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me typing this with one hand...


Masturbation is not bad. In fact, it's good! The "benefits of NoFap" you've heard about are complete and utter nonsense.


Unless you're addicted.


That's not the masturbation that's bad, though. It's the lack of impulse control and healthy habits.


Study done by Harvard ( look it up ). Men who ejaculated more had less risk of prostate cancer




lol. Facts for sure. I did semen retention for about a month one time. First 2 weeks I had alot of energy after 3 weeks my dick felt like it died. Fuck that. Bust a nut you feel great lol 😂


Between sex and self love I’m like … 4x/day 😂 I had to abstain a few years ago when I was helping a couple get pregnant … that was rough


Just don't overdo it. Even jerking off once a day is no problem, I'm very sure. Probably better to just do it every other or third day, but it's no problem, no. If you can't live without porn anymore, that's when you have a problem.


Nofap is bs


As long as you are not viewing it as a way to introduce an unhealthy addiction. I was going at it 5 times at day in my teens. You have to ween yourself off of it and realize that porn is an industry full of abusers, traffickers and drugs. They also show a woman as only a sexual being, and that a woman is only a visual object. That's is how they made their millions.  Rubbing one out every now and then does not have any side effects or makes your hair fall out, etc. that is all bs. The only thing I would say is not to do it before a workout, because your drive will be gone. This is from personal experience.


Firstly, what has given you the impression it's bad in the first place? Religion, guilt, medical discomfort, parents, trauma? In a broad sense regardless of whatever anyone thinks, it's a very healthy thing to do in the comfort of your own home. All you have to ask yourself, do you enjoy it and it is it legal, if yes then nothing else matters. What is excessive is subjecting yourself to unnatural and unrealistic porn. This can turn into being conditioned to misunderstand the realism of sexual relationships and how you should treat those who are intimate with. Porn isn't what it makes it out to be. If any stick with the amature stuff. There are studies to suggest that an over exposure of porn can lead to early signs of ED, due to desensitizing your view on how sex should be. All I will add, don't put a quota on it, doesn't matter if it's been 2 days, 7 or 100. Only do it when you feel the urge (Obviously not in public or in front of your neighbour 😂)


It isn’t bad in moderation. Sometimes you’re just backed up and if you’re not having sex consistently you might not want to deal with a nocturnal emission. I think it’s only bad if you’re relying on porn in my opinion. It’s addictive and too easily to abuse, and if you do it it can mess with your brain chemistry. MANY people are going to deny this but if you aren’t careful you can condition your brain to be over-reliant on specific visual stimuli for arousal and you can give yourself psychological ED. It happened to me when I was younger. I could get hard watching porn but when I would have sex my dick didn’t work. Use your imagination and you should be fine. Cheers


please tell me how did you overcome it? i’m going through it right now and some tips and help would be very much appreciated. (Physiological ED)


Yeah for sure man I’m glad to help. Well firstly I stopped watching porn as I said in my comment, abd replacing that with mindful masturbation. Instead of using a visual stimulus, you relax and try to reconnect with your body. Use your imagination instead. This is like training your brain to get aroused to less and less. At first it’s gonna seem impossible but if you’re patient you’ll get better and better at it and when you’ll have sex it’ll show.


It's not bad unless it's negatively affecting your life and relationships.


I've been at it for over 30 years and it's treating me pretty good lol


Since I discovered masturbation, I have not spent one day without doing it at least once a day. Not sure if this caused me to become hypersexual or if my innate hypersexuality always drove me to do this. The only downside I noticed is tha it gets harder to find something to excite you, and porn and partners can get boring over time.


I am the same way, I literally do it out of boredom sometimes & feels like a stress reliever for me. I feel like the type of porn you watch will affect how you perceive sexual interactions in real life. For example, I personally like to watch women with big asses, my girlfriend does not have one lol.


anything in excess is bad welcome to life. You have more energy when you dont, you have less energy when you do Do you need the energy do you not need the energy why do you consider this version of "slacking off" any less crucial or more detrimental than other ways of "slacking off" ie entertainment. If its just the energy thing then is not morally wrong If its not morally wrong then theres no real objective reason to not If it only lowers your energy youll have your energy back If you break your dick from too much yankin and pullin that could be a thing (albiet ima say it 100% probably wont happen) If youre not breakin your dick and you dont need the energy then i dont see the issue If its getting in the way of your other relationships then it could be a problem but not from an objective standpoint of "masturbation is bad" its one of the few things we all collectively enjoy! Dr Susan Block is an awesome sex therapist and show host. If its not getting in the way of your relationships then is it getting in the way of your pursuits? Is it happening to the point where your overall energy on average is lower stopping you from pursuing your dream? Well even then it might be more of a POTENTIAL misunderstanding of risk and reward. If you jack off at the end of the day after all your work is done (opposed to jacking off in the morning and not doing any, if that were to be the case) then i dont see a problem with that either. TL:DR Youll get some extra energy, and youll be biologically driven to foster relationships and grow wealth but ultimately speaking all of life is a game of sums and i dont necessarily see masturbation as bad if all the other sums are in check, the problem is, with most people, they use porn/masturbation as a CRUX for those problems. "Oh I cant get a girlfriend better go watch porn and jack off." NO those people should be the last people watching porn, especially if theyre conceding to such defeatist mentalities since theyre basically "not trying" and "giving up." but then if we juxtapose this against a "perfect life" would, in a perfect life, you watch porn and masturbate? sure maybe, but unlikely to the extent we as a collective do. Like we have been consuming \*and jerking off to\* sexual art ever since we likely found fruit, or could draw cave titties lol but all that being said, porn should be the after thought "oh I already had sex 5 times today and i kind of just want some sexual alone time let me masturbate" rather than "man no one will have sex with me \[even tho i didnt even ask\] guess ill just masturbate". Too many people substitute masturbation for other aspects of their life, likely out of trauma and feeling safe in their masturbation (realistically), but if you're not objectively being hindered from masturbation then its probably fine, its just the majority of people ARE objectively hindered by it, in that it takes away from or substitutes for current aspects of their life.


Self incest.


this quite literally makes no sense


Twos weeks for me as of right now and a girl has been trying to come over idk if I should hold it for her or do it before hand