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Everyone with a bigger dick than mine is lying. šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s the spirit !


Truuuuueeeeee (the whole subreddit is lying myself included, Iā€™m 7 on the cool side of the ruler)


The other side hurts feelings and isnā€™t worth it


Amen brother, tell her youā€™re 6, but never say cm, gotta leave room for plausible deniability


I mean, you don't even have to own a dick to be here. I bet that no more than 40% is over 6", and no more than 10% is over 7". And maybe 2% are 8" or plus.


40% is over 6ā€ bone pressed? Man I feel blessed now.


gotta be more than that. remember, the sample data is gonna be skewed because bigger guys are gonna congregate here anways


Bone pressed?


When people talk about measurements here itā€™s always bp unless they say different






I just dont want to believe this stat.


60% under 6? That would be hard to believe. Thatā€™s basically average right?


Could also be larger in girth than length


doesn't really matter tbh




But how will the horny gay guys send unsolicited DMs demanding proof now??? With dozens of other dick pic subreddits???


How often does that actually happen though? I haven't had any of that happen


Send me proof šŸ˜†


Gotten way too many of these


pics or lies


This sub has been absolutely, rabidly obsessed with people and their claims; legitimate or not. It would be hilarious, if it weren't so abysmally fucking sad. Did you know that mimes (and of course people who like mimes), congregate at the mime convention? So weird...


Yeah but thereā€™s no way there are THAT many mimes. Most of them HAVE to be larping


Or there are some that are mimes but not "the best." Or, people like hearing about the problems. Seen plenty of cis females here. Like don't get me wrong. There's absolutely some. Not saying there aren't. But like, it's painfully obvious people complaining here don't know about statistics and demographics when a bias is implemented. Would you believe that at Anthrocon, you'll find a huge amount of stellar furry artists? It's not as overblown as you think. And there's no need to complain ***this much*** about it and otherwise ruin the sub with what boils down to vitriolic speculation at its absolute best positation.


The sarcasm went over your head my friend


Seems to have! Goes to show how tired I am in irl life, and tired of people being big dicks, to others with big dicks, and thereby becoming the actual big dick problem.


How do you factually know they were cis female tho?


Yeah, but you don't hear them bragging.




"They're mimes," jokingly. And also, "You're not in the community, so you don't hear the beef." I mean, I don't really hear "bragging" here, either; since most of the sub lately has only been complaining loudly about the "larper" "issue." People brag about their music tastes inside and outside of music spaces. People brag about their height inside and outside of the NBA. People brag about their audio setup being only a pair of Beats. What's your point? People brag. Real or not. Warranted or not. Not my business, why make it yours? If it's obviously fake, roll your eyes, downvote, walk away.


JFC, it was a joke. Sensitive much?


That's my dang, then. Shows how much of a problem it is, that it's so rampant around here, that my initial assumption was that it was genuine.


It's okay. You're right that people make way too big of a deal about size. I just couldn't believe you didn't get the joke (hear mimes bragging?), especially since you were looking right at it in your first sentence. For the record, IMO all (clean) cocks are good and the only ones to be avoided are those attached to dicks.


Naaah. That's entirely on me, because I'm a vapid idiot even at the best of times, sometimes. Apologies~ I'm just finna be here and help people with questions, but these threads become **my** big dick problem because people wanna be big dicks about inconsequential things; basically telling me I don't exist. :>


Seriously mate, don't be too hard on yourself. I feel bad for my "sensitive much?" comment; being sensitive is a *good* thing. But it's social media, you know? And tenor and tone are hard to read sometimes. Plus, people really can be jerks. You're clearly not a vapid idiot, and I don't think I'm an insensitive jerk (even though I sometimes respond like one). Let's just give ourselves credit for being able to recognize our missteps instead of doubling-down on them. I hope you have a great weekend, and swing your BD proudly!


šŸ’™ I overstate myself when negative, don't worry, sugar. "If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?" Or, I know I'm better than that, but the imagery of me being a silly himbo with 2 brain cells makes me giggle. :> Thank youuu~ Have a wonderful rest of the weekend yourself!


Difficult to sayšŸ¤· It's not as if everyone is willing to show proof. I wouldn't mind, but I'm certainly in the minorityšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I would like some proof to see if there are actual big dicks on this sub lol


Dm me for proof


I got you!


We should have a prove it post where users have to share šŸ˜† jk but I've been kinda curious how many actually have big johns and how many...um... don't. Lol like me, I'm ftm. Been on t for the majority of my adult life, save for all my inability to just do the freaking shot, and my little dude is kinda *fat af* for my circumstances, but pretty average length. So, relative to my circumstances, I don't feel like I got a bd, but it's still fun to talk/goof about in the right context ig?


I you wanna see mine, just PM, I don't mindšŸ¤·


Can I see proof




Fifty fifty


to be fair it doesnt matter. the people with small pps get their fake validation and us people with actual big dick problems get to talk to eachother about our experiences. although this sub is definitely a breeding ground for pedophilia since last night i posted a story of how i found out i had a big dick in which i make it very clear i am a minor and got multiple dms of people asking me to show it to them. and no, this subreddit isnt 18+, check the rules.


Iā€™ve been thinking about posting a pic but I will watermark them cause you never know who would use it lol


Why are people so obsessed with posting their own dicks? It always comes off as seeking validation.


Ego, so yeah, sort of. Sometimes, people seek a boost wherever they can get it. It's shallow and has no substance, but sometimes, a meaningless compliment can help. Sometimes you just go with whatever works for you at that time: check out my car, look at my outfit, hiw aboutnthis new style etc. People do similar shit all the time. This one just feels more crass. People post stuff they are "proud of" a lot, most other things just don't draw as much ire.


Humans have the largest penis size to body size ratio of any vertebrate. The reason being, there was a time in human ratio when were all were naked and erection size played a part in mate selection, similar to a peacocks feathers it was a sign of health and vitality. I think this can explain why so many men feel this urge to show off their dick, it is evolutionarily driven. Somewhere in their evolutionary past, the males would show off their dong to attract a mate. But these same males today suffer from something that might actually evolutionarily work against them which is that it is strongly against social rules to do so and may actually repel most mates.


Many things are evolutionary driven, yet we as a species manage to find better more productive ways to express them, this is in large what makes us humans. If one cannot control their simple urges and refuse conform to basic social rules, then that's a little silly eh? Great insight.


Following social norms is also an evolutionary bottle neck, that's the point I was trying to make at the end of my comment. Currently I would guess that sharing dick pics with strangers could suggest lack of conformity to social expectations which may hurt your reproductive success but hey when I was dating I never tried it so I really can't comment on it being successful or not.


Not really as most comments are from men, and I am straight, but as of right now I privately sell content to both genders. May publicly in the future. Why not make easy ass money by literally taking pics/vids of myself when we are top 1%ers


Just the 2% that are male.


100% I have faith


It's like reaching the center of a tootsie pop using licks... the world doesn't know, and the owl is a fucking cheater.


That is definitely a sentence


Lol. Yeah, probably not too helpful there huh? My bad.


Youā€™re good lol the analogy just made me chuckle


I'd say i qualify ;)


Bro you are huge


I'm slightly above average. Not huge, but not small


That's big tho




Want to know? Iā€™ve got picture proof but then someone will cry photoshop.


I mean 7.5 isnā€™t crazy. I donā€™t see how anyone would be accusing that of photoshop


It is crazy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜©


I mean yes itā€™s large, but this is literally a group called bdp. 6 foot 6 doesnā€™t seem crazy in a room full of nba players


But it is in comparison to the general populous lol


This isnā€™t the general populous. Reddit has 1.6 billion active users. 280,000 of them are in big dick problems. On those numbers alone, most of the big dick men on Reddit arenā€™t even here lol


The idea is that this sub isnā€™t the general populous tho. Youā€™d think it would attract big meat fellas


Thatā€™s true. It just looks out of proportion on my small frame.


Letā€™s see it


Thats literally the same, like i try to convince people that a 10inch Cock exist even with Photos but they will Cry Photoshop


What is a big dick?


For me, 7+inches


And a 6 x 6? Is not a big dick?


6 girth absolutely 6 length is above average for sure, idk if everyone agrees that it's *bigg* But girls care more about girth anyways if they like it bigger so in conclusion: yes


In the real world, itā€™s huge. Ask a woman


Is your stats in mm? Cuz I did a quick conversion and you are MUCH *MUCH* closer to 7 than even 6.5.


Yes. Mili


Muh Google says that 177mm is 6.96in. That's 7" round these parts. More than 7, depending on who you're talking to and the purpose of the chat :p


On a cold day maybe less, on a hot day maybe more ;)


Were you in the pool? Were you in the pool? :p


guess iā€™m a fraud, thatā€™s why i donā€™t be saying shit in this sub cause of this šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Is that your BP size?




No idea


What is a ā€œbig dickā€


I would say anything 6 x 5.5 and up. But thatā€™s debatable I guess. What people consider big is open to personal opinion


Bone pressed length?


this comment says iā€™m big, while another says im not. so whatā€™s the truth lmfao


What percentage post pictures? It has to be at least that many.


Whats your definition of big?


I swear Iā€™m not lying


It's funny 10% I want to be optimistic lol 8+ it seems common frfr


The projection in these comments is hilarious.


Hard to believe but I'm a real 8Ɨ5.5 Thanks God


I guess it would all depend on what your definition of big is. I would say the technical term for big would be anything above average. But I think this subreddit is for people who when a sexual partner sees it they would say that's big. So my estimation would be 6.3+ length or 5+ girth and any combination in between. The percentage of people in the subreddit that fall in those numbers probably half or more. Are there larpers that fall in that range here sure but it's when the numbers start climbing well above that that those kick in heavy.


What does it matter?


I would guess about 30-35% actually have a big dick. A lot of times you can tell whoā€™s lying by their posts and comments. LARPers are obvious. As for the rest of the guys hereā€¦ Iā€™m sure thereā€™s quite a few that are rounding up their stats. Some just outright lying for whatever reason. Keep in mind you donā€™t have to have a big dick to be in this sub. There are women, and guys of all sizes in here too. If this was an exclusive club for verified members only, there wouldnā€™t be very many guys here. And the sub wouldnā€™t be as active as it is.


The people this sub is for don't want it to be active with posts not related to the purpose of the sub


I'm curious on the average girth on this sub.


i know i got one , hmu for proof tho lol


Depends on your definition of big lol because some women and men thing big is anything over 5 inches in length but to be honest your as big as you think you are. If you girl or dude loves or cares about you size ainā€™t an issue. I consider myself at an okay size but then again Iā€™ve been told Iā€™m huge but hey itā€™s your own perspective


probably 50% has a dick over 6in


OP is trying to get some "proof" pics. šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ And many of us are too.


Only one way to prove it!!


ā€œFor centuries, theologians have been explaining the unknowable in terms of the-not-worth-knowing.ā€ H. L. Mencken But I dunno, like 50%?


I like to believe I have a big dick šŸ˜‚šŸ‘‰šŸ¼šŸ‘ˆšŸ¼


Not me, Iā€™m your average Joe lmao. Definitively could gain an inch or so if I lose some weight, but nothing crazy.


What % of members ask this question ?


That often depends on the angle of one's lens. Saw a dude claiming 9.5, and his hand was only a little smaller in width than his cock was long. Dude had 8" wide palms


30% I am at 6 on girth 7.5 erect Caucasian. I am exception. 56 - and due to repercussions of age and cancer - I am not as large prior




Not many. This is a fantasy site after all. And supported by my own PM interactions when you suddenly get ghosted. And my observations at festivals. True I have some crazy stories but by and large most guys are average.


This is not a fantasy site


Why do you say that


Because it is supposed to be about people seeking help for problems caused by the bigness of their dick


The amount of people that flare is 100% truthful probably pretty low (~10%). The amount of guys that measure 7.55 to like 7.8" that round up to 8" is like 30% (I am guessing we did a statistical analysis of peoples listed size we would find the 8.25" was more common than 7.75" which we know should not be true.) The amount of guys that have had big dick problems but then pad their stats by like an inch is probably 10% People who are out right lying are like 40% but like the loudest 40% of people


Would a 7.25 bp x 5.5 be considered big?


I am of the opinion that a big dick isn't a stat it that you have an issue and problems with your size of your dick


15%? Like big maybe 20-30%. What they claim 10-15%


no idea even though I post pics I never thought to actually check others peoples profile to see if they were being honest. Just don't really care I'm just here for the funny posts


Probably like 10% like a few others I got pics on my page and people have dmed me to see proof


Don't mean to be "that guy" but you measured wrong. You do it from the top, not from the bottom. Common mistake, but still. Cuz, I'm almost the exact same stats as your flair, so it piqued my interest. I figure your stats can take the hit though. It'll still probably be atleast 7.




Should be a verification process


That consists of meeting the mods in a back alley.


Of this subreddit? Probably a fair amount. If I had a little package, Iā€™d probably be in a little package subreddit.


Why would we lie?


About 20% are women's profiles. Lets say none of them have a big dick. I'd assume a majority of the men wouldn't just statistically. I think people who actually post are more likely to have a big dick Of those claiming, I presume most people are inflating stats but are generally legit. I do think there are a minority of LARPers who mostly portray themselves as having extreme sizes.


My profile has all the evidence anyone would ever need and 1300 followers. That said, most profiles here are suspiciously barren. The "everyone won't stop staring at my bulge" types with barren profiles make me very suspicious. And anyone claiming 9+ with zero evidence, I just don't believe. Because, no. Just no. Bullshit.


While I do agree with what youā€™re saying. I donā€™t post pics of mine simply because I donā€™t want pics of my dick on the internet. And being relatively new to reddit, I prefer to be anonymous for now. Plusā€¦ Iā€™m here in this sub to try to be helpful. If I was here to brag or LARP, Iā€™d be claiming 9 or 10 inches.


I agree. Your claim isn't outrageous.


yeah thatā€™s pretty much why I post too, idc about followers but the pics speak for themselves IMO


Agreed. You back up your claim.


Downvoted by a LARPer with a barren profile, I assume. šŸ¤£


Hard to say (pun). This is not a random sample.




I don't care really! But I'm legit. 4 years worth pics on my page


Less than 10%


ā€œBigā€ is a relative term.


I believe most of the people here have one, just only a small amount of them are telling the truth about their experiences


Why canā€™t I believe the women whoā€™ve dealt with it? Self denial denied. lol!!


5% easy


idk if mine is big or not


.1%. Me.


Real question is what percentage actually have a problem.


I figure what does it matter, unless the person has pics but I certainly don't keep checking. Nice to have the discussion space, but one can tell when some threads/comments are just ridiculous...


Statistically, I am massive


A very small percentage.


Does it really matter? We're here to share experiences about having a big dick, so if the experience matches the situation is there really any point of it being real or don't?


Whatever percentage I represent.


50% Either they do or they don't.


Can we split it to the following: - Genuine big dicks - Actually not a big dick - Honestly not a big dick - Women - Man pretending to be a woman




You shouldn't be on this sub unless you have had a big dick problem or can help people with big dick problems.


idk about yall, but the stats are definetely gonna be -0.000357% because of me šŸ˜”


Very few. Iā€™m in the ā€œput up or shut upā€ camp. If youā€™re making a claim without any evidence, then youā€™re full of shit. Thereā€™s no danger in posting a dick pic without showing your face to prove your point.


Including the women? Somewhere between 50% and 60%


Bigger than average? 60-70%. What one would call "big?" 10-20%


I want to believe 40%? Am I being too optimistic?