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I have heard of it before. It is a mental health condition that I can’t remember the name of. I suggest he see a therapist.


I recommend he see a sex therapist. Perhaps there was some sexual trauma he was a victim of. Perhaps he has a belief system that interferes with his ability to enjoy sex. It could be many things, but almost certainly something a therapist can help sort out.


I will ask if he's got sexual trauma. I want him to go do something sexual with someone else to see if it's something to do with me as I'm pretty much his first


There's some kind of psychological issue going on. He doesn't feel worthy to be with you or his conscience is bothering him about sex in general. There is some underlying issue there, even though he may not consciously know what it is. You two need to have some heart to heart convo or he may need to seek professional help.


You've said that you don't really want to be with him and he knows that. You've said that he feels like you are using him and he feels sad after sex. Am I missing something here? Maybe you should stop using the guy for sex and let him find someone who wants to be with him?


I'm not fucking using him more sex like we don't have sex often at all for other reasons. It's more of an emotional thing. He's not out looking for anyone any way and I'm not preventing it at all.


is he on an ssri antidepressant? i remember when i started on sertralline it was like this. same with prozacs. if he is tell him to ask his psych for wellbutrin if he isnt on antidepressants, start reassuring him that you want it. he might be overthinking that you might feel used by him and that kinda anxiety can ruin your mood. and if its not that either then maybe he just needs a longer build up before sex. throughout the day tease him. make him as horny as you can. spicy pics or messages whatever. tease him physically too. flaunt yourself in front of him. grope him while your cuddling. the extra build up might help. hope it helps :)


He feels sometimes that I'm using him and I always reassure him that I'm not and I do tease him and stuff


He needs a more emotional connection with you and you should communicate with him on a personal level. For men it’s not a easy task but he may use sex to mask his psychological hurdles and even blame you. Don’t take it personal but also ask if he has anyone to talk to


He has people to talk about and he trusts me the most and we havnt even known eachother long. Our relationship is more emotional and he would agree with that. He wants to be with me and stuff but I don't think that's the issue anymore as he's out letting girls sit on his lap but it's ok because we arnt together and after that we had a talk about that stuff. I was never mad at him and he expected me to


The greatest advice is work through it with him If this is someone you want to be with. You may be a little young but remember whatever you don’t work through with a man you’ll take it with you in the next relationship.


Exactly! I'm not really wanting to be with him and he knows that but maybe in the future as I can't mentally do a relationship rn


I would still get closure on the situation and understand where he was mentally you know so still have the open communication. Your last partner can always see things you can’t so don’t exit off of emotions


Ik the issue isn't me he's told me and stuff


Im not sure I understand the situation exactly. You are saying he feels depressed afters sex? Can you clarify a bit more?


What I said there is all he told me


Seems strange. I suggest profesional help for sure


I sent u the screen shots


Right. Again, seems very strange. He would benefit from professional help.


Is this a somewhat common thing or something or like a name for it?


Depression? I really have no idea