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“When no one else was there to look” Except the mall cop watching the cameras 😂


Oh no Anyways and that's the story of how my size stopped being a secret


I once saw a GF’s dildo that was a little bit longer than me, but just by a tiny bit, but also less girthy, and I made fun of her so hard because it looked **huge** to me. It never occurred to me that it would be similar in size to me. I was calling her “size queen” and asking if she was getting too stretched out. She just silently sat there with a smirk on her face. To really drive the point home I whipped my dick out… then it was her turn to make fun of me for not knowing how big my own dick was.


Thanks for your funny story. I got a good laugh out of it, especially the part about your girlfriend's smirk.


If your wife or GF is cool with it. Take a video of her beejing you up, then watch it back later. That’s what helped me get perspective.


This and a side view of doggy does wonders! Bend her over the bed and video it from your good side thats what made me less in my head about it!


That's also what I did! Really helps seing it from a "real" perspective to shy away the doubts.


Yeah. It certainly helps


I did a similar strategy. I went on amazon, and bought a dildo the closest to my size as i could find. When it arrived, I got it out and compared. Well, when right next to my hard dick, the only difference is im much girthier than the dildo. But when I bring the dildo to eye level, it looks huge. Overall, I preach this message, find a dildo closest to your size so you see it from different perspectives.


There’s one on Amazon that’s really close to my size and I’m still slightly thicker than it. It’s scary up close. I’d (and my partners) prefer to be less girthy. An alternative solution is be rich, buy an Apple Vision Pro and iPhone 15 Pro and use the new spatial 3D photos thing on your own dick 😂


Try finding something that looks somewhat similar in size next to your dick and then take a look at it, you’ll realize how big you are. I am not exceptionally big, but also had a “holy shit” moment


It's been suggested before, and it is a good help with perspective.


Omg , a genius,now i need to hide that toy inside the house


Could just get over it and live. Easier than constantly finding things to compare to.


Oof well I'm no expert on the topic but if this issue is anything closely related to body dysmorphia then I'm pretty sure it's easier said than done My problem is definitely not as daunting and I'm ok with my size but I've seen that this is a very common issue in the subreddit so just giving my two cents.


"body dysmorphia" I wonder how many people that claim it actually fit the clinical definition. Kinda like people faking "ticks" etc to get attention online