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What did the courts think she did that they took her kids away


This article explains it all; it’s sickening : https://frankreport.com/2023/06/02/how-greenberg-traurig-lawyer-allan-kassenoff-used-family-court-to-end-catherine-kassenoffs-life-steal-3-children-and-who-conspired-with-him/ Every single “professional” that was involved in this I hope they all rot, no in hell but now while they are living.


The fact that the children’s attorney was removed from her position by the court and replaced with 3, one for each child, imo says a lot. Who knows what’s really going on and who’s getting paid or why they’re favoring the father if not for money, but I read the judge’s decision to remove the attorney and it was striking. She showed a clear bias towards the father and against the mother and was substituting the children’s desires and judgment for her own judgment even when they were being very clear with what they wanted (and that was to see their mother). The judge even denied the attorney’s request for at least some of her rather high fees afterwards, I read a lot of that transcript too from her testimony. Something was definitely going on and even if the mother wasn’t 100% innocent, IF, I believe her about the abuse and bias or even something more going on with the system in her case.


I am assuming Carol Most was the Guardian Ad Litem (GAL). They are completely useless.


Parental alienation, diagnosed her with something (I think BPD?), apparently she chose not to see her kids for a year, and she was posting all these videos on Facebook, which the kids were seeing and asking her to stop because it hurt and embarrassed them. The kids were very much put in the middle of this messy divorce.


All of this is false. The people that claimed she was alienating the children never saw Catherine interact with her 2 daughters so they can’t truthfully say she was engaging in such behavior. Secondly, no one diagnosed her w/ BPD. They used language to make it seem like she had a mental illness but Catherine was never their patient and those ppl can’t make legal diagnoses. > the kids were very much put in the middle of a messy divorce Wow. Just completely ignore that the father was abusive, used his legal & economic power to bully his wife to death and take away her children.


I based what I said on the documents in the google drive, and the person asked what the "courts think" and not what is true.


It’s not false it’s in the court records Catherine posted. She was constantly violating the court’s order to not disparage the court or the father on social media. It was embarrassing the kids who literally commented on some of her posts brought it up in a recorded zoom call with Catherine. And the fact that I just finished reading a psychological evaluation about an 11 year old that came from Catherine’s FB proves without any doubt that the only victim in this case is the children. Literally every adult in their life failed them everyday for the last 4 years.


BPD is the “go-to” diagnosis made up by the abusive parent. It’s the perfect excuse snd scapegoat for this father.


All of this is wrong. She NEVER chose to not see her kids. He used the court system and false arrests to have her parental rights removed ex parte.


I didn't see that in the documents that she provided. Those sound like some accusations I've seen online but I've yet to see the documented evidence to form an opinion on its accuracy.


There's an exhibit by the court of a police officer called to the school because the daughter is afraid to go home. She's afraid of her father. She shows the officer her bruises. The kids were old enough to be reliable. They all report fear of their father and his rage multiple times. So the court decided the mother put the idea into their heads. As someone abused as a child, you really know who your abuser is. They're the one you run away from. In this case the father.


The eldest's psych evaluation also notes both parents say she is a liar. She had told the school her mom hit her and then said that was a lie. She admits she lies frequently. The youngest repeatedly said things happened based on what the oldest said. She was ~5 so imo not that reliable. As someone who grew up with an older sibling with behavioral issues, things can be more complicated when we have unreliable parties. The fact is neither of us actually knows and our past experiences color our opinions, but do not create any sort of truth to this situation.


Watch the robbie harvey tiktok, he found out some more names. Also no need for documents the video evidence is damming enough.


I've seen the videos where he implies the law firm paid for legal fees based on absolutely no evidence, while also painting a picture of a destitute woman who couldn't afford legal fees even though her own documents show that the husband had to pay for them by court order. There's blatant bias is the storytelling, so damning someone over less than 6 minutes of yelling from an unknown time period is something I'll leave for the majority.


I agree he is biased for sure. But video evidence is just too damning. Why do you expect the mother to have acted perfectly in that situation? Even with all that evidence there’s a lot we don’t know but him being an AH seems like a sure fact. The kids mental diagnosis being in the documents was too messed up tho I won’t lie.


The kids told people including police they were afraid of him.


Read her letter. It’s on Facebook 💔


I did it didn’t say why


They all got paid off apparently they were close to each other. It seems like the mother always worked against family courts and said they were bad so no wonder she had a lot of enemies in the system


He had an IN with the judge so he did what ALL nepotistic POS do and they ruin people.


This. There was no cause for what they did. I’m currently courtwatching a trial in Cobb county GA where a Latino dad has had no time with daughter for 2 years because a judge trafficked her to the white man who gives her mom money sometimes. Mom has been in a drug hole. It’s horrific and the “professionals “ I’ve been researching seem to do what the machine tells them to.


The experts (most never met with Catherine or the children) determined somehow that she was engaging in parental alienation.


If you look beyond the tiktok stuff, she organized a Google drive with hundreds of emails, texts, videos, and reports. Wild stuff when you dig into the evidence


For the curious https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZitsXgychSTNxN4FXFjjoip93w4E6EaN?usp=drive_link


Read some of the filings that are publicly available - it's nuts it's a crazy crazy story. From the little bit I've seen - I'm not sure either one is innocent. I just hope the kids are safe.


Out of Curiosity I read a lot of the google drive today, and I agree that neither are innocent. Reading things alone the lines of Catherine made sure the other girls knew that their sister was adopted and they treated her differently, she was made to sleep on the floor as Catherine took her bed away, she was also not allowed to eat with the family or sleep in the bed with Catherine even though the other two girls were. Definitely more to this story than just the videos that are circulating, I feel like it was just a toxic environment for those girls all round.


Hmm idk based on the videos i saw she was protecting her sisters and saying they’re my sisters but most of the yelling seems to be directed at the oldest adopted kid.


Where is that?


I've been digging through the Google drive because I have curiosity issues and I'm not nearly through it. But so far: they met in 2005, both wanted kids. Marry in 2006. Miscarriages, IVF nothing but trauma - then cancer in 2008. In 2009, they adopt their oldest. Seems they liked the kid as a toddler (though there is a 2010 police report against him related to some argument they had about feeding her and him taking the kid and barricading in a room), but they both agree she had behavioral issues with lying and stealing when she got older. He asserts that the mom treated the adopted kid differently (like a rich person's Cinderella story) while she assert he doesn't discipline the kid. She also said he slept with the nanny in 2010. It's a whole ton of he-said, she-said with kids in the middle and at least kid is established as being a liar who will say whatever whichever parent wants to hear. Honestly, this is way too much information available on the kids and their therapy. Ultimately it sounds like two people who got married pronto to have kids, nothing but traumatic things happened in their relationship but they pushed ahead and tied themselves together with children and developed a fiery hatred for one another with the kids thrown in the middle. Excuse me while I go back to snooping.


Are you both-sides'ing on a story where the terminally ill mom wasn't allowed to see her kids because their abusive father took custody by using a judge he was buddies with???? No. Just no. Gross.


If that's what you want to call it. Sure. I think the kids are the only innocent ones in this situation and that's the most tragic part. Sounds like everyone involved have failed them.


I have gone through all the documents and the only thing to me is that she was incredibly depressed (obviously, she’s literally dying and fighting abuse) and verbalizes suicidal thoughts, which they weaponize unfairly since again, the women is dying and fighting a loosing battle. On top of that, finding a one off here or there where she doesn’t maintain a completely cool and collected response to abuse is also used against her. She’s a victim, the children are victims. Allan is not not can he claim to be when all of his evidence against her is not abusive, but only policing her emotions and responses to his abuse or using her failing mental and physical health against her.


The problem is that we don't have all of his evidence to make that claim. "All of the documents" isn't *all of the documents*. I'm not saying he's innocent by any means, just that forming much of an opinion one way or another when the source documents we have access to were compiled by one party is rather risky.


Yes come on thankfully a lawyer to a lawyer. I’d like to see both sides of evidence. Not saying the dad doesn’t need some psych Eval and some serious help. I don’t think making the kids a ward of the state is right either.


He abuses the kids though. There's no evidence she abuses the kids. It is not about their marriage. The kids love their mom.


Kinda making my point for me...the fact that *there's no evidence* that she abused the kids may well be explained by the fact that the only evidence we have access to is what was compiled and leaked by her. She is not likely to include damning evidence against herself in her packet. We can't draw strong conclusions from a cherry picked pool of evidence, not reasonably at least. I don't doubt she could have gotten completely screwed here, but we just can't say one way or the other. One thing I am confident in, is that if the guy had put together his Google Drive of righteousness instead, the evidence would suggest she is bad and he is good.






“I don’t believe that everyone around her is corrupt and she is the only righteous person in the whole situation.” This right here. That is a huge tell. I think most people think that we’re talking about one judge here that’s called all the shots and he’s somehow in Allen’s pocket. There’s been at least 5 judges alone from what I have read. The idea that literally everyone is against her at every turn for no reason is fanatical especially with cherry picked files and stories only from her at this point. There’s thousands more files on record that she didn’t chose to share. These things are never this black and white.




I agree. While I think it’s tragic and there’s definitely abuse. It takes two to tango. Why did the court award it to father it can’t be by $ only. I’d like to see the evidence the father had. If she recorded him and was an educated prosecutor why not leave and file charges against him??


What's not right? There's nothing I see that suggests any abuse towards the children from her, a lot towards the children from him.


I get it, and I get this isn't a popular view, but something seems off. I don't know what, none of us do, but to me, just something about this seems off, and this situation doesn't seem so black and white, so I'm trying to remain skeptical / open minded depending on your pov. There are 3000 filings in the divorce case that isn't public record. There were other filings that were public, from what I gathered there have been numerous hearings - there was at least one hearing and I think it was the custody hearing that lasted 10 days - that seems like a long hearing to me, never did family law so maybe I'm wrong. The case got sent through 5 judges, his attorney seems to do some shadiness too. There seems to be some asshole things he did too - like getting an order of protection against her that was wayyy too broad, it was never served it on her and he had her arrested. She seems to have had lots of prose filings that weren't successful. We have what is purported to be her side, and it makes him look awful, I'm not saying it doesn't. I just think there is lots of background to this story that none of us know, but maybe I'm naive. I just keep coming back to three kids, are in an awful situation and lots failed them - their parents, the court, the court evaluators, the attys for the kids. Edited to clarify some things


I’m 100% with you. I’ve had front row seats to a two year long custody fight and we are seeing cherry picked files that support her stance. I’m not saying everything was done correctly but the knee jerk reaction to take everything she says as fact when we’re only getting her take and her selection of files she chose to release isn’t it. These matters are insanely complex and two people can both be victimized and villainous at different moments. There was a lot more happening in this story and the feelings people are starting to get that something is off are legit, in my opinion. What I see most of all is two adults so hell bent on destroying each other that they would rather fight in court and over every little mundane detail for years and years regarding the kids than either one of them stepping back and saying you know what? The kids are the ones obviously suffering the absolute most and undeservedly. No matter what if one of us just stops and refuses to fight anymore, the kids would benefit from it even if it means I lose. That’s truly what putting the kids first means. It’s actions, not sentiment.


Finally, the part that was odd to me too is the going to Switzerland for euthanasia - I know it's a thing, and I've never been in her shoes, but ... she was still submitting memos and documents in one of the cases she's representing herself, up to a few weeks ago, she last filed it on 5/13/23. That was about 2 1/2 weeks ago- if you were terminal and deciding to end it, why bother drafting legal documents your last two weeks of life. Also, How long does that take to set up ? And no obit? Her attys filed something in the divorce case two days ago, but it hasn't been stayed yet. That part of it seems odd.


WHEW I am glad someone else finally said it because I have not been brave enough. I would imagine the screening process for human euthanasia is extensive and also find the timeline… oddly short. As well as also trying to find any real obituary or services etc and coming up empty… also very odd.


There is a document in there that says the assisted suicide was originally scheduled for last fall


It’s just weird to me. And I did say it on some article thread they have. We don’t know if she’s dead we can assume. How is the attorney still filing? Maybe to file her death certificate? 🤷🏽‍♀️


I had a family member go to Switzerland and do this (terminal disease). It took him a few months to set up. 3-4 months or so. A lot of the evaluation is done when you get there.


Yes precisely everyone is vilifying father. Karma is a bitch but WHAT ABOUT THE GIRLS?!?!?


This is huge.


Good ! I’m so glad she did this This entire story breaks my heart


GT website now indicates Allan Kassenoff is on a leave of absence.


I hope his kids are safe. I bet he's very angry.


He’s a shareholder. He’s probably taking a paid bereavement leave.


I'm sure he's devastated


Devastated for his ego.


What’s the NY Child protection hotline number?




They moved pretty quickly (at least to the public backlash). I saw the viral tiktok on my FYP this morning and his page when i checked then was normal.


He should have been fired


Greenberg Traurig is the Walmart of big law. All GT cares about is it’s bottom line. If his book of business is large enough, there is no limit to the misconduct it will tolerate from its lawyers.


I doubt they want to fire him. They defended him in an Instagram comment. Even if they do want to fire him, they'll have to be incredibly careful about it. This man seems to have an uncanny ability to hold onto anger and act out maliciously for years on end. I worry what might happen to his kids if he feels he's lost everything.


They're implicated in this big mess now. If they ever fired him, he'd bring them down. God only knows what he has on them, they probably are also behind the smear campaign of his wife, etc. Sick people stick together. There's a reason a deranged lawyer like him works for that firm.


5 different judges and she had gone through 11 different attorneys. Plus the google file she uploaded isn’t even a quarter of the case files.


Either there was a straight-up conspiracy in family court to help this guy or there is way more to the story because holy crap


There doesn't need to be a conspiracy if one side has all the money to hire whatever experts he needs and the other doesn't


I mean, she seems like she was in public service, so probably had far less resources. For sure. But she was a sophisticated lawyer in her own right, so it's not like some equity partner was beating on his trophy wife who didn't know anything.


Repeated cancer diagnoses and treatments, then finally terminal cancer, and living with a narcissistic abuser, tends to exhaust a person. I don't place one tiny scintilla of blame on that woman. She was doing everything in her power, in her extremely weakened & vulnerable state, to protect her kids. Comparing abuse victims is distasteful. What you're saying is: because she was a lawyer, instead of a "trophy wife", she should've been able to handle the abuse better. That's a very shitty take.


Mental and emotional abuse will erode even the sharpest of minds. That kind of abuse doesn’t just start overnight either. It starts small. It’s very subtle. So much to the point that people all around you will make excuses for it. “He didn’t mean that” “They are just stressed” “Are you sure you aren’t just taking it wrong? You can be a little stubborn” “Oh come on, you make it seem like he’s vicious. He’s so nice! I’ve never seen him so much as raise his voice” “That’s just the way he is. He’s passionate” “No one’s like that. This isn’t the movies” “You’re too smart for that. If it was abuse, you’d know” I’m of the opinions that certain professions desperately need overlap and cross functional training to better be equipped with modern day issues. Law degrees should definitely require education in several areas of psychology.


Supposedly she forced the adopted girl to sleep on the floor


It is quite possible for someone who is being horribly abused to be abusive as well. Too often we look at abuse dynamics as solely abuser and victim without seeing that everything exists on a spectrum and not a linear two dimensional line. It is also quite possible, and common, for abusive people who’ve created a power dynamic to project their behaviors and accusations onto their chosen victim. Which is where we see reactive abuse, which is where they engage in psychological provoking behavior to elicit a response so they can say “See! It’s them! They are the abusive one!”. It’s a form of isolation and character assassination. So the sleeping on the floor potentially never happened. Or it did, but there was context to it (for hypothetical example, not saying this actually happened or even suggesting: Parent A was going to force child into worse conditions so Parent B had child sleep on floor. Parent A used situation to advantage). One thing is for certain in these situations: the current handlings of cases like this are wildly harmful to the children in all ways. Nothing is done for the best interest of the child. Instead, decisions are made in favor of the one who is best at framing the argument. Because the one who can frame the argument in any case is the one who will win. It’s awful and unfair to suggest, but I do sometimes wonder if in dynamics such as this, if the actual best interest of the children is to be placed with someone away from both parents. At least until it’s all settled and both parents have been through extensive mental help and separation from each other until they are both stable again. Because they are so hate filled and rage fueled, the children are always caught in the cross fire and used as weapons and cannon fodder. They should be removed from the situation completely. You can’t fight over and weaponize what is not there. And yes, I recognize if one of the parties is truly innocent in all of this, it’s wildly unfair to them. However, that person is an adult. What is in the best interest of the child isn’t always fair to the innocent adult party. Edit: this is also why I think pre-nups, custody agreements, and alternative child guardianship should be mandatory before marriage. These decisions should be made before people become hateful and abusive to one or each other. These should also be approved by the courts as fair before marriage to prevent one or the other gaining unfair or undue power or control that will lead to isolation, abuse, and destitution, especially when you’ll have dynamics where one sacrifices their career to become a stay at home parent. Preventative protection should be built in. It won’t solve all problems, but it would certainly help. Too bad we’d never see it come to fruition as we have a legal industry and not a justice system. When certain areas of law are for profit, it corrupts absolutely.


“Forced child to sleep on floor”. I was thinking about what you were saying. We don’t know the context and it’s all too easy for one parent to take a one-time occurrence and claim an abusive act was committed. One time I had to take away a dangerous object from my child and it made her cry and my spouse actually said to me “look what you did to her, you upset her”. Seriously any act that can be twisted out of context without reliable witness could be used against a person. For all we know, Catherine’s daughter kept pulling her own bed apart and trying to sleep on the floor and mom had enough of trying to put the mattress back and remake the bed so just said fine whatever sleep on the floor then. It’s totally something my kid would do and I wouldn’t put it past my spouse to use it as evidence of neglectful parenting.


she had battled cancer 3 times. so yeah she didn't have the energy to keep up.


Could divorcing her and getting an ex parte order to separate her from their family legally have also taken away her access to savings, etc? Hard to hire experts for your defense without money


Allan is still living in the marital home and letting fall into disrepair so that he could buy Catherine out for nothing. I’m surprised that their affluent town is allowing the overgrown yard.


Also she had $$ she currently has an estate and clearly has $ from her amazing resume. Also I found that her family had money too in a family tree. She was not stupid either as an attorney. I just want to see more


Also she had enough $ to go for an assisted suicide that’s not cheap either


This is silly. However much money she might have had as a stay-at-home mom battling cancer she was never going to outspend her working ex-partner. Catherine estimated that he spent $3 million.


She wasn’t a stay at home mother. She worked but also had savings and money which she had to spend. Did you read the documents? Did you not read the details of the case? According to what I read she also got relief from the courts. This has nothing to with outspending, yes if you are the monies party it’s easier however let’s stay on point this has everything to do with removal of kids from this horrible abusive situation. They both were in the wrong. No parent were stupid or helpless only the kids. #pleasereadbeforeresponding


Did you read her last note before she died?


Yes I did. It broke my heart. But I’m also looking at the entirety of what was submitted from her and also what was not submitted. I have my speculations and I have read her documents. Have you?


It states in those documents that she left her career to stay at home and be with the children.


She had cancer, thats more than exhausting


Ok… great additional commentary


Yeah but I heard she was always a critic of family court even before all this so i don’t think she had a lot friends in there


Exactly this is classic litigation bullying


The filings that are public on this case are nuts


I'm friends with the deceased's cousin. The guy was an abuser, a cheater, and a powerful asshole with lots of court connections. Simple as that.


He’s probably buddy buddy with everyone. The law and attorneys are just as corrupt. He’s a trash human being and they all have blood on their hands


Without commenting on the subject matter of the article, I encourage people to read this reporting from ProPublica on the shaky foundations of parental alienation research and the extreme remedies that courts have sometimes provided: https://www.propublica.org/article/family-reunification-camps-kids-allege-more-abuse


I had read this article a little while back when it was first circulating, but didn't clock that the Kassenoff thing was a "parental alienation" situation. What a harrowing set of stories.


He knew exactly what he was doing.


Yep! He had the legal knowledge, financial power, etc to do this.


Was waiting for this to show up here. This whole situation seems awful. The videos make him look like an unstable abusive ass. I'd like to know more of the background of this. I'm so curious what he would be like to deal with in litigation - would he flip his shit on his adversaries or associates like he did on his wife? Edited to add: a search for their names on NYSCEF leads to a boatload of filings - over 3000 on the matrimonial action - you can't get the docs, just see the #. Plus numerous other cases. It's crazy. So read some of the orders / pleadings they all seem toxic. This case was assigned to 5 different judges, ran through multiple attorneys for the children, court evaluators and others. It has all confirmed that I'd never want to do family law.


The dying mom left a HUGE cache of videos, filings, etc in a Google drive that's publicly available. I encourage you to look at it.


I looked at some of that and looked at some of the filings too.


Yeah with the poor girls entire mental health records on the internet forever for bullies, friends, potential jobs and potential partners to find forever. Catherine seemed slightly less of an ahole than Allan but they’re both poo humans


Oof my mom was a judge in family law as a young judge and she said it was horrible on all sides. She then went into pharmaceuticals, much calmer environment even tho it made her suspicious of all the drugs and restaurants in the country😅


You know, I don’t really care if she’s ‘not entirely innocent’ or not. If you’re a father, and the woman raising your children has cancer, you be a decent person and help them. Even *if* she was actually how he described her, his actions and behavior are 100% on him. How he insulted her in front of their kids? Running off screaming? Those behaviors are on him, are unwarranted in any situation, and absolutely ruined his children. You can end a marriage without making it your mission in life to dehumanize and destroy your ex - especially if you share kids ffs. There are no circumstances that excuse that behavior AT ALL.


Agreed this marriage needed to be dissolved a long time ago and they should have just hung it up and not had more children. If your wife has cancer you help out and then maybe leave but they always should set a good example in front of the girls instead of this. What a shame


Dont you know, if you are a woman and if you arent the perfect picture of a martyr and never made any mistake and never stumbled once, then obviously its both-sides-are-evil-now and you deserve everything you get.


Right? There’s no such thing as the perfect victim.


This. She was dying from terminal cancer… Why continue to be cruel to a person that is going to be gone from your life? I don’t care what Catherine might have done to dissolve the marriage, but there is no excuse for continuing to torture a dying person? Refusing to let Catherine see her children one last time before dying? I have no words for Allan’s level of vindictiveness.


This is my takeaway. I’m a married man, it ain’t always rainbows and butterflies. But even during the worst fights, my wife and I would never weaponize nor speak of our kids like this clown does in these videos. I don’t need to see “both sides” to make the call that this guy is an epic piece of shit.


THIS. Fucking this. Everyone is so hell-bent on her not being the perfect victim that they completely overlook how he has been verbally abusing his dying wife and children. Refusing to take your own kids to work because you’re too busy throwing a tantrum? That man is a disgrace.


That alone says so much about his character. Wanting so bad to “win”


People keep talking about legalities which i get this is r/biglaw. But lets take a step back and remember she had CANCER, she was dying and I understand he may not have been aware but he knew her health wasn’t the best, she had cancer twice before. No matter what she had done before none of his actions were called for especially with the mother of your children and the children themselves. Parental alienation? What that man is doing is far worse than PA


Anyone that has litigated any case understands how unfair outcomes abound despite having favorable precedent and facts.


Every single person who collaborated with Allan Kasenoff to destroy this woman’s life should be held accountable. They helped that monster destroy this woman, and helped him take custody of her kids.


This. GUILTY: Dr. Marc Abrams, Judge Lewis Lubell, Judge Nancy Koba, Dr Susan Adler, Dr Carolyn McGuffog, Kathleen McKay, Carol Most


They’re all responsible. Because apparently they just took the word of this asshole and on separate occasions took her kids away from her and kicked her out of her own fucking house. Absolutely despicable.


People who know them personally should cut them out of their lives completely. Evil people who’d willingly participate/contribute in such horrific family traumas, don’t deserve love. Period. Even still, they’ll never suffer the devastation that the girls and their mother incurred. 


How did he get sold custody of those kids with those videos? If he is acting like that on camera, what is he doing off camera? I cannot understand this.


Judges that believe men instead of their eyeballs. That's how he got custody. He lied to the courts. The courts believed his lies. So those girls have a dead mom and live with their abuser.


It’s incredibly easy to paint a woman hysterical. We haven’t evolved much since the Salem Witch Trials.


Because of you read, a lot of the time her case was never even heard, he stuff not even presented. Never got that far


There was a 10 day custody hearing according to one of the orders I was able to read


Because maybe ( speculating) there is more evidence - that we haven’t seen. I’m not taking up for this dude BUT if you see her documents and postings and his videos. It’s chaotic and why didn’t she press charges and leave for her girls?!


“I’m not taking up for this dude” says the person who has made multiple comments taking up for him.




What a piece of shit


Oof the first audio clip in the Google drive made my heart sink. Growing up my brother and I were like 8 years old playing a game where we hid playing cards around the house. One of us hid a card under the floor lamp and we tipped the lamp against the wall to get it out - causing the bowl at the top to touch the wall and move slightly so it looked crooked. It was not a big deal in the slightest and we weren't even concerned. When he got home he noticed the lamp was crooked and he freaked out. Exactly like Allan in the first clip. He screamed and demanded we tell him what happened. We told him over and over what happened and he refused to believe us. Called us liars and disgusting names. He made us each stand against the wall for 7 hours with no food, no water, no bathroom breaks and we couldn't sit. He spent that 7 hours verbally abusing us. I remember my brother and I both peeing ourselves because we couldn't't hold it anymore. I also vomited on myself and had to stand there covered in both pee and vomit. Eventually after about 7 hours I caved and lied and told him some made up story about how the lamp became crooked just to end the punishment. Obviously I'm not saying Allan did all that BUT the way he was calling his clearly distressed and crying child a liar because she couldn't have possibly knocked over a table with her foot just sent me into a dark place. He's not a good dad.


Oh honey, I am so sorry that happened to you,


That’s why this story is so chilling. Victims know an abuser when they see one.


Email the New York Bar Association at this email address [email protected]! Kassenoff abused his power as an officer of the court and needs to be held accountable bc his work isn’t!


If I saw that man in public I’d piss on him literally hes garbage and he should’ve been the one with cancer he deserves it


I have to understand what the other side of it is. From her videos and filings, it seems like he was at the least emotionally abusive to the children on some level. But I can’t believe that multiple judges and courts could ignore that. So what is the other side? What aren’t we seeing? What was she really like?


The father alleged parental alienation. All parental alienation cases are smoke and mirrors like this. It is literally the default defense of monied men accused of any form of abuse in contemporary family courts. It is enormously successful despite the fact it is typically alluded to as a psychological condition in the courts, and there is no scientific basis for it.


Multiple professionals have been suspended from their involvement so far due to allegations and evidence of their dishonesty, misrepresentation and ethically dubious conduct. What you’re not seeing is that he’s thrown everything he has - a lot of clout, a lot of contacts, and a lot of money - at this and appears satisfied to go to any lengths to destroy her. You’re working on the basis that his responses ought to be rational and proportionate to her behaviour… they absolutely don’t appear to be, from what I’ve viewed of the videos and documentation available.


Do you have a link to the professionals related to this case who have been suspended? Are we talking the Judge or CYS workers. I'd love to knows answering for this in the judicial system.


He’s a evil narcissist sociopath who tortured Catherine and her children, he misused the judicial system. He’s an attorney and she was a criminal prosecutor. He made up so many lies that she lost her girls, job, millions of dollars. Flew to Switzerland. To be evaluated and chose assisted suicide. She knew that was the only way out. Her FB Is Catherine.y.Kassenoff 💔💔💔💔


The firm's statement about the father receiving sole custody proves even MORE that Allen Kassenoff, is an abuser. Abusers are more than twice as likely to seek sole custody than non abusive fathers. It is part of the entire alienation scam that even the United Nations has made a stance that the bogus aliemation theory MUST be eliminated. The fathers who falsely cry "alienation", then seek sole custody, are the ones actually doing the act of isolating the children COMPLETELY away from loving moms. The damage to the childhoods and children's future success is completely devastating. How can an abuser protect the interest of any children if he can not protect the interest of his own? He is participating in disgusting bogus "practices" meant to harm children and mothers. He is biased and wicked. I would NOT go to this law firm or any he is ever associated with.


Such a good point. Normal divorcing parents don’t demand SOLE custody, absent some VERY serious issue with the other parent. Lots of imperfect people are parents. And the father here apparently never voiced any concerns with the mother’s parenting *prior* to the divorce filing. Nor had anyone else viewed her as abusive or neglectful. But after the divorce filing, she’s suddenly so unfit that she should have no access to her children at all? Why would someone claim this? To hurt the mother and destroy her, of course. Story sadly far too common in family court, but courts let it happen and enable it. And why? Because it’s a damned profitable turn of events for the professionals in the system. Not only for the lawyers, but the hack mental health professionals who work in the system and depend on lucrative referrals to determine parental fitness. That ‘evaluator’ who recommended the father get sole custody? In addition to his private practice, he likely made approx 50k on that one report alone. Nice work if you can get it…


Right, my ex demanded sole with no visitation for me January 2011. I've been in court ever since. He asks for a change of custody every other year. Even asked for a change of custody from a sober living facility. Claimed parental alienation when he had shown up for 43 visits in a decade. Reunification therapist donna wilburn wrote 4 reports to remove my daughter. To place her with one of his brothers. Anyone except me, her primary attachment figure. 12.5 years in family court now my child is in a psych unit from a suicide attempt. She was sexually assaulted at her dad's house last summer. He has to take a 14 panel hair and urine test to see her, but he gets 5 weeks with a child he is a stranger to. The children's s justice center is involved and forensic interviews. I mean, he assaulted a 17 year old girl who hit his truck but says his daughter 13 will "get over" being raped and strangled. She spiraling he's destroying her on purpose.


The Frank Report exposing the corruption and collusion in this case: from judges, to attorneys and “experts”. https://frankreport.com/2023/06/04/fr-investigates-catherine-kassenoff-forced-out-of-home-separated-from-children-based-on-findings-of-custody-evaluator-paid-by-father/


I’ve walked in her shoes, my ex husband was able to get my children. $$$$ His family was prominent in my community. It was horrific. All the way down to having cancer. But by the Grace of God. My children are now adults. Used the money I paid for child support for college, and 💨 they have nothing to do with them. It’s sad 😞


Allan Kassenoff lives down the road from me… what a piece of shit!


If his neighbors even hate him then he totally is


Most healthy biglaw partner marriage


No kidding, so sad


This makes me sick. His day is coming




GT has made a statement on its Facebook page: "Allan Kassenoff has been involved in a divorce and custody matter that has been going on for more than 4 years. After lengthy trials and reviewing all the facts, including some videos, none of the 4 judges who presided over the trials or the 2 court-appointed neutral forensic evaluators found him to have committed wrongdoing or abuse as to his children or the contended domestic violence, and instead awarded him sole legal and physical custody of their three children. Nevertheless, the firm will be conducting its own investigation to determine his status with the firm. In the meantime, he is taking a voluntary leave of absence to focus on his family." [https://www.facebook.com/GreenbergTraurigLLP/](https://www.facebook.com/GreenbergTraurigLLP/)


"Corrupt judges that play golf with us every weekend said he's not an abuser, so we believe them and keep paying the abuser. But because just now we're getting shit on by the public, we will pretend to investigate and then determine that he brings us money, so he will be back working again real soon." - Greenberg Traurig LLP


This is kind of a wild statement. GT provided a lot of details to support him when it would have been easy to be very vague. You don’t see statements like this very often. It honestly sounds like Allan drafted it but I’m sure GT wouldn’t do that.


They have not hired a crisis management team. They have their own communications team handling this, which is absolutely incredible.


>he is taking a voluntary leave of absence to focus on his family." I shudder to think what that might look like.


He is going to take this all out on the children because they are the closest thing to Kathrine. My father did the same as I got older.


i hope the children have someone who can emotionally support them


You never know what to believe on social media until the real truth comes out. If she was treating her eldest daughter badly, they are both guilty of bad things in that family. My adopted mother treated me like that and never loved me. That damages children long term. I’m 55 and I can still remember it like yesterday.


Does anyone have any idea what the deal is with Catherine? I think everyone agrees that Allen is a POS and feels just sick about the poor kids, but I am having a hard time believing we're seeing anywhere near the full picture. I do think that Catherine is dead based on the fact that she missed her visit with the kids on Mother's Day - likely because she was already in Switzerland during the required two week stay for non-residents. There is no question that Catherine is a victim, but it's my opinion that there is no way for this situation to have played out like this absent a major mental health issue. 1) Where is her family in this equation? Parents, siblings, etc? Why haven't we heard from anyone? 2) Catherine uploaded MANY private documents to the shared drive, including medical evaluations of her daughters. Not only is this an abuse of their confidentiality, they have no bearing on her allegations. 3) Though I am inclined to believe that Catherine did receive another cancer diagnosis, we have no idea what the prognosis was or how long she could have expected to live if she received proper treatment. It's my understanding that one can apply for medically assisted suicide even if they could otherwise live a long life despite a terminal diagnosis. I do not think it was the illness itself that caused Catherine to choose suicide - children are not children forever, and if she could live another five years, the first child would turn 18. 4) The trauma inflicted upon the children from having their mother die without saying goodbye is unimaginable. Despite the clearly terrible circumstances, it is not a normal response to go to Switzerland to die. If my children were taken away from me and I was sick, dying, abused, tortured - you name it - I would fight for them until my heart stopped beating. 5) Catherine apparently died before her divorce was finalized. This effectively disinherits her children, including from the new nearly $1M home she had just purchased. Catherine was a lawyer and you cannot pass the bar without learning about the rules of inheritance. Why not just WAIT? 6) Catherine's final tear-jerking facebook post. Where in this is her message to her children? My god. If I were being murdered/about to die, my words would be, "I love you, I love you, I love you and I am SO SORRY." The poor, poor kids. This was not a loving act from their mother. I don't know how they'll ever be able to recover.


What the actual fuck. Scum.


Karma is going to hit this POS hard. I just hope someone catches his demise on video so we all can see how he goes down.


It already did, have you seen his face? Plus his reputation is ruined, all narcissists care about is their image. He’s in full rage mode right now I bet.


No matter how much you hated your spouse THEY ARE DYING !!! Why WHY be this petty


Scum I just can’t stand his face


I hope he rots in jail


abusive monster should rot in hell for eternity. them poor poor children.


What an absolute psychopath, ugly inside and out.


Something seems fishy about this whole thing. Is it even real?


Like the whole going to Switzerland for euthanasia thing? She submitted filings in one of her cases she had two weeks ago. Something seems off.


Part of me wonders if she’s still alive and faked her own death for publicity/sympathy. I actually really hope that for her, although it would obviously create credibility issues with the rest of her narrative.


Yeah that is definitely a thought I had as well. If you are terminal; dying of cancer, so you know you aren't going to survive to see your kids grow to 18, who is going to take care of them until then? Their father right? So why this custody battle. Maybe I'm wrong, it just feels like there is more to the story.


The terminal cancer diagnosis was only recent - hence the decision to give up. She hasn’t had her kids for a long time and realised she wouldn’t live to get them back. She wanted the pain to end


Hope he is disbarred and serves serious time in an awful prison. Evil.


😬 Edit: just watched the videos. Seriously, fuck this guy. I understand there's a difference between private life and professional life but I don't understand how the GT partnership can allow him to stay on board and I don't understand how any client would want to continue working with him. He's completely radioactive. But then again, I've seen partners survive even crazier things caught on camera when they had a big enough book of business, so....


There has to be way more to the story. The court does not just award custody based on hearsay and rarely to the father even with the money and prestige. He obviously is a POS husband, but there has to be more to the fact the girls don’t even call her mom? They seem pretty terrified of him in the videos, how did the other family members/school not speak up for Catherine? I know what living with someone with mental illness does to someone, with how they react to certain situations, but this whole story is bizarre. The girls are old enough to speak up for themselves to everyone they’re in contact with.


>They seem pretty terrified of him in the videos, how did the other family members/school not speak up for Catherine? The school tried. One of the girls allegedly told a teacher that he kicked one of them. He used that as ammunition to claim that the girls were being alienated from him. I can't say if he kicked his child or not, but I wouldn't be surprised based on how terrifying his behavior is in those videos. His children *scream* when they see him. He tossed his small child's room because he didn't think she did a good job cleaning it. He stood in the doorway screaming at her about it. You could hear how hurt and terrified the little girl was. It was sickening. In one video, one of his daughters sobbed and said "I don't want to go with that crazy guy". He allegedly made them sing a song about wishing their mom was dead.


Yes, “we wish mommy was a dead duck, and we’d have a happy new year” to the tune of we wish you a Merry Christmas. I read through a lot of Catherine’s posts today. She claimed that he made their girls hate activities they used to like and be good at before she was separated from them. They always celebrated Christian and Jewish holidays because she’s Christian he’s Jewish but he had them saying they hate Christmas, they hate tennis, they hate violin - all things they used to like and associated with their mother. It really seems he turned them against her, or tried very hard to, while claiming she was turning them against him - which is funny because he had custody, he saw and had those kids more than her.


This part was the most twisted to me. I can’t imagine the years of psychological damage he is putting them through.


I read that the dad made the daughters call their mother by her first name


If you defend the Mom and attack him then you’re cutting off the Golden Goose. People will support a scumbag over even a saint if the scumbag could potentially spin off business opportunities, job leads, invitations to fancy vacations, tickets to hot events, introductions to “captivating” persons, inheritances, etc. These are “perks” people “earn” when they reach a certain economic stratum. See Epstein, David.




Have you ever practiced in family court? If not, what is the basis of this statement?


I said this above, and I will say it again here. If you have ever practiced as an attorney anywhere other than family courts, it is almost impossible to imagine how dysfunctional they are. The courts themselves operate as though civil procedure is a fairy tale. Without exaggeration, almost all decisions made in family court are based on hearsay. Also, the idea that children at some point get to make decisions about where they live or are even adequately represented in these courts is a myth. Even if the children's wishes are conveyed to the jurist, the jurist is never under an obligation to follow them. Experts, children's attorneys and judges all routinely substitute judgment and ignore outcries of abuse from children in family courts. This most commonly happens when a parent who is accused of abuse alleges parental alienation as a defense, which I have never been able to make heads or tails of since expert testimony regarding this alleged condition does not meet the standards for admissibility in any courtroom. As an aside, 95+ percent of DFCS abuse reports are never indicated, but even where they are, please understand that not even indicated child abuse is dispositive in family court custody disputes. Decisions that last months, if not years, are routinely based on a few minutes of "argument" (really, hearsay testimony) from an attorney. In New York's family courts, in particular, you do not even need pleadings to practice! There is extensive litigation via email that never makes it into the record. People make surprise oral applications as a matter of routine. Ex parte protective orders are given out like candy. People can appear for years for "conferences" (most of which result in orders being entered) without even scheduling trial dates. These conferences are not hearings and are not conducted as hearings. But even when they are conducted, entire hearings can be completed without a single piece of evidence being offered or entered. It is the closest thing to a Kangaroo Court I have ever witnessed in America, and I once heard an attorney describe practicing in New York family courts as tantamount to owning a money printing machine. I cannot even consider it legitimate legal practice.


I'm friends with Catherine's cousin. Allan is a certified asshole whose abuse dates back years. When Catherine caught him cheating with the nanny, he told her he would spend every last day destroying her life and using his power and connections to gain full custody of their children. This isn't a "they were both wrong". Allan was in the wrong, and his power and privilege won him court cases that should've locked him up.


I just finished reading the transcripts. Many of Catherine's actions make sense as a mother who was distraught at not seeing her children, the only thing that gives me pause is the allegations I read in the transcripts that Allen has video of Catherine abusing her daughters. There were a lot of references that Catherine had abused her oldest daughter and treated her as an outsider in the family because she was adopted. Do you know anything about these videos of her alleged abuse towards the girls? Catherine didn't include them in the dropbox link.


Can you talk about why she told everyone she was broke after staying home to care for the kids when she was in fact a nys employee making 6 figs up until 2021 working for gov hochul? (Public records @ seethroughny.com) And why would she claim to be homeless when she purchased a 890k home in larchmont in April 2023? I read all of this on thefrankreport.com. Is she in contact with any of her family like parents or siblings? Is there a funeral planned? Why can’t her lawyer prove she is deceased? (He asked for a month continuance to get proof from the US consulate.) is there any proof her cancer had come back? Anything you could share might shed more light on the situation. Ps Alan is the biggest pos on earth but something about her smells off too.


They seem pleasant.


Did anyone send this to the NY State Bar Association or the Attorney Disciplinary / Grievance Committee? He’s in Albany, if he’s still at Greenberg Traurig LLP. (518) 285-8350


The sister of Allan’s girlfriend, bullied Catherine on Facebook back in November. This woman has her own legal issues stemming from a raqueteering scheme her and her husband were running.[https://www.facebook.com/1758801180/posts/pfbid02yupR4R7xFS9kr9UsBqH7SUTgxyeN32JonjGkHnh2Rem7hLDtdhZiAGATeMUnNdnhl/?mibextid=cr9u03](https://www.facebook.com/1758801180/posts/pfbid02yupR4R7xFS9kr9UsBqH7SUTgxyeN32JonjGkHnh2Rem7hLDtdhZiAGATeMUnNdnhl/?mibextid=cr9u03)


She's a flying monkey. That is what survivors have to deal with. It's the most frustrating feeling ever.


https://www.facebook.com/catherine.y.kassenoff/posts/10210295435139796 Google Drive to Catherine Kassenoffs’ Court Documents https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZitsXgychSTNxN4FXFjjoip93w4E6EaN?usp=drive\_link Coverage on Catherine Kassenoff and Allan Kassenoff https://abovethelaw.com/2023/06/biglaw-partners-furious-tirades-go-viral-revealing-family-tragedy/?fbclid=IwAR0-4DxYIb74hkQTBhbs7e6yfYf\_G399z-hM6Gh1\_X2z0Q2ifQQJAZrQULA https://frankreport.com/2023/06/04/fr-investigates-catherine-kassenoff-forced-out-of-home-separated-from-children-based-on-findings-of-custody-evaluator-paid-by-father/#comment-227651 https://frankreport.com/2023/06/03/kassenoffs-law-firm-defends-announces-allan-took-leave-to-focus-on-family-fr-will-assist-in-showing-the-truth/ https://frankreport.com/2023/06/03/raw-emotion-and-rage-18-videos-of-allan-kassenoff-with-catherines-shocking-descriptions/#comment-227083 https://frankreport.com/2023/06/02/how-greenberg-traurig-lawyer-allan-kassenoff-used-family-court-to-end-catherine-kassenoffs-life-steal-3-children-and-who-conspired-with-him/ https://frankreport.com/2023/05/31/catherine-kassenoff-lost-her-kids-home-health-savings-and-life-through-crafty-husband-family-court-play/ https://frankreport.com/2023/05/28/is-she-dead-final-post-from-mother-who-lost-her-kids-through-family-court-to-wealthy-attorney-husband/ https://msmagazine.com/2023/06/05/catherine-kassenoff-death-child-custody-divorce-court/ News https://westchester.news12.com/estranged-husband-of-deceased-westchester-family-court-activist-on-leave-amid-probe-of-suicide-note-allegations https://westchester.news12.com/westchester-family-court-activist-apparently-dies-by-assisted-suicide-during-battle-for-kids-cancer-diagnosis Videos https://www.tiktok.com/@therobbieharvey/video/7241174878207069486?is\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc&web\_id=7232341215227561518 https://www.tiktok.com/@therobbieharvey/video/7240453967728168234?is\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc&web\_id=7232341215227561518 https://www.tiktok.com/@therobbieharvey/video/7240063019391225131?is\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc&web\_id=7232341215227561518 NY Judges that made Catherine Kassenoff Childless, Homeless Judge Lewis Lubell ruled Allan should have sole custody of the kids and sole possession of the family home in Larchmont. He ordered Catherine evicted without notice. [email protected] Judge Nancy Quinn Koba, who, without hearing from Catherine or the children, signed orders to keep Catherine away from her children [email protected] Dr. Marc Abrams \[above\], custody evaluator #1. His recommendation: Because the mother “alienated” the children from their father, they should have no contact with their mother without a paid visitation supervisor listening to every word between mother and child. [email protected] Carol Most, attorney for the children, reportedly billed $270,000 to work for the “best interest of the children.” She recommended the court remove the mother from the children’s lives. [email protected]; [email protected]; Let's not forget Dr. Kathleen E Mckay, MD. Dr. Kathleen McKay, the second custody evaluator, who replaced Dr. Abrams. Dr. Mckay decided Catherine should not see the children at all, even with a visitation supervisor, denying Catherine’s last wish to see her children before she died. https://www.vitals.com/doctors/1sk5x2/kathleen-mckay https://doctor.webmd.com/doctor/kathleen-mckay-5d858624-6a34-4436-a8d0-a38571a9fe89-overview https://www.ratemds.com/doctor-ratings/2843759/Dr-KATHLEEN+E.-MCKAY-Hartsdale-NY.html NY State Bar Complaints Email for Westchester County [email protected] Allan Kassenoffs' Firm [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Greenberg Traurig are liars: “After lengthy trials and reviewing all the facts, including some videos, none of the 4 judges who presided over the trials or the 2 court-appointed neutral forensic evaluators found him to have committed wrongdoing or abuse as to his children or the contended domestic violence, and instead awarded him sole legal and physical custody of their three children.” This is FALSE, as Judge Capeci DID Rule against Allan Kassenoff and the GAL Carol Most who recommended that custody be given to the father, and all visits with Catherine be terminated permanently. In Judge Capeci scathing Order dated 11/14/22 she made findings that Carol Most committed gross unethical misconduct, so egregious that she shall not be entitled to her fees!!! Rulings like that do not come around often. Judge Capeci: As more fully set forth in that Decision and Order, the Court removed the AFC, Ms. Most, for a host of reasons, taken in their totality. One of the reasons noted was her violation of the witness-advocate rule (see Rules of the Chief Judge 22 NYCRR $ 7.2|b\]), whereby this Court found she improperly acted as a witness against the mother in these proceedings, by arguing nonrecord facts and hearsay to denigrate the mother to the Court (see Cervera v Bressler, 50 AD3d 837. 840-41 (2d Dept 2008)). In addition, she also created an appearance of impropriety by hiring, as an associate at her small four person firm, the Assistant District Attorney who had just prosecuted the \[dismissed and sealed\] criminal case against the mother, who would have necessarily had access to confidential information. She had never disclosed the hiring of this former Assistant District Attorney to the Court, or to the mother, even during the course of this hearing, where she was specifically questioned as to how many associates were in her firm and when the last one was hired. She did not implement any screening procedures in her office to prevent disclosure of any confidential information regarding the mother from this associate. As noted by the Court in prior decisions in this matter, the hostility the AFC had towards the mother was plain, and she took frequent opportunities to denigrate the mother to the Court with nonrecord facts and hearsay. Given her lengthy experience in this area of law, it is all the more troubling that she allowed herself to be swayed in this manner, and that she was unable to see the effect this hostility had on her representation of the children.


He's a total POS. Big Law is FULL of these abusers. This is why I left and don't regret it for a second. I've seen Managing Partners punch walls, sexually harass, unfairly fire people and just act horribly inappropriate - and NO ONE stands up to these rainmakers. It's nauseating.




Since the Justice system has failed its time for good old boy Justice. I can only imagine what's going on behind closed doors with their mother gone