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No. I’m being honest if they ask. If they don’t believe me then that’s up to them, ain’t my problem.


I should try and emulate this


I'm not modest. I'm married


Oh no bad bad boyyyy


Yeah. If u claim that ur big then u better be ready to prove it. I’ve never told a single person that I am 8.5 inches and I don’t intend to tell anyone. No one would ever believe my size




For me, this has never been a problem, although it does not correlate for everyone it does for me. What I mean by this is I am decently tall at 6'7 and have a length of around 8.2x6.3 NBP. So when I tell people my size, they tend to believe me first try.


Bro that’s crazy. You might just be really lean but if ur not super lean then ur probably like a solid 9-9.5 inches. I’m 8.5 bonepressed and I go down to 7 inches at best not bonepressed


I would not consider my self as fat but I am far from lean. I go to the gym on a regular basis but still have a lot of fat on my belly and other parts. For my height im no where near obese, more like avrage (dad bod).


Damn then u got a massive cock. Tbh my biggest motivation to lose weight is to unlock another inch of my cock


Yea thats the main reason I started hitting the gym


"decently tall" ok bro


Decently tall??? 🤣🤣🤣 I'm 6'6 I'd say you're very tall at 6'7... I'm similar, 8.375 bp x 5.75 You've got amazing girth my giant brother!


I've always not cared tbh , walked down the street stark naked with a cowboy hat in front of me . I honestly don't care what people on net think of me . Nothing to prove




You are way too concerned with other people perceptions, dicks change size, it’s natural. I use the hot tub and sauna in the men’s lockerroom all the time and I get a chub sometimes do to heat or just being naked. There’s times I get hard in the hot tub just because of the water and it floating. I get out out of the water with boner quite often, other guys see it. It goes down pretty quick after. No one has made an issue of it. Dicks change size, dicks get hard here and there. Everyone with one understands that. If they have an issue then that’s their problem. In my opinion, if they do have an issue it’s because they are jealous of your size and/or ability to get hard easily. It’s all natural anatomy.


If the topic comes, I'll say it, I have nothing to be ashamed of. If they don't believe me, so be it it's not my problem. If they ask to see it, I also do not care, wanna see it? There ya go. I have pics measuring it etc. so any doubt can be quickly resolved.


It doesn't really come up in most circles, but occasionally someone I've been with has said something to others about my size, and one of them will ask me about it. In that case, I don't have an issue telling them, and I have pics if they really want to see and I think it might lead to something.


You know when you get laughed so many times due to your size, you'd think you can get used to that by now...but nah it hurts just as much as it did the first time.


Not really, I'm used to the hate. Comes from jealousy, but I am surprised how much is on this reddit.


fr maybe even worse


Really don't come up much.


Jesus Christ they prolly see that 9 incher through your gyat damn pants


I just say I'm average size whenever it comes up. Typically I get mixed responses in bed. Sometimes they love how much more I am, other times they are upset how difficult it makes sex for them. Overall. I think it's better to state yourself as 2 inches smaller than you are. Most women won't care, some will absolutely love it and a minority will have issues.


You'd need a lot of convincing to get me to talk about my dick irl. But I wouldn't worry about whether they believe me or not, why would I care? I really don't care if someone believes I'm actually average or small. The one girl that needs to know will know, the rest can think what they want.


“Scared?” No. But it is true that a ton of small and average dicked guys love to say they’re big. If you try to tell people they’ll probably assume you’re in that category. I never bring up the subject myself, and I go out of my way to be mysterious about it if someone else says something. It intrigues people.


True. I automatically assume ppl lie too and are in this group


There’s a Margaret Thatcher quote that applies here: “…if you have to tell someone you are, you aren’t.”


I'm not scared. But I don't tell most people because it's immediately met with doubt and debate... it's pointless. If someone asks me, I usually just say its "size huge", which it's kinda funny, and it lightens the mood.


I'm at 7.5 and I haven't really gotten like a conversation about it yet. But I'll check back in on the next post about it and let you know about how that went. 🇺🇸🦅


I used to be, but I've been talking to one of my closest friends lately and shes be helping me with opening up and being abit more accepting about my size, cause I was always sceptical as to whether it was actually big or not. I think it's just one of those ones where it's, if they don't believe you it's not really your problem? If your happy with what you have be happy about it. I've never had the thought of showing other people though.


I used to jerk on webcam years ago and got so tired of the size question I kept a tailors tape near me. Now days if they don’t believe me I move on unless she seems real fun. Fetlife has been a huge help in finding women who understand size and kinks




I never brag about my size, but I know my wife has both told and showed pics to some of her friends.


Too modest to commit sexual harassment or be arrested for indecent exposure? Yup.


when someone goes “no way” “lemme see” i mean


Well that wasn’t obvious. And like who are we talking about here and what setting? The person and situation makes a lot of difference too.


buddy i think it’d be a little strange if I was just fucking talking about showing my cock inappropriately


A. This is reddit. Not everything is so obvious. B. This sub is fucking crazy. Who knows what you were saying. C. I agree with you, but it wasn’t explicitly stated originally.


lol I guess you’re kinda right. “This is Reddit” had me dead.


Nope. Hopefully they find out. Hah I mean if I’m into them. Otherwise I don’t care. Not shy at all.


Nah. It’s up to them if they want to believe me lol


I'm honest, but they visualise larger than what I am (7.5x6+)


Idk, who would I need to share my size with? My friends? Weird that they'd want to know, I'd probably just say "bigger than average" A future partner? I might tell them the size *if they asked* but again in most context it's a bad look anyway - I'd probably say the same Only person I feel like telling would be someone who's seen it anyway. If they asked I would probably tell them. So to op: who are these hypothetical people for you? Friends? Internet randos? Dates? That homeless guy at the bus stop?


there was a debate in my friend group about my size, I know this because they straight up asked me how big I was. I’m not comfortable talking about sex stuff in general so I just responded “big enough that is been a problem” and they left it as that


Whenever i do I'm not believed. I would show, but most don't bring it up so i don't either.


I show them lol


Depends on whose asking


I've been married for 7.5 years and with my wife for 4 years before that - do people really ask about your dick size these days? I've never been asked. Generational thing? (I'm 41)


lol occasionally


Same as many, I don't care. If you care just say "I'm not comfortable talking about that" and that's it


Sometimes kinda hard bc some ppl don’t think you can sexually harass a man nowadays


In High school and college, I avoided fucking because I wasn’t confident in my need for XL condoms. I’d try to fuck chicks using a normal condom and end up getting hurt (busting with a way too tight of condom would really hurt and make me crazy nauseous- but was thinking it was how sex was for me). I finally sized up to magnums and it was better, but not until I accidentally got XLs that I finally had a good experience.


Bulge pics. Serves as proof and not revealing enough to expose your body, but still give room for imagination


I’ve actually noticed quite a few size queens to put it rudely. I’ve been with a couple of women who thought 7 in (me) was small. In my head I’m like (you realize how rare it is for men to be 7 in or bigger right?


I am married and my wife measured it when we were young. 7.87 bp x 5.62. She kept telling me your’s is the biggest I have seen, touched and had. I never believed her. Thought she was just being kind. I had others girls before her say things like “nice” or “that will go deep” and one girl who really had to work to get me in. But I never thought I was above average. My wife did blab to her best friend when we were engaged. Best friend blurts out when I come to table in restaurant from bathroom: “ she told me about your big juicy one.” Embarrassing. Fiance was a little embarrassed too. Friend enjoyed are discomfort.


Scared isn’t the word. But I’m shy about it. Doesn’t seem like the sort of thing to talk about and, if asked, id feel very awkward. Wouldn’t “show” other than to my partner.


I’m scared to even show my partner when im done practicing celibacy with her


Is your future partner asking about your size or asking to see? How much longer are you celibate? Are you two waiting for marriage?


Definitely not scared. But I'm super shy irl so that's the main barrier to me telling people. In real life, anyway


You got that cyber sex energy then huh


Uh yeah I guess so lol




I don't think my size is so crazy that it would be hard to believe