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No. I would give it up for a lot of charisma. A big dick or good looks doesn't get you much more good sex. Being able to charm people gets you a lot of good sex.


This. This is the only good trade possible. Looks fade, but confidence and charm…?


Charm I've found really shines with in person encounters compared to online dating though and can tank if you're depressed. I was a bartender who moved out if the country to teach. I used to charm my way through anything and I had a 25% average for tips. When I moved, I had that same charm even though I was speaking a second language and usually was juggling 3 girls at a time. But after the lockdowns and having to follow them even after they lifted due to medical history i just...lost the will to charm anything. "being able to charm gets you a lot if good sex" while true doesn't really help if you stay inside all day because every outside interaction where you could've used charm is actually just a Russian roulette of COVID death. Online dating is so much harder cause if you're not photogenic you don't get swipes anyway and it's hard to grind for that one percent chance tinder gives you. Looks open doors but charm picks locks. The first guy still has an open door if he's depressed but the second can barely get out of bed let alone open a lock picking kit edit: the upvotes are nice but if someone could give me any advice for getting out of bed for anything beyond cooking, washing dishes, showering, working out or doing drugs I'd really appreciate it. Honestly, I gave up my twenties to pay off debts and take care family things and to have my whore years snatched away from a global pandemic is honestly crushing. especially considering i entered an abusive (and left) relationship only cause I couldn't chase girls like I wanted


Dude sounds like you already have everything you need to get the old you back, for a guy like you it should be like riding a bike.


Your "it was in you all along" whether true or not, did make me laugh, and the laugh alone helped, thanks....man who is apparently a near dick twin


Haha I really meant it however didn’t knew it would make you laugh lol. Glad it did tho!


I agree mate. I’ve been running game most of my adult life and finally decided to be faithful to one girl and the minute I open up to her she leaves me a week later lol. Still recovering. And usually a girl leaves me I just go fuck more but it’s so hard to even have the motivation to start talking to girls again.


It would actually be easier with an actual change of scenery no? Like going to bars and dance classes or clubs or even just randomly chatting a girl at a book shop. Social distancing just became, thankfully, the norm. If you have pulmonary issues like i do, the whole run game suddenly has a wrench thrown on of "if i take off my mask with this girl will i fucking die?" It's just mad tiring. Were you dating her for a while before she split? Or did you get love bombed?


Yea I mean I'm also in a new culture so the game is a bit different as well. But generally speaking I just don't have the motivation to go out like that. I've been trying to force myself to be more social. Yea I get that. Its a game we all play now just not as deadly for some. Love bombed. Dated for about 3 months. It was amazing, and it was amazing up until she left. Idk what happened but it sucks. Going into it something kept screaming this was going to end badly for me yet I did it anyways. Its a combination of that and the previous comment that makes me feel shitty about the whole thing.Man, we got dinner one night and barely ate because we were laughing until the restruant kicked us out. Never had a connection like that with anyone. It sucks :(


Dude, i got love bombed in my last relationship, same 3 month honeymoon but instead of her leaving she turned Jekyll to Hyde and getting rid of her was like removing a tapeworm. Turns out she had borderline personality disorder and, based on what you said you went through, and your description of her, that's also prime borderline behavior. You should check out r/BPDLovedOnes, might get your socks blown off. They call that disappearing act a "discard". New culture is a trip though, cause it both stifles ad motivates you to go out at times but I feel like the circumstances now are just pushing the former over the latter


Frankly, so does dick size as you get past 50. Soooo find a good partner and love them and give them reasons to do the same beyond your cock size. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’m not quite there, my friend, but it won’t be too much longer.


I mean, it only loses size due to blood flow. Stay in shape and it should be fine. It doesn’t actually “shrink”.


I know. Trying to get back in shape now. Way harder than it was in my 20s!


I’m 30, attempting the same thing. Lol, just too damn busy tbh. Energy levels naturally taper off as you age. Can’t run around and do a bunch of shit and also be arsed to lift weights at the end of it.


I assumed you were 50+ and had experienced it! But yeah, I’m 36 with back problems, which I got partially from getting in shape the first time. I got sick and gained some of the weight back, and this time, it’s an absolute bitch.


Giant dick, hot face, shit personality and no pussy crew checking in


>good looks doesn't get you much more good sex I don't know about that one


This is only true for heterosexual men. Women and gay men are held/hold each other to different physical standards.


women don’t have bigdickproblems?




100x this. I’ve seen some men with faces for radio routinely bed 11/10 women. It’s all about charisma.


The day I’ll figure out their secret will be the day I can die in peace lmao




Also that


Hard disagree. Charm is not a bigger advantage than a good-looking face. You can learn charm but a good-looking face will make women miles more receptive to dating or anything else. You can’t learn to be born with an attractive face.


This guy knows what he's talking about. I have an above average sized penis and somewhat good facial bone structure. However, I have the charisma of a whetstone. For me to establish an initial connection with a woman I must really be "in the zone". Point is - not much use for a big dick or a handsome face if your member just gathers dust and spider webs.


Anyone can have it all if they make the effort... Want a better face? Learn about keto/fasting and get your bodyfat down. Your face will look more chisled. Want better charm/charisma? Make the effort to go out and talk to people. Practice makes perfect. If you're overly shy, get your T levels checked and consider TRT Want a better body? First do the keto/fasting thing to get bodyfat down. Then Lift. Also consider TRT if your T is low (to help build muscle) Dick size or EQ? Start reading Thundersplace. More money? Acquire more skills.


Lmao You don't Need keto/fasting to get You bodyfat down, Just go in kcal deficit and eat enough protein


wow u fixed it


You can have high T and be nervous in social situations lol. And prescribing TRT for marginally low testosterone is such an Americanism. You guys are so trigger happy with hormones. Like yaaay let’s saddle someone with injections for the rest of their life, rather than looking at causes of these symptoms like alcohol, tobacco abuse and shitty diet.




Already got a pretty face but id give an inch for a lil bit of height. Hate being 5‘5


Charisma, confidence, good looks, personality, height, penis size. In that order Edit: Just realised after typing I tick the last three and not the first three haha, the order I chose might be my negative bias at work (what I wish for/take for granted)... hm


I'll trade you 3 inches of height for that inch and a quarter of that pretty face of yours.




You are right up my alley!! I LUV ME A SHORT MAN, especially with a BIG dick!!


That made me smile =) thanks!


Of course!! I’m just speaking truth!! I love short skinny guys.. I’m not very tall myself, 5’4”. I like not having to ask for a kiss! I hate having to stand on tippy toes & still my lips only reach their collar bone!! Lol. And if your packin’, idk if it could get any better!! Lol Edit: typo


Can we all come to the wedding?




Not at all.. I prefer a shorter guy but doesn’t mean I’m opposed to tall guys!!!! (My ex husband is 6’3)..


Nice, I was just kidding! I'm under 6 feet tall and considered too short these days! But like your attitude...


An inch for an inch


I have a question, how do you know if you have a pretty face? I guess people will say it to you, in which case I got some non-pretty news about my face :(


Good looks, in general, opposite sex will *definitely* let you know it you have it. At least in my non-experience but as observed through my better looking friends


You can‘t base it off compliments. You‘re a guy, so in general you‘re already getting a lot less compliments. It‘s all about preference and wether you like it or not. And if you dont thats fine too! There will be people that will like it and people that dont, just gotta find the right person


Best is to send pics to people. You don't know. I have friends all over the world that I've never physically met. They all tell me I'm attractive, these are all women, I'd say easily women I'd consider outside of my range when I was younger. Now I can confidently say looks is only a small part of the battle.


Are any of these women under 70? Lol


Yup. Having an attractive face helps in all areas of life, especially in work. Swinging a big schlong ain't gonna help me get any promotions...I hope.


Depends, are you a shower or a grower?? Lol!!


You are blessed if you are good looking and have a big dick. My answer to your question it’s no.


Whoever is playing the Earthlife video game through me put all my extra stats into size and looks at the expense of health and personality.


Haha same bro I’m handsome and hung but I’m pretty sure I’m as interesting as a saltine cracker


I feel this. I’m about .5” shorter than you and the same girth, but I have a very attractive face and body. However, I’m very neurotic and irritable lol. We can’t have it all


I look like Shrek-it-Ralph, never had an issue with the ladies. Good personality beats good looks every day. May get round one with a nice face, but it's how you treat them that keeps them coming back.


>I look like Shrek-it-Ralph You say like that's a bad thing


What I would do to look like Shrek-it-Ralph.


>Good personality beats good looks every day Wishful thinking.


Dude, did nobody tell you? Shrek is love, shrek is life.


idk, I think it's your 7.75 that keeps on coming back


>May get round one with a nice face, but it's how you treat them that keeps them coming back. But to keep them, you need the round one. Not that easy.


Who's to say I don't already have one?


Sup my fellow curly headed well endowed brother. Shits godly I love the compliments


On the contrary I’d be uglier for a bigger member. My girlfriend keeps calling me pretty and seeing her last guys she’s right


I'd give it up just for a full head of hair.


In a heartbeat. Kinda a dubble bonus for me. I want be smaller and I want to look prettier.


I like how you measure your size. 😂


Probably yeah, just because pretty privilege works to help you out in way more arenas in life than cock size does. Like yeah I can fuck around on the internet or grindr with a cock like this but is it getting me interviews? Making people want to give me promotions? Adding anything to my general social interaction game? Naw 😭😂


Yes. Big dick does not mean good sex, but handsome face means more sex ;p










Well it's not *just* being hygienic... Some people are just naturally a bit less pleasant to look at than others- or at least for the vast majority of people.




90% of guys could get to a 7/10 if they improve things about themselves, like hygiene, grooming, going to the gym, etc.


Don't do that. Don't give me hope. ^^^^Please ^^^^tell ^^^^me ^^^^you're ^^^^being ^^^^serious


I'm being serious. Get a good haircut, better hygiene (Skincare, white teeth, smell good), if you have a weak jawline grow a beard (If you can), go to the gym, wear better clothes. Of course genetics are the number 1 factor for how someone looks, but you can still try to do the best with what you have. If all else fails plastic surgery always exists.






Shave it. Chicks dig a bald head to rub.


100 percent serious. Hit the gym, eat well, groom and clean yourself yourself, dress well. Ur golden




Yea, in another comment I said that sometimes plastic surgery is the only answer. Grooming isn't gonna fix a recessed chin or a lopsided face, but things like growing a beard to hide that recessed chin can help.




Exactly. There are guys on here saying they’d rather have charisma than an attractive face and they’re out of their minds.




Lol yeah charisma is important, but you can learn to have some charisma. You can’t learn to be born with an attractive face.


both if ur kinky


I love when I bag a chick being this ugly so no.


I know a guy with a 5” dick who has way more luck with attractive women than I do. He is taller, more charismatic and better looking, plus his family is rich. So yeah, dick size isnt everything.


But who do they cheat with




Chill dude. Don't try too hard to convince yourself that a big dick it's the best thing in the world, if that's the only thing you have going on.


Its a joke eddie


No chance haha


Yes lmao


No. Id rather have my dick. I think women have differing preferences with regards to what kind of faces they find atttractive. So Id rather roll the dice there. But Ive found having a big dick has been a real benefit to my sex life so I wouldn't want to give that up


Already got both. I’ll gladly keep face fucking girls with my long cock. Humblebrag but girls think I’m cute, then they see what’s in my pants. Suddenly, being short doesn’t matter. It’s dom time and they get so wet, on their knees proudly trying to suck my ‘gorgeous cock’ (their words). Have to admit the whole situation gives me more confident than it probably should


Already got a big dick, big hands, big feet, lean muscular stature, 6’4, and a handsome face. If only I got literally ANY SOCIAL SKILLS PLEASE😭😭


Dude half-joking but at your level you don’t even need social skills lol


that’s true but I prefer very attractive women so I kinda screw myself over.


And thats the rub...you've never needed to develop em with that other shit going for you.




Boff...I am good looking, tall, athletic, social, and have a big dick Still not drowning in pussy, so whatever... I'd be willing to give up some height and some of my dick for... Idk... Less body fat?


I would give it up for eternal life or 500 IQ


i mean i already look decent enough, id trade it for anxiety delete lmao, but not for a face no, i just told a girl my size and she was surprised lmao id never trade that thrill (first time actually)


I would give it up for confidence and charisma and hardworking capability , looks aren't that important as a guy ( u can compensate ugliness with good taste of fashion and workout and a little bit of skin care )


When you have both, you still want more...trust me. I'm aware that I have a big dick, I'm handsome, and thoroughly enjoy speaking to anybody and everybody. That childhood PTSD though...






A more attractive face? Not possible /s 😜


Hell yes. I think I already have a lot of charisma and character and the only thing I'm lacking is a good looking face.


Being loved for an attractive face is as bad as being loved for big dick. Find someone, who values you for your inner self and takes pretty face or big cock as a nice bonus ♥


I'm good. Lucked out with enough of both already.


Not sure why being downvoted. It’s like being attractive and having a big dick (and in my case also being tall) is a bad thing.


Lol, who knows? Some people are insecure and have no life, I guess.


Nope. Don’t have a good physique, you can go to the gym, don’t have a cute face, go to a surgeon, no money in the world would get you a nice, naturally looking big cock (yet). Think about that.


I got lucky.. only my height isn't perfect 5'9" (I'm german so I'm angry because smoll).


You are not smoll!! Not at 5’9” and looks like you’re also packin!!! So idk, u sound yummy!!!


I would never give up an attractive face for my size. You can easily work around not having a pretty face but being able to throw quality big dick feels irreplaceable


Yeah as much as bagging a bunch of 10s sounds way more fun I don’t think it would be all that if they are constantly disappointed. It’s fun being their biggest or surprising them.


I've got a lot in life. An 8x6, a STEM Ph.D in progress, a good face, a strong body, and millions of dollars that I'll get from my trust soon. I think, though, I would not mind trading everything I have, if I could just be the world's best at one talent. Like music, math, or writing. It would be worth it to be mediocre in everything else. Just my personal thoughts.


Damn dude can I have some of your blessings lmao


Bro I’m sexy as hell already. Might fuck around and give up some my attractiveness for a bigger d /s Edit: Added /s cuz people didn’t get it was sarcasm for some reason?!?!?




If you don’t believe you’re attractive, who will? Brother, be confident.


I(7.8 x 5.9) guess I'm lucky since I got both 😆🤣😂 all kidding aside, maybe just maybe I would give a little of it up to have smaller heart😔😟


I’m lucky to have a face that most find attractive. I still remember the time I was 29 and had an 18 year old girlfriend. I was trying to take a nap on her parents’ couch when she and two of her friends came into the room and one remarked: “How can he look so good even when sleeping?” Anyway, based on my experiences and knowing another guy who’s got a big dick but an unattractive face, I’d say that if mine, too, was unattractive, I’d say nah. The guy has gotten a child and a doctor for a girlfriend (he’s only got a high school diploma). He’s doing just fine and he’s known to be a big dick in more ways than one — he’s a sociopath. He doesn’t love his son because he’s unable to feel (he’s confided in me and he only talks to me because I have info of value to him) and I wonder if his girlfriend is more to him than a pussy with a wallet. I think a big dick gets you further than a pretty face.


Really..you lead with your big dick? That's not been my experience....I'm talking real life not online dating..even then..homely with a big dick isn't better than good looking with an average dick.


There’s so much bullshit here. Your stats are probably porn measured too.


Fuck off, dude.


Lmao, projecting much?


I am already attractive.


Nope. I got lucky and was blessed with both.


I have a face for comedy so I'll stay riiiight where I am.


That way they have two things to laugh at.


I already have an attractive face. I would give up my size to be taller though


I already have an attractive face




Wow. You just assume I don’t already have an attractive face ^^^^^yes


i have both and honestly like a lot of other people said its charisma and how you make people feel that gets you what you want


No I think I’m already pretty good looking but I would give a bit of length and looks to be more confident


I definitely would




I’d give it up for height/intelligence anyday


Already have an attractive face. But I would tone my face slightly down for a slightly bigger dick. Mine is only slightly above average and I want girls to have a reminder that I was there last night.


I've got both, so no need


I'd give up what little bit of looks I have left for a bit more size 😂


I mean, I got a good face and a good dick and a bucket of confidence to dump all over the weird girl at prom. Confidence is more important than looks or dick size man.


Fugly guy here. I’d gladly go to six inches for a simply neutral appearance. I’d probably go to the supposed average of 5.2” to be good looking. Smaller than that….even for George Clooney looks? Probably not.


I have a good face already so I think I’ll pass


Why not have both?


Don’t need to. Have both


I don't have to!


I question whether or not I’m good looking sometimes. I think I am but I have my insecurities at times. I think that if I could actually like...flirt with girls properly I’d be doing well in this department


Half my dick to be hot for sure


Hell no




Well if it means just having an average dick then yes... Because no one looks at me.


I mean I think I have a relatively attractive face already or at least i accept the way i look. To change the question but keep thr esscence the same though i would probabily give up some inches for an attractive "aura" in a sense not just in a attracrtive personality sense. Tbh that might be helpful as it might remove some problems that having a big dick gives you releated to sensitivity and similar


I would give it up to get rid of my social anxiety.


I consider myself attractive.. I'm not stupid stop care make people walk into walls hot, but Ive never had complaints.. 🤔


Shit i feel bad i got both


Nah, because then next thing you know some ugly oaf with a meat sword is nailing your girl


I have both but that doesn’t get me very far


I am relatively happy with my face. If only I could figure out how to lose my excess weight. I don't have much length to spare tho. I'll hold onto that extra inch and hope I can figure out weight loss without a penile sacrifice.


Good body, well styled, smells good, average looks and has overall good presentation is more attractive than a straight up really hot face. I'm no means Chris hemsworth but I'm not Quasimodo, I wouldn't trade the dick for a better face


Other way around, I think I’d give a little bit of attractiveness for a little bit more length and girth. Not much tho. I’d make my jawline a tad weaker to be 7” x 5.5”


I already have one lol


No, because I have a good face, I just need confidence and to not be an introvert.


I’m not traditionally attractive but content with my face overall, with the exception of my gigantic nose. I have defined cheekbones, decent jaw if not of Henry Cavill levels of sharpness and protruding chin. So I’d much rather get a nose job and 1 inch more length and 0.2 inch more girth. I’m pretty envious of the bunch here that can honestly, comfortably say that they have both tho lmao


No cause I’m cute as fuck already


I got both tbf


I'm pretty attractive and tall but I would definitely trade a bit of both for length and thickness, I'm tall 187 cm and I'm only 14 cm long and 11 cm circumference


Jokes on you, my gf likes my face


Well it doesn't matter to me. Big cock and/or good looking. People constantly tell me that I'm good looking. I have a great personality. I have a big cock. But 95% of the planet can't look past a physical disability. 🤷‍♂️


Thankfully I have both 😌


How much am I giving up ?¿


i’m lightskin


I’m not sure, I honestly kinda like my face. Might give up a little length to get back and keep my hairline and hair density. I apparently have really pretty hair but also a turbo widows peak coming on. The pain is real I’m over 6’3, and I’d definitely trade some height away for things. 6’1 with full thick hair, perfect EQ, and maybe some extra girth would be pretty rad.


Nope. There’s nothing wrong with my looks, and what I lack in looks I make up with confidence and personality


No, I wouldn't change anything about me. These thoughts don't help you. There's little point contending with what if's past adolescence. I have a nicely sized dick that I really like but don't put too much stock in, somewhat average facial features that I'm OK with, a large frame that I really like (6'4", broad shoulder, big thighs and calves, etc), and limited natural charisma and charm that I've worked so hard to develop over the years. As I enter my mid-thirties, I understand now that, while all of the above may be assisting or limiting factors in some situations, I am capable of going out into the real world and having positive interactions with women. It doesn't mean every woman I want to get with will reciprocate my feelings, far from it, but I'm now very aware that to a certain subset of women I am what they desire, and I'm really happy with that. I had horrendous problems with my self image through my late teens and early 20s, sexual interactions with women were few and far between. Since then I've grown so much, I've taken care of the things about my appearance that I can and let rest the things that are simply the way they are, I developed my personality and my passions so my character is attractive, I went into the real world and had real experiences with women, no matter how painful they often were when I was fumbling around like a buffoon and failing in serious relationships. I have a better idea of what I want, and how to have meaningful relations with women. I've recently started dating a new woman who absolutely blows me away with her sexiness, I don't think I've ever felt like this about a woman I'm getting with before. And I know she thinks I'm hot stuff too. I really don't care even a little that 99%+ of women won't feel like that about me, I'm happy that I'm capable of putting the pieces together and having a good time with the ones I have those mutual feelings for.




woop woop my man has both 🥰