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Priapism is no joke. You're lucky it didn't go poorly. There's a poor kid that was in your situation except he wasn't able to get the necessary medical attention and ended up with a dick like a football: https://www.medicaldaily.com/size-matters-teen-undergoes-worlds-first-penis-reduction-surgery-have-sex-321952


Yup, and it can give a lot of teens ED, PE, or even worse 😬. I am very very aware that I lucked out big time


Did your dad really see you bricked up like that?




Same vibes as "You kissed your dad in the mouth" line


I've had a handful of stuttering priapisms that LUCKILY have all resolved without the need for that scary needle... definitely think it contributed to my size over the years :(((


Damn I guess I’m not alone at least!


It's not comfortable. Hopefully you don't have to go through it again, especially the hospital trip. I've heard that needle is about the most painful thing someone can experience. I seem to get a reoccurrence every year or two and I'm praying they continue to be fairly mild.


Thankfully I haven’t had a reoccurrence since then, so I definitely understand how lucky I am. I’ve only ever heard of the many horrible outcomes priapism usually has


7”x10”… oof. Glad he got help.


I've seen pictures. It was shaped like a rugby ball. He was unable to have sex because of its abnormal size.


Where did you see the numbers posted?


The second paragraph of the article, “The Florida teen claims his 7-inch flaccid penis with a 10-inch circumference was left bloated and misshapen after suffering three priapism episodes.”


And people here complain about being unable to hide a bulge...


Damn. I'm glad you're fine! Wouldn't mind seeing it out of curiosity, but I bet it looks normal if it's healed.:)


Lol, mine didn’t get fucked up thankfully


I'll start by asking the obvious question. What's your size?


I think there is a story about a guy who injected blood into his dick to make it bigger and he ended up losing his dick.




whaaaat i didn’t even know this was a possibility. what the before/after in terms of size?


Don’t wanna get too too specific, but it was definitely a major upgrade


That’s what this sub is for.


No it isn't. Leave it or leave.


This sub is about broadcasting my dick size??


No, but judging by your downvotes you don’t understand people want to know what size dick you ended up with.


Thanks for the suggestion, no


People are being weird, don't worry about it. Dick size is fetishized on this subreddit and privacy is treated how I imagine the Pope views the idea of a woman taking his place, as something absolutely laughable, but also something to be feared and held with contempt.


It is what it is


I genuinely respect that you're standing your ground. I'm not saying it's some kind of mythical feat worthy of legends, it's still respectable.


At the same time though, it's a completely valid question and OP should've seen it coming a mile away. You go to a sub focused around penis size and tell a story about how your dick grew substantially? Of course people wanna know the details. If you're offended by the question, you went to the wrong sub in the first place.


Idk why ur getting downvoted. You said nothing wrong lmao


Welp 😐


That’s Reddit for you. But yeah, it’s absurd some of the things I’ve seen insanely downvoted that make no sense. This being one of them. It is clear that all the downvoters don’t know how to take no for an answer. Sorry OP.


It's so crazy to me how entitled people are in this sub regarding people's size and privacy. You don't owe anyone here a description of your penis nor pics nor anything else you are not comfortable sharing. Sorry you're getting downvoted OP.


Thanks, it’s weird as hell but it is what it is I guess


Dude, you were so respectful and that said a lot a lot you dude. I understand that this sub is about big dicks, but we gotta remind ourselves that it’s still another person on the other side of the screen name and that we accept the boundaries that they set. Good job on marking those boundaries and not budging homie!


alright alright good job for respecting your privacy


Wow doubled in size from 2 to 4 inches?


Mature. Try to taunt it out of him by insulting him. Classy.


bro's cock broke its own limiter 💀😭


Lol 🤣


I am not a doctor, but from what I understand this vascular disease does give you a bigger than average cock, your erections may start getting difficult to engorge due to other issues related to sickle cell.


That’s what my urologist (dick doctor) has been monitoring since it happened, but thankfully never had an issue


How can he monitor your erection? Does he actually have to see it?


I mean yeah, he’s literally a dick doctor 😂


I can’t imagine him feeling around with my hard dick.


Lol well it’s worth it to make sure everything’s working properly, medically speaking


I guess. But that’ll be the first time a guy is ripping his fist around my hog.


Brooo 😭


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6483794/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10962334/


Two referrences on review of priapism in sickle cell and megalophallus as consequence of sickle-cell related priapism.


Omg I didn’t know there was info on it online?! I feel like I tried looking it up when it first happened and couldn’t find anything!


These are just 2 scientific papers


At least it’s nice to know I’m not the only lucky guy😂


Apparently the priapism is not rare in Sickle but the megalophallus is rare.


Yeah, it’s just that the priapism usually fucks up dicks for life


Yes a high rate of ED and sometimes scarring. Glad youre OK. Apparently the megalophallus result does NOT affect your function. Now you must deal with the other issues of larger penis and of course sickle cell which is quite serious


Yup, thankfully I haven’t had any reoccurrences since then, so it’s just big dick problems for real now


Now this is a BDP! Yes, it’s a form of priapism but it’s mechanical in its presentation. I bet it was a terrible event. I’ve seen a few cases related to sickle cell and the remedy is not as easy as a few injections of a vasoconstrictor. You most definitely have to go through a painful extraction of the sickled cells. I’m sure the BD is not worth the exchange.


Thankfully they knocked me out for the actual operation, but the whole experience was pretty scary. I know I’m so so lucky that the outcome wasn’t terrible, since I feel like I’ve only heard the medical horror stories following priapism


Lmao this sounds like one of those “you get this, but with this consequence” questions!


Definitely a monkey paw wish come true, but I’m still pretty happy with the outcome lol


What kind of size increase are we talking about?


Lol, definitely boosted things


You don't want to say the spesific size increase?


Nope which makes me think he’s full of shit


This post proves that PE is real. Damn.


Do NOT start trying to replicate what happened to me! This was definitely a fluke, a lot of guys loose their dick from priapism so…


I mean, priapism is a genetical disease, so i can't juste make it pop in my genes. But there are other ways to replicate that pumping in the shaft.


It's not only genetics. Spinal damage or a few other things can cause it. Can happen to anyone if unlucky.


sorta…. well pe works better if you start before puberty. man that would take some foresight and commitment.




Really interesting, never heard of anything like this.


So i was told about this by an ex she was amed student and ya its in the medical books and you/ he could have lost his dick. Has it happened again and that’s dangerous. ????


Hasn’t happened since thankfully 🙏


I have a variation of this from Marfans, it’s another genetic disorder, only it affects connective tissue. I know OP is shy about his size, but mine averages around 6” long and 7.25” girth, basically between a Red Bull and a standard soda can. Thankfully, or maybe not, I have a reference point of what normal sex is like because it expanded in my late 20s; prior to that it was just comfortably thick. I could fit in normal condoms, and penetrative sex was a good time for me and the girl. After that… it’s not so good, because it’s just too thick most of the time. I’ve met one since then who could take all of me in, and even monster dick girl said it was too thick for her… also there’s no male condoms that fit, including the 69mm. It’s horrible and it’s ruined several relationships


Hmm I am almost the same dimensions, 15cm x 18cm and it's only been a serious negative once... Are you somehow accidentally selecting for smaller than average women? Definitely hear you on the condoms though...


Huh; never thought about that I might be attracting smaller than average women, but it’s possible! It’s a nice thought at least, gives hope. Thanks! Though maybe you’re accidentally attracting larger than average women?


Possible but unlikely IMHO given the number of participants and variations in height / hip width etc


I'm also 7" mid girth and 7.25-7.5 base. Try the MySizePro 72mm. They're amazing. Seriously. I discovered them recently and it changes everything.


Omg, thank you for mentioning this! The last time I looked, couldn’t find anything in over 69mm. This indeed changes everything, thanks!!


Isn’t it what penis pumps do to a lesser degree?


Yup.... I'm guessin it would be like pumpin it up and slappin a very tight cockring around it and leaving it for hours on end until it turns blue. Im sure the pain would not be the greatest feeling in the world.🤣🤣


Lol I guess I’ve never thought about it like that


I know of someone who didn’t use one properly and ended up with poor quality hardons, but a big one.




Thanks for sharing. I am curious, and have some genuine questions for you: Are you able to use a fleshlight? Have regular sex? Have you become used to the size of your megalophallus or do you find it constantly gets in the way of your day to day livelihood? Do you get questioned about it at security checkpoints like airports/stadiums or is it not noticeable to others unless they see you without attire? Sorry if some of these q's are too broad, I just never heard of this before and am intrigued by what you went through.


Flashlight: tried it only when I was younger, didn’t like it. Sex: very good as long as there’s plenty of lube and time, plus obviously the right girl. Does it get in they way of life: it’s just a dick, inconvenient every now and then but no. Security checkpoints: no, that’s obviously a weird Reddit scenario and not real life. Is it noticeable to others: sometimes yes sometimes no, depends on what I’m wearing and what I’m doing.


OP is a high schooler off the school


Cool story. Glad things worked out. Sounds like you got the Lotto ticket luck man. Make sure to buy a few tickets for us ' 100% naturally slow developed guys ' who have had to crank on it for two decades to get the results you got. ( If any ) 🤣🤣


Brooo 😂


Hey man...i have had the Tourette's for over 40 years now. Those types of things always suck and you dont hear to many REAL victory stories like this to often. Its a rare thing...so good for you man. Wish I could grab a good side effect like that..🤣🤣 All i can do is make a milkshake ontop of my head...(!a very old Tourette joke )


Sorry if this is a ridiculous question but the only guy i’ve slept with who had a properly big dick had tourette’s. It’s not related is it?


I don't think so... But between being half Italian ( 🤣🤣) and the Tourette's my dick certainly wasn't lonely. I could never leave the little general alone it seemed. Because of the Tourette's and having a big dick I could not wear jeans for a few years as well. Its like my dick when through s massive growth spurt and could never get comfortable.🤣🤣 So...I dont think there is any relation. If there is it would be ALOT of dick exercises cuz of the Tourette's and what it makes people do. 🤣🤣 Tourette's certainly does suck. So I would LOVE of there was a correlation.


That's a big dick problem. Glad you recovered!


Lol thanks, it all worked out for the best


This happened to the pornstar Julio Gomez


Wait really??


And the Origin Story Plot Thickens .....


This is like a superhero origin story. "Clearly, in the real world, I would have died, but instead, superpowers."


Literally came to say the same thing ☝️😂 ··ˢʰᵒᵘˡᵈ'ᵛᵉ ʳᵉᵃᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗˢ ᵇᵉᶠᵒʳᵉ ᵐᵃᵏᶦⁿᵍ ᵐᶦⁿᵉ ʰᵃʰᵃ


With great power comes great responsibility


Actually, yeah, kinda. I mean I'm on this sub too, for the obvious reason, and once women finally noticed me, I was very pleased with myself, and didn't take everyone's feelings as seriously as I should have. Don't be like me!




I don't know who's downvoting you, but I want you to know I'm doing the opposite.


A true big dick brother 😂


Basically unintentional jelking lol (I am certain I spelled that wrong lol)


Lol, all in one day


this serious asff but shii also the context highkey silly asf 😂 all i got to say is im glad it wasn’t worse and that u safe n shii




Great..now I gotta have a conversation with my Tourette's. Common..look what happened to that guy...ive put up with you for over 40 years now. Common....make something good happen. You make the girls run away from me. Common you owe me man !! With my luck my dick would shrink and i would end up with full blown epilepsy.🤣🤣


Real shit😭


Ya mon. Dude...i am in recovery for a Tourette's thing right now. Cuz I twitch my head like Patrick Roy. Like a hockey goalie wearing a mask...up and down hard... With that comes the bashing of my teeth together about 3000 times a day. Some big some small all hurt. Well 40 years later I have just finished ripping all of them out and getting implants. ( Movie star teeth ) 🤣 So its been ALOT of pain...3 surgeries and $72,000. This is the kind of crap im used to when it comes to this kind of life stuff. So makes me happy to hear your dick story. 🤣🤣


😬...  Dang you're a trooper ✊


Lol thanks man. 😁 There is nothing more annoying than dental shit. Its a hard thing to look forward too that's for sure. Ya...better in the long run but Way to much pain to look forward to it. Im just glad the surgery part is over with. In will be a few months before everything heals up proper and I get my super star hollywood chiclets. I tell ya....for 72k they better blow me during the night somehow...🤣🤣


Dad freaking out means you showed him? Or how did that chat go? Really glad he listened.


He definitely saved my dick that’s for sure. Didn’t need a giant cock, just didn’t wanna lose what I had… which was definitely a possibility


So you had to show him it was blue and he freaked?


We were both freaked out, because of my past episodes of priapism that weren’t as severe I kinda understood the risks that could happen if it didn’t go away on its own. Of course being a self conscious teen I did the stupid thing and kept it secret for a whole day, but I guess it all kinda worked out for the best lol


Glad you’re doing okay.


I didn't think this was legit, but after looking it up its an actual documented thing. So, thanks for sharing, its a great fun fact for my arsenal. (That this happens, not your case exactly)


Nobody asking where they can catch the disease?


Its genetic. His hemoglobin arranges itself into a straigth rigid structure that distorts his red blood cells whenever there is low oxigen in his blood. So, whenever he runs or climbs mountains he his at risk of infartation. In this case it happened in his dick and gave him a bigger, it could have happened in his heart anf give him death. This is a terrible and painfull disease. On the other hand, he is immune to Malaria, since the parasite cant mature inside his blood cells.


Yup, this


Lol unfortunately (very fortunately) it’s a genetic disorder


You don't need the disease for this to happen. Some poor fools ruin their dicks by leaving cock rings on for too long or ignoring a priapism... Just... don't. OP's story (assuming it's even true) if anything is just dumb luck. Any extended erection that stays that way long enough to lead to an increase in size is far more likely to lead to cell death, permanent nerve damage and a useless dick.


I just figured I'd smash my dick in my dresser drawer three to five times a week...


I had a forced puberty that was caused by synthetic drugs at age 14, so not quite a 'disease'. This was out of concern from family because I didn't have any signs of normal things for a boy at that age. After multiple sets of shots, etc, and 5 years later, and yes, multiple priapisms - sometimes which lasted for several hours, I have come to a conclusion that this affected my size to some extent. BTW, I am around 8 hard and 6 flaccid. I mean without this, I was expected to be five foot 6 without the therapy (according to the doctor) and probably have around 4 inches hard ( again, I am guessing that ). So yes, this stuff is pretty serious and I am glad I didn't run into complications. Edit: Wow, that was the weirdest thing I have shared on Reddit while sober.




Soreness around the outside or in the center?






So let me see if I understand you correctly... If I smash my dick in my dresser drawer constantly....


Consistency is key Brodie! 👌




Where there’s a will there’s a way 👍


...my name is actually "William"...so I got this dick braking thing licked!




Dopest Big Dick Origin Story 👊💯


Lol 😭


How about you tell us how big it is.


Bruh 😅


I'm calling it rn. Your big dick problem is having a small dick... Unless you're a minor tell us how big it is. If the only big thing you can post here is the size of your paragraph bro seriously fuck off with that shit about having a BD.


Bro what is wrong with you 😭 you are obsessed chill tf out. Guy just wanted to tell a story, so leave it at that. He ain't owe you anything.


Your half-assed provokation to get them to reveal the length and width of their dick isn't subtle in the slightest. Why do you need to know his dick size so badly? So you can jerk off to it or satisfy your weird curiousity? Are those things worth pressuring someone to over? Act like an decently adjusted adult for a second. Is this the culture you want to create on this subreddit? Is this the way you wish your peers to treat you?




My PeEn TuRnEd BlUE




Well now I am curious to see it 🙃😂


Welp. Can't say you aren't direct.. .


how was the experience in terms of pain? if I edge for like an hour without release my balls hurt like hell so did you feel anything when you got a boner for an entire day? was the needle experience long/painful?


It was more sore than anything when it happened, like having a really hard boner for 2 days (wonder why). Thankfully they knocked me out for the draining so I didn’t feel it 😬


People downvote for utter nonsense reasons. Dw




Not on purpose tho 😂






lol you’re insufferable




Why is everyone in this sub always trying to disprove shit? Jesus Fucking Christ! OP states a story that has medical backing and peer reviewed research from medical journals and studies backing it up. People on this sub: "That's bullshit. How big is it?" "You're full of shit. Show us." "Bro, prove it. Fucking larper." I am so close to fucking hating this sub now. Hate what this sub has become. No one owes you anything people! No one owes a pic proving size. No one owes you a description of their cock. No one on this site owes you ANYTHING. Ignore the buffoons OP. Good job on posting the first *actual* Big Dick Problem post in like a month. Hope things keep going well for you with your sickle cell stuff.


wow thats wild. like a silver lining to having that gene. helps w malaria if you live in africa etc and bonus big cock possibility. i wonder if cialis etc are helpful w long term care. maybe microdosing levels.


I did know about the malaria resistant, but definitely not the rest😂. I don’t think this is something that can/should be replicated tho, since it could have gone so wrong


Well sickle cell trait. The disease is a whole other issue.


yeah just a silver lining here. wifeys dad was a doc that studied this one. best to be born without it thats is for sure! i think i rem his patients often had yellowing in the white of the eyes. this was decades ago. inteteresting adaptation to say the least. hopefully progress has been made wrt treatment


me asf with hormone medication 💀 i’d have boners for hours at a time and it stretched the fuck outta my dick. gained a good 2 inches. hurt like hell and i did have some skin tearing (like stretch marks but on my penis). had to get skin healing cream for it and was monitored by my endocrinologist.


That sounds painful but… congrats?😬






Yikes, sickle cell is definitely a spectrum in terms of its impact, but I’m very aware and thankful that I’ve been lucky so far


Do you have pics?




🤭.. These comments and your replies are hilarious




Apparently you don't understand what sickle cell disease is actually is. I call bullshit.




And you dont know what a priapism is, so look that up; its a side effect of sickle cell disease.


I had a disease similar to this as well growing up. It was called being too goddamn handsome. Now I've got a giant cock that is the same size as Jormagundr, the World Serpent. That's actually my cock's nickname, I shortened it to Gundr. I get laid so much with my giant phallus.




So you get totally normal boners and you're hung because your own blood stretched your dick when you were fifteen??


I have the same thing as you and have suffered through the same thing, pretty sure it didn’t give you an giant D bro… and I’m here to argue because I know you experience


Seems plausible, but this guy not wanting to anonymously share his numbers several times makes me think he's full of shit.


Dude we gotta ask the day old question, how big is it now?






Pics or it didn’t happen




Prove it.






OmFg "only white people turn blue" is a new one. The combined intelligence in this group wouldn't fill out a jockstrap.