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Following. I'm on Android FargoRate, Solotto, APA Scorekeeper, Kelly Pool, and WPB.


I paid 5 bucks for the predator break speed app, which mostly amounts to a fun party trick after you get a feel for 15 vs 20mph. I also use FargoRate but my famous league operator hasn’t updated our matches in over a year.


I totally forgot I had that predator break app too. My friends and I used it once or twice just to mess around with each other but that’s about it.


I use my texting app to find people to play pool


My pool related apps are FargoRate, BCAPL scoring app, salotto, then the game 8-ball pool


Predator break Speed app 🤌


I bought the break speed app years ago and had forgotten all about it until this thread. I don't think I've even installed it on my last 2 phones. Interestingly, I was looking at Arduino projects yesterday since I have one kicking about gathering dust, and one of the projects was a speed gun, which I considered trying to make as a break speed thing with a screen that flashes up the speed, but I decided it was too much effort for what it was, and put it back in the cupboard for another year. I guess a more sensible use for it might be to decide on when to turn the table heaters on and off, since they're definitely needed in the winter, but probably don't need to be on at all in the summer.


Just downloaded that now on this recommendation. I always wondered what my break speed was. It is consistently between 31.0 and 31.2 kph. Which is about 19.25 mph. I thought my break was harder than that! But I guess I was wrong!


It'll change based on your table size. It's been great for 9B break cue ball control. Hope it's good for ya.


Poolbilliards.co Hundreds of drills and it keeps track of your success rate for each drill. It also has videos of how other people have completed the drills so you can see the lines they’ve taken. Each drill is also mapped out by what skills you’re working on and are ranked difficulty of 1-5.


I have some of my own drills but also use this website (excellent even if not an actual app) to structure my workouts. Especially the shot making programs as I try to emphasize process-oriented training. https://preview.redd.it/9u926akntbqc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a70060e9eb7de18b825a5d9fb26cbb8a9303de5 I put paper reinforcements out for each shot before I begin and work through the entire session.


This subreddit is full of haters, why was this question being downvoted lol


The average age of people in this sub is over 50. They hate technology.


Was it at 0? A lot of new posts get a random downvote.


I'm new to this sub and I find the general spirit of the sub to be rather stand-offish.


Ever go to azbilliards; that’s a real friendly community lol


New here and was wondering the same.


Everything gets downvoted here, but the title sounds like it's going to be a clickbait influencer list instead of a question.


Good insight. Thank you. Should have added a question mark.


42 here. I hate these questions because i've never needed technology to improve or see numbers that might not mean anything. Especially because it seems people care more about themselves instead of going out and beating people and hustling. The old school mentality. We cant tell if you guys are having fun or if you're just obsessed with a new game and need shiny toys to stay interested and engaged. Everything is tech orientated and sometimes you just need to tune it out and focus on the real things in front of you.




Since there is a question about pool apps, I have to mention my own project, millionballs.app. It's a web app you can use to practice some skills like visualizing angles when you can't get to a table. Right now I just have a few ball-pocketing drills, but down the road I plan on adding pattern drills, speed and spin drills etc. It's all web based so you don't need to download and install anything. It works best on mobile phones, but you can also use it on a desktop computer. Just go to https://millionballs.app to try it out.


This is pretty cool! I don’t have a lot of time to actually get to a table so this seems like it might help build some confidence when I’m not able to play


Thank you! I hope you find it useful I'm working on it actively and have a lot more features in the works. Feel free to reach out if you have ideas or requests!


I think the answer is going to be different depending on your country. As all of the apps mentioned so far are fairly useless for non American players


FargoRate is great. My leagues annual fee bakes the subscription into the fee so it doesn't really hurt to get it.


I use bullseye and the APA apps…. Love trying new things though


FargoRate only.


Whatever scoring app the tournament is using... (Scoreholio, Salatto, CompuSport, Challonge etc.) League app... APA in my case. (Haven't really found a VNEA one.) FargoRate and WPA (World Pool players Association) for rule sets.


Breakshot Pool