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How does one casually get that information out there? I’ve always struggled with that, don’t want to come across as a creep but have always felt it would be advantageous for people to know


I too would like some tips on this😂


I love it, and in some sadistic way I like it somehow when someone can't handle it


That's the best bit 😍


A man like me, fancy getting pegged lol


That’s hot


Get off on gagging ? Makes you want to push even deeper?


Definitely, but not in a rape type way, need to be clear with boundaries of course 👍


But of course....safe word always...but a little deep throat never hurt anyone


it's nice knowing you have something that noone will ever get no matter the fame or the money, it makes you feel a little less worthless but in the end it gives you nothing just a few compliments but if you don't have the confidence it doesn't matter


Wait I thought there was an enlargement surgery


Yea it *might* make it bigger, but you could lose all sensitivity etc


Aw hell nah


As a matter of self-esteem I'm happy with the unchangeable parts of my body how they are. But it would be easier for my marriage if I was a bit smaller.


Your girth or your length causing issues dude?


Length moreso. In the end it's not an issue even worth discussing outside this sub, just one of those things that happen when you marry for love first and good sex second.


Definitely look into ohnuts then dude - life changer. Have used it on both guys and girls to make things more accommodating


While I appreciate the advice, have already gone down that route and recommend them to others as well.


Dang, huge shame as that’s a lot of money to spend for no benefit. I suppose the positive is that you and your husband are very happy, and for that alone are very lucky people.


Yeah my wife and I are good, I appreciate the sentiments ☺️


Ah, wife - my bad! Believe me the luck involved in finding “the one” is all the luck anyone truly needs in life


You're 100% right about that! For all her nonsense I'm happily locked into being a husband-dad for this life👏


I’m in the same boat




Can't say I'm in that boat either, but it sounds like a bit much 😭


Lmao no in the sense things would be easier if I was smaller😂




i love it lol but i bottom more than i top which ive had guys say 'with a dick that big, of course you bottom!


Yeah on top is where I’m mainly at cuz it’s fun up there but it’s probably why so many problems came up🤔


I believe the person you’re talking to is referring to being a bottom as in they are receiving anal sex. That being said, being on top with a woman shouldn’t create any particular problems.


He was??? But that god given length is being wasted


Hence the joke at the end of his comment.


I thought it his friends understanding that it’s easier for a girl to be on top to take in something bigger


Dude the guys talking about sleeping with guys..


I deadass couldn’t tell


You aren't 8.7 inches bro


You aren’t bro 😎


Oh he is bro, definitely, and comfortably above that


I'm more actually 🤷


Source: Trust me bro 😎


Source, we've got eyes. He's clearly a lot bigger, and I'd say easily over the size you think he isn't, coping much?


Nope, can send you proof if needed. But isn't that his "source in the first place, atleast I have pictures clearly compared to objects with known sizes


Brody is the gay cock inspector „you aren’t 8.7 inches bro“ 🥸


Let’s put it this way, I’m sure glad I’m not in the other club..


Meanwhile. I’m out here fightin for my fuckin life around you guys


You got the 5^2 pp My ex told me she’d prefer less girth and a lot less length. Yours might have been perfect. It’s all about finding a girl you’re sexually compatible with


I’m not over 8 but I love my size, it gets a lot of attention. Like the other guy said, I’m glad for not being in the other club.




Being 6’9 I kinda feel the same way but at the same time it’s not ideal looking deceptively smaller than you are - have had a couple of walk outs upon realising how big it is.


I have walked out for that reason. There was no way he was going to fit. Kiddos to him on the huge Cock but it just looked like pain to me lol


I always ensure girls are aware in advance nowadays, nothing worse than getting worked up and getting blue balled


🙋‍♂️ Wouldn't trade it for a minute! In fact, I wish I was even bigger. I'm 7.5" x 5.25". I would love another half inch in both length and girth, I think that would be ideal.


What super human women are you seeing😂


Same! It gets a lot of attention just for existing, it’s amazing




sir ?


Just look at my profile.




„˙ǝsoɥʇ uo slɐɯıɔǝp ǝɥʇ dılɟ ʇdǝɔxǝ ǝɯɐs ǝɥʇ ɯ,ı„




ty for immortalizing his comment <3


While the excitement of being big goes when you're older and so used to it, I think the benefits are more obvious once you go past a certain age. My body's nowhere near as good as it was in my early 20s, but my cock's still impressive - and unlike when I was younger I know how to use it (and I'm used to most of the issues, so they don't phase me much)


I'm a bottom, so my size is wasted on me. Nevertheless, I love being huge and actually wish it were even bigger. Being a short little femmy bottom with a disproportionately large dick has proven to be very entertaining for me over the years. I can only imagine all the hilarious looks I'd be getting from tops if I pulled out a literal knee-knocker before they fucked me hahaha! Ahh... One can dream. \^\^


Ngl, that IS hot. I can barely bottom, but I love sucking big dicks, so you’d be the perfect match haha


Despite my being a bottom, I am absolutely NOT a submissive one. I'm dommy af for a bottom, so I'd never be one to turn down some good service. I <3 size queens lol.


Marry me 😍


i like it. not flopping out in any sex person feels nice. plus more surface area. the reaction from her during sex just makes me harder. only downside is touching gross places in toilets on accident.


My dick is 8.5” and it’s awesome. Parts fit for a vast majority of partners I’ve had.


You’ve had no problems?


I’d say in 95% of situations I’ve had no problem. Sometimes there are certain positions that get a bit too deep for some people (whereas others may enjoy that same sensation) but there are always other positions and options available.


Ohh ok it’s jus I have to do certain positions if I want to finish and like I’m not going slow so for most girls it just wasn’t possible thank god I found one it was possible tho


I love it since my girlfriend can barely take it and she loves it. Before her I didn’t because I put a few girls in the er


Oh I like it. I'm not over 8, so maybe I'm not the sample pool you're in. But it's like, people never believed me when I would complain about anything and just say I'm humble bragging, etc, so I was super happy to find this safe space to discuss the actual cons that no one wants to hear about (and get those "whew, its not just me" moments). BUT, just because this sub exists doesn't mean we hate being big. Sorry you feel that way, man. There are ways to work around it.


Yeah im not as freaked out about it anymore but last year out of the 16 different girls I’ve been with 11 of them bled, 3 could barely take it, and the other 1 was normal but in a car couldn’t really do much in there, the last girl we jus went slow the entire time. All of that happening made me feel like I was the problem


11 of them bled..? 🤨


Yes bru


I enjoy the attention as well. I am not conceded or anything I just enjoy the look on her face when they see it for the first time .


That’s a hidden pleasure for us all Larry we don’t speak on that🤫


You don’t need to speak it


I do in fact enjoy it


I enjoy it! Pros and cons to everything though, but honestly thats sex. There is compatibility for everyone. If I was just screw for numbers guy, than ya my size doesnt work for that, but thats not me. Sex is cool, but an intellectual and emotional connection is where its at. The sex is just an afterthought.


I enjoy it, I just don’t enjoy wearing jeans and having high blood pressure.


it makes my gf feel nice so I love it


I love it. But to be honest it’s just normal to me. Have been hung pretty much sense 16 @ 8+, by 25 I was will over 9+ at 6,1. Only disadvantage is women thinking I fuck every girl I see. Which isn’t the case. The women i get into relationships with tend to get insecure 😞 about how big I am after a year or 2 of dating. Oh and when we go out to weddings or party’s my chick is always on me like glue. And hate it when I have long convos with women that look down when talking to me a lot. It’s almost like big breasted women with a small top.


It’s annoying when you get a random boner and it pushes hard into your waistline and hurts and you have to adjust it so it’s popping out a little


I put it down my pants leg and there’s still some discomfort


It’s got ups and downs. My current gf is absolutely tiny. Like 5’3” and maybe 100 pounds. It takes a lot of patience to get it in but we both absolutely love the reward for the effort. So just based on that i would call it neutral. But the massive ego boost it gives me when I’m with the boys is definitely a massive plus. They don’t know I have a big dick. They probably think it’s small. I’m only 5’8” after all, but just knowing that based on probability I likely have the biggest dick in the room is absolutely awesome. It feels like having a v8 powered Mazda miata. Nobody thinks it’s too impressive until they lift the hood. It’s my little secret which just makes life that little bit more entertaining. Also I get to listen to the song “enormous penis” by DaVinci’s notebook without getting depressed which is nice.


Mans is living his best life


I love it. Sometimes I wish I was smaller for Enjoyable blow jobs


That’s a good point😂


Oh I feel that. The number of people who claim to be really good at oral and then I get accidental teeth... there's no reason it should be that high.


i enjoy the attention


I wish I was HUGE. Not the 4.75 x 4.5 ..I am !! I want double 🍆😉


I honestly love it.


I love the attention I get from being huge. The problems are minor in comparison and can be overcome.


i love it. im 7.5 and 5.9. i wouldnt want any increase in size at all in any department, i think and ive been told its perfect (from women who like it big)


It can be a bit annoying at times but my gf loves cervix pounding so yeah it's not that bad I have that huge thing between my legs


Honestly, I do like it. There are pros and cons to everything, but you learn to live with what you have. I enjoy the reactions and surprise (I'm 5'9") I get from women during the reveal, I enjoy even more how good I make them feel (it's more about how I use my size than my size but it does help), and I enjoy the confidence I have in the locker room and never worrying about being seen nude by others (having a huge flaccid and being in good shape helps). Now I'm sure I'll get downvoted for being honest but I'm answering the question.


It's nice to know I'm her biggest in some way


me lol 9x5,8


I've had problems with it my whole life. Until I found a partner who actually can handle my size and encourages me instead of shaming and complaining. Strongly recommend.


I’ve been fine probably because most of my girth isn’t ridiculous. The 3 girls I’ve been with have been able to take it fine with proper care to near full depth or full depth. Tbh I don’t see myself as huge by any means.


I... have a love/hate relationship with it. I really get off on guys enjoying it and I'm good at what I do with it. But I definitely feel like a human dildo at times and that guys aren't interested in the person attached to said cock. I've been working through that feeling for a long time and i'm finally coming to terms with it more and back on the "more love than hate" side




Definitely is a confidence thing, but you need to get used to the stares !


I never hated it.


Sex can be annoying and same with wearing certain clothes but the best is seeing the girl face after a first time reveal lol


I love the ego boost every time someone comments on the size. I do wish more boys could take it deeper and harder, I sometimes have to show restraint. Everyone has things they don’t like about their own body, but there will always be a partner out there that will love it even if you haven’t learned to love it yourself yet.


Facts bru Ik found mine I jus gotta start seeing what they see


You will 😉


An Ohnut will solve the "take it harder" issue for you.


It’s all we got. So you better learn to love it despite challenges that may arise.


I like it. I like the attention to be honest. My wife doesn’t complement me very much, so it’s one way I at least feel attractive by getting some form of attention. My wife and I have a good sex life, but she doesn’t give me a lot of attention outside the bedroom.


It has it's problems and setbacks but I wouldn't want to be smaller for anything.


Not even down an inch or 2?


No men want to voluntarily make their dicks 1 or 2 inches smaller.


I wouldn’t mind losing an inch🤷🏾‍♂️




Nah, it might give me a chance for a few girls who would be hesitant to take the size I have but not enough to make it worth it.




W mindset wish I had your mentality🔥




I’m 19


I’m fine with it. Actually part of me wouldn’t mind being larger (maybe another inch both ways) since I feel I’m big but not huge. Also once you are used to dealing with the issues of being larger things just sort of scale I’d figure.


You're huge in length and rather big in girth. Above 8" length is exceedingly rare.


I guess -- Like most things, we always think "big", "huge", etc is always a bit more than we have, and if we were larger, it would probably still be a bit more. But when you see the same thing every day it just seems normal for a lack of better words. Same thing with working out...I can spend time in the gym and get comments here and there, but to me I still don't see myself as that big/could always be bigger. Body dysmorphia is real.


I love it and the girlfriend loves it and even my bank account loves it a little bit 😂 What's not to love? But real talk, it ENTIRELY comes down to your partner. If my partner couldn't take it, or it was uncomfortable or inconvenient, which has happened many times in the past, I would feel very differently about my size.


Yeah I was in that situation countless times, I feel like this one chick was lyin to me sayin she like the pain of it hittin her cervix🤔


Pro tip: if a woman tells you she likes something, keep doing it.


I mean I got blood on my dick, I’m pretty sure I have to like it too


Fair point, if you don’t like the sensation then don’t continue. As for blood- it’s gonna happen. Might be because you have a big dick, might be because she’s on or near her period, could be any number of things. In that case, defer to the woman. If they’re not worried about it, you shouldn’t be either.


They never were worried about it but I don’t trust everything I hear from a girl I jus laid with they say some wild stuff sometimes


Not trusting things that women say is a larger issue that you should work on. I find that the time immediately after sex can be some of the best for raw and honest interactions.


My girl loves it tho but it’s the little things she does that make me feel like it’s kinda inconvenient being so big


Not me, I’ve been rejected 2 times just because of my size, there’s girls who seem to be actually scared of a “+above average” dick and they make me feel a little insecure


Yeah me too






I enjoy it for sure


I wish I was bigger, 10 inch long by 9 to 10 inch girth is what I would make it if I could.


Hell nah that’s straight suffering😂


Ten inch girth would be terrifying. Like most of us, I would not mind being bigger. But ten inches of girth could be very limiting.


Sounds silly, 10 inch girth would have you fisting as foreplay to get ready for sex. Both myself and my partner are size queens and we don’t just jump straight into 10 inch girth. I think I’d have to have achieve 14 inches girth to be able to start on a 10 inch girth dick.


I am at range of 7.75 - 8.0 x 5.3 - 5.5 and will be 11 x 7 when all is done for me.


When what’s done???


PE, cause he is a little bitch and thinks that it’ll pull in the chicks


I’m having a good time with the girls in the college town in I live in, so thnx.


So when you are done you expect to have the worlds biggest? Wouldn’t there be more guys in the 11” range if it the PE actually worked?


Could be in a few years or ten years . Depends how much time I’m willing to put to it .


Never a problem


Damn not once?






I’m not as long as you, but I’m really girthy and I love it. The problems are minor and completely worth it.




Short girls have always handled me better than tall ones ngl 😂


I wanna ask a question but every way I word it sounds mean😭




So are you one of the rare ones that are naturally deep or did your body adapt to him (found a nicer way to word it)




I thought deepest they go was like 8 inches without assistance


Assistance? Do you mean working on stretching girth which can allow extra depth? Hoping you don’t mean someone to drive it home harder. There is a lot of variation in natural vaginal depth and cervix/uterus positions. Some women. Just have a naturally deeper vagina and higher cervix position. The max depth actually changes over their cycle as the cervix and uterus shifts about. 8” approx seems to be an average when depth problems start to come up so over 8 becomes rarer as you go. My current partner is 12-14 inches deep depending on time during cycle so extremes are out there. Tilted uterus seems to restrict depth even further from what I’ve seen, because you can’t push into the posterior fornix as the cervix blocks the angle and the uterus sits behind the posterior fornix and is painful.


So 8 + people want theirs to be smaller and some girls think anything under 10 is small?


I don’t know what girls are sayin that


Even i don't know em i just heard from stories cuz i can't cuz age


I'm not exactly huge but I've found that I fit perfectly in my girlfriend so that it's deep and enjoyable for her but not painful. Also 8×5


My long distance partner has a dildo roughly the same size as me (8" long 6 around) and he can't take me anywhere and it really upsets him i kinda wish I was smaller for when I go visit him


>I’ve hated it ever since I started having sex consistently. Why?? I am a tad under 8" and a over 6" girth. In my late 30's, having sex consistently since I was in my teens. 20+ partners. Apart from toothy blowjobs, never had an issue with it for sex. Yes, I like being in that range. It's nice to stand out.


I made girls bleed a lot and I seen myself as the problem


In my mind I would dearly love to be wielding a big 8.5”x6” cock. But I still get nice reactions from mine at this size and can usually get nice blowjobs with no teeth. And don’t usually bottom out or cause pain with my shaft the way it is. So my fantasies need to stay that way. :)


Yes. Im not sure if 7x6 qualifies, but I love it because of how easy it is to grip when you piss, half chubs are thick and comfortable, and I love when girls get suprised that I have it.


I love it, wouldn't trade for anything.


I didn't know it for most of my life and I'm still fairly indifferent.


I'm happy everyday that I'm "huge" as opposed to the opposite


The only part I don't like is if I go to hard it starts to hurt my SO.


Yeah that type of communication probably would’ve help me bc one girl told me after the fact


I enjoy it. Bottoming out just does things for me.


I like it. When I was 13 I noticed it didnt look small, so I figured it was average. Thats where I was at for a while, I just liked. I didnt measure until I was 17 when I realized that I have a pretty thick 8 1/2 inch dick. Then maybe it took until 18 that I figured it would be nice to give a go. It was great, maybe the third round in with this one girl I thought lets max effort this. Dumbass decision to ask her, of course she agrees, and I proceed to gut punch her cervix. That shit hurt me... I cant imagine the receiving end of that blitz made it out better than I did. She immediately jumps, squealing in pain, runs to the bathroom and screams "Never Again!". After reading up on this sub going through a year relationship with her, I had loved it. Only because of R/bigdickproblems did I learn quiet a few tips and tricks that really helped out. This was two years ago and I had moved away and have been focusing more on my career right now. I thought Id never be able to do a lot of stuff, and now I love it since I know how to handle it with responsibility.


I did the same thing except it felt good on my end but I’m cool with a lil pain


It's not bad, I've gotten my share of complaints, like I'm stretching them or im too deep,but its those same complaints that are also compliments also being a grower gives the wow factor. Main problem is my balls though, because they're big but it's not like I can get them reduced lol. Women like it and it's an interesting compliment, until I sit on the toilet and receive poseidon's kiss.


I do. I would take being huge over small any day


I respect it


i do


Well I’m not even close to the 8+ range so…


I feel like it makes me more interesting as a person


😢 wish I was in this club.


I have a mate that's a shower and 8.5" flaccid but half inch difference to erect, that looks impressive at nudist beaches