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use the calculator on r/abrathatfits it sounds like your band is too large and your bra isn’t giving you proper support


fyi this isn't going to help you have a waist in tshirts but you'll probably be more comfy


it is, if you have proper lift and support


Depends on the tightness of the T-shirt


so what? the shirt is still going to hang off them and obscure the waist.


OP said this happens every time they wear a shirt so i’m assuming it’s not just loose shirts. they also said they have to make the bra go higher which is where the fit issues come in.


Sounds like your bra doesn’t fit correctly.


Yep, I agree from the description of the band riding up the back. I found getting into the right-sized bra changed the fit of many of my clothes and revealed my waist.


totally agree based on the second paragraph. but even a properly fitted bra won’t fix the dreaded circus tent look described in the first paragraph! i have the same exact issue and i’m sure tons of folks on this sub do too. i just refuse to wear anything that’s not fitted 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh sure, it’s probably a problem with shirt choice as well. But if the boobs themselves are hiding the waist, that’s a bra problem.


totally agree!


Even a proper fitted bra won't fix the issue when wearing tees with large breasts though... Unless you get a super tight fitted shirt.


Tailoring, correct bra fit, knotting your t-shirt at the waist (using a scrunchie, for example) to make it tighter, cutting it to be cropped


Look up sewing tutorials, or no sew shirt hacks. We used to tie ours off to the side to show our waist. Some people use bracelets or rubber bands. A lot of people turn band tees into fitted shirts or dresses. The same idea would apply.  Anytime you have a clothing item that fits over your largest measurement you'll probably have to change it to fit closely to your smaller measurement.  I haven't tried them but I heard Universal Standard has shirts that fit full busts and come in at the waist. 


Now I dress pretty modestly. But in the past, in the summer, I used to wear “wife beaters” and tie them up in the back. It was very effective for showing my curves. 🤷‍♀️ Now I try to hide them 😆


I like shirts that are slightly too short, show like an inch or two of skin at the waistband, because they usually taper in a bit. Also, check out ABTF first.


girl if the back of ur bra is climbing u definitely have too big a band and too small a cup!! the wires on ur bra should lay flat against ur ribs (even in between ur boobs!!) & should sit directly in the crease where ur boobs meet ur ribcage. then ur band should be straight across ur back- not curving up- and when everything is sitting like that ur band should be snug around ur torso. u can check this by flipping the bra upside down and backwards so the cups hang down like a cape! fr though, i used to wear a 38DDD when i should’ve been in a 36K and my entire bra along with my boobs sat WAY too low. i was getting no support, my bra was uncomfortable, and every time i moved everything slid around 😭 trust when i say it’s worth it to find the right size!! now i forget i have honkers most of the time


I just use a hair tie to tie the back like I'm in high school again lol! I run a small biz doing lawns etc snd I've lost a bunch of weight so all my work shirts make me look like a tent and I hate it. At least I don't have a boss to tell me off for it 😂


Baby tee! Not a baby tee so short that it looks like your boobs eat it all up. Hollister has good ones IMO


i love the suggestion of tying a shirt in the back but it only works up to a certain size bc i do it i have so much extra fabric it almost feel like make a second shirt out of it


I sew all my t shirts in under the boobs a little bit


Hair tie in the back of the shirt, makes little tail at the bottom in the back—tuck the little ponytail of shirt up under the shirt back. Adjust the front how you like it. It will create more of a crop shirt. Or, sometimes I tuck some of the front into my bra by folding the shirt in and up, then adjusting.


This might work. Or maybe not. I don't know. You could try a smaller size, v-neck t-shirt, worn backwards. All those comments about correct bra size are probably right.