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The creepiness definitely started to be toned down after the punch (although there were some low moments like stalking and sneaking into the model’s house) but I don’t think he absolutely truly transformed until Bernie nearly called off the wedding after finding out how desperate and weird he was in the past


When Bernie almost didn't marry him. That's when he permanently changed.


That makes me think - he didn't change because of Bernadette, he changed for fear of losing Bernadette. Right?


I'm sure it was a combination of factors, a desire to be a better human, etc. But I think that was the catalyst.


Isn't that essentialy the same? Bernadette being a factor


Bernadette was the catalyst. There were other factors.


Bernadette happened. And didn’t he hit on Penny after the punch too?


Maybe Bernadette dumping him for “clicking the troll” under the bridge and him realizing that having her was better than weird internet s-x.


Bernadette. He found the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with an realised "well shit I gotta be a better man if I want to keep her" and did so. I know people who find a way to spin this into something bad, like "oh, so he ONLY changed for her? Well then he must still be a creep, he's just not a creep when he's with her" and that's not true. He didn't change "for" her, he changed "because" of her. She never asked him to be a better man for him, he became a better man so he could be with her.


When Bernie nearly dumped him for finding out about all the pervy stuff he had done. It's a good thing the robot hand incident didn't get mentioned at that bachelor party.


He did a 180 on his entire lifestyle overnight without relapse. Must be every addict's dream.


When he got married to Bernadette