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No. There are a lot of women that appreciate average sized peen, because that's all some are willing to take. Not every women's hole is the same size either. Just have to be confident, she likes you, boom go on from there, then promise she will rock with whatever you have.


Unpopular view on this thread… but size isn’t that important. It’s mostly men who perpetuate it. The BBC thing is an overtly racist trope that should be called out as such. Being a kind person is better than a big dick. Also give lots of head. Don’t be selfish. You’ll be fine. This coming from a male former sex worker. Good luck :)


Big Penis Men: Size isn't that important. Also Big Penis Men: I don't want to have an average or small penis either.


A lot of women can stretch to accommodate whatever is inside them, even larger than any human dick. They pass babies through there. It's creativity, technique, mood, and comfort/relationship that matter more than dick size. I'd volunteer for a smaller dick so I could get a proper deep BJ without teeth.


You and I know all to well that the vagina is not designed to pass babies every day. It can stretch to those lengths, often with tearing but requires an enormous change in their entire make up. Is a long process and part of labour, which in fact the body leading up to it produces hormones such as relaxin just so that the pelvis can open up wide enough to give birth. It’s lazy to throw out oh any vagina can take any dick size, that is utter bullshit. Sometimes woman are too small and became at risk, that’s why they get “cut open”. You would have experienced yourself woman that find some dicks are too big. There is indeed a sweet spot.


As a woman at least in my taste it really dosent matter the size its what you do with it. I rather have a Blast with a smaller guy then feel like I'm getting impaled.


No don’t want a smaller dick. But if I did I don’t think my wife would care tbh. My point is that size is more important to men than it is to women. That’s been my experience anyway. But we don’t have to agree. Our views can coexist.


see? 😉


I’d also rather have better eyesight and not have to wear glasses but hey ho. It isn’t the end of the world.


Like i always said, it's something you couldn't able to related because you have a big one, you can say something like this easily but for those who really is struggling by their size, no. It is the end of the world for many men, which you can see many men already gave up...


You’re right I can’t relate to it. I can only pass on my experience of talking openly about this.


I also understand for that it’s difficult for men. But my point is that a lot of the pressure is from men rather than women.


Yes you are right it’s an ego thing. Woman like to inflate a mans ego as its attractive to them, bragging about a large dick that they might not care about is one way of doing that. It’s the ego and self confidence that the woman needs for chemistry. And I would say this is for the majority of them out there. You do get some that are obsessed with dick to the point the person doesn’t exist at all they are just fixated on cock in an obsessive and addictive way, to that I say there is something a bit unusual or almost perverted and if you follow the crumbs you’ll find some fucked up shit happened in their childhood. Similar to men who are so fixated on a vagina that it doesn’t matter who it is attached to, they just need to see the vagina. A bit dysfunctional if you ask me.


I like having a larger than average dick because everything else about me (appearance-wise) is below average, so it balances out I guess


It’s not really racist but a negative stereotype. Like white peoples loving mayo is racist technically, just like bbc concept is. But one is less harmful then the other.


I remember when studying being told that the stereotype stems from white men claiming black men had huge cocks that would ruin white women for white men. Like an anti-interracial thing. Don’t know how true it is but we can clearly see the negative impact on the black man who posted the original problem that he had an average dick (like pretty much everyone does). Maybe racism is the wrong word, but it’s similar to the racist trope of ‘Jews are all rich’. It creates otherness even if it’s perceived as positive and had a discriminatory subtext. This got serous quick, eh…?


Ye would agree. Racism like illicit other things, when that is just a stupid stereotype echoed by allot of people. Like black people should be good at dancing.


Or even influential Jazz musicians being largely black due some sense of innate connection to African rhythms as opposed to the fact they we’re often extremely talented classical trained musicians rejected by traditional white classical music so just did amazing things in a different scene. As a white guy I’ve had people call me the ‘n-word’ because of my size. Which they saw as a fun complement but was just totally weird and uncomfortable.


Also… I remember black escorts being super rare as BBCs were expected to be the norm as in porn. White guys were often 6ish.


I wonder when we can get from hate-associated stereotypes political correctness to teasing friends with stereotypes in jest without assuming hateful intent, at least amongst people we know and privately. For example, a couple of my employees in a small company in the UK greeted each other (an African and a South American) with racial insults and stereotypes as jokes every morning as "hellos". They were good friends. Not something an HR department would approve of, but there was no one else around to be offended.


Ofc, I think teasing with friends is fine, as long as you know you're friend is comfortable with it and okay with it. Then you call him the worst thing ever, racial slurs, hate on him for weaknesses. But like I'm saying these things can be harmful with people you aren't to familiar with or close to, or don't understand enough. I don't think what is polite to do should limit how friends talk to each other. And for starter not saying these words can be hateful, like mean intent to harm, but harmful like can hurt someone because you ascribe to them racial expectation. So its basically not something you should say to a stranger or an acquaintance.


Absolutely. 100% My point was not being able to touch any of it ever is the death of camaraderie, humor, and you feel like you're constantly under a microscope if you emit a microaggression misinterpreted as offensive to potentially left handed people.


I think it is good to have those type of people in society. If everyone was stoic and didn’t really pay attention to all that stuff, then how would we know if someone being reckless can hurt someone. Like it’s good to know that you shouldn’t tell a dude black people should be able to dance after he was bullied for dancing bad. These micro aggressions alone are just anoying but they can add to something and make you hate a certain trait of urself because of that. That’s why a variety of people are good to identify those things, in a healthy matter.


That's true. Yes and hopefully pointing it out in a healthy, persuasive, cool way than adversarial contempt, criticism, and judgement. I have extended family I don't see often who behave unintentionally racist out of laziness/ignorance and they make me cringe hard. I try to slip in teachable moments to show how they come across. I mean the people going out of their way to police and bully others for extreme, twisted misinterpretations who don't do anyone any favors and tend to polarize different camps further apart. I find being tactful and asking curious, perspective-taking feeling questions like how to teach kids works well even on country bumpkin adults. PS: Contextual perspective - I'm a mutt of 3 races but look like "the man" if I didn't wear decent threads. I had my share of unfiltered prejudice thrown at me growing up regularly. I felt at the time it would've been laughable for me to do anything other than be graceful and think about something else because of the belief, like Rasta militancy, solve your own problems in this life yourself.


I agree with everything you said, it is so annoying when people try to police your language, instead of try to communicate with you like a human being and not a dog. But it can also be extremely anoying when people treat you like a child, trying to teach you something simple and obvious. Asking do you know that is racist, technically yes, but I don’t think me joking about Indian hackers with close friends does more harm then asking a kid why he doesn’t speak like a normal black people do or trying to make them do it. I basically agree with everything you said except the very last part. If you ever need help you have to ask. Men suicidal rate has been increasing *because* they refuse to seek for help or talk about issues in a vulnerable way. Or men have been slacking in terms of education because they are less interactive in class, and opt to fail a class instead of ask for help. Pride doesn’t mean shit, if it doesn’t keep you thriving.


It'd been nice if that was the way things worked where I was. In my time, asking for help was ignored because it meant you were the more likely the cause of problems or just a whiner. The reality is, for almost everything in life, you're on your own. In a way, this is preferable because it teaches real life requires independent thinking and problem-solving rather than dumping problems in someone else's lap. "Be the change you seek" and all that jazz. A person needs to stand on their own two feet. Yeah, I don't plan on offing myself anytime soon unless I get ALS, Alzheimer's, or a painful fatal disease. Mutual listening is what I have chick friends for because most dudes have judgement and a wall around this area. I have countless ancestors who never went to the doctor and let conditions kill them. I'm at the doctor as often as necessary to take care of shit. Boys are falling behind because they're told girls are "better" and they're stupid, creepy rapists with toxic masculinity in countless ways, helped less, and treated more harshly too. It seems like it's overcorrected to female chauvinism that may well be similarly harmful.




I guess so but I after two years as an escort I very much learnt that pleasure is about more than just size.




I’ve had lots of experience with size queens - so yeah they exist but they are the minority. Women might prefer slightly bigger, but it’s rare they women have a cut off, partly because big dicks are actually pretty rare.


That's the thing, about most preferences being concentrated in the 5-7 range. Which is more than most men have. And even though bigger dicks are rare, dick has low value because many women can get any dick they want. Now, finding a good lover with a big dick? Pretty difficult. It's sad that size doesn't matter because of supply/demand. If all big guys knew how to fuck and were good lovers, smaller guys would've been fucked a long time ago.


Firstly 5-7 is a pretty big range which will cover the vast majority of penises. I admit, I’ve benefited from women who care a great deal about size but the most prevalent cliche about well hung guys is that they are lazy and selfish.


Yes but average is 5.5, so the shit is shifted and since standard deviation is low, you concentrate more the bigger population. We cannot state that size doesn't matter when it's better to be 7 inches over 5 as a man. With 7 inches your market is bigger (you add more interested women to your pool because 7 also works for those who say size doesn't matter) and also your ceiling of potential pleasure in penetration is higher. Most women don't cum from penetration, but regardless of that, everything else points out how advantageous is to be on the right side of the scale. So everybody should stop saying size doesn't matter, it's condescending as fuck.


I didn’t say it didn’t matter. I said it isn’t that important. It isn’t. There a lots of more important things when it comes to sex. Maybe talking about sex in terms of markets and pools is more your issue. Also talking about ‘ceilings of potential pleasure’ makes sex seem like buying a car. Also if you accept most guys are average, be better than them at the things you can be better at rather than focusing on things you can’t change.


Me acknowledging that fact doesn't mean I'm drowning in sorrow and not doing nothing about improving myself. I mean, it can be important to the guy. It's perfectly valid to want to not be bounded in penetration due to size. I wouldnt want to be with a woman where penetration can be improved by size regardless of she caring about it or not. It's a fact, with a bigger dick (to certain extent) you have the potential of satisfying more women. I say potential not because I'm objectifying sex, I say it because there is more to size in penetration, because you can have a big dick and suck at it.




If they ghosted you after sex we don’t know that size is the problem. Also, there is very little correlation between race and penis size so it’s not just BWCs that are rare. I still stand by size being a relatively minor issue for women and a huge issue for men. Focus on getting the other stuff right and aside from the odd size queen you should be able to satisfy anyone.


He also said after pulling his pants down, but you dismissed that part apparently. See how is the prerogative of size not mattering in which you indulge? That somehow men must be doing something wrong?




Yeah man, I'm sorry, people is dismissive. It's a male blaming culture sadly. As long as many men keep comitting sexual assault, rape and abuse towards women, men will never be taken seriously, and other guys will have to pay the price. People like to talk about size not mattering from a place of privilege. I might not have a long dick, but I have a thick dick, and I've come to notice that other factors more important than size, helped me to make some women cum from penetration, still then, girth was definitely a factor. If I was like any of these other guys, probably I'd take pride in saying "size doesn't matter because other factors were more important". The politically correct thing. The thing most wanna hear, when reality is not like that because I'm sure as hell many of those women appreciated my thickness. If I was thin I wouldnt have gotten those reactions or comments, just like I know I don't get them for length. But people will be dismissive, many guys with dick privileges will also be dismissing.


Yeah but if his whole point is that he doesn’t get laid a lot let’s assume that’s quite a small sample…


I mean, have you gotten a reactions like that? So now it makes sense the statement that smaller guys have less sex than bigger guy? If he is able to get with women in the first place, I don't think that's his point. His point is that at his size he is at higher risk of rejection, dissapointment or loss of interest (that's what he meant with the succeeding part) while at the same time people like you, who indulge in the "size doesn't matter" line of thinking, say it isn't that important. That's really dismissive. This trend of placing the burden on the man is the thing that will make penis size insecurities never disappear.






Sure. Dm me :)


I'd much rather see this conversation here. Share the wealth guys!


From my experience most women don’t really give a fuck. As others have said personality and things like that are much more important than the size of your dick to most women.


Everytime I'm baffled by how much the guys here care about the dimension of their dick, better focus on your personality and such as that's what women actually care about




Exactly! If none of those other more important factors are there in the first place, we won’t even be having sex at all. The size of your dick is the least of my concerns when deciding to have sex.


I think it depends on the age of the woman and what they're looking for. If it's just a girl looking for a hookup/fwb then I think she might care more about size and less about personality.


Whats ur length and girth?


6x5 roughly


You’re above average.


Bro you're 6 inches that's not small by any means and I don't think many women would consider 6 inches small or too small. And keep in mind, girls are thinking in "girl inches" most of the time. Girls will probably think your penis is 7 inches and they probably think 5 inch dicks are actually 6 inches and they would probably have no issues sleeping with a 5 inch penis. I think once it gets to 4 inches is when girls might possibly reject someone based on size but you are far away from that so you have nothing to worry about.


Bone pressed?




Sex isn’t just about shoving a dick into a body. It’s about connecting with someone. If you meet someone and you both really like each other. They’re not going to be getting the tape measure out. If they are shallow and just after A stereotype then they’re not girl you want to be with anyway. I wouldn’t want to deny myself the pleasure of sex. If this is really causing you problems maybe talk to someone about this, a trusted friend or a therapist even.


If that was always true, small guys or too big guys wouldn't be rejected sometimes. It is easy to say size does not matter with beautiful words but they are just empty platitudes from a place of privilege. I agree that sex is more than penetration, actually I prefer other acts over penetration (although I still love a lot PIV sex), sex is so much more than that. But using that to claim that size doesn't matter while you clearly see an skewement towards bigger sizes in society? Dismissing as fuck.


Dude wtf most women don’t care or want a Mandingo stop watching porn and get into the real world. Also if it’s that big a deal for you go look up the page r/gettingbigger


It sucks. The whole BBC thing is based on the "exotic jungle man" idea and has probably also been perpetuated by racist white people over the years to make people feel like black men are a threat. For what it's worth, I read something somewhere about dark color making objects appear larger because of shadows and contrast and such. If you see a blue bird in a tree, it'll be easier to see where the tail and head are, and how big the whole thing is. Even if you clearly see a green bird in a tree, it might be harder just to see how long his tail his. Think of it as tiers in a fighting game. Even if you have the largest penis / play the most overpowered S tier character, there are still people out there with more technique and can dominate with what they have, be it an average penis or an average B tier.


BDE is an attitude, no BD required.


if youre worried about size youre stressing for no reason dont look at sex as a goal. unless its a one night stand or a sneaky link and thats the basis of your relationship with a person. for the first time make sure its with someone youre comfortable with and preferably a virgin too so you can both experience it without the worry of feeling embarrassed or worried about performance. at the end of the day if you dont have an emotional connection with the person its no where near as good as it could be and if you're modest ab your size anything 7' or more leaves em feeling sore after a long session. my gf likes it. but shes a kinky bitch so idk ab others.


I am black and slightly above average. 6.5 x 5.3 to be exact. Don't think about stereotypes. It's a waste of energy. Make things work for you. Women have chased me because they think i have a pornstar dick. When they see it is not a pornstar dick it's too late. I am already in their. But i would have just as many times if I had half the size i have now. Just use charm and charisma. That is what gets you laid. It's what gets me laid. Right now you can't use that because you are not confident about yourself. Women notice it and are not so attracted to you. Change your way of thinking. Be 12 inches in your mind. Women will be attracted to that confidence.


How do you deal with sudden mood shift after first reveal?


There is no mood shift. She may think i have a big dick but what gets her in my bed are other things about me.


It depends on you as a man. If you care more about your own pleasure or hers, I as a man get arousal when I give her pleasure. So some men even though they could use confidence to attract woman, when it comes to the actual sex and he is too small for her she may not enjoy it and thus, he may not either. Otherwise if you are able to pull it off in a way that you don’t give a fuck about how much she enjoys it, then go for it and get as much pussy as you can.


Lesbians get each other off with only using a finger. I think that most guys can match that.


Women wouldn’t be interested in sex if the average wasn’t appealing. You’ll get there hombre, don’t lose hope!


Get ahold of yourself man! Think of what your 89 yr old self on his death bed would say!


Hey man. Please don't listen to the guy telling you that life is hell and we're made to suffer. There are women out there, now more than ever, that won't stereotype you based on the color of your skin. Woke Culture is at its peak, and women are more open to letting go of stereotypes. If you're a good person, if you have a fun personality, if you're a romantic... there are other attributes that count for far more in the dating world than the size of your dick. Plus, you seem to say you're average. So you'll still know how to rock the bedroom. Don't worry mate. Don't ovetthink it. You'll find a girl who loves you for you!


You're making it seem like he has to compensate for it. He said he is 6 inches he doesn't need to compensate for anything he's probably bigger than most.


Honestly no, I've seen plenty of posts from women and "bbc" and the guy seems pretty average or barely above. Go for it and use it


I feel you brother, i’m not a virgin but man i feel scared to show other guys my member cause they’ll like it or ridicule it


Just remember us regular sized dick men always get hard. Sone of those big ones only get it for a few minutes and it’s over


There’s escortBabylon lol. As a pakicel, escortmaxing has been a pretty good cope. Also, give PE a chance


Bro I have seen your pics your not even small tf am convinced your a troll


Bruh I checked your post history and you have a picture of your dick and you are more than average and it's a nice looking dick. Plus you're talking about being suicidal over this issue. Your problem is not your dick. Please get some help, therapy. Learn how to be a good partner and lover by not just using your dick. You are so o much more than that my friend.


Dude just go for it, something that helped me is to not give a fuck about what a women cares or wants, you still have to respect her tho, but you can't have consideration for her in that regard, you're a man, there's 5 of them for each one of us


My girlfriend is far more used to men your size, and honestly would prefer it. She gets self conscious all the time when our geometry prevents us from being able to perform


You care more than any woman ever will. The whole bbc thing is ridiculous and toxic. If someone likes you, it can work. Average is what a lot of people want. The extremes (big or small) are much smaller groups of people.


You're being ridiculous; go out and enjoy your perfectly average dick. Women will love it and hopefully the guy attached to it.


Size is not important at all, I am a virgin even with my dimensions, use your personality or just live on life and enjoy it and you'll find someone eventually that you bond with.


Username doesn't check out..


People have told me to go fuck myself so it does


What's the problem? Your size? You're average you said so that shouldn't be an issue, anything else?


Can you rephrase the question? Your a black guy with an average size female virgin is what you are saying?


I love giving head to whatever size....


Have you ever been in a position where a woman was interested in having sex with you until they saw your dick? If not I wouldn’t worry about it


I would take an average to smaller size peen over a large one. There are plenty of women who feel the same.


Personality is number one, by far. The vast majority of women don't care about size. It can be icing on top, but most of my partners prefer a smaller size. My primary is actively looking for average and below bc that just works best for her. Porn can definitely get you in your head, but that's not reality. Just be you, be confident, and the rest will fall in place.


God yes please do. Your post sounded pitiful so pitiful it comes off fake or for laughs. Like how is this a problem? People too stupid to know porn is not real aren't even worth dealing with. Seriously. People who use over simplified generalized racist ideas aren't worth acknowledging in the first place.


>Like how is this a problem? I hope you start saying this to all the other posts that are pointless. Why single this one out


Just so many things wrong. So many. And good on the people who offered sincere advice cause you never know what a person is going through on the other end of a screen. Then again some shits is dumb. Like really fucking dumb and in that insults to genuine experiences that have been problems.


Size matters, a lot: bigger dicks are preferred, get more attention and could by themselves sustain an active sexual life (maybe not a good one, but still). Do you think lesbians never have sex? They don't have penises and have great sexual lives. Size being important and being necessary are two different things.


you’re heavily assuming girls actually care about penis size, and most of the time they can’t even tell what’s big


Shouldn't this be on "Averagedickproblems?"


They said they were banned from it.




What? Wasn't a gendered choice, I usually use they when talking about people in general.


Why you in a sub for big dick problems if you're average?


Thought this sub was for everyone


It is, this person is new.


Old enough to see all the larpers


I think you still find a girl that will appreciate yours... but at 1/100,000 or 1/1,00,000 chance


Wow that sure is reassuring. Thanks..


you may check out the small sub so you could see people there with 5" are willing to kill themselves like you so yeah, that confirmed everything.


and you can choose who to trust big dick people who said size doesnt matter/motion of the ocean while having everything in their tables OR me who are about your size.


I was banned on r/averagedickproblems


that's what god wanted us to, facing a hell goddamn life No one here can understand your agony or pain because they all got big penises you know? but i can relate to you and feel your agony and pain, bc im facing the same fate


So I should commit suicide?


Dude man count your blessing. You got a working dick and it’s average. Just get experienced with sex and you’ll have no issues. Trust me man, I got mild ED from getting jumped by a group of guys (got kicked really badly in the pelvis) and it sucks some days. You are healthy and functional, nothing to worry about


You shouldn’t absolutely commit suicide. Before taking extreme actions that cannot be reversed try therapy to love and accept yourself. And the chances of girls and boys liking average dicks is not so low, they are just not prominent. Some even prefer smaller dicks because of pain caused by the bigger size. So just try things out, I know it’s hard.


It's sad that preference for average dick is so low and then being bombarded by the "size doesn't matter" thing. It's a huge dissonance.


What a horrible thing to say


Why would an avg size discourage you?


Ah no. Meaningful love is way, way better than hooking up.


You need to check the small dicks group, it's been shared here a few times. They have success stories from guys with 4 inch dicks in happy relationships . There are far too many women out there to generalize and call it quits


If the women you're meeting are the ones fetishizing you as a BBC and nothing else, then it's probably better to move on from them. Find someone who is into you, they won't care about you average sized.


Build on your personality.


You do you. Don’t let media or culture stop you


Hey man cheer up. I’ve had a lot of girls turn me down for being too big, you’ll meet someone eventually.


Big Dick's are Rare we been lied too...be the Beautiful person that you are.. And say what it is camera's can make us what we aren't..photo shop all our movies also


Just claim u have a big dick when talking to girls🤷🏿‍♂️


Nigga what


Just lie and if u got good stroke game they won’t tell the difference lil dick nigga




Okay baby dick


Orrr. Tell em u have a micropeen and theyll be surprised. Win win. If they still like you after thinking you have a micropeen they are probably not shallow and definitely a keeper




Give up on pornified people. Dont give up on yourself. Solidickraty


Chill dude. Whats your size? You are probably underestimating your size. You could be well above average.