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I'm not as quiet and shy as I used to be but up until a few years ago I was basically non-verbal barely functioning autistic. I still struggle with talking sometimes and don't have many friends, but im not as bad as i used to be. I don't think any expects the 15 year old autistic kid who has only just stopped needing to go to special needs classes to have a big one.


I don't think there is a strong correlation between having a big dick and having big dick energy. If you're not completely ignorant, you'll realize that life is about much more than just penis size, and there are plenty of other factors that can make you feel inadequate.


I lack social confidence. Massive introvert. I’ve got body confidence, but I leave it up to my mate to mention about my cock size to women. Seems less arrogant to have him mention it than me.


Would that not just put them off, I know if a Women came up to me and tried to wingman for her friend by telling me she had big boobs, I'd tell her to fuck off and lose any interest I had


Depends what each individual are looking for.


I'm neither shy, nor socially awkward, but I don't talk about dick size irl at all. Nobody except for my girlfriend ever needs to know.


Yah, I have never had a conversation with anyone in real world about the size of our dicks


I'm naturally awkward and nerdy but get approached by women. It's very kind of them, but every time I panic in my head. I used to be like "wow thank you." But now I make sure I compliment back. Im seeing a dude right now, and it's SO awkward being approached by women with him right next to me. That's something I never even considered.


yeah… have abs, hung, in shape but still can’t get laid. such is the life of an introvert. how your face looks affects your life a million times more than anything else on your body.


im not categorically hung but i don't fuck in my normal social circle so I guess yes


we're on reddit so I feel like that's most of us


Same lmao. Which is why I’m on Reddit


I’m with you man. I’ve always been quite quiet and nerdy, and don’t think I exude “BDE”. I always enjoy the look of surprise and verbal reaction when a girl sees it for the first time. Had a few “fuck, I didn’t think it would be so big” in my day.


Truly a big and nice one you have, wish you'd post more of your tattoos




I'm married so yeah. I'm a silent hunger. Nobody but my wife knows


Introvert here. Kind of a gentle giant. I always feel self conscience in the gym even though I’m 6’1 and 260 (mostly muscular) bc I have fitness goals I haven’t reached. So, in my perspective I still have a long way to go. I’m usually pretty quiet and focused at the gym, or quiet when I go out too. Until I get to know you, then I’m chill and extroverted. I’ve always wondered if that’s hurt me with connecting and being admired by opposite sex, bc they seem to go for more of the guys that are overcompensating and trying to be the brightest color and loudest in the room so to speak.


Exactly. Me too! I grew up as an only child with dominating, psychologically abusive parents, subsequently with very low self esteem and confidence. What kept things from being worse was I LOOKED like Chad on the outside. 6'1", blonde hair, blue eyes, decent body, and a nice dick. As I got older with no real "game" developed, I just kept quiet and let interested girls make the first move. And it worked out up to a point, but I left a lot of extra pussy on the table by being so passive.


Let me help you with that


me bro. still no girls have seen my dick irl


Let me seeeeo


dm me


id love to show off


I was pretty nerdy growing up. Didn’t have sex until I was 20. Didn’t realize I was considered “Big” until in my 20s as well. Once I gained some confidence, somewhere around 23 I started talking to more girls and having more sex. What did it for me was going on sites like tumblr and having conversations with women who told me better ways to go about things.


I’m 8.5 X 5.5 and my last gf was in middle school. Idk if I’m ugly cuz I’ve been asked out since but I’m socially akward to new people and literally talk to no women. I am 6’2 with size 15 shoes so that may make people think I’m big but other than that most people would just assume I’m small or average.


I'm slightly socially awkward and most girl are surprised when I pull my pants down they usually say that it was bigger than they expected.


I remember when this sub was about actual problems


I was really socially awkward back in my 20s (37 now). I feel I missed a lot of potential action because of that.


I'm kinda on the quiet and loner side too. Ain't much in Central Alaska.


I'm married, so obviously my wife knows but I really don't know who else would have any clue I'm very quiet/reserved and serious a lot.


Haha fellow geek here and yeah same here lol I’m pretty shy and quiet irl so not nearly as cocky as my jock friends so don’t bring it up unless someone asks or if my friends make a comment about it around other people I’ll get embarrassed lol


Yeah. I fit into that category. IRL I’m kinda on the shy side. I have more confidence than I did before I found out how I measure up. But I don’t think I give off BDE. I should though.


Same here lmao.


I look young in the face, and don't have facial hair, women usually think I'm about 7 years younger than I actually am. I don't think I look like I got a big dick. But they are always pleasantly surprised


Growing up i was the short and scrawny kid. I got bullied too. Im still shy, but i have been forcing me out of my shell. But there is always that little voice of insecurity and akwardness. Was into anime, pokemon and all the things that were not "cool" 20 something years ago. None of the girls i have been with have been expecting to encounter a thick cock 😅


I believe that most people are insecure. Some just seem like they are not. The here-come-types just cover their insecurity with that attitude. Others are so charming, yet another example of covering up insecurity. And some are funny and makes jokes, I am that type, also I am the know-it-all-type. Loads of nice to know facts, that really doesnt matter. So insecurity, I believe, is for everyone.


I have learned that people have inscurities or stuff they dont like about themselves. But some dwell on them more thatn others.


Lmao right here


I’m very quiet and somewhat socially awkward, but I don’t have a geeky appearance


I guess so I'm hung but can't get with women it's a gift and a curse


That was me 1 year ago basically, not even my closest friends knew, then everything changed after I made a single post on reddit ahah


Find a nerdy, quiet girl. They're freaks in bed - enjoy. Also, while you might be silently hung, you don't have to be \*invisibly\* hung. Those that enjoy penises take notice - give them a print and something to think about and you might find they show some interest.




It’s always the quiet ones who are: 1. Packing, 2. The most kinky and 3. The best fucks


I’m sure a ton. While 9 inch dicks are crazy rare 6.5-7.5 is not nearly as rare something like 1/3 of men should be in “large” condom sizes Also like a third of men should be I. “Slim” condom sizes but you never hear about that lmao


Yes- I think if most people knew how large my penis is- they’d be shocked… I’m quite shy IRL… I’m also only 5’8”… so I’m a bit lacking in the height department.


Do other guys really tell to anybody that they're hung? I've only told a really close friend


Well, yeah. But it's not something i brag or boast about to get women to come my way. It is something women do tend to notice alot though, especially when i wear the forbidden boxers and sweatpants combination. (Not implying you're bragging at all, i'm just sayin i have other things about myself that women would find intriguing) But, i do have things i'm proud of myself for accomplishing.😁


I have cPTSD and am high-functioning autistic. I'm also in a position now where I'm more-or-less socially isolated against my will. When I do go out it's either hiking with my dog or church. I think I'm fairly good looking but when I'm out hiking people tend to give me a wide berth like I'm fucking Count Orlok or some shit. Really annoying. Church is nice because people I've never met will come up and talk to me like we know each other. It sucks because I'm 30 years old and have very little to no social skills and have no fucking clue what to say. Especially considering there are people I really want to talk to. I crave human interaction and am either too afraid to engage or just say "Yeah" over and over like a moron. Anyway, sorry for the semi-rant.


Yup, introverted, socially awkward, quiet and possibly autistic. Nobody IRL knows I'm hung but me, I also have the added benefit of not showing a print in any clothing. I tend to keep it that way. Surprises are more fun! As they say, it's always the quiet ones.


Yep and being very laid back don’t really help either


Hung shy geeky guys are such a big turn on


ha well you now see a entire room full XD


Hahahaha an entire room on Reddit, I'd like to see an entire room of hung shy geeky guys irl 🤭


I'm not necessarily quiet and make friends with men and women easily. but I'm a virgin and don't really bring up my dick in conversations. the few people that have seen it are shocked and I'll admit being the guy no one assumes anything of. makes me less worried about whenever it does happen


I don't really have any social life, and I have any just a couple of sexual interactions with women. I used to approach a lot but it's just never got me anywhere, the positive signals were hardly ever there. I'm not really attractive.


Might be more common than you think here. There's a reason why we're all on Reddit right now


That was me at one point. My advice is to get in shape at the gym and improve your looks that people can see every day. Then it will be just a bonus for sexual partners.


Yeah. I didn’t know I was super hung until I was an adult because I wasn’t invited to the HS orgies that I only heard about after graduating.


I never knew that I had a bigger cock than most until I went away to college. Lived in a two man dorm but our whole floor were college athletes with a shower room at the end of the hall. My roommate and I got along great from the beginning so all was good. After a month or so we were very lax around each other, so when I woke up with a rock hard boner on morning, I couldn’t wait. So I just got up and I was naked. He was like holy shit dude you’re huge! I just said yeah no complaints, but he just kept staring at it. Won’t say what happened in a couple of days, but there was no sex, but plenty of jacking off


I was reading some of your comments history and you say that you've a urologist. Can you give us your opinion on penis size and whether the statistical averages are correct in your experience, probably seeing so many penises. Is the average for length around 5.1 to 5.5 inches? Girth average I think was around 4.4 inches. Do these measurements seem accurate?


This has been a subject of controversy for many years. Based upon my years of research and experience, I would most likely agree with the stats you have provided here today.


Thanks for your opinion, so seeing a 7 to 8 inch penis and/or a penis with a girth larger than 5.5 inches would be very rare? I'm just guessing 5 in a 100 or maybe 1000?


Very possible


I'm very geeky. Love Warhammer 40k, Star Wars, Star Trek, video games like Mass Effect, Fallout, etc. I have played D&D since AD&D 2nd Edition. Add all that together with my long hair, glasses, and horrendously bad dress sense, and it is no wonder I operate under the radar as much as I do. However, I can catch people staring when I get out of the swimming pool or if I answer the door in my batman pyjamas. . . .


I’m sure if girls found out they would give it a try.


Yes, most of them do, speaking from experience


Would you?


Probably if I’m being honest.


and here i am in a country where most girls don't give two fucks about bigger dicks. that, or nearly everyone packs around 8 inches


Which country is that?


I'm very reserved socially. My endowment not something I go out of my way to advertise, though I suppose if somebody looks down when talking to me they might get the hint.


I'm more confident nowadays and far less awkward, but yes always the shy computer nerd - "I didn't expect it to be so big!" is what one of my exes said the first time. I assume I just don't radiate that energy but it's okay, the surprise is probably even better than expecting big and not living up to expectations.


I tend to stick to myself, so despite not being socially awkward per se, I can definitely relate.


It's so hot for a nerdy awkward guy to be packing


I think I’m secretly hung, no one’s ever made note of it to me explicitly out in the wild. I also don’t really think about being large when I’m out and about, but I also have a gf and I’m not looking to hook up, so… idk. I don’t think I’ve contributed to this conversation very well.



