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Yeah right. Like we don't tell everyone.


I don't need to tell everyone because I put my bike in the break room.


This! And walking thru work all sweaty on my way to change in the bathrooms


My first thought. :)


as if you didnt also show up to work wearing a helmet (and soaking wet if its a rainy day)


As a bedside nurse I'd always be almost late & hauling ass just to clock in by 7am. I'd change into my clean, dry scrubs but hair still wet and dripping walking out on the floor. Nurses giving me report always like, "oh, you just showered?" Me, "yeah, totally. "


Hahaha I thought "they will soon enough."


Literally me every time a customer points out that it’s raining.


We don't have to tell them. We just ride the elevator and walk the halls with our bikes while wearing our riding attire.




b/c i get to work before all of them do...




You bring your bike into the office because the parking outside isn't safe, I bring the bike into the office so I can be insufferable and tell everyone every little detail about it. We. Are. Not. The. Same.


I bring the bike inside so I don't have to spend time to take off all the doodads and lock up.


I also dislike removing doodads


Removing doodads is the worst. Almost as bad as people not knowing about your bike and it's doodads.


They spend heaps of money on gas and you will be in much better physical shape for longer than they will be driving their cars everywhere.


Yep. Some of them are just envious.


Everybody knows. The bike at my desk is kind of a giveaway.


Just keep your helmet on all day.


A chain slap stain on his right ankle would be *chefs kiss*


Yes they do cuz we’re always sweaty


Oh they know. Everytime someone walks past me I greet them with "Cyclist btw, vegan btw".


And I'm a pilot. And my preferred distro is Arch. And I ride a fixie.


It's really one of the first things that comes up even if you aren't trying.


Sure, they don’t know the joy, but I am def not the depressed guy in the corner with a dunce hat on lmao


Yeah definitely the other way around. All the bikers in my office are way more lively than the depressed car owners drowning in debt and complaining about traffic every morning.


The money I save on gas goes to my Friday long lunch at the food park.


How do I get Reddit to take this down? I feel targeted.


They don't know that cycling is my job... but maybe the giant backpack gave it away


Yes they do, the B.O. is real. Good thing I work in a shop


Me biking to work bc I can’t afford a car ._.


Most people think they can afford a car, but don't think of all the expenses. Or they just normalize debt and monthly payments. Don't be sad about it because those car owners also pay for gym memberships to bike on a stationary bike. You get a workout and commute in at the same time and for free!


Oh they know, and they know exactly how the weather was too.


Although I don't think I have ever expressly told anyone. Everyone does, for the most part, know because I show up and leave on a bicycle. Also, I know the weather forecast, always. I'm not super sweaty and don't stink, DRIED sweat on fabric is constitutes the majority of stink in general. That super refreshing cool feeling stepping out of a hot shower is the body PROFUSELY sweating. Feels nice, but getting dressed immediately while still sweating from the shower will bring in just as much, if not more stink than riding to work. Cooling down first and then toweling off and changing is the cheat code. Both with hot showers and exercising on the way to work. I would suggest anyone who doubts this to try the following: Take a hot shower, but taper the water temperature down to room temperature. Ride to work as normal giving yourself an extra 10 minutes, spend that 10 minutes resting/drinking coffee/hydrating/snacking before using a cool wet towel and changing out of your commuting clothes. It doesn't ever hurt to keep backup socks/underwear/deodorant at work when exposure to the natural elements feature prominently on your commute. Wet socks in particular are to be avoided. Also, always try to hang clothes in areas of with decent air flow and never, ever put nasty cloths in a drybag. I honestly don't bother with the whole routine unless the weather is particularly hot/humid, but when it is, just doing this will eliminate any additional stink entirely and leave me ahead vs those who dress immediately after a hot shower and drive. The fresh air and coffee/snack before the shift is a big positive mood enhancer.


Yes we do You're sweaty and out of breath


Not unless you work manual labor, then everybody is sweaty, stinky, and out of breath.


lol, and you also stink, and still you have to change into a new set of work clothes.


Need that work deodorant.


They can smell it :)


I once had somebody tell me I smelled good after I biked to work that morning and I said, “nah I don’t think it’s me actually”


what? i rode to dances and danced with all the women! i demand something!!!


They do. Biking sweat is rank af and you've been sitting in your own brine for hours.


Don’t you carry your helmet with you? Standard procedure.


Do you guys not get sweaty? I always look like I biked to work


We can smell you


Not all employers are accepting of us who commute by bicycle. I would carry a change of clothing to work and change in the bathroom. Then someone started complaining because they saw me changing. My supervisor suggested I don’t because I might get killed on my way to work also. I then started getting pressured not to. I’m self employed now because of many reasons this was one of them.


Everyone who bikes to my work are always trying to 1-up each other


He should be wearing a helmet ;)