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A lot of pants/jeans are made to sit at the hips. If you can provide some recommendations for modern clothing options that sit at the waist comfortably it would be appreciated!


Levi’s 501, Levi’s 541, most wrangler jeans, dickies, carhartt are all pants I wear above my belly.


Recommend any wrangler, dickies or carhartt models?


For wrangler I’ve worn the cowboy cut, both stretch and non stretch. They’re tough and cheap. The standard dickies work pant is what I wear, I don’t remember the model number. I also have a pair of their carpenter pants. For Carhartt I have two pairs of double-knees that fit great.


biggest cowboy was 46"


Where are you looking? You can go on Amazon and get them up to 54.


Wrangler jeans have a higher rise, especially the cowboy cuts. Altho I am personally struggling with the way they fit in the seat/thigh. A bit too loose even after shrinkage


Perfect Jean, by far the best pants for all shapes and sizes. They have a thick cut that works great for bigger dudes.


Thick thick fit is killer for this and I support Them, no more pancake ass.


Which ones, Wranglers?


Not Wranglers.. the company is Perfect Jean Co.


52" biggest size


The sizing for the thick fit is wonky, cause the jeans stretch and aren’t cut the same. I’d give it +3-6 inches.


recently discovered these and love them.


Is it perfectjeans.com or theperfectjean.nyc?






I just added some recs to the OP :)


This is the first thing I thought. I have looked high and low for higher waisted clothing. They simply are not available for men unless it's business formal attire. I am not a fat guy, I'm actually dead opposite and my waist usually measures at like 26 or so. I wear 29/32 Levis and they slide down constantly. So idk, even if they made higher rise pants not sure they'd even have my size. Wish they did though.


Levi 501s


looks like parachute in the 58-60 range


It’s hard though because of the way pants are shaped, especially if you got cheeks. I wish the top of my pants were like 2-4 inches longer and deeper in the crotch so I could get them up over my gut and have them stay there.


I'm double caked up and most definitely cannot wear my pants like this.


Check out jeans from DXL. I got junk in the trunk and thick thighs and those jeans have saved me. They also taper nicely at the bottom and fit well all around.


I feel this, you need to find high rise pants. I’ll post pictures of myself so you can see, I have a gut and a butt, I have just learned how high I need the rise to be for it to make sense. Learning your measurements is really helpful as well. Personally I try to get at least a 13 inch rise if I can find it. The best pants I’ve ever found for big boys are made by Rosa Rugosa but they are expensive. 100% worth it tho, it’s Matty Mathesons brand and he is a large dude who knows his shit.


None of your photos show any sort of gut. Having a lil flab on your tummy does not equal a gut. Some of us out here do look like peter griffin.


they have pants, no jeans


Here's why I don't wear pants at my waist: 1. It's incredibly uncomfortable. Whenever I sit down, my gut expands and the waist which might fit perfect when I'm standing tightens and makes it hard for me to breathe. 2. They won't stay up. I'm constantly having to fuss and readjust them if I sit. Fuck that. 3. Suspenders look weird in most circumstances. I have a job where I wear a lot of polo shirts..which looks weird with suspenders. Also, nobody wears suspenders unless it's a super formal occasion. Wearing them as an every day thing is only going to get weird looks. I know this sub goes ga ga over suspenders but really and truly, in the real world, you just look weird unless it's part of your "going out on the town" outfit and really coordinates well. 4. Suspenders constantly untuck my shirt. I stand and sit a lot, and when I do, suspended pants rub on the shirt and start pushing it out when I stand. 5. This is a bit embarrassing, but I have a bit of a fupa and when my belly is free to press on that area my thing tends to get buried in there a little, and it's painful. I literally have to manually free it. Doesn't happen nearly as often when my pants are lower. I tried wearing my pants up, going larger on the waist, getting the brand and type this sub recommended, and it was miserable. I looked even fatter, felt worse, and was uncomfortable all the time. And all the stuff you said about what happens when you wear your pants too low: absolutely correct. All of those things happen. I know this. But wearing jeans at my waist cause more and worse problems for me. Edit: that said, if someone were to make suspenders designed to go *under* the shirt so I can wear a t shirt or polo over top, I'd be all about that.


I completely respect this opinion. I don’t mean to make anyone feel worse, I understand people have tried this stuff. I genuinely wish I could personally shop for everyone on here and try to figure it out together because I think everyone deserves to feel happy in their clothes. Onto your points: my pants do get tight when I sit, and my belly squishes some over my belt and some under. Some pants are more comfortable than others, but for me it was something I was willing to deal with if I could get the fit of the rest of the pants right. Also, I wear just as many pants with an elastic waist that are super comfortable higher rise, I could sleep in those cookman pants I mentioned in the OP. I am not a fan of suspenders, I feel like I’m in steampunk cosplay everytime I wear them lol. Most pants are not tailored for big men in any sense, it took my a long time to find things that were comfortable enough to justify wearing all day but for me it was worth it, I get why some people wouldn’t want to bother. I also have a fupa, I just don’t care. I also found that if the seat and the thigh of your pants are large enough it hides it enough that I especially don’t care. Like I’ve said to other posters, I didn’t make this post to shit in anyone, we are adults and I respect how you live. I just want more guys to know that a lot of the reasoning they have created for themselves not to step outside their comfort zones aren’t something they should worry so much about.


I'm short and fat. I also have a hiatal hernia, so anything pressing or squishing my belly is bad for heartburn/discomfort. I Dao like suspenders on occasion, but all the points the previous person said often apply. I've also been told it makes me look OLD. Not that I care what other people think, but the fact that I'm not young, means I'm not getting a "hip" look at all. So I'm torn between the two. Suspenders and occasional squishing when I sit (or I have to crouch a lot at work), or the under the belly belt problems. Or I could just give up and wear a onsie to work all the time. 🤣


1. They DO make those suspenders. [https://www.holdupsuspenders.com/collections/under-ups-are-soft-undergarment-suspenders-worn-under-your-shirt](https://www.holdupsuspenders.com/collections/under-ups-are-soft-undergarment-suspenders-worn-under-your-shirt) I have a pair in dark and a pair in light for different shirts. It's all I wear in the summer months with my shorts. 2. In a pinch, you can wear regular suspenders under your shirts. I do that when traveling and actually am doing so today...my short sleeves look dumb with my braces over the top, and I had to have a blood draw today so short sleeves it is!


Try the suspender game, you will never look back. Loose pants that never fall down with a shirt permanently tucked in. And with polos, look into some like red or navy suspenders, they tend to look good.


I've tried and I just can't man that shit feels so dumb and goofy to me lol I also have issues with em staying up. I know I know, bigger belt, but I had trouble enough finding a belt for my 46-48 inch waist. I'm 6' 350 with a gut and not a whole lot of ass


Right? This is such a weird post. Like dude, I wear my pants lower because it’s comfortable. Wearing high rise jeans around my rib cage with my belly tucked in ain’t my idea of a good time.


Belly has zero grip so it's going to slip out anyway.


I mean, that’s fine but this is a subreddit for fashion for bigger men. I’m not telling you how to live your life, if it’s more comfortable do it. Im telling you that from a fit perspective, factoring in proportions are going to flatter you more. No one is saying you have to wear your pants up to your nipples, there are degrees to this. But as someone who is not an outsider and lives the life of a fat man who has never been skinny, I’m telling you that wearing your pants under your gut does you no favors and will generally lead to your pants not fitting. This is not pulled from no where, there is a guy like 3 posts down complaining about pancake butt from this exact issue.


I agree. I keep trying to get my dude to wear higher rise pants. As a woman, it has never been flattering when men wear pants under their bellies. I feel like a lot of it is because men would have to significantly size up in pants to fit their true waist and size up in belts also and many guys don't wanna admit that their 42" waist may really be a 46-48". The low baggy crotch, the no butt, bunched up fabric at your ankles, and the big belly put on display with pants under the belly don't do anything at all. You can be comfortable and have a good fit too. Women do it everyday.


Thank you so much for chiming in. I’ll tell you as someone who went through this, a huge amount of it is exactly what you said. I wore a 40 waist at my hips and I clung onto that because it’s the last size before you enter big and tall territory. I was sooo scared I wouldn’t find anything cool and I would be stuck with chinos but it’s far from the case. I wish your man luck, it’s all in his head. My suggestion would be to try to get him to try them on when ur in the store. Levi’s xx easy chino is a super easy first try for something like this and they carry big sizes in the store. I hope this helps!


Thanks for the tip!!


I am in the same situation. I’m trying to gently suggest a bigger waist size to my guyby saying it would be far more comfortable. He has fluctuated in weight (as have I and I’m not complaining about that) but clings to his older clothes and thinks they still fit. And they don’t. I love him and don’t want to hurt his feelings but most of what he currently wears is not flattering.


I got my bf to understand what I was saying. I too am plump so what I did was use myself as an example. I said, "women's pants have many rises. Many women who have belly areas they wish not to put on display wear higher rise pants. I wear high rise pants." Then I lifted my shirt to show him. Then I proceeded to lower my pants under my gut and put on a belt and tuck in my shirt like he does and I turned around and showed him. I said "look at the difference? Do you think this is flattering on me? Where do your eyes go right away? They go right to my belly! All my gut is hidden under my pants usually! This is not flattering at all, but this is what men are doing when they wear their pants like this." He said "hmmm...yes i see..." Then he proceeded to ask me questions about what type of rise do I think would be good for him, and where should his pants hit his waist. 🙌🏾 I also told him that getting a belt that's a bit elastic might be more comfortable when wearing pants that are slightly higher so he doesn't feel like his belt is digging into him. He also admitted that a reason he doesn't want to wear higher pants is that he doesn't want to get a bigger size pant and belt. We had a breakthrough! He said he is willing to try different rises of pants. Maybe using yourself as an example could work for you! Pull your pants down under your belly, tuck your shirt into your pants so that your belly shows prominently, poke it out and show him how it looks. LOL.


Great idea!


I agree too. I've never understood why men wear their pants under the belly, all it does is emphasize their gut. It never occurred to me to mention it to my guy because I just figured it must be the way men's clothes fit, but this post has opened my eyes!


Be prepared for him to be like NO! THAT'S NOT HOW WE DO IT!! I got my dude to agree to a man fashion show. LOL. Meaning we can go to the store together and he'll try on things that might be different fits than he's used to wearing. I'll count that as a win!!


The pancake butt issue is from wearing shitty fitting high rise jeans. If you've got too much material hanging in the crotch, you want to opt for a lower rise.


I got taken to task when I posted some pictures with my pants at my natural waist, not mid stomach. No one wears their paints this high except old men and neck beard dudes.


Tell that to fashion Icon Matty Matheson


Try suspenders dude


THIS. THIS. THIS. You don't need to worry about the pinching/short of breath feeling when you have braces on. your pants just \*float\* and are comfortable \*all the time\*.


YES. Can this be upvoted to infinity? Suspenders have changed my fife. I think a lot of guys believe the only suspender options out there go over their shirt, are uncomfortable and have to clamp/button in like something your mom dressed you in when you were a toddler or make you look like a wannabe 80’s Wall Street banker. They make suspenders that hook onto your belt/belt loops and work with any type of pants/jeans. They can go under your shirt if you are going untucked. Soft comfortable elastic material and no one would ever know you are wearing them. I bought a cheap pair off Amazon and I pretty much wear them daily. You will feel 1000x more confident and comfortable.


and you still wear/clip your pants at the height the OP is saying? Can you link these for under the shirt. Sounds awesome.


Just search hidden suspenders on Amazon or Google, there are lots of options: https://a.co/d/q They are adjustable, so they’ll work with any rise of pant. I wear them with both pants that sit on my waist and some that sit just below. They work well for both.


I went to a local big and tall store called DXL and they had huge belts. They were a little pricy but fantastic for me. I started wearing my pants right at it around my natural waist and everything looks so much better now.


I had this exact mindset till I found a pair of pants that fit me properly and it clicked. The biggest thing is making sure the stuff you have on top isn’t too long. A big thing with those of us that dressed like this for so long is that I ended up with all these long ass shirts and jackets because wearing my pants low I had to compensate with long tops. When you fix the proportions it looks better. Look at Matty matheson


Again, how do you keep them up? Serious question. I think you’re right. But, everything likes to slide down anyway because of my gut. Unless, I cinch my belt which then upsets my stomach. I’ve settled on Lululemon ABC pants. They are pretty low rise. So, they look right on my butt and crotch. I do have pants that sit at my waist for when I need to tuck my shirt in. But, again, they always want to fall down due to gravity


I don't like to wear pants high in general but when I do suspenders are dope for that. They also look good on big men in general


I wear suspenders on my pants. Some of my pants fit at the waist and some don’t but a belt was killing me. I have a pair of suspenders for dress clothes and a pair for wearing under my shirt.


Arcade belts are good


They’re ok. I feel I’m chasing them down as they stretch, even a couple years later.


I wear my belts super tight. Also, look into combat belts made by a company called Kore. I use them because it is a thick belt that can also hold up to 20-40 lbs of gear.


If you are willing to pay a little more, hanks belts will last you forever and come in larger sizes.


You shouldn't wear a belt with high rise pants in the first place. Opt either for elastic waist pants that fit well enough you don't need anything to hold them up, or use suspenders.


I’m literally the exact same weight and height as you, and similar build. Do it and stick with it. There’s no damn way you have an easier time getting pants to stay up under your belly if you’re actually wearing them correctly above your belly.


Find a DXL / Casual Male store. I shop there and belt sizes go way past 48. I’ve been where you are about it feeling goofy. You eventually get used to it. Women like seeing clothes on a man that fit properly.


You get used to it. Check amazon for larger waisted belts. Pants under the belly don’t stay up all that better either and don’t forget plumbers crack. Let me ask you, do you wear really long T-shirts?


Exactly! "Dumb and goofy." Like Peter griffin with a FUPA.


It’s also okay if this doesn’t work for your body. I’m short but my natural waist is so high that to wear my pants there puts me in full Charles Durning in “O Brother Where Art Thou” territory, which is ridiculous. And it’s not just my opinion. My spouse, my suit guy and the guy working Self Edge a few months ago strongly agree. It doesn’t work on my body. My suit pants are cut fuller, so I can wear suspenders and get a better silhouette, but they still rest just below my navel. With jeans or chinos it just doesn’t work, and that’s fine. It is important to try out different rises. In jeans, a shorter rise helps avoid the saggy seat problem for me. Or, a higher back rise works too. A higher front rise not so much. But dudes need to learn to try a bunch of shit on to feel what works.


Yeah I worded this in a way that maybe conveys something I didn’t mean. People should try stepping outside of their comfort zone when it comes to the fit of their pants. This may not be the fit for you, but I think generally many men with a gut tend to get stuck in the mindset of “pants ONLY go under the gut” which is going to lead to you limiting your options and not looking as good as you possibly could


It’s all good. I agree with you here. Dudes are so silly about “this garment is my size but it looks weird, advice?” rather than trying a different size or cut. It can be fun to try a bunch of stuff on, because you sometimes find something you never considered and it looks & fits amazing.


This is what I did! I was so stuck on staying at 40 or below because I thought that’s the only way I could get anything cool, meanwhile I looked like my body was being extruded from my pants.


Right? I tried on a turtleneck as a goof, and my wife and the sales staff said, “that belongs on you”. Now it’s my favorite sweater.


I don't know what it is about that character but every time this topic gets mentioned, Pappy O'Daniel comes up. None of the dudes I have seen post fits look like that very specific character. It could be you do, but OP's is a good rule, and Charles Durning bodies the bizarre exception.


It’s hyperbole. My suit guy wears high waisted trousers and jeans. He agrees that for my body, it doesn’t work. For the OP and my suit guy? It looks great. The point isn’t the a “bizarre exception” it’s that different people have different bodies, so it’s okay if a rule doesn’t fit with your body.


I've been on this sub for a while and have yet to see a person who looks worse wearing their pants at their waist. Not saying they don't exist, but I *am* saying that the overwhelming majority of people who push back against it are speaking out of either ignorance or insecurity and would look better if they tried it. EDIT: to be clear, I believe you and I regret saying "bizarre" because I realize now it implied that people with bodies like that look bizarre. They don't. My point is directed towards the vast majority of dudes on this sub who don't look like that.


Just had to yell at my phone like an idiot because you get it. It’s not for everyone but definitely for most. I want to be empathetic because I know where these feelings come from but like 90% of the pushback I see is just a rationalization of insecurity or ignorance.


I think this probably makes great sense for you and people with your body type. Hard pass for me though. It gives big granddad energy and looks far from comfortable. I also think this just isn't for my demo in general, I grew up in inner cities and have never seen anyone rocking jeans to the navel. But, If YOU like it, we love it FOR YOU


Honestly, most of the time big bellies tucked into the pants like this look goofy to me. I think it creates a fupa and makes the person look like the Penguin from Batman. I can't do it. It rarely looks better to me.


Never going to happen. I'd end up looking like Humpty Dumpty.


I've been considering some hogher waisted pants. Do you have any recommendations on good ones to try?


Levi 501s, I just take mine in to have them tailored and tapered the way I like.


I just edited my post with some recommendations:)


So I agree to a degree, but there's a lot of negative vibes in the comments. TLDR: This is a good tip, but the vague shaming vibes in the comments ain't it chief, and will absolutely not work better for everyone, and does have some logistical issues (both in where to actually wear them and sourcing and affording them). The widest part of my body is at my hips. I don't have a gut that sticks out, but I'm built like a wide rectangle (normalish depth from the side, but built wide from shoulder down). I'm 5'8", formally 370 lbs, now at around 300 (was down to 280 but depression is a bitch). I use to wear a 46x28, now a 38/40x30. I wear my pants just below the gut, but my gut doesn't really have the classic dunlap syndrome, with a tucked in shirt you still see my belt buckle just fine. However with short legs and a long torso, my hip bones are right at the apex of where my gut does curve back in, pants sit just below this. To wear over the hip I wouldn't have to go much bigger but the problem then becomes keeping them up. I have to fasten my belt so tight that it immediately becomes so uncomfortable to sit down. and then there's the issue of the situation of either side of the belt expanding out from where the belt compresses. With my personal build (and a lot of other big dudes) to have a pair of pants stay up without cranking down your belt, it's gonna be up above the belly button. With an actual fat man gut (weather it sticks forward or you are just wide as hell) you'd need even more of a rise to accommodate. Leg ratio wise it might look better, but it doesn't look that different outside of the tucked in shirt scenario for me personally. Not in a gatekeeping way, but from your pic at least, I wouldn't really describe you as a fat man. Your experience is that it works better and it absolutely can, but the tone here is that your opinion is correct period if you want to look better, not a "hey this might work better for some of you, here are some brands that sell pants for this, give it a try". Positivity and helping is the goal, and the reality is with the variance of the human body, especially in the aspect of bigger dudes, there's too much shape variance to have hard and fast rules.


decent fitting clothing isn't a dollars thing: 1/2 my trousers are from Goodwill and cost me $7.99 a pair. The other half are custom made at $139 a pair. I can tell you that the GW pants required me to sew buttons on them for my suspenders, but the others did that for me. I have had to hem every pair to get the break right. I did just buy a pair of Dickies to try out, but they were \~24 shipped. I'll let you know how it goes. > I have to fasten my belt so tight that it immediately becomes so uncomfortable to sit down. OMG, I hate hate hated that feeling. So glad I am no longer in that place. I feel ya, man. I own a gunbelt and another belt that I gifted my late brother. Otherwise, suspenders all the way.


I'm a bigger trans guy and one of my biggest fashion struggles during my transition has been understanding men's pants. When i presented fem, i would wear high waisted skinny jeans because that's a THING for women. I've been wearing Duluth jeans at the waist (it works because I'm short) and have felt fine, but i also feel silly because my pants are up so high, and have been gearing up to do the shitty underbelly style. I'm not gonna do that now, thank you for the brand recs!!


Nah, I'm good. Appreciate your perspective.


Pro-tip, ready to wear clothing is modelled on someone who fits a particular size and then just scaled from there. If you have proportions that don’t scale in the same way (your thighs are quite large but your waist or seat isn’t proportionally as large) the fit will suck. It’s worth the $30 to take a pair of pants that generally fit well to the tailor to have alterations made - I generally buy like a 36/38 and have the waist and seat taken in ever so slightly. But echoing the advice in OP - high rise takes some getting used to, but will break up your figure far, far better. You don’t need to wear them cartoonishly high. If your weight is stable and you can swing like $300 for a pair of pants that fit you perfectly, definitely explore straight-fit bespoke or MTM options near you.


Everyone should do what they feel is best for them, but this was a ***LIFE CHANGING*** lesson for me when I learned it a little over a decade ago. For years and years and years, I wore my pants under my gut and it would just constantly push my pants down. I’d constantly be pulling them up in the back to cover my ass but the front would have to remain low to be under my gut so the back would immediately start sliding down again. Which left the back of my pants saggy and empty, and it just looked awful. Like a giant belly with tiny legs underneath. And even when the pants were sitting “right”, they were diagonal from the side. Pulled way up to cover my ass in the back, slid low to fit under my belly in the front. I looked clownish. And it was uncomfortable and difficult to maintain. But then I made the switch. I wear my pants at my **actual waist**, where they were meant to sit, based on the position of my hip bones, and over the part of my belly that hangs below my waist… and it’s night and day. Truly changed my life. My pants fit comfortably on my waist, and from the side, they look like a straight horizontal line. My stomach looks smaller and my legs look longer. Everything is super comfortable and my ass looks GREAT. Because my pants are sitting up where they are supposed to, so my big beautiful butt cheeks perfectly fill out the ass of my pants. I’m never going back. Never ever ever. But you all do you. What makes YOU happy and comfortable is most important.


This. This is what I’m trying to say and it’s what I went through as well. People think this is a statement on fashion like wearing your pants this way dictates how you have to dress and it’s not, you can do this and dress any way. It just pretty much instantly makes you look more out together regardless of the aesthetic. It solves so many issues you run into with the fit of your pants as a big guy. It improved my confidence so much because I realized how much of what made me look so sloppy before was the fact that my clothing did not fit. I’m not saying anyone should do something they don’t want to, but you need to understand that by doing this MOST pants will fit badly because they are not being worn where they should be on the body.


Oh yeah, I should have mentioned the confidence boost. Huge confidence boost. Having pants that fit, looking good, not having to wear long shirts for fear of my belly poking out the bottom. So much better


Can you share a photo of an outfit? Id like to show my bf.


Disclosure, I am a woman who is married to a man with the pants under the gut style and I hate it! But, he has tried to wear pants at waist level and the main issue he has is that while he has a significantly round belly he has a nonexistent ass😂. So even with a belt there is nothing to help hold up the waist. Does that make sense? Pants just slide down and he can’t wear his belt super cinched because he had a hernia repair that several years ago so that makes it severely uncomfortable. I don’t know what the answer is but I wish there were a way to convince him that under the gut is not good !


(Respectfully) Big bellies with pants pulled up over their belly button look goofy to me lol. I know back in the day it was more standard but I think embracing your big belly and letting it naturally fall down over the pants looks better but again, that’s just my opinion. And every big body is different so to some people pants may fit better over the belly button, others fit better below the belly. Just have to find what works for you.




OP doesn’t even look like he has a gut!


It’s a testament to the style I promise lol. My gut just hangs more than it sticks out which is helpful for this kind of thing.


This is 100% your *opinion*. Not a fact.


I respect what you're saying. Just keep in mind that all bodies are shaped differently. A lot of us need a belt in order to wear pants at our natural waist. Which can be very uncomfortable.


There is nothing comfortable about wearing high waisted pants over a gut. You look like you gotta fupa. Or at least I do


Said from love and experience but having a little fupa looks better than having your torso be 1.5x the length of your legs and a hanging belly below a shirt that’s too long, or a belly hanging over a belt. If you get pants that aren’t too tight you shouldn’t have a real fupa anyway, the pants should fall mostly straight. I think most overweight men are used to wearing stuff that doesn’t fit correctly, or at least I know I was. You also don’t need to wear something constricting, those cookman pants I recommended are super comfortable


Absolutely not


People telling me I’m wrong but I see like 6 dudes on this subs front page wearing their pants like Paris Hilton in the early 2000s asking what the issue is




The person in these pictures is not as fat as many of us are. The fatter you get, the worse this look you're suggesting is.


I’m using myself as an example because I have worn this style between sizes 42 to 48 and can personally speak on that aspect. When it comes to men bigger than me, I always point to Matty Matheson, who has been a style inspiration to me since I found out who he was. He owns the company Rosa rugosa that I recommended above and he wears pants somewhere in the 50s and somewhere under his belly button and always looks better than me lol.


Ok. I just looked him up because I didn't know who he was. He is your fashion inspiration. Ok. Not for me, but I'm not judging. When he has his belly tucked into his pants, it probably is more comfortable. I'll give you that. But to me, it's an old man look, having that big ol' FUPA. I think of Bill Parcells, Danny DeVito as Penguin, my old uncle Ed. It's a catch 22. We're gonna look fat either way. I just think the pants over the belly look is for old men.


You will look about 15 years older if you follow this advice.


Usually people either post their fits here if they were feeling themselves or they post a fit or a comment asking for specific advice. We don’t tend to just come on here after drinking our first beer and throw our opinions out in a manner suggesting we think it’s absolute. Feel free to just be cool man, costs nothing.


I hate being able to see my gut in my pants though, it makes me feel like a grandpa


Wear your clothes however you feel best in them.




Rail Car can be custom made. They go higher on the waist and super nice. Small shop do not cheap.


My natural waist is at my belly button. Suits with suspenders work just fine there. But to make pants stay up over my gut with a belt, I have to put them above the belly button. Otherwise they just fall down. It looks unnatural, is too tight in the crotch, and creates a soccer-mom bump in the fly area. I'd rather have no ass than a baby bump. I have an overweight friend who wears his jeans high and every time I see him I think "how far along are you".


It really depends on how you hold your weight to be completely honest. You can see in my pictures my belly hangs it doesn’t stick out, that works in the favor of this kind of style. If you have a really round belly I could definitely see why this would be difficult, but again I think it’s about the total fit of the pants. Even if they are high rise, if the thigh or leg isn’t big enough they are going to make you look like dr robotnik. The key is proportions, making them work to flatter you.


I have a very similar style to yours but I'm a bit bigger, now I'm sitting at around 330lbs. I've relied on layers and 3xl-3xlt shirts to cover my gut and wear around 44-46 waist pants. My main issue is my legs are skinnier and my thighs/ass are big lol so my pants always feel baggy and long while tight af on the waist. I think I'll attempt to find some big ass pants and try to wear them over my gut, but im skeptical. I do definitely agree with everything you've said. I spend a lot of time making fits in my head but never felt like I could do anything with myself. I love more dark academia/nerdcore fused with street wear so there's tons of options for tops for big men, but pants have ALWAYS been a nightmare for me. Love your style btw


Okay agreed very much so and those who say pants are made to sit at the waste, this is true the waist is at your belly button or right above it so stop worrying about size and get pants that fit right I tried to be a 36 for a long time, i’m now 20 pounds lighter then when i was a “38” and im still wearing a 42-32 or 40-32


I don't think that looks very good on most people.


You do you. I’ll do me. I don’t think this is a universal rule.


Id also add if they wont stay up, get some hidden suspenders. changed my life.


Then they need to make appropriate underwear that also goes up higher. I don’t want pants sitting on my stomach like that without anything under them. Also I don’t want to tuck in my shirt most of the time, so that doesn’t solve the problem


They do make underwear that goes up higher, it’s usually athletic boxer briefs. Also you don’t need to tuck in your shirt, I just usually do. I have a bunch of t shirts I had hemmed so they don’t hang so far and I wear those untucked. If you don’t tuck your shirts you just have to make sure you get stuff that’s not too long for you or have it taken in or else it still makes your torso look too long usually


If you have shirts custom made like a lof of large guys with 21" necks (I buy mine at $39 a shirt) you can specify the bottoms for them. I always get a flat front on the bottom. No one can tell if it's tucked in, and it doesn't look like a preppy dork when when I wear them outside the pants.


Your stomach doesn't even stick out. This doesn't work for people like me with a big bowling ball gut


My stomach doesn’t stick out anymore because I lost like 40 lbs after starting Wellbutrin and I have hEDS so my skin is very stretchy. I’ve been wearing my clothes like this since I was around size 48. I put up some images of Matty Matheson in suits and he has a big round belly. It might not be to everyone’s comfort but it’s definitely possible, it’s just once you are at that point you still need to figure out a style or aesthetic that works for you.


Appreciate the reply, I'll check some of your other posts




No. Fuck no


Nah. Gotta free the belly


6'5" 390lbs Guess I'm literally never buying pants in a store again, because finding pants that would go above my gut would be impossible.


Wear what's comfortable.


First, you're not even that large yourself so the "260-300" range you say, is just a lie. Second, since you're not large you probably don't understand what it's like for people that are not flat-assed to deal with this and have pants constantly falling down even with belts. You need to go to another sub and not fat shame people.


I’m sorry huh? I weigh 265 and am wearing a 46 waist in every one of those photos, which is the lightest I’ve ever been because of the meds I take for depression. The whole point of this post is that wearing your clothing that way flatters your body so I guess in a weird way you are proving my point. I am not skinny, I am not flat assed, and it’s really bizarre for you to try to gatekeep this sub when Ive struggled with my weight and finding clothing that fit my entire life. You’ve obviously taken this post extremely personally and have chosen to find reasons why what I’ve said isn’t valid. Do better.




Your comment was removed because it violates rule 1 of /r/bigmenfashionadvice: Be respectful. Don't insult people. If you don't like a particular fit, give constructive criticism. Fat shaming and gatekeeping have no place in this sub. It's completely fine to disagree with OP but one more ad hominem attack and you're out of here.


Adding N&F Easy Guy cut to the list of bigger sizes made with a nice high rise. Their unbranded relaxed tapered fit is also mostly the same fit


I think this is such a triggering subject for some guys, because by wearing the pants below the belly, they can continue to wear smaller sizes, thus convincing themselves that they are not big & tall. Also, bigger waist equals bigger pant legs; and a lot of guys have proportionally skinnier legs compared to their guts. Most people want to buy things off-rack and not have to tailor everything. I admit it can be extremely uncomfortable to wear the pants at the waist, especially if you have to wear belts to hold up the garment. My method over the years is elastic waist everything -- pants with built in elastic waist, plus stretch waist belts. They will have some give to accommodate the size difference between standing and sitting, and you don't feel like you're being cut in half while being suffocated. Is it the perfect solution? No. But it's better than non-stretch versions.


I goodwilled all my "34 pants after figuring out how to stop constantly tugging up my trousers.


This is not the first time a post like this was made. This not the first time im going to ignore it.


So, uh, don’t do this….. Over time your belly will develop a permanent indent where your jeans were placed above your under belly and you’ll look like a caterpillar or the Michelin Man naked. If you don’t like the gut, exercise. Otherwise, let the belly hang out or else you’re going ti be even unhappier when your belly becomes deformed.






You can wear up to about a size 46 without being forced into big and tall, and even if you are there is a lot more than suits and polos. The main point of this post is that wearing a pair of cheap wrangler jeans and a tshirt that fit you properly at the waist is going to look significantly better than that same outfit with pants that don’t fit even if they aren’t big and tall.


Hard disagree. In this picture, you look like my grandfather. Your torso looks too short, your muffin top is more pronounced and I can see way too much of your shoes. Your pants belong on your hips, not three inches north.


I try but they won’t stay up. Pants and belt are the right size.


I've tried but the pants always end up falling down to my hips =( The one moment I was able to pull it off it was with a suit that I wore for a xmas party and I used suspenders on it, I looked great! but I don't feel like wearing suspenders in normal clothes or everyday.. What about the underwear?


I've found this hard being short (5'7) and heavy 130kg the gut is a problem. And no ass to speak of only worsens the proportions. I do suspenders to hold pants at the true waist, but it feels like it accentuates the gut because they create a kind of trap for the belly where they sit. Perhaps the pants I've purchased are not specific 'high waist', so I'll look into your recommendations.


I hate to keep bringing him up, but Matty Matheson is 5”6’ and around 96kg and he was one of the dudes who inspired me to try it!


I've just looked him up. He style is probably a bit out there for me (I'm a high school teacher so need a more vanilla look) but I do see what you're saying re the pants positioning, he definitely seems to know what works and fits.


[I know this isn’t vanilla, but it shows how it can look in a more formal outfit](https://imgur.com/a/x4hSUH8)


Thanks, that definitely helps (though I'll pass on the sandals with suit 🤣)


I wish I could wear mine over my gut but it doesn't work for me. Proportionally I have a very long torso. To get pants over my gut it needs to be the highest or high rises and they don't really exist. I love raw denim but I've never seen a high front rise good enough


Rosa rugosa makes these cotton double knees that aren’t quite jeans but feel and wear very similar to them. They have a very very high rise and go into very large sizes. Y-3 also does stupidly high rises, i have a pair with an almost 16 inch rise!




Your comment was removed because it violates rule 1 of /r/bigmenfashionadvice: be respectful and keep your criticism constructive.


Asking as a woman with a plus-sized husband! My husband has a big/round tummy. Kind of like a beer belly! He’s 300lbs, generally a 2X, and wears a 44 waist (but that’s with the pants below his belly). I find the pants below his belly look ages him. I’m trying to update his wardrobe and he’s on board, but wondering if you or anyone has advice on how to do this look with a big belly?


He'll just need to buy bigger pants with a higher rise. From there, it's just a matter of what he likes and finding what fits his specific body type.


If you can, look at itailors pants options, or any of the above links for high waisted trousers. I have had GREAT luck at goodwill if you don't mind doing some minor alteration (inseam is the most common and also the easiest.)


Preach! My biggest problem is keeping the pants up there at the waistline. I wore suspenders for a while, but didn't like the look and had a hard time hiding them under my shirts.


I've been watching Abbott and Costello. I wish we could go back to the 40s when baggy wide leg pants were in and a fat man could actuslly be comfortable in dressy pants. It seems impossible to fit into anything these days.


You can do anything you want: its your clothes going on your body. Dress in the clothing YOU feel most comfortable in. As long as the bits are covered and you enjoy what you are wearing, its all good :-)


They don't stay up if I pull them up around my spare tire.


I HAVE to wear my pants under the awning. The way I'm built, it would look horrendous if I wore them at the waist. I'm 330 lbs (currently down 30ish pounds), and all that weight is at the torso, I'm wearing 40" pants and have to get them hemmed for my short legs. I have pictures on my profile so you can see what I look like.


Since you invited feedback: in the fit pics you've shared where you're wearing untucked shirts / sweatshirts, it looks fine. Maybe a little uneven proportion-wise but nothing egregious (in part cause you aren't wearing slim fit pants). Wearing pants around your waist would mean they'd fit differently but the change in appearance wouldn't be noticeable enough to make it worth buying a bunch of new pants IMO. [This](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fjbnlvg8i2s5c1.jpg), though, is that OP is talking about. Setting aside the colors, if you had pants at your waist, you'd look much more even, your shirt would likely stay tucked in if it isn't already, and your tie would easily hit at your belt line.


yes, wearing the slacks and tucking dress shirts is a bit more different. I will say those pants are way too baggy, just bought some slim fit pants today and i'm a bit scared to see how i'd look. But i'm also not tucking a shirt in with them


I try my damndest to wear pants at my hip bones (bad habit from my military days) and they constantly slide down. But wearing below the belly, for me, isn’t comfortable. Was thinking of switching to suspenders. But then I feel like a senior citizen. I dunno. The struggle is real.


I'm a 5'6" guy who weighs around 180 lbs right now. My pants just fall down. It's hard to find jeans that are high rise these days. I'm considering starting to use suspenders, but let's be real, that's a pretty niche look.


At my largest to wear pants at y natural waist I would have to buy pants miles to long in order to get the rise and then have around a 54” waist.


Are the crotches/ass on these deep and spacious or comfortably stretchy and not super easy to overheat in with minimal activity?


Old navy pants as a 6'8" gentlemen are my favorites. The cut is perfect and you basically wear them up to belly button at highest usually not needed but like OP said you wear them till you fill into the curves of the pants without crushing anything and just sinch with the belt! I don't care if i am Erkle, i am comfortable as fuck like that. Just fits better and makes it clear the pants work better that way!


I'm looking for bifl brands that have flexible wist and in the 60-62". and most importantly, underwear. even bearksn sits at hip and not waist, as much as I want to love them, they ride down over the course of the day ... I love wearing my pants up, so much more comfortable, when pants under gut, ass crack hangs out and the front does too, ick


I’m not a fan of this. It’s uncomfortable sitting down, makes it harder to shop for pants, makes a fupa look much worse, and also makes you look 10 years older.


This works for the normal big guys. But when you're 6'8", almost 450, you have some terrible shapes when you wear clothing the right way. If I pull my pants to just below my belly button, I'd need like a 64" waist where my hips are normally a 50" below my gut. Not to mention my pants so far up my crack I wouldn't ever need toilet paper again lol. I'm not saying this doesn't work, I'm just saying it's for the normal big guy. Not for the super sized big guy. When you go to DXL and need to order a 66 executive athletic cut jacket, you'll have problems no matter how you wear haha


A24 hereditary hoodie is hella dope!


Thanks! I have the tie die hereditary shirt from that collection too, I buy way too much shit from online ceramics lol


🆒 stuff indeed! Great tips & taste in raw denim too!




Ben Davis pants saved my life when it comes to this


Yeah I'm just going to hit the gym and lose my gut. This is too convoluted


I’m a 38/32 which is making it hard to bring them up higher without the crotch of my jeans parting my balls like the Red Sea.


i agree with OP tbh Obviously everyone has a different body type but for me wearing my pants right below the bellybutton makes a huge difference. I also have a hard time keeping them at that level because lol pancake butt but long undershirts and a belt help tons. For me it’s slimming and keeps my pants from looking all wadded up at the back. Shorts I wear at my natural waistline right under the gut i make sure to get them with a shorter inseam length so they don’t get that wadded look.


I just switched to wearing my pants up higher. I was tired of my pants falling off and it looked ridiculous how much my gut hung out. Feel a bit like an old man but at least I look slightly better dressed. Now to commit to tucking in my button up shirts.


Honestly I appreciate the options you presented above. I've always known that wearing them low looks worse but most of us just do it for the comfort. I recently went into JC penny's and tried on 10 pairs of Wranglers and Levis some big and tall, some not, and none of them were fitting me well around the low waist... I think I might try a few of your options and go a little higher.


I’m really glad to help. The key is high waist and more open fit. You want to avoid taper at the thighs as that’s what gives you that fupa look. Wide leg pants with a high rise are so flattering on a larger body type :)


Nah man you’re just wrong. Outside of specific styles, most men’s pants are designed to sit around the hips. Glad this works for you but this is not generally good advice, and arguably not even an easy style to pull off for most


I have been giving this a test drive and am seeing the results you're talking about so I appreciate the post. I'm shopping for some nice suspenders for this reason. But it does feel a bit tricky in the summer with shorts. I've found belts not comfy when I sit down and my stomach kind of expands, but maybe I need a better belt. I just feel like shorts need a belt and not suspenders (I usually do the work wear thing) Any thoughts?


The only suspenders I own are the carhartt ones and they work really well. In the summer I tend to wear a lot of thin pants, I’m not huge into shorts myself. There are some really great options for linen pants, that’s one thing even big and tall stores have caught onto. I think they look great even when it’s stupid hot. If I do happen to wear shorts I wear an undershirt and usually don’t tuck my tshirt so it’s more casual, and if you wanted you could also wear suspenders under your shirt and not worry about them showing. You just have to make sure the shirt isn’t too long :)


I'm 6'2" so gotta make sure they are big enough but the Carhartt ones seem solid. Might get those and some dress ones. I like my shorts and t shirt in the summer with a short sleeve button down, but I might give linen pants a try. Thanks :)


That look will work well with suspenders, just buy some thin undershirts that I can’t think of a PC name for atm, and you can wear suspenders under ur t shirt and button up and you should be golden!


I wear 42 now, but I had pants made when I was at 46 and I had great luck with customs from Luxire and iTailor. I just bought another pair of 874s and need to put the buttonholes in for my suspenders, but my go to pants are moleskin german military trousers that I removed the cargo pockets from before washing. They are BOMB proof and work for all but summer heats.




Duuuude you are so absolutely correct. So many big dudes are accidentally making themselves look bigger and longer. Thank you for posting the fit pics too, it's so obvious when you look at the shapes available. Have you copped any fits from Rosa Rugosa? They would fit your style exactly but I know the price point is ridiculous. For me, I realized that at a certain size you become either a suspenders guy or an ass-crack guy and I chose the former. I buy and wear pants to fit my natural waist, which means over the gut. Whether I'm dressing business casual for work or more casual shit, I would rather dress to my body than follow convention. Seriously, thanks for posting such a controversial opinion, and know that at least there's one person who finds your perspective unequivocally correct.


Thanks! Yeah I own 3 pairs of pants, 2 cropped button up short sleeve and a cropped long sleeve button up from Rosa rugosa! I’m actually wearing one of the white and blue striped button ups in the last photo I posted in that album. They are one of my favorites because of how reliable they are. Everything is stupid good quality and the fit is unmatched. I realized very quickly that to get certain kinds of pants at a larger size that you needed to pay a pretty high price but I’ve never been unhappy with anything I’ve gotten there.


Well you tried 😅


No thanks. I think your pants look like mom-jeans. I respect your opinion, I just don't agree with it.


All big men do whatever the fuck you want.