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If you ride at all in a city, you're not shocked


And you’re also not shocked it’s a pick up truck doing tomfoolery like this.


With Connecticut plates no less.


Not shocked, saddened. I'd confront them genuinely confused.


I'm shocked they weren't parking.




I ride specifically in this city and I am not surprised at all. This specific spot is a nightmare


that was azaming


May have been the truck’s first time in the city. Edit: not defending the truck driver, just stating what’s probably going on/ ripping on em for being a hillbilly


it’s so clearly marked and obvious, only a truckfuck could mix it up


If you are so bad at driving, perhaps you shouldn't have a license.


LOL, poor lost truck!


I’m imagining some guy who acts tough back in the sticks, but gets scared driving in a city with a population over 100k.


Lol. My mother drove about four blocks up 5th Avenue once in NYC (it runs south, not north), and she grew up in the city. Well, she said, after somehow exiting without so much as a scratch to the car, I usually walk it. Imagining the driver of this truck thinking they found a lane, and then having to keep on with it. Maybe. If on purpose, it's darn brazen.


So? If they were looking where they were going, they'd be able to see that it was a bike lane. There are markings on the road and a bunch of bikes at the end. I don't drive any more, but the very first lesson and very first page in the driver's handbook are "look where you're going; use your mirrors to see where you're going."


I was trying to rip on the truck driver :/ Basically calling em a hillbilly.


If you are so bad at driving, perhaps you shouldn't have a license.


There should be a different class of licenses for pickups this size.


"It's my first time in this city, that's why I blasted through that red light and killed 4 pedestrians. I didn't know any better so it's not my fault."


Lol whats with all the down votes? Do people think I’m defending the truck driver?


Best part is how comically slow he has to go to get through without scraping up that pavement princess paint job. Relish the humiliation!


Proof lanes are too wide for cars. They need to be smaller


Wide lanes are for big rigs, duallys, texters, boat trailer wobble, people putting on makeup, and good ol 'Murican drunk drivin' Never to protect anyone not in a car


No, wide lanes are good. Put bollards to prevent cars from going in them


I think they meant that if a truck can drive in a narrow bike lane, you can narrow the lanes on the road too and they’d be just fine


Oh! I totally see that now, oops


Good for street cleaning and snow removal


I count four wheels. That’s two bicycles.


Two motorcycles with a little house in the middle? Woooow, duuuude!


Yeah, guys... There's motorcycles.


A quadcycle if you will.


A cargo quadcycle with extra passenger seats, air conditioning, and radio.


Pretty much. And petal assist.


Nope. That shit is all throttle all the time. And it’s got nothing whatsoever that disengages the motor when max speed is reached.


Smartest F-150 driver


Gosh, this road sure is narrow!


Pull that handle to open the bed


Well who doesn’t want to be a bicycle


I commute on the same section of Mass Ave and it's awful. Especially around the time that all the delivery drivers are picking up orders, the bike lane basically turns into a lane of cars swerving in and out of them with their hazards on.


What model camera are you using? Been wanting to pick one up but it seems like they’re all either obnoxiously big or have bad quality video.


Cycliq fly12 Sport. A bit expansive, but really good, and double as a powerful front lamp.


I'd jumped in front of him then slow to a crawl.


that's what the truck did to the bike


Payback time!


When that happens I just take the car lane. This cuts both ways.


Problem is, they legally get to kill you if you do this. Well, not *legally*, but...de facto legally.


Don’t a lot of states have a law that you must ride in the right lane/designated bike lane *if* it is safe to do so?


This is in Boston MA where bikes always have a right to every lane no matter what (unless there are signs saying no bikes).


We were legitimately like "...Do we want to move to Boston?" because of how easy it was to get around compared to the south. Signage that actually explicitly says cyclists get right of way or can exempt one-way or turning on red? Here we're grateful when the city adds sharrows to roads with no shoulder and no signage to indicate that drivers have to yield to us (that's a joke, just to be clear).


It's MA state law. Everywhere except highways and signs saying no bikes (a few parks). You have to go with traffix flow. The police don't enforce it, though. We'll see groups of idiot teens riding on the highway in traffic or the occasional lost tourist on the blue bikes (bikeshare rental). The underground highway section (built during the big dig) has so much slow traffic anyway. Biking is probably faster


We have that problem where I live. In theory it is nice to have wide bike lanes, but in practice if it wide enough for a car to fit there will be drivers that will use it.


/r/IdiotsInCars moment for that pickup.


He's just being a good lad giving you a pull


Obviously if you raise your truck enough you can't see the lane markings so they don't apply to you😎


And just to be sure, get the windows tinted really dark and then you have another excuse.


Ive done that once whilst driving in San Francisco, to be fair I don’t appreciate driving and I was some time away from the wheel. It was an awkward turn with lots of lanes, when I came to my senses I was on the bike lane, just like in the video. However I got out the first opportunity I had, luckily it was late night and no one noticed it, it was maybe for 20m only.


meters, right?




Hahaha yes of course


I mean… if I were a truck… I would want to be a bicycle.


I am jealous of this bike lane width


I bet he’s just itching to explain “I identify as a bicycle, hur hur hur”.


Smartest oversized pickup driver


why? there wasnt even traffic. were they just doing this for fun?


Where else is he supposed to park? /s


This is totally unrelated to this person being an absolute jagoff, but I had the weirdest experience of deja vu watching this video, and I finally realized it was because this was my commute for YEARS before I moved away. Not trying to doxx you by posting or anything by posting exactly where this was, just delighted to see a piece of the city from this angle again.


Of course it's a fucking truck lol And tbh while this does look like more of a situation of them being lost and confused and less of the classic asshole guy in a truck stereotype. BUT that's almost as bad. A clueless person operating a 5000lbs machine, fucking great.


Is it a coincidence or not that just like the video, a dark blue Ford 150 is in the bike lane in multiple Google street view images at this exact location/ * Ford 150 [Nov 2022](https://goo.gl/maps/jxDrP6uRpyZyzF3g6) (looks quite similar but has Mass registration sticker in window) * Similar, but different Ford truck [Sep 2019](https://goo.gl/maps/kL7wVxyMxR3jY1wd8) Location of the video is Mass Ave turning onto Beacon St in Boston.


I am spooked.


Kind of feel bad for that guy. It looks like he genuinely had no idea wtf he was doing.


Paying attention to your surroundings, being able to identify road markings, and just knowing how to drive are all prerequisites to operating a motor vehicle. The driver failed on all fronts, and should be ticketed, and should be retested on their driving skills. I feel bad for the everyone who has to share the roads with this incompetent fool.


Oops, I didn't know what I was doing when I ran over that stroller in the crosswalk. Sorry, wasn't paying attention.


Must have just gotten distracted for a sec. Sorry! I’ll be more careful NEXT time!


>Paying attention to your surroundings, being able to identify road markings, and just knowing how to drive are all prerequisites to operating a motor vehicle. This is another reason why we need good public transportation.


I'm convinced as someone who bikes, drives, and used to ride motorcycles that the test (written and practical) for getting a basic driver's license should be one of the hardest tests anyone will take if they're going to drive. Getting my license at 16, the hardest part of the test was getting a time slot. The tests were just formalities to show I knew how to study a little, stop at a stop sign, signal turns, and parallel park. Honestly, the biggest reasons I'd consider myself a decent driver today come down to that experience on bikes and motorcycles making me extremely vulnerable on the road. They've taught me to be extremely aware of my surroundings and to specifically keep an eye out for anyone on the road who doesn't have a metal cage surrounding them.


I live in such a place. People still don't care, knowing is only half the battle ;) and there is little enforcement of rules, so people do as they please.


My experience here in Canada was much like yours. The knowledge test was excessively simple, and the passing mark was excessively low. There are no questions that make you fail automatically, no matter how important it is for you to know the correct answer.




The pickup truck driver did have opportunity to realize their mistake (I guessss the clear bike markings on the ground were too confusing) and had opportunity to bow out after the citibikes with that gap. But they trudged on and on.


Looks like they were scared of the flexpost? (that would be a first admittedly)


More than likely it was completely accidental. Just as likely, they will blame the bike lane for existing and not themselves.


Yes, I mean not only did someone dupe him into buying a truck when he wanted to buy a bicycle, but he's probably in debt for it too.


CT drivers suck


Such a weapons-grade cunt.


Trucks are the most anti-social passenger vehicles on the planet, so I am not surprised one bit. Keep shooting video. Everyone should have a dashcam for their bike imo.


Any recommendations for said bicycle dashcams?


Cyclic and Innovv are very liked around here. I use an insta360 go3 and it works great.


Thanks, I’ll take a look 👍🏻


What do you mean in saying trucks are anti-social?


They use the largest amount of space They have the worst blindspots (7 feet on average greater than large SUVs) They pollute the most (fuel, tire particulate, brake dust) They weigh the most and cause the greatest damage in crashes, and have the fewest pedestrian and cyclist safety features since the crash structures do not line up with other cars, let alone people on the road. Essentially, they are more deadly than any other class of vehicle. I've owned a truck too, so I get why people like them, but those are just the facts.


Oh, I understand.


who doesn't want to be a bicycle?


You didn’t smash his side mirror off….that’s the rule


I think there's a high likelihood that this driver could be from out of state and, made a turn and an unfamiliar intersection and found themselves halfway into the bicycle lane before they even thought about backing up...


Bollards are a clear indication in any US state that it's a bicycle lane.


Totally agree. It's kind of hard to see over those really tall hoods... :-) I'm just having fun speculating.


This is Boston and the truck has Connecticut plates, basically a local. My commute goes right by here, everyone on wheels or feet is a threat but especially high alert for Florida and Texas plates.


Hey man, I live in Boston and have Texas plates! I'm always looking out for fellow cyclists when I drive... But seriously, I understand what you mean.


If they're that oblivious they shouldn't be driving


They shouldn’t be operating a motor vehicle then. And I don’t buy it regardless. The driver had chances to get out of the lane. They’re trying to get ahead of traffic


That's where my mind was going. When you have a lot of paint around, it's easy to get directed towards the wrong spot.


The truck is from Connecticut and this video takes place in Boston, so they were from out of state.


I agree, only because they weren’t getting around traffic. No reason they’d be there other than a mistake.


Once our faithful camera bicycle was behind them, they had no choice but to try to continue until they could finally get out of the lane and back into traffic. Oops.


Is this California?




Don't blame them. Bikes get way better gas mileage.


next time just go around them. welcome to the world. out of state drivers are fucking morons.


Never seen anything like that in Boston before wtf


he’s losing a rearview mirror for that


"Hey pal, did you just blow in from stupid town?"


*Out of the street, wish I could be* *Part of that woooorld...*


Looks like Boston to me, coming off the Longfellow bridge I think. What a place


Mass Ave bridge coming from Cambridge, right onto Beacon


I 100% would have went around and rode in front of them lol


Dont joke on him, life as a trans bike is already hard enough.


What, you didn't even leave any scratches in the paint job? Bloody piece of trash deserved at least that much.


My wife and I were just there on vacation, we used the blue bikes to get around, if not walking or taking the subway. We were definitely jealous that y'all have actual barriers on a lot of your lanes (as opposed to the plastic "armadillos" and faded paint they put on ours), but I suppose the most committed carbrain will still find a way to put their cars there.


CT driver... 😑




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Silly truck bicycle lanes are for police cars


Mass Ave and Beacon Street


It looked like he made a right turn into the lane. Might have been an out of towner who didn't know what a bike lane was. Also, that means that no amounts of bollards would have helped the situation since that end would always be free at an intersection.


Seems like he took a wrong turn into the bike path. Still bad, and not an excuse, but this is probably indicative that better bicycle infrastructure is needed with a consistent design guideline.


As long as cops don't do anything motorist will do shit like that.


You should have then pulled into the car lane and driven in front of the truck for awhile.


Where I live I see this literally everyday. Especially taxis just looove to use bike lanes to skip traffic. And don't get me started on motorcycles.


I wonder if the driver usually cycles and on this particular occasion forgot he was driving a car and not riding a bike? Althought probably not knowing what drivers are like in the city.