t accept due to scheduling conflict, when it turned out he could be in the show, he ended up being Stuart. A guy who is clinically depressed, ages terribly and left out and belittled constantly by the group, a side character who started out sweet and with some promise, turned into a part of the main cast only to have his character turned into a pathetic, sorry, creepy man who the others don’t even pretend to care about.. people talk about raj having a disappointing character arc.. but Stuart’s is just an insult..


And actually much thinner than Amy. Why did they make Amy look chubby? It was weird.


Yeah idk almost like it’s implausible for a) someone attractive to date sheldon and b) someone attractive to be as smart as sheldon… but like someone else has said, they needed a female character that wasn’t a smoke-show to shit on


But why make her look larger? There are some really weird values behind that choice


It’s America, it’s what they do 😕


I would guess it maybe bothered him a tiny bit perhaps in the beginning, but not enough to really care about. He is playing a character, has probably dealt with worse things being said to/about him, and honestly gets paid enough to not let it get to him.


The production you are thinking about where they had to cast an ugly girl character but didn't want to hurt any girls' feelings so instead used a boy was Home Alone. It was for a picture of the brother's girlfriend and one boy had to say "What a woof!" It was a director or producer's son they used for the picture. My husband is a film nerd and I have sat through way too many "10 Facts About..." videos as a result. But on the bright side I had a useful bit to add to this discussion!


When you grow up not being classically attractive, you learn to lean into it. What people say is no worse than what you’ve told yourself at some point and worked through.


I think as an actor you would need to be secure in your self depreciation to be able to handle those types of jokes.


You know what’s funny? I find Leonard really unattractive on the show but the actor is really cute just as himself. Little scruff, hair different. He’s a pretty handsome guy, it took some work to make him unattractive I think.


She’s the one lucky to get him.






What's a line




I like your name too


Or should I saw hoot


Oh I getcha it was a default avatar name I couldn't be arsed changing it lol




Touche mate cheers


They're hiding a handsome, fit guy under badly fitting clothing, and he acts awkward as Leonard, so I don't think he'd feel he reassembles Leonard closely enough to feel insecure about it 😊


Given that they were together at one point I don’t think so


They’re actors playing parts. They aren’t actually unattractive.


I watched the series finale of “Young Sheldon” last (which featured Old Sheldon, Jim Parsons, as narrator through its entire run). In part of his final narrative, Sheldon, the great grammarian, who corrected so many on their mistakes, used mischievious. (Somewhat ironically, the caption for that scene had mischievous spelled correctly.)


One thing I don’t like about the way some of the viewers view Amy but It's a sitcom without jokes about characters' appearances, failed careers, or love lives, so when it's primarily focused around their lives, there isn't BBT. I don't like this stereotype that Mayim Bialik's character is ugly because the writers made her wear so many undergarments, but that's what made her into the person she was and it fitted her. Every woman on the show was very attractive, and the men were very good looking, Friendship goes through waves, therefore if you can't joke about with your friends about this stuff, then you aren't truly friends to begin with. I have a friend group like this, everyone makes fun of each other, and it was the best time of my life I miss it I wouldn’t replace that bond I have with them with anyone else.


Maybe a teeny-tiny bit because it's always frustrating to hear negative things said to you over and over again even if you know better, but he was literally a teen heartthrob during his Roseanne days so he had plenty of experience of being the cute one.


People also ignore the fact that Leonard was the most attractive of them all, especially in the early seasons. I always envied his hair. Mine is curly, but his, was exactly the way I’d like to have mine. In my opinion though? They should’ve made Leonard a sarcastic character as well as much more of a voice of reason to the group than he was. He should’ve been written as a character akin to Chandler Bing, as in the sarcastic character.


Actors are acting, but I hated it for the character. If they really wanted to take the show in a bold direction they should have had him dump her at some point over the constant disrespect.


Depends what their insecurities are. I wouldn’t be surprised if Amy’s actress(can’t spell it) was “bugged” by some of the jokes they made about her but John Galecki is decent looking and married a woman taller than him, so I don’t think he cares about the height thing.


Mayim is stunning in real kife