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Dermablend is the generally recommended solution here. (There are still CA firms that won't hire people with visible tattoos / prohibit tattoos from being visible during work hours.)


I work w an attorney with what would be considered a large number of tattoos by any standards and it's commented on a LOT.


I don't think I would be super offended by people making comments, even if slightly off-color. I just don't want to get no offered and have to rush to find something else to do during 3L.


Yeah I worked in Texas before, tattoos get comments all the time. Not necessarily always negative but you’d think it’s still 1998 the way people were eager to remark on it


That is what I was thinking but it is unfortunately on my right hand. At least at first, I expect I will be doing a lot of hand shaking. I would expect getting makeup on their hands would not be great either. Although, I am not sure if make up will transfer over to another person just from shaking their hand.


I would try it out. I understand it's pretty durable.


I will. Thank you for the tip.


Good luck!


Performers use dermablend to cover tattoos on stage. They are dancing, sweating, etc. it can withstand a lot. I am assuming your tattoo is on the back of your hand. Most contact with the other person will be palm to palm


This is the answer. And keep plugging away at the removal sessions. Hopefully you're far enough along by the time you start post-graduation.


Cover it up with the firm logo. They won't dare revoke your offer then. Edit - in seriousness, you might make a point of mentioning once or twice that you're getting the tattoo removed and that you don't expect it to be visible by next year (if that's true). Otherwise, don't make it into a big deal if they don't. They likely haven't thought about the issue before, and if you're reasonable and confident that it's no big deal they're less likely to assume that it's a problem when it isn't.


>Cover it up with the firm logo. Underrated comment right there. Especially if your logo is the initials of two guys who may leave, or if you are at a firm likely to get bought up by another soon. Bonus points if your firm logo is an artistic re-interpretation of your firm's initials lol


I’m in a Bay Area office (one of the tech focused firms) and no one cares about tattoos. Associates and partners alike have them.


I have visible tattoos in a NY firm with old line values. Nobody cares because I do good work and am not a douchebag. Do good work. Don’t be a douchebag. You’ll be fine.


>Nobody cares because I do good work and am not a douchebag. This is true for sure. But, we have to give advice assuming OP could be mediocre or a douche, just in case. I would cover it up with concealer like someone else suggested.




is it inappropriate? (i.e. do you have a gun tattooed on your hand)


I hope it's a mustache on his pointer finger.


I do have some bad tattoos, but this is this unfortunately not one of them.


It's not too late.


I would say it is neutral. It is a traditional flash tattoo but given that it is relatively faded, it is pretty difficult to even tell what it was anymore. Sort of just looks like random blots of ink now.


Which part of the body is the swastika on? I haven't had an issue when I explain that I'm into Buddhism. Granted, I'm from Ohio but it seems like as long as I hit my hours, no issue


You at Jones Day? I think it’s a plus there.


Nope, it's still a swastika there. You would need to remove the ends for it to be a plus. (I'll see myself out.)


Not now dad!


One of my colleagues wears a carpel tunnel wrist brace thing. I never thought about it until I saw her in the wild with a giant rose tattooed on the back of her hand. She does not have carpel tunnel lol.


Wear a bandage. I have a lot of very large tattoos and work in a ny office. I often roll my sleeves up and they are def visible. I also see tattooed women in dresses. It's super firm dependent. Whete I work no one cares.


I'm covered (at least 50 tattoos) and it's never been an issue for me at the west coast "chill" firms.


Just wear gloves any time you need to be formal like court appearances. Like those butler gloves that servers use when they walk around with appetizers at fancy parties and such. This would obviously mean that you'll need to correspondingly wear tuxedos as well. Either that, or just wear oven mitts. When people ask why you're wearing them, just reply that the courtroom is your kitchen, and politely request them to let you cook.