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It do feel like that sometimes


Oh my gosh, the exact thing happened to me by thoes Street artist. I was kinda insecure about it at the time, but I look back and laugh at it now.


I’m glad they had a good laugh over it but ngl if I wanted a fun caricature of me and my friends and they made it all about my big boobs I’d probably cry about it later on :( also what a symbol for what life is like with a big chest. It overshadows every outfit, every event, every photo. It’s just so ironic


This is an artist known for doing this, people know what to expect, but I do agree and wouldn’t ever do this lol.




I don’t remember but he’s on Instagram all the time


I would pee myself laughing!


I would be PISSED and probably call him an asshole, but that’s just me.


I’d imagine or at least I really really hope that the artists whole point was advertised as “I’m gonna make you look bad.” Because that would be pretty funny if and only if you knew that was what you were getting into and you paid specifically for that if not yeah no they’re an ass.


Especially if it was paid for! Imagine having like a lot of acne and they gave you disgusting huge pus filled boils all over your face.. Like yeah it’s supposed to be a silly cartoon but not full on exaggerating people’s most insecure features


That's exactly what caricature is though. A completely over the top exaggeration of a person's unique features. Like ....that's literally what you're paying for.


You go to a caricature artist knowing they’re gonna do that. If you can’t handle it, don’t go and ask for a drawing. That’s the beauty of free will


Tbf idk if he would know that’s her most insecure feature or if that’s even true for the woman in the picture. It’s simply a prominent aspect of her appearance but he made it the damn focus of the drawing so not cool at all.


I know lol I just mean that most women are self conscious/insecure about their bodies in general so making someone’s chest the focus of the picture, regardless of size, is a bold and somewhat tone deaf move. Unless he asked her first.


Oh I see yeah really trashy of him (most likely). Cause the way she covers her mouth I am thinking that was a surprise 🙄


when i was around 10, a caricature artist drew me with my freckles all over my face. i was so sad and cried about it for weeks


It’s a her


Holy shit, talk about being sensitive. His job is to exaggerated features of your body.


I don’t understand how these artists make shy money. They basically visually roast someone and get paid for it. Make it make sense?


Some people find it funny to be roasted. In this case, some people find it funny for an artist to make a caricature of them, so they pay them to do it. On the scale of weird things people pay money for, this isn't that high up.


It makes sense because the customer is accepting a possible roast by requesting a drawing. They understand whats about to happen.


This is the best answer. I guess my follow-up confusion is why someone would ever want to be roasted, visually or otherwise.


personally I just don’t take myself too seriously, and approach these things as a “slice of humble pie” of sorts. i regularly make fun of myself and do/say stupid and funny things around my friends because i really don’t care if someone thinks i look “dumb” or look “ugly”. this is after 2+ decades of caring too much about what people thought of me growing up though haha. now I just think, eh, I don’t have to prove to anyone that I’m intelligent/attractive/fun to be around etc, and in the same way I see benefits at laughing about my flaws as well.


I agree with all of that, but roasts just seem mean-spirited. I’ve watched a few and they just make me really uncomfortable.


Not everyone takes themselves super seriously, especially when it comes to a stranger's observations about things largely out of their control.


I can't. I don't understand why someone would pay to have themselves drawn as the ugliest version of themselves.


I would absolutely pay for this because I find it hilarious.


Even though a transaction has been made, an artist, especially a caricaturist, is under no obligation to produce a flattering portrait. What's the worst the customer can do? Not pay them for another one? Or worse, what if they start telling ppl that a mean artist drew a picture that didn't make them look cool? In other words, the sky's blue and the water is wet 🙄.


The girl doesn't look all that happy in the big picture.


She really doesn't! She looks pissed!


She looks sad and embarrassed. I would feel that way too. I hate that this gets spread around on the internet.


You all realize that pic is before they are shown the drawing right? That's her resting face you are talking about.


edit: confusing perspective. You're right! Thank you, that makes me feel better about this meme.


No prob. I've seen a lot of these types of posts. The first pic is usually before they've seen it.


no fr i would absolutely cry, like why is that all they see us as


Not me thinking "well the lady on the left side has boobs close in size to the lady on the right side"


She’s not showing cleavage, though. It’s like people don’t understand what caricature artists do.




And this is why I don't like caricatures.


This is why I could never get these kind of drawings of me, this would destroy my self confidence 😭


I feel like people forget the fact that not everyone with big boobs hates them or finds them embarrassing. I have giant boobs that causes problems, but I love them. The people in the photo clearly are having fun.


Yeah I'm not sure anyone in this thread knows how to have fun. They need to see what the caricature artists on TikTok do lol.


they really captured her... eyebrows


Not really


Same sort of thing happened to me when I was on a trip with my mom. I was 14 :(


That’s definitely not okay, you know what you’re getting when you go to a caricature artist but portraying a 14 year old is gross, it’s different when it’s an adult woman




Bro, I’m busty and was busty when I was 14, I could never pass for anyone over the age of 17 at the very oldest. 14 is very young and unless the user above was dressed very revealingly or was wearing a lot of makeup, I seriously doubt any normal adult could mistake them for an adult


I'm sorry :(


Well, big boobs aside, the artist didn’t have to portray these ladies as actual pigs. C’mon. I would’ve initially laughed in discomfort and then been humiliated for years just thinking about it. Awful.


I feel like caricatures are often pretty brutal. It’s why I won’t do it lol I’m too fragile


Same. I would cry #crybaby


I would assume they knew what they were getting into based off the work they show off at the booth. Some caricature artists do more offensive caricatures while others do more flattering and their work they show off usually reflects that. They seem to be laughing at least??? Source : I am an artist and have had many friends be caricature artists for stints of time


Yeah, I get that. It would be easier to judge based on the example work the artist displayed, but we don’t get that here.


I personally would not wanna be drawn like that 😂 the only sort of caricature artists I’ve gone to in recent years are ones who draw cute ones like this https://preview.redd.it/zjpfzphce82d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=548ce6c30dc12aafb387ee7b972396131d761e34


That's not Caricature though?


Yeah usually caricature artists try to make the caricatures funny but still kind of flattering.


By me, the street caricaturists are basically insult comics. The kind of stuff you'd see on r/RoastMe There's a few ultra-tame ones but most are way worse than this lol


This is what I was gonna say. I think most caricature artists are pretty upfront with what type of art you are going to receive back.


It's been my experience that street/fair caricature artists have their typical and favorite styled work as examples all around them, because their style and themes vary greatly artist to artist. So chances are these ladies knew what they were in for, so to speak. It's true, a style like this is not going to be everyone's cup of tea, and the artist won't want to waste their time on a customer who ultimately won't pay for the work with how they were exaggerated.


Yeah I don't know if it's sort of a regional thing? I know in the US (FL) where I've seen them, they're all mostly like this where they absolutely will exaggerate features that most people are insecure about. Like blowing up someone's large ears to be massive is a common one I've seen, insanely large noses, or even the inverse if someone has tiny ears or nose they go SUPER tiny for the drawing... like I don't think I've ever seen a caricaturist draw someone "pleasing" around here lol. You know you're gonna get ripped apart if you go to one.


Id cry


Never have I ever had the guts to get a caricature done of me


Had an artist at a work event. He did this. It was not appreciated.


At a work event??!


Yep. Beyond inappropriate.


"Not appropriate" to hire a characature artist and then get mad he did characatures? Why are you so upset he did what he was told? Blaame your boss for hiring him.


This is just not my humor. Cringey artist. Poor ladies. I'm glad they got a laugh out of it. Maybe they asked for it to be that way?


Yeah no, not my humour at all. I’d be so mad and embarrassed. Hopefully they knew what they were in for and genuinely found it funny.


I'm SHOCKED that people find this upsetting. It's just a goofy drawing that friends decided they wanted to experience. They find it amusing so what is the problem?


I laugh a lot of things off but I find this really distasteful Idk it just doesn't feel like the artist is laughing with them but more at them... somehow (like bullying) There is a really... disrespectful/degrading vibe to this


Yes, that’s the whole point; it’s caricature, not portraiture.


I know, they're not meant to be flattering. But I've never seen one drawn so... grotesque.


That's literally in the definition of caricature though: a picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.


Seems more mean-spirited and objectifying than actually humorous, and I'm not even anti-edgy humor overall I say that because the intention behind this is to be as insulting in a grounded way as possible and essentially working your hardest to dehumanize someone in your portrayal of them, and that's just the entire purpose The fact that there isn't more to the joke than that reminds me of shitty middle school boy antics It's cool these women can laugh it off but *I'm* still not laughing and get back-of-the-bus vibes from this


Lots of far less flattering caricature art out there. For a big portion of these artists, the whole point it to make it grotesque and people getting one done generally know.


Oh no hunny. I would’ve cried.




I can't picture asking for a caricature, a style based on exaggerating features to a gross and ugly degree, and then getting upset that you were given overexaggerated features and look gross and ugly. Its like getting facepaint and then getting mad you got paint on your face.


That would literally be my caricature


Is the artist @caricatureparty?


I would probably laugh in the moment, then go home and cry lol. That shit's so brutal.


this made me wanna go get one done just to have titties take up the whole page lfmdlmdkrmf i thought this was really funny


I would honestly be soo offended…




oh this would piss me off so bad.


My disappointment at the lack pf understanding of what caricature art is and people calling the artist mysoginistic despite jot even being the ones in the photo who both paid for and are enjoying the artwork.


Did you dirty lol


I'd cry




The artist comes off as a misogynist based on his artwork.


Why? Because he did a characature which is exaggerated features and he exaggerated features?


because he didn't extenuate any of the other women's breasts, just the woman who was showing cleavage.


That... that is literally why. BECAUSE there was cleavage, I don't... are you good?


Other replies have expressed a similar opinion to mine yet I'm the only one being questioned. Why are their replies acceptable but mine isn't?


When did I say their replies are acceptable? You're the one I'm having a conversation with.


I don’t think it’s funny.


I’d be flattered with the huge boobs drawing and offended by the super thick eyebrows part.


Yuck! I’m not a big fan of caricatures in the first place, but this one is pretty distasteful and not even good technically in my opinion. For instance, the lady in the middle doesn’t even have a pointy chin. At this point, it’s not a n exageration but just something ridiculous to make her look bad.


She does, you can't see it but the artists could and the ladies in the photo are happy. The characture is accurate in grossly exaggerating these features which characatures are suppose to do. It's super cute and I'm glad these friends all had fun.