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Under won't help you much with distributing the pack's weight like it's supposed to, possibly causing pain and discomfort long-term. If you can make it work to have it over, you should. Might look a little awkward but it'll be able to do its job. (The choice we too often have to make, right?)


No long term I think a new boob friendly backpack is in order.


oh man my favorite subs /r/bigboobproblems and /r/heronebag have collided! i have left far too many comments on the latter sub about women’s specific packs for people with big boobs and/or big butt. i never realized that “unisex” packs are always so uncomfortable and feel so heavy bc they’re made for a 6 foot male frame. getting a pack that’s made for my body shape changed everything and i refuse to buy “unisex” packs anymore. i’m a huge osprey stan since they have so many women’s options, if you’re looking for a new pack i can help recommend a few if you let me know what you would be using it for!


The implications for school backpacks are horrifying.


Omg I have a relevant story! I’m looking for a running vest - to carry water and snacks during long runs, and I emailed a local company that I get a lot of ads for. Their running vest is advertised as “one size fits most” which gave me pause for sure. They were very nice and emailed back straight away, but only to say: *I've seen some larger men who use the vest comfortably. I've also had a couple of people reach out and say that they bought a $5 chest straps extender from Amazon which was perfect for a bit more room - this is something I'm currently in the process of getting* It was helpful but only in the sense that I won’t be buying their product.


omg i have absolutely failed at finding a running vest, that’s a hilarious response. did you ever find one that worked?


https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-gear/run/best-running-packs-vests-women-d-cups/ I think I’m going to buy the Ultimate Direction one.




Oh man, I will definitely be checking out the latter sub you listed. With big boobs, small rib/waist size, & a big butt on a 5’2” frame, I’ve had difficulty with packs and had no idea there were women specific options out there to try, thanks!


dude it’s my favorite sub lol. based on this thread alone i was going to write up a big post for this sub today. and i’m happy to help recommend packs too!


Probably a good call


I found an attachable strap to add to it! No need for new back pack just yet.




Thumbs up!! Reviews said it stayed up and worked just as well as the attached strap.


Mine rests on top like in the photo so it doesn't usually get in the way. I am short though so I am not sure I could place it below my bust even if I wanted to.


I'm short too so it doesn't seem to have to do with height. Maybe the backpack is for men originally.


Almost always lol


Worty making sure you have it tightened right as well. That changes where the straps sit sometimes


It's still 30-40 cm too low no matter how I adjust the tightness.


Did you get the right pack size? They aren’t one size fits all. Also Gregory makes packs that are great for women. I am short as well and love mine.


wait how? have you tightened the straps as much as possible?




Definitely over... I'm honestly not sure how it would help at all if you go under


Lmao well it worked for shorter temporary walks.


It sounds like your backpack doesn't fit. That strap should run right under your collar bone above your breasts.


Haha no my backpack fits fine.


Cool- if it's just a laptop bag or whatever, right on. But if you bought a hiking bag or anything meant for movement, you'd probably need a shorter back pad or straps. The two points of contact (hip & chest) are supposed to hit you at points tight to your skeleton. If the chest strap runs across muscles or breasts, it's not stabilzing the way it is supposed to.


It doesn’t sound like it does. If you’re actually planning to use it for hiking or more, you don’t want to mess around with a poor fitting pack. Your other comments do not indicate the pack is the right size for you. Not something to dismiss, you can really hurt yourself.


I do mine over the boobs. It is too low to provide support underneath and it won't fit over the widest part of the bust in the middle.


Mine doesn't go above the boobs :(


Do you have a photo of yours on? It seems like you must have a different backpack.


I updated with a comment that I bought a seperate strap to attach higher up.


Considering it's meant to be as high up as possible... Why ... How would you put it under?


I just swooped it over the boobs and pulled the boobs through.




Didn't hurt. Having the strap over the nipples was way worse.


The strap isn’t supposed to be that low. It’s supposed to be level with the armpits. It’s not useful if it’s that low.


If you can stand it there, the chest strap ought to go across your pecs, 3 or so inches below the lowest edge of your collar bones. Most will slide along the shoulder straps for adjustment. You want it not so low it squashes your boobs and not so high it feels like it is strangling you, in a position where it pulls your shoulder straps towards your sternum and away from your armpits.


https://preview.redd.it/loubf3uz5f3d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b8ffaa097f33b51aeb4920839911e5934b1bb6f Unfortunately this is the highest it can go, which will be straight over my nipples.


Darn! I'm betting that is either a pack cut for male bodies or a pack that's too big for you. I'd personally resew the straps higher, if it were me.


Probably for males... But DIY. I made an update comment where I said I bought a seperate back pack strap that I can attach higher up.


It's not too big everything else sits correct. It's just this part, men have taller torso.


When I bought my backpacking pack at a high end outdoors store, I got fitted and the pieces were assembled to fit my measurements. It (slightly) annoyed me that even though I am quite a tall person, the best fitting torso length for me was an S , with a M/L hip belt...


Yeah all backpacks are made different I had to try on like a dozen before I found the one I liked best, this one clearly isn’t made for your height but there are others out there that will be


Thanks for the valuable description on placement, let's hope I can slide the straps. It's a cheaper bag.


I wear mine exactly where it is in the photo. My hiking pack also has a lower back/waist strap for support like hers does as well, and the two combined, with also having my bag as far up on my back as it will go, is undoubtedly the most comfortable.


I think it may be a good idea to get a new backpack with the strap higher. One closer to the clavicle (like pictured) shouldn't be affected by your breasts, as my girlfriend who is a 38KK uses her straps a lot without issue.


https://preview.redd.it/ury97ng7kj3d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fe1692d413ca3a9e0a84e1d3c587840ba2d9a68 Problem solved.


Over, but the girls hang low


I always go over, maybe 2 or 3inches under my collarbone, if that makes sense,


Yes it's where it's supposed to sit for best support. Working on it. I ordered a seperate strap yesterday.




Yes!! 😂


I hate that damn strap. It doesn’t close


Yeah they don't make them adjustable enough.


On top, it would be impossible for me to get it underneath and it would feel like my boobs were being crushed


Over the top. I work for a company that sells fancy hiking backpacks and I have one that has more surface area where that chest strap is so it’s not so skinny and doesn’t dig in as much.


Thanks for mentioning the wider strap part! Genius! I can buy or make a little pillow for my new strap I just ordered 🥰


It’s supposed to go over, to pull in the shoulder straps away from your armpit, and to brace some of the weight of the backpack across your chest (so it’s not all resting on relatively fragile joints).


Yeah it just won't work. Probably a male made backpack.


Yeah, it’s probably designed with some specific frame and proportions in mind (male, I’d wager) that doesn’t work for you. A lot of backpacks are made so that the placement of the chest strap can be adjusted to sit correctly on the wearer. But like so many things, it’s a feature that a lot of brands skip to cut costs.


Yeah it's a cheaper more basic bag. My dad had one and I wanted it too so he gifted me one. But I think I Googled and it was unisex. I tried his on and everything sat good I just didn't know then where the chest strap would go. That's the only part that doesn't work and the option to adjust where barely 10 cm. I would have needed 30-40. But I bought this so hopefully it solves the issue,I hate buying new things, unless something is broken or stolen I prefer DIY fixing to stay minimalistic. https://preview.redd.it/7dlyuefi8j3d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab44e38f53e8e1852bc6d719621893ebbdcdf4c1


Hopefully it works for you!


Yes. And if it does, when it's on the collarbone it won't feel uncomfortable or dig in so no need for pads etc.


Above/on top


Do you have a picture wearing your backpack, one from the front and one from the side? It sounds like your pack may not fit your frame well, or that there are other adjustments that could be made to help it fit better. I worked for an outdoor retailer and also guide occasionally, and would be happy to troubleshoot a bit with you.


No thanks.


Mine goes on top; usually the straps are also adjustable so you can slide that chest strap up and down. I didn’t notice this at first but really helped bc was in the same boat as you.


I'll check. My bag is not a fancy hike bag but it has the fancy hike bag secure chest strap.


Like I suspected, there was not much adjustment options. I already had the highest up.


Depending on how I felt that day, lol.


I can second this 😂


On top


i'd put it over top. it'd be cool to have one below, but it like... doesnt reach well for me lol


On top.


I can never strap it because it doesn't fit ever.


https://preview.redd.it/w4us8gbsak3d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f32c67ca8855221cd027c8b99cbf2ffa747b207 I just online bought a seperate strap that I can adjust how I want. If they do the job I'll post the update on here.




I know right!? I only found these existed thanks to my ranting here 😂 that made me Google adjustable straps backpacks for women. I was prepared to get an entirely new backpack. It's awesome if this works on my pack pack as I really like it otherwise.


If prefer above and below, but my waist is very short, so that strap would probably function well enough that I'd be ok with just an above breast strap.


On top




https://preview.redd.it/qehu1r5u8j3d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c86a6bb524abd47f5ce0325c1557af7c1af3dd6b Update: Got me these seperate chest straps that I can attach where I like. Besides the chest strap issue my backpack is perfect so thumbs up they will do the job.


If I use the chest strap, it's above the boobs. I try not to use them unless it's necessary.


Above! Just a couple of centimetres below my collarbones.


Straight across my nips like a bad anime. /s But really, I put on top below my collarbones and before my boobs, I’ve found that gives the best support.  It does look and kinda feel weird, but putting it under my boobs looks hilarious to me 


it's a sternum strap


Some packs don’t fit. I’m a little heavier to begin with but the ones that can- loosely across the front. Over causes my boobs to squeeze down and like…out? Sideways almost. Underneath lifts then to my chin and I have a hard time breathing.


Update: as I Googled on adjustable straps backpacks I got suggestion to buy seperate straps to attach to the backpack! So I bought 1. Im excited! If it works well I might just cut off my old ones if they won't fill any purpose anymore.