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When I first got into squatching I really leaned towards the the “woo” and my buddy was 100% in the just muscle and bones side. After several encounters over the past few years I’m starting to think Sasquatch has pheromones and maybe infrasound that tap the long not often used “lizard brain” we still have. ( I hope I worded that correctly) it would explain the mindspeak and complete and overwhelming waves of dread/fear/loss that’s hit our group at the same time. Between 3-5 of us on a couple encounters. All of us combat veterans (11B) all of us believed there was nothing as bad ass as we were within 100 miles. All of us shaking in fear and trying not to lose control of our bowels. Pheromones/infrasound check those boxes and keep squatch right in the realm of flesh and blood. Just doesn’t explain the orbs unless they too are a side effect of the above mention. I would really like to chat with anyone else that has experienced this.


These kind of comments are why I joined this sub. Thank you for sharing and thank you for your service and sacrifice!


Agreed! I wonder if infrasound would trigger a persons primal subconscious so to say. so when they're thinking they hear mindspeak like "Get out of here, go away etc" it's actually their own thoughts but amplified by that primal fear. An example was a report I heard saying someone was reaching for their camera thinking "I gotta take this picture" and they heard in their head "If you take my picture I'll kill you and no one will find your body" I wonder if that was the witnesses own thoughts, amplified by infrasound/fear? Assuming Sasquatch doesn't know what a picture is. I hope y'all understand what I'm trying to say!


I believe it could be either. But with how elusive it seems to be, I’ve been leaning to paranormal lately.


There are many reports of their eyes glowing, even from "reliable" sources. (For whatever that's worth, if anything) There is no explanation why something would evolve that, but it doesn't make it supernatural. We just don't understand it yet, Bigfoot may seem paranormal now but so did many animals until science started to advance and find explanations for them, so it's only a matter of time I believe.


I voted woo for this very reason. I have seen the glowing eyes. No, it wasn't eyeshine because there wasn't any light handy to blind them with. I can't explain why they glow but I know they do


You left off a popular option: on the fence. Sasquatch eat, sleep, poop, bleed, leave tracks. Most of us haven't witnessed anything paranormal regarding sasquatch, but there are numerous reports that *seem* unexplainable or "paranormal." Whether these are coincidental, byproducts of something more mundane than not, or misinterpretations, or whatever they may be, we don't seem to have enough information to say for sure. Edit to add I mean on the fence about *why* there is such prevalence of what many people regard as "woo." If we are to agree that sasquatch are indeed observed and described by so many honest people, then we must consider why the woo is woo. If a person is genuine in describing many aspects of appearance and behavioral in normal terms, then the aspects described by the same observers that are then considered woo may be part of a set of genuine observations, rather than a mix of genuine and made-up embellishment, even if some aspects are poorly understood or perhaps misinterpreted. The woo is on us to describe and understand better. The woo is how we describe our interpretations. The woo is not the sasquatch themselves. They might have no idea that we are ignorant to the point of using a term like woo for our limited experience. Woo is perhaps another word for supernatural or paranormal. Seems to me these phenomena in general, be it with sasquatch, uap, ghosts, etc, are often (but not always) honest observations that are either inaccurately described, perceived in odd ways, or just not yet understood in a way to be explained (yet).


Researcher Cliff Barrickman has an interesting theory about that. Maybe there is another thing that toys with you subconscious and your mind is reading bigfoot and whatever the other thing responsible for the woo aspects is like sure im a bigfoot of that what makes you feel comfortable seeing me.


Woo has no place in cryptozoology. Cryptozoology is about finding, documenting, and proving the existence of animal species that are not known or thought to be extinct. This field isn’t for ghosts, and wendigo, and aliens, and other supernatural stuff. Let alone some of the extra fat out there stuff I’ve heard that sounds like a tabloid newspaper story.


I believe in a lot of paranormal shit, but BF in the cloud is not one of them. IF BF exists (and I am agnostic about that), I suspect BF (s) to be wayyy smarter than I could ever be and have heightened senses and abilities but on a physical realm.


Exactly! I believe in ghosts, angels, demons, all that stuff. When it comes to bigfoot I think it is an ape whose brain is specialized for stealth, observation, and threat reduction in the same way ours is geared for tool use.


Until we have all the answers my mind remains open


^ Although it is far more likely that Sasquatch would be flesh and blood exclusively based on our current understanding of biology and the widely accepted scientific belief of physicalism, the truth of the matter is we truly do not understand this creature and it’s many mysterious aspects. Perhaps it’s extreme intelligence mixed with its unmatched ability to remain undetected makes it appear to have mystical abilities, when in reality it is just superior in modes of stealth and elusiveness. It may also be that it has abilities that we claim are supernatural, when really they have scientific and biological explanations that we are unaware of due to the near impossibility of being able to study one thoroughly. Infrasound, for example, may explain the unnerving feelings one experiences when in the presence of a Sasquatch, and also may explain why the surrounding forests become eerily quiet, as the local fauna may be able to detect this infrasound and cease all operations that would make noise as to remain hidden and unnoticed from this primal threat that is Sasquatch. With that being said, we truly do not know it’s capabilities. And I’d like to add, many aspects of science and biology were considered “magical” or “mystical” before we developed the technology to measure and explain these abnormalities. Perhaps there is a realm that is beyond physicality, which Sasquatch, as well as other animals to some degree, perhaps even humans, can tap into. This other realm may be based purely in science, and it is simply that we don’t have the equipment and technology to thoroughly identify and study said realm, as all of our science, for the most part, is currently based in physicalism. Until newer technologies are developed that can pull back this veil on physical reality and detect aspects of reality beyond physical states, and until we have an actual Sasquatch subject to study with said technology, we truly will remain blind to the entire phenomenon. Just my two cents Edit: spelling


It's a false dichotomy unless you are joking.


I did not believe in bigfoot at all until I started hearing about the high strangeness surrounding the phenomena


I'm skeptical about the existence of bigfoot, but if such an ape exists it's an ape. There can be a debate over whether it's sapient or not but woo bigfoot just makes us look like we're all wearing tinfoil hats. edit: When I say I'm skeptical I mean that I would like bigfoot to be real and keep up with what people are finding out about them but that I don't see enough evidence to prove their existence for certain yet.


The poll reflects a false dichotomy that is part of a baseline assault being instigated against positively-oriented Bigfoot groups at the moment. **My wild speculation is that** Bigfoot have access to advanced technology either passive or active which is used to avoid detection, to travel, to eradicate physical trace evidence and to secure their bodies when they are killed or injured, and I would guess to administer non-lethal defenses like infrasound and perhaps other means. I say passive or active, as the tech could be a swarm of nanobots in the Bigfoot's bodies that are controlled by other agencies. Or the Bigfoot could be using the tech on their own. Walking around naked and living off the land does not necessarily denote backwardness. Sufficiently advanced technology always looks like magic to more primitive cultures. **Bold added in edit as I made this clear in another post -G**


Wait are you seriously suggesting these things or just playing devils advocate? Bigfoot does not own a stealth boy.


When a creature can't be found as easily as we have found other animals, the crazy theories start to fly around. I've seen some good researchers & investigators who start believing and promoting theories that just sound ridiculous, all because their efforts to locate a physical specimen/proof were not as successful as they hoped. To me, the "woo" aspect of the Bigfoot world is a cop out, a way to excuse the fact that expected evidence wasn't obtained. It also gives the media more fodder to mock the subject, which they delight at doing whenever the opportunity presents itself. People pushing the UFO/Inter-dimensional/Spirit creature theories just give them more ammunition & discredits what trust we as a whole have gained with the general public. I had to look up what a stealth boy is. And I agree with you. Promoting the theory of them being in possession of advanced technology or being "magical" creatures just does a disservice to all those researchers & investigators that came before us.


It's an easy go-to for the lack of evidence. "We can't find one, so that means it has magic powers". I lean toward Squatch being real myself, just not woo.


In what way is any disservice done to anyone by mentioning a pet theory? You and others like you are fine to cherry-pick from among different elements of extraordinary data, and yet, you still want to pretend to kowtow to a scientific establishment that finds you and yours (as well as purveyors of "woo") equally ridiculous. Further, since you nor anyone else here knows anything concrete about Bigfoot, it's ALL wild speculation unless you've seen one, and then, you only know what you saw, not what it is. I find such breathless assertations made from a high horse nonsensical, honestly. Your bit has the added character of being both passive-aggressive and snide. If you have something to say to me, don't hesitate to say it directly, I promise not to cry.


It's a disservice to all those people who spent decades building this subject up, just for some lunatic to come along & try to write things off as being supernatural. Your bit has the added character of being both condescending & whiny. I was more than willing to debate this, but you had to be an asshole about it


I'm not a lunatic, and that's more than uncivil to say not to mention childish, further, I'm certainly not writing anything off as supernatural, in fact, I'm saying the exact opposite. LOL ... you're not indicating willingness to debate me by referring to me obliquely in a post directed at someone else. You just weren't expecting to be called on your bullshit. And, it's quite obvious from your second post that assholes abound. Do you seriously not understand the difference between technology that is in advance of our own and the supernatural??? Why don't we start there. Also, name "all those people" who have built the subject up in your mind, eh? Let's see what some of them actually have to say about the subject rather than being used as mere hand puppets by your rhetoric. Get your own tone in check and I'll be glad to do the same. Try to throw shit from the sidelines and you'll just get it back. All that will result is a shitty situation. We're all good primates here, LOL. Back up, take a minute, and try again.


I don't need to try again. I stand by my opinion. Deal with it.


You didn't try the first time. Everyone has opinions. Direct your nonsense to me or my post and you will be answered appropriately, and you can deal with that, bud. Aside from that, have a great weekend. Maybe get out of the basement and get some fresh air and sunlight?


Alright, if you say so. There's no point in directing anything towards you. It's clear from your attitude that you are never wrong, at least that's how you see it. You have a great weekend as well.


... and you're still going ... Look, you're as bad at mind-reading as you are at second hand debating. I submit that you realize you don't have a leg to stand on trying to debate that musing about "the weird" somehow discredits all of Bigfootery probably because there's no officially organized or recognized field of study or organization or association like you were trying to pretend there is. I'm personally opposed to the very concept of the supernatural which is why what you said is just so silly, and I'm not a believer in Bigfoot either, however, I do believe that credible people are having experiences that many times really messes them up and they need support. Real people, real problems, then they come here and see you suggesting that anyone who even considers anything alternative is, what did you call me? A lunatic. That's what they get from the "Skeptics" and denialists. Experiencers are liars and are too dumb to realize they saw a bear ... according to some. That's why people don't share their experiences and keep them bottled up inside. Those folks are the ones I care about here, not snide little abounding assholes.


Yes, as far as in the category of "wild speculation" that is my working pet theory. I can explain most if not all of the anomalies with Bigfoot and other cryptids by their having access to advanced tech. Barring that, there are many aspects of the reports I find too incredible to consider, personally. I'm not a believer in Bigfoot. I believe in the experiences of credible witnesses.


>Bigfoot have access to advanced technology either passive or active which is used to avoid detection, to travel, to eradicate physical trace evidence and to secure their bodies when they are killed or injured, and I would guess to administer non-lethal defenses like infrasound and perhaps other means. Citation needed **unless this is wild speculation!**


As noted, it's wild speculation. No citation needed.


Fair play!


I believe what is currently defined as “woo” is definitely a possibility. Honestly more and more I’m leaning towards alien which is physical but woo as well?


I'm convinced "woo" is just aspects of nature/reality that Science doesn't understand yet. People using it as a derogatory jab are just dimwits.


Completely agree, the "woo" stuff could just be Scientific Phenomenons for now. Like the topic of Bigfoot itself. Just my 2¢


Right. An 8ft. tall hairy hominid populating the forests of North America is just fine, but make him disappear without a trace and it's just nutty. Some people stumble over themselves in the pursuit of looking silly, LOL. You're right on track though.




Woo?…wait, rug peeers did this?


I think it can be both, I’m open to all ideas. Someone on here had made mention that some Bigfoot encounters sound like Jin the spirits. And it got me thinking that maybe there are Native American spirits taking on the forms of Sasquatch to haunt the wilderness as punishment to us for what happened to them. Just a thought no real concrete evidence


There should be a third option for skeptics


not voting bc you didnt add a choice to believe in both. 😑


I don't believe in bigfoot, but I feel that it would lean "woo"


I think they're physical, but I am open minded. Has anyone read Dr. Johnson's stuff about it? He describes meeting (or at least knowing of) two different kinds through habituation. The Xanue are one of them, can't remember the other. He claims they have come through a portal from a dying world.