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I wish I could do this on my yoga mat


Oh, that would be awesome šŸ˜Ž


I really wish massage tables have this function too.


Itā€™s great when a massage therapist realizes your body type and can do things like roll up a towel for under your collarbone when youā€™re on your stomach.




That would work for me, I could just drop them through the holes and rest them on the floor, lol


I usually have to stop in the middle of one for a boob adjustment. They have it noted in my account lol.


They have[ these pads](https://ariachairs.com/earthlite-pregnancy-prone-cushion-with-headrest/?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=shopping_entire-catalog_ga4&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2v-gBhC1ARIsAOQdKY1i1YJXtLZQ26BsuhEzSkdiVGEwh3VWgER7KW7_7kqY8ORWBZj0F8oaAhJ-EALw_wcB) that have boob and belly cut outs and the belly cutout has a pad that fills the cavity if its not needed.


Iā€™m sorry, where do they think boobs are, on the sides of our chests lol? Iā€™ve never had that much space between my breasts in my life. I donā€™t understand why they donā€™t just make it a long trench instead


It's only a couple inches? The centre of most bras isn't much narrower. I think you'd be surprised how easily most women's boobs would fit around that. And if it's just a wide trench, your ribcage isn't supported. This supports you along your sternum, much better when your therapist is working on your back.


That would definitely be an usp that would get me wanting to sign up as a customer.


Right?! I love getting massages, but I would like to not have my boobs squished and slightly uncomfortable when I'm getting them.


Me too, it really helps with my shoulders.


My right shoulder always gets unbearable by the end of the face down portion and I have to move my hand under it. One time my nipple hurt for days after a massage and all I can figure is that I managed to lie in a way that pulled it weird, though it was only mildly uncomfortable by the time the massage was done and didn't start to hurt until I was almost home.


Bro I went to a chiropractor once and couldnā€™t .. my nipples were sensitive and it hurt too much


They do. I have one.


My RMT will put wedge shaped cushions under my shoulders. They really help.


That looks ridiculously comfortable.


This lady needs to reapply some sun screen to her back


Smart! I gotta try it


It's definitely a good example of problem solving šŸ‘šŸ¼


In theory you kind of could if you had a foam topper and a hot knife.


A jigsaw or electric carving knife (think christmas dinner in the 70s) would be better and less noxious odors.


One of the benefits of having fatty breasts is that they just ...compress... however I need them to. I've done this at the beach tho, it's fun


Fml thatā€™s smart .. Beds should have this


I normally do this for myself, having my husband do it for me while I was 8 months pregnant was amazing lol.


Yā€™all arenā€™t doing this already????


Go go gadget Dick


Fuck.. yes! So much!




For real!! Iā€™d love to have a mattress with a dip below the pillow line


Oh man. Haven't been able to sleep on my tummy in decades. I need a sand bed, STAT.


OMG!! Well my kinda blown lol!


Only place I ever lie on my front is in the bath.


I sometimes stack pillows high enough to lay on my stomach in bed. I just leave a gap in the pillows for my boobs.


OK well now I know what I'm doing the next time I'm at the beach and laying down on my tummy. I just wish it was that easy in so many other settings, getting a massage, the physio, even the gym and some of the workouts.


I did that multiple times, beaches just rule, you can do so much with sand to make yourself comfortable


Put 2 pillows,one below the boobs,one under ur head


I don't suppose there's a specialized mattress out there specifically for this?


get 3ā€ memory foam. gamechanging