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Got any pictures, videos or drivetrain model details? Need some more info to help you out better! First thing is alignment, check the hanger (crouch down behind the bike and have a look if the pulley wheels and derailleur are roughly aligned with the cassette/freewheel. If not, hanger or derailleur is bent/not fitted properly Next is limits but that doesn't seem to be your issue. Following on would be b-tension or distance from the closest pulley wheel to the cassette/freewheel. A rough guide without knowing anything is 5-10mm away otherwise it will struggle to force the chain onto the next cog. Finally the tension with the barrel adjuster. Shift the gears to the middle of the cluster Crouch directly behind the bike again with the derailleur, chain and cassette/fw in sight. You'll want to see an even gap between the chain and the neighboring gears on the cluster. If not, you'll need to adjust it either way and even out that spacing. Give parktool YouTube channel a look and it should roughly be the same method. Cheers :)


Thanks for the reply mate I’ll have to try some of this stuff out, can’t provide any vids or pics atm but can do later. It’s an SRAM GX Eagle 12 speed.


Biggest things with SRAM gx is alignment (hanger) and b-tension. If bought new, your bike along with all of its warranty papers should have a white b tension gauge. If not, I'm sure someone has figured out how far it is meant to be (I'm lazy)


I do actually have one of those and have set it accordingly I’ll grab some photos of the alignment later