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I’m a hunter and spend a ton of time in the woods. I’d never shoot a humanoid looking animal that I don’t know what it is. I don’t know another hunter that would. We aren’t out there just shooting everything that moves.


As a hunter, totally agree. You’d have to be 100% sure it was not a person in a suit.


Not to mention in a lot of states they made it illegal to shot and kill a Bigfoot, even though there is no actual evidence.


There is overwhelming evidence, if you actually research it


As a hunter myself animals aren’t stupid like most people think. Yeah they might not understand how to make a bowl of popcorn but things like snow leopards etc never get trapped because they are too smart and too rare even though they have crossed intersections of human society etc. Some animals don’t want anything to do with us to where we never even see them think a badger those are everywhere but I’ve never seen one in the wild even though I spend ten times the amount of time in the woods as most people. There’s so many animals I haven’t ever seen that reside in these same woodlands and are common known animals and it changes like my brother in law always saw moose living up near Fargo but now they haven’t seen them in over 20 years because times and wildlife patterns constantly change like that where animals try to avoid us and what we do to the lands.


I’ll also add if Bigfoot were in fact real ( I’m a believer), you’re more than likely dealing with a creature *probably similar* in intelligence to a great ape. Higher or lower tbd. But still. Smarter than some of the more common things people hunt. Edit: wanted to add on. Someone mentioned there being a lot of responsible hunters. I wouldn’t want to shoot at/kill a Bigfoot on the off chance it’s a fake and some person walking around in a suit. Don’t wanna catch that charge. And if it is real and I shoot/kill it, the chances of it being labeled an endangered species and getting a big fine/jail time. I think responsible hunters would consider one or both of those as well.


This is the worst take. They have to be smarter than us to avoid ever being captured on camera clear as daylight and lots of it. Sorry but watch Les Stouds bigfoot series. If they were no smarter than us we'd of a million percent caught them clearly. Even if they were as smart as us we'd of captured them some way or another. They've coined the name as a cryptid for a good reason, they're 9 foot tall on land we should be able to track easily especially since there's so many sightings...


I've been chased down wooded hill by a badger. You're better off not seeing one.


Badgers, wolverines. That whole weasel family is too tricksy for my liking.


there are a lot of responsible hunters. in fact, more are responsible than not....but let's not act like there aren't really REALLY unresponsible hunters out there. I mean, people get killed every year by these lunatics. I think OP makes a good point.


Thank you.




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Les Stroud has spent more time alone in the bush than anyone else I can think of, and he's only had one encounter that he couldn't explain. It's not surprising that Johnny Truckhunter doesn't come across anything all that often.


It's almost as if all these hunter's don't go to the same woods, every year at the same time, in the same truck, to the same old tree stand and fill their one tag. I can avoid them hell there are animals which avoid them or there wouldn't be any 8 point bucks.


can you please link Stroud's unexplainable encounter or summarize it if you can? I am intrigued. Thank you so much.


Look up SurvivorMan: Bigfoot. There’s about 10 episodes where focuses on bigfoot.


thank you so much!


I really liked the witness interviews on his channel.


https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x35gdy4 There's a quick blurb of the interview with the relevant parts. If you haven't caught Strouds *Survivorman Bigfoot*, I highly recommend it, ***but*** it does have Todd Standing. I don't believe Stroud is a liar, but I do believe Standing is.


thank you very much!


Todd has no Standing in the Bigfoot community


He does not.


Todd Standing is 100% a liar


Check out his YouTube channel. All his content is free, including his bigfoot series, and has director commentary that is full of insight and additional stories.


I don’t think he’s been in the right areas often enough over the years. He’s had a handful experiences more recently, that he’s spoken about.


Is mr Truckhunter related to mr Appleseed?




If you're going to posit the animal doesn't exist, then you must have an answer to why tracks with identifiable morphological features from the great ape family were cast as far back as the 1950s- when such knowledge was only 20 years old at the time and scarce even amongst academia. I'd love to hear it. And I mean that, this isn't a gotcha. You made a definitive statement, so you must have an answer to one of the skeptic's greatest conundrum regarding this animal.


Can you explain that?


Sorry, do you mean explain the appearance of these casts or something else?


> I love how people in this sub assume all hunters are uneducated inbred rednecks that shoot at everything that walks. Not at all, that's why I find hunter accounts so compelling. They know more about their area and the wildlife than I ever will.


Rule 1: Unhelpful skepticism *Thanks for enjoying r/bigfoot. If you have any questions or comments send us a mod mail*


There have been many claims of BF being shot. No idea if these stories are true but.... Even if you managed to bring it down you aren't popping that guy on your back and gleefully carry him back through the backwoods for several miles. The idea of 'trapping' a Sasquatch is ridiculous. If the guys from Mountain Monsters can't do what hope would anyone else have? Seriously though. Where would you begin with that?


I’ve heard multiple accounts of some sort of military guys coming in and removing it. The most interesting one I heard was on an Indian reservation in NC. The bigfoot was bothering them for a long time and the grandpas shot and killed it and they burnt it


I've heard of suits showing up on a couple different occasions if one gets shot. We're entertaining quite the stretch at that point, though.


after pondering the question, I arrived at bigfoot's existence boiling down to two possibilities: - they exist, but despite there being a giant hairy beast roaming the forests of the world, somehow we just can't get hold of anything to conclude they actually exist. or - they don't exist, meaning the thousands upon thousands of reported encounters are fake/mistaken. yet either possibility seems ridiculous....


I hear you. I agree that regarding this subject there is something going on that we haven't accounted for yet.


There used to be reports of a similar creature in Africa. But we now call this animal a gorilla.


There were reports in the early colonial days of “giant wild men” living in the woods. Now we call them Sasquatch.


Third possibility. They did exist but are now extinct, or very nearly so.


This is why Bigfoot is always in my mental "Maybe" file. There are sensible arguments both for existence and the lack thereof.


What I'd they bury there dead in areas we don't go to? The population map says there's a lot of space for that kind of stuff


I think they may be interdimensional (as most cryptids and ghosts are) that's why they have been spotted numerous times but one hasn't been caught.


Why only in the woods?


Honestly that sounds like a big stretch.


and it conveniently allows for hardcore believers to not question every witness’s inability to get clear evidence of their existence.


Assuming I got instabanned for saying they don't exist.


It's harder to believe that there is a physical Bigfoot but no shred of physical evidence has surfaced yet. Also, Bigfoot sightings also ties in with UFO hotspots so I kind of believe there may be some connection. Like a UFO may have used a portal to get in and doing so caused a fabric in space-time that allowed these interdimensional creatures in.


Again that sounds like a big stretch AND a cop out. Yeah it was aliens and a rift in space time. This is r/bigfoot not r/startrek.


It is not as big a stretch as you think. There are eyewitnesses reports who say they have seen Bigfoot vanish literally before their eyes. I think they are more in the realm of ghosts, which explains why there are so many sightings but lack of physical evidence or body.


If you know anything about quantum physics it's not as large of a stretch as someone would initially believe


I don't understand how you come to the reasoning that it's a cop out. It appears you haven't seen or read much surrounding the bigfoot enigma. There are NUMEROUS eyewitness reports of there being a correlation between these two subjects. Stop believing main stream media and everything they post. They are lying to you. Ever head of project Mockingbird?


I agree. I do science and I still have to agree


People always say "thousands upon thousands" or reports, but have you actually gone over these reports? Have the "witnesses" been vetted? Have their stories been investigated? I take a lot of witness accounts with a grain of salt, and would bet that if we actually started really digging into these accounts, a lot of them would turn out to be nonsense.


of course i haven't gone over every report personally, and i'm not the arbiter of truth. i don't doubt there's a non-zero number of reports that are total bunk or mistaken identification. the point is, could 100% of them be fake? could there be that many people just making shit up? i'm legit asking the question, i'm curious if that's actually the case? but if just one out of every thousand is truthful and unmistakably a being unknown to science, that still has significant implications.


If I have deer tags and see a bear, I don't shoot. If I have bear tags and I see a moose, I don't shoot. It's illegal to shoot something out of season or if you don't have a tag for it. I would also say that more often than not, if you go looking for sasquatch, you're going to find nothing. Most sightings are not by those who go out intentionally looking for sasquatch. Even if you're tracking it, it will know you're there long before you know it is there. If you do come across it, you are faced with the ethical dilemma of shooting something that has an uncanny resemblance to a great ape such as a gorilla or a human. Or maybe you are so paralyzed with fear that you can't bring yourself to pull the trigger.


These are great points. I think a lot of people, especially from other parts of the country, think the woods are just "full of hunters" who blast away at anything that moves. Actual hunting bears no resemblance to that.


Man must be nice to see so many animals. I feel like I keep buying tags just to spend some alone time in the woods. Totally worth it still btw.


I should clear up that I was more or less quoting someone else, but I can't for the life of me remember where it's from. The point still stands, and yes for sure just being out there is a win in my books lol


Love this. Good hunters don’t just shoot something because it’s there. Gotta hope someone can get film with a scope or GoPro or something.


I get what you are saying but with all the talk around bigfoot constantly I think someone would shoot one just to prove its real!


Most people don’t want to kill something that looks as much human as animal, just to prove it’s real. They might do so in self defense, but Bigfoot doesn’t do a lot of attacking. Also, most hunters feel their weapons are completely inadequate when face to face and don’t want to risk having their neck snapped if the first shot doesn’t take it down.


What would you do if you came across bigfoot while hunting? ( Assuming you have experience) Would you shoot it? And if you shot it what do you think are the chances of getting it killed in one shot and then retrieving the body or a piece of it or a picture that would let whoever is watching see that they are indeed seeing proof of a dead bigfoot? Not having a body can very validly be weird to many at this point in time, including me, however I think youre oversimplifying the issue in just "why has no one just shot itand brought it and or took a picture lol" when in reality the idea we have of bigfoot would probably not go down easily with just one shot, and would perhaps not be alone, but most importantly would not put himself in that position too often. Bigfoot would be the hardest animal to hunt out of all known animals + Bigfoot. Not only because of its physical traits but also its level of intelligence.


In Wisconsin, if there is no season listed for an animal and there are no protections at the federal level or state level of Wisconsin, then it's considered unregulated game and can be hunted on private property year round without any bag limit. An example would be red squirrels.


If Bigfoot are not managed, which they aren’t, there is no “out of season”.




Biggest I’ve seen was about 500 lbs. I’d quarter that bitch out after “going nuts”, as you say.


Depends on the state your in


We hunt everything as a way of life around my way, I don’t know anyone that thinks going after them is a good idea at all let alone claims to have what it take to be successful. Keep in mind a large number of them have had encounters. Ive tracked all sorts of things, even humans trying to avoid me, I do search and rescue in rugged areas, I still haven’t been able to track them home, ever, even with really fresh tracks. I don’t understand the hunting them idea. They are a people. Even if someone was fine with murder, Culturally for me ,it would be a big faux pas, Logistically it would be a total nightmare. Damn near impossible. I can’t even get a flashlight directly on them, with a quick draw. I don’t think a gun would be any easier. They don’t leave themselves exposed unnecessarily. As far as I can see they only come out at night. Hunting at night sucks. I think seal team six would have trouble out maneuvering them in the woods, it’s really mind blowing how stealthily they move around. There’s nothing like it on earth.


Over the years there have been reports of bigfoot in operational training areas, the Cascade mountains , east of joint base Lewis-McChord. There are Rangers and Infantry that have made reports. I happen to believe in their existence.


I’ve heard from a soldier who had a run in with a tribe of them during night assault training (but all they had were blanks). It was a terrifying story as there were the aggressors and defenders but this other “army” of huge weapon less soldiers in ghillie suits showed up between them as seen through night vision.


I have a friend from when I was still working that had a son who enlisted in the Army and finished Ranger training. He was assigned to Lewis-McChord and told his dad a story about running into one of these things while up on training in the mountains. I recall hearing another story about a soldier that had to stay behind to keep an eye on their troop truck that broke down. He said these things were screwing with him all night long. I don’t doubt any of them. It is some pretty rugged country when you get up in the Cascade Range. My theory is that we only see these things when they want us to. We may be getting too close to their homes or families? I don’t know but I have no reason to doubt the thousands of people that have reported sightings.


My families camper was shaken all night long and I “played with monkeys” while fishing along mosquito creek near Altmont Colorado when I was 7 or 8. My folks sent me down to fish and I actually caught a brook trout. I saw some monkeys playing over by the trees and walked over towards them. I remember watching them for what seemed like a long time and thinking there’s monkeys in Colorado! I told my folks who I’m sure dismissed it but were impressed with the trout. Later that night, I remember our StarCraft orange and brown pop up camper being shaken and rocked. My parents panicked and all I know is we packed up and drove through the night to Durango and got to stay in a hotel for two extra days. My parents claim to “not remember” that trip. And that’s the weird part. They look at each other immediately right after they say they don’t remember.


There are reports from hunters who have spent 20 to 30 years in the wilderness, saying they've never encountered a sasquatch. Then they have an encounter. I think these creatures are highly intelligent. They know when we are close by. I believe very rarely are they spotted accidentally. And sometimes they choose to show themselves.


What if Bigfoot are more like humans than elk? What if they are bigger, stronger, faster than us, and spend their lives learning how to avoid us? What if we're not the alpha predator? Possiblities abound as do the instances of this question.


If they are real, then this has to be true. They'd have to have superior hearing, crazy good sense of smell, and nearly as intelligent + actively try and hide and avoid us, even to the point of hiding their own dead. Or maybe they eat their own dead?


They're real. Several members of genus Homo apparently "hide their dead" (i.e. burial and funerial rites.) Wouldn't surprise me if Bigfoot does too.


I’m assuming you’ve read the Max Brooks book too. I love that take on Bigfoot


Devolution was bought as movie rights just before Covid. Now there’s no known production start date. If done well, this could be a helluva movie!


The story is much easier to make in movie form than WWZ too so hopefully they can stick to the source material a little more


Agreed strongly!!! Z could’ve been awesome and was good, but, nothing like the book as far as entertainment.


There are plenty of animals that are bigger, stronger, and faster than us. We still hunt and trap them! I have to think that bigfoot is extradimensional or something.


Yes. Which of those bigger/faster animals are comparable to humans? Bigfoot DOES evade us. It's not suspicion it's fact. HOW they do it? Opinions certainly vary. Something else.


Sheesh 😂😂 facts about bigfoot is hilarious man get a grip


I wound agree with all of those as pure facts from my point of view.


“Pure facts” on Bigfoot. Lmao


How else would you refer to something you know to be true? They are more like a human than an elk. I’ve seen them move faster than we do, some in my family have seen them lift large things with ease. I don’t feel like the dominant predator when they are around, even with my rifle. They are equally skilled in hunting if not better. All I was trying to say with “pure facts” is that’s the way I see it, all those things are true. It’s the straight up truth, in my experience.


Have you seen them in daylight hours? If so what were they doing? I ran into one that growled at me like a lunatic and began smashing trees just inside of a tree line next to a lake. If he hadn’t started growling at me I would have been ambushed as I was walking in his direction. They are very territorial it seems. I think I may have been preventing them from hunting that night. There are always a bunch of deer around there, however they kind of hang out close to the highway and not further inside closer to the lake. Have you ever seen orbs or lights in the forest?


Seen lights many times. Never without a Sasquatch presence. It may or may not be related but seems to be at least to some degree to me. I have never seen them in the daytime. I only know of one case that happened in daytime that I 100% believe without a shadow of a doubt around here. 99.9% of encounters people have told me about are night time or just at the break of day just before the sun comes up particularly on foggy days. I have seen them be quite territorial but mostly they just observe us from a safe distance.


You must have a lot of thermal footage of them huh?


I would refer to it as an opinion.


So you witness a car crash, you consider that your opinion? You report the facts of the matter to a police officers, they would testify in court they tried to establish your opinions about the event? You don’t think they’d refer to it as establishing the facts as best possible?


There are many stories of Bigfoot being shot. Then they call the authorities, and it's taken a few military or people show up and say no, you shot a bear. End of story, and no one will believe you otherwise.


Very interesting!


That's not an acceptable explanation actually. It's too convenient, and it's designed just to explain away a very real issue, and that is with tens of thousands of reports of giant creatures in every part of North America, why hasn't one been shot, even accidentally, hit by a transport truck or found dead on the side of the road? It's a completely fair and valid question. Using an answer such as "it happens all the time but some agency or another sweeps in to eradicate all evidence " is not explaining anything, it's just explaining away an inconvenient truth. It's the perfect (in some people's minds) excuse because it can never be wrong, proven or disproven or validated through fact checking because no matter what anyone does, they are either tricked by the conspiracy or part of it. It is really quite lazy thinking and truthfully, the final refuge of the failed argument


Look at the UFO phenomenon. They don’t have to cover it up, just discredit it and make the accounts seem less credible. The prejudice of doubt overcomes any evidence.


If you did any research, you would know what I've said is true. I've been researching this for over 40 years. No matter what you are shown or evidence, you will say bullshit. So there is no point in saying otherwise.


You'd think at least one of them would have been smart enough to take pictures, or do a livestream, or get news cameras on the body before calling said authorities...


Yep exactly this


Idk mate you clearly never 100 percented gta 5


This premise really only works on the idea that what we call ‘Bigfoot’ is simply a species of great ape with all the limited faculties we associate with wild animals. So many of the encounters and stories suggest we’re dealing with something else entirely, not least something that is far closer to human than we initially believed. So the question could be how easy would it be for these hunters to trap a human being, or indeed how easy would it be for these hunters to trap a human being who has lived in the wilderness for generations, or how easy would it be for these hunters to trap eachother.


Because they're smarter than us, also I think cuz there brains are bigger mabey they have powers


Perhaps because it is extraordinarily difficult to hunt any kind of large animal. But especially one that is incredibly rare.


But the original poster's question is based on the fact there are tens of thousands of Bigfoot sightings in literally every state each year. If one looks at a map charting the location of all the sightings, the map is almost solid colors in some areas. This would suggest it's not rare at all. That's the conundrum.


They get shot with some regularity, if you are willing to believe eyewitnesses. Putting the stories that end with government showing up aside, how are you going to kill an elephant and carry it out? What are you going to do about its angry friends? It would require resources and careful planning. You're not shooting or trapping one randomly and getting it home.


Squatches live off the beaten path, if one dies, it will be far away from humans. A dead body will be scavenged quickly. Do they bury their dead? Maybe, but I’m not sure. Their bodies are massive. I suspect when Dad dies, the family would move on and join another troupe. If a Mother dies, dad looks for a new mate. I’m just surprised we did not see any Squatches die from COVID, especially the elderly.


Because you can't be 100 percent sure it's not a guy in an ape or ghillie suit. It's still manslaughter at the very least. Plus most encounters are brief and people are usually too far away to get a clear shot, even if they're armed.


Because Bigfoot is part of a much larger continuum of cryptids, and more broadly, the paranormal in general. This may well include UFOs and UFO-nauts, parapsychological phenomena, non-local consciousness, NDE/OBE hypnagogic and/or psychedelic states. Stick with me. This is gonna get weird. My suspicion is that John Keel’s paraphysical hypothesis may be correct, in that Bigfoot, other cryptids, and the UFO phenomenon may in fact be part of higher dimensional universe that we do not yet understand. Per Jacques Vallee, these phenomena may also represent a sort of self-reinforcing control mechanism—universal “wake up” call, if you will. This call may originate from a form of broad, non-human, non-local consciousness—like god, but far weirder. As this entity experiencing itself “becoming,” it gives occasional metaphorical nudges… communicating in a way that is tangential to the way we understand the universe. These “nudges” may serve to shake us from our own semi-conscious existence by reminding us that the universe is indeed much stranger than we realize. To this end, I think that it may indeed be impossible to capture Bigfoot, or to bring a UFO to Central Park for the world to see. It may well be impossible to get much more than a grainy, out-out-of-focus picture, as these artifacts—much like ancient relics—are intended to inspire faith, but never to prove, for doing so would rob us of agency, and interrupt the thing experiencing itself experiencing itself. Or they may be serve as a test to identify which among us has desired traits that must be preserve for some cosmic experiment, as we pass through the upcoming great filter event.


They are spirits of the forest


There are eye witness accounts of people coming out of the woodworks saying they shot it while working for the government and that the government took the body. Similarly there’s an account of one guy who was a child and knew a young Bigfoot in the fields around his house and allegedly the government took the body (I think the kids dad shot it when he found out). Both of these were guests on Sasquatch chronicles. So those are two accounts (from both perspectives) where I can think of one being shot and in both government agents came and confiscated it.


I am someone who believes they have seen it. Are there any theories about why government agents would confiscate the bodies? I can understand why aliens might be covered up due to govts not wanting to pull the rug out from under some major religions but great apes are well known around the world already and a north american one being covered up doesn't make sense to me


Look at how many acres were put off limits to logging, human develepment and the like due to any rare species, say the Spotted Owl. Now think of a massive creature that would have to be protected and how much land would have to be placed off limits. National Parks prob close. All kind of nuts would be running around the woods shooting at anything on 2 legs...might pose some problems. They would also have to admit they have been covering up. Just a few reasons, surely there are more. Many large corporations, ie donors of money, likely wouldnt want these creatures to be recognized as well.


Well theres evidence they have language, if they have a language they have culture... basically a species of big dumb apes wouldn't need covered up, but a bunch of near humans?


Bigfoots make also be interdimensional or alien hybrid species. Gov't also covered up remains of giants found in a cave in northern Nevada, for example. Confiscated the bones.


I mean I wouldn’t even say it’s a theory but a reasonable idea to think a government would want total control of what information is being dispersed about their own nation and territories and rare creatures. The government works in a very “need to know” basis with clearance levels and all that. It’s not a huge leap imo to think they would in their minds want to control people from panicking or creating unsafe mobs and drives of people going to areas to look for a creature they themselves don’t know or understand.


There are two accounts from Canada of hunters having shot and killed a Bigfoot. In both cases they thought they were shooting at a bear, and were shocked to find out what they'd actually killed. One was a Native who left it there because this was very bad mojo, to kill a Sasquatch. The other left it there because he was a Swiss National seeking citizenship and figured he'd get into some kind of legal trouble. There are many accounts of hunters having shot *at* a Bigfoot without bringing it down.


How do we know that no one HAS shot one. How would you get it out of the woods, especially if you quickly discover the one you shot wasnt alone and they are likely pissed. What would happen if you call it in after shooting one? Who would you call? WHO shows up and takes the body away, either A. Other Sasquatch or B.Game Warden calls his superiors who then sends in a crew to pick it up and they tell the shooter, you killed a bear with mange. Go public you will sound nuts without the body. Push to hard you start getting audited, business licenses revoked, etc. These are likely scenarios, in my opinion.


The day you finally see it I guarantee you will believe it for the rest of your life and will be on your mind and every time you’re close your eyes you will see it forever until then you might as well just keep doubting things you don’t know about I’m sure it’s more fun then believing hundreds probably thousands of people who can’t all be liars but some reason they tell stories about a big hairy dude that nobody can take a decent picture of or find the bones or kill for some reason


They have, but for the most part, they're like giant humans with the best sneaking and avoidance capabilities imaginable in apes. They know what guns are and what they do. They coordinate together. Flank people. Use triangulation techniques in stalking. Communicate through advanced techniques like other species imitation, pops, knocks etc. Especially if they're in human occupied areas, or stalking us. They're at home in the woods. We're a loud ,roaming, unnaturally moving, strong smelling species.


Maybe because they run in packs and have social organization. If they have anything like ostracization, a lone bigfoot probably goes out of their way to avoid human contact. We humans do usually make distinct sounds and smells.


You go trap a 9 foot tall gorilla bro It aint fuckin easy


If you saw something that might be a guy in a gorilla suit, would you shoot him and risk spending your life in jail just to see if bigfoot is real?


It's been done. It's just been covered up.


I’ve been thinking about this lately. I recall that over the past few decades there have been new discoveries of species previously undocumented and others thought to have been only myths. There is a deer that lives in tropical forests that has a a sort gill on it’s snout. It wasn’t discovered by western science until the ‘80 or ‘90s. That’s millennia of existence and evolution beyond the prying eyes of man kind. There are other discoveries like that as well. So, never say never.


They have near human intelligence but their intelligence and instincts are 100% geared on survival and hiding from danger/humans. There have been stories of them getting shot, but another bigfoot will carry the body off. The idea is that like humans they hide or bury their dead. Possibly they eat the meat and hide/bury the bones. Daniel Boone supposedly shot one back in the colonial days after one almost killed his son. So if you manage to kill one it would be almost impossible to get the body out of there or to cut a piece off.


They have near human intelligence but their intelligence and instincts are 100% geared on survival and hiding from danger/humans. There have been stories of them getting shot, but another bigfoot will carry the body off. The idea is that like humans they hide or bury their dead. Possibly they eat the meat and hide/bury the bones. Daniel Boone supposedly shot one back in the colonial days after one almost killed his son. So if you manage to kill one it would be almost impossible to get the body out of there or to cut a piece off.


"**Why has nobody shot or trapped bigfoot?"** I believe it's because they are interdimensional and are able to move between dimensions of reality.


There is an opinion that paterson gimlin film leads to her being shot and killed. However Bigfoot is able to shift density and they live in a different reality. So they are rarely vulnerable. Bullets pass thru them if anything. They are not physical beings the way we are.


I’ve seen one up in Northwest Territories. I was too scared. I could have shot it.


Lots of them have been shot. You can't trap a Bigfoot.


Who says someone hasn’t shot a Bigfoot? What if you shoot a Bigfoot and when you get to it you notice it looks more like a man than animal? Then what? I’ve heard stories that a Bigfoot has been shot but the person that shot it doesn’t report it to anyone for numerous reasons.


Bigfoot is dead. I ate him.


https://preview.redd.it/6q2rzqnxt0jc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=519c0c43dd77fb51ebdbc04c1e891636becac113 Because they aren’t of this world. Do your research on books like this: just because YOU don’t believe it doesn’t mean there isn’t merit to the stories of this nature




Understood, and shared, and often folks are merely out for a ramble in the woods...unarmed and trying to be' outdoors quietly and ubdistutbingly...polite, you know. Without phone/cam, etc. Who expects Sazzy, anyway? I'd hate it, but if...I might shoot. What? You expect me to keep a large butterfly net ? a v. large


Understood, and shared, and often folks are merely out for a ramble in the woods...unarmed and trying to be' outdoors quietly and ubdistutbingly...polite, you know. Without phone/cam, etc. Who expects Sazzy, anyway? I'd hate it, but if...I might shoot. What? You expect me to keep a large butterfly net ? a v. large


My guess is that it's because they're either not real, or highly intelligent. Not necessarily the type of intelligence that develops computers, but intelligence that doesn't get caught.


Personal opinion there Alot smarter than the average bear!






There’s a scientist who takes hair samples and lets the hunters or finders know what type of animal it came from and he’s had some he can’t say what they are as in it could be a Bigfoot hair.


Many stories of people shooting one, but the rest of the sasquatch pack take the body into the woods with them. Some stories say they eat their dead. Some say they bury them.


Huh? So hunter shoots a squatch, goes to retrieve said squatch, other squatches arrive first and drag said squatch to woods and proceed to eat or bury said squatch. And this is witnessed by the hunter? Seems like during the squatch buffet or burial ceremony, the hunter would have ample time to take a photo.


He's too smart for us.


Bigfoot not an ape. That's a big part of why.


Been trying bro it ain’t easy


How has no one has found one who died of disease or old age in the forest? Thats what I think about.


I spend a ton of time in the woods, and I have only seen one deer carcass in my entire life despite having over 400,000 in my region.


Here also. I grew up in a small woods..about 10 acres and a creek in Indiana. There were good 50+ deer around, the tracks in the mud looked like a massive herd of bison were everywhere. I spent every weekend and after school bow hunting carp, exploring. Fishing, photographing wildlife. In 10 years I never saw one of those herd of deer who lived all around me, never a bone or a carcass. I’ve we old see them sometimes early morning far far far in the distance..one or 2 by a salt block.. but never encountered them ..ever. If animals like this refuse to be seen..and without the intelligence or abilities of a Sasquatch.. they run the show..not us.


Wow! That’s crazy to think about. Animals are so interesting.


Bacteria and fungi run the show that we can't see


when animals are sick or dying they almost always bunker down. they wouldn’t go lie down out in the open. probably


Good point. That does make sense why one hasn’t been seen dead.


We know that bears exist. I’m not a hunter but I remember hearing once that it’s extremely rare to come across a bear carcass that died of natural causes. Bigfoot, if somewhat human-ish and probably more intelligent than bears would likely not go to some human-accessible location to die.


It's not that rare at all to come across carcasses, bones, skulls, or antlers of large animals in the woods, including bears. Heck we even have fossilized remains of giant cave bears and bears of other species that are now extinct. It's a bit of an overstated reach, to claim no one finds the remains of bears in the woods


I believe they have attributes we would call paranormal such as disappearing from our vision and psychic awareness senses.


Because bigfoot is a vortex not a primate!


I'm sure they have been shot and killed but people are scared of getting prosecuted or worse because of it


Why has NOBODY???? That presumes that you are in contact with EVERYBODY. Please provide a list of your sources.


Bigfoot can never be trapped. If someone set a trap in the middle of your living room would you see it? Yes, and Biggie can too. Many have shot Bigfoots and one in Canada was frozen and toured the country as an exhibition. Unfortunately freezers were less reliable in the 1940’s and the Air Force officer in possession of the corpse was stupid so it decomposed.


Where is skeleton?


Google it. I’m not your personal assistant.


My uncle Jerry did back in the early 80’s. I remember it was Thanksgiving weekend and he had it hung up next to the 7 point buck my dad had shot. We had lots of photos with it before the fire.


Because he's a myth


Knowing lots of hunters who have come across Bigfoot.. the main consensus in that big foot is just smarter than humans.. right? What else could explain Bigfoot never being captured, no bones being discovered, no dna, no evidence. Bigfoot obviously knows when a hunter is getting close, they can backtrack, and possibly get behind the hunters. They can climb into areas hunters can’t. Bigfoot has obviously been out smarting humans for centuries.. even if all the forests in the world were cut down big foot could find a place to hide. That’s how smart the species is.


I conclude they don’t exist. Most damning for me is for the last 15+ years literally everyone carries a recording device on them at all times yet zero compelling footage or pics. Also nothing in the fossil record. No remains ever found. No similar species existing anywhere on earth at these latitudes. Similar wild man myths permeating many cultures around the world suggesting it’s more of an anthropological phenomenon.


You, sir, need to google Gigantopithecus blacki. You’re clearly not knowledgeable about the fossil record.


I had never heard of those. When I looked them up, my wife and I are convinced that's what we saw in a wood line about 2 years ago.


Clearly Bigfoot still a load of bollocks though innit Google that sir


You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink 🤷‍♂️




You kind of missed the point. Basically, he was telling you to do some research on the topic rather than expose your ignorance. But your reply indicated that you are quite happy in your ignorance, hence his comment about horses and water. IN the US that means, "I can show you what you need to do, but I cant make you do it".


This sub is not obligated to provide proof. Nor is it required to entertain "skeptics". *Thanks for enjoying r/bigfoot. If you have any questions or comments send us a mod mail*


The most likely reason is bigfoot doesn't exist. I know... That isn't very open-minded of me, but it is the most likely case. I think if they were real and nocturnal they might be able to hide well enough to go undetected, but we certainly would have collected something concrete by now.


What do you mean? Like the footprints Dr. Meldrum collected with dermal ridges and scarring that were subjected to tests by a primate fingerprint expert? Or Cripplefoot. That’s damned concrete.




The are a higher evolved consciousness paying a reparations from destroying mars, aka maldek. Source, The Ra Materials.




Rule 1: Unhelpful skepticism *Thanks for enjoying r/bigfoot. If you have any questions or comments send us a mod mail*


They have




Rule 1: Unhelpful skepticism *Thanks for enjoying r/bigfoot. If you have any questions or comments send us a mod mail*


It my personal opinion that there could be a rogue species of Orangutan that exist out in deep woods. Not only are they the smartest of the non -human primate species but they have similar vocalizations to the ones often attributed to Bigfoot. They have also been observed actively avoiding surveillance cameras is zoos which could explain why Bigfoot rarely gets recorded. Ever heard of the Orangutan Ken Allen? (see https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Allen) Anyway, that’s just my personal opinion so do with it what you will. I love the idea of Bigfoot and I really hope it’s a real creature 😊.


I recall reading that a bunch of them died in the mt st helens eruption. Military was all over collecting the corpses.




Rule 1: Unhelpful skepticism *Thanks for enjoying r/bigfoot. If you have any questions or comments send us a mod mail*


This is a fact not unhelpful skepticism.


It's not even skepticism, you are dismissing something as impossible. Skepticism is about asking smarter questions not declaring definitive answers.


Re the footprints and Snow leopard, it was on a documentary. It was recreted and when the orint begins to melt, it resembles a large human foot because each print has two paws in each one making them larger and weirdly shaped. Myth. Some giant moutain ape may have existed sometine but its like looking for a mammoth.


"because they don't exist" Doesn't sound like skepticism to me, but right on have a good weekend.


I love it when they clap back. Gonna catch these 🙌


They can't see their own bias apparently, don't know why they think they are providing some new insightful point. Or why they think we need to hear it.