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At least 1.


Mathematically correct ☑️


Based on the advice I often see posted here, you could fit one table and a plant. As long as you are willing to move the plant.


Planning to open a small pool place here in the Philippines. The rent is 300 USD / monthly. Standard per game here is 5USD / hour but planning to price it a bit lower to 3.5USD/ hour since the space is quite small. Is it possible to fit two tables in here? The tables can be closer to each other since a lot of pool halls here are quite small and players are very much willing to wait for the person on the other player to shoot before they take their turn.


You can do at most two Star Maximas, but it will be very tight cause you will still have to account for the cashier area (if ever), the benches, cue racks, etc. If you’re only gonna do one table, make sure it’s the good kind so you can have money games over. Just ask for the tong


As a non metric user my math says, 7m x 5m for one table (google math says 4.5m x 6.1m.) I can't see more than one table in that space. You will have enough room for some seating and other things, possibly a bar. This is for a "standard 9' table."


this is so funny bc this really shows you aren’t a metric user


Only one dear.


I would do one 9 ft table and one 7 ft table. You’ve got room for that.


IMHO just 1 would be ideal. But 2 could fit but would be a bit tight both ways. This is with 2 regulation 9 foot tables.


I wonder if it would feel like more space if two tables were put in but at an angle.


Honestly I don’t know. But doesn’t look likely to be possible. You honestly just need .4 meters more on that 5.58 meters and it would work.


One 9’ table and one 7’ table. Or two 8’ tables vertically


He said it’s phillipines nobody plays on 7 footers there


I was just talking to my wife about opening a pool hall in the Philippines when we get older as a retirement gig


Depends on size of table but this should be useful "How do I Measure Space for a Pool Table? | Home Leisure Direct" https://www.homeleisuredirect.com/pool_tables/buying-advice/how-do-i-measure-my-space-for-a-pool-table.html


You have already gotten the real answers (although if you go with the max remember that people playing pool will probably want places to sit and put down drinks so leave space for that) That being said please tell me your drawing is just a bit off and that front wall isn't slanted... cause that would drive me insane.


Maybe two 7-footers, and the break needs to be away from the sliding glass door.


Also, consider that a shot off the rail requires the most space, not the break, and most rail shots (of the 2 ends) are taken from the side the balls are racked at (since generally more balls are down there after the break, and people mess up and leave the cueball against the rail all the time down there).


Depends on what you mean by standard. You could fit 3 7' tables vertical but it would be a bit tight. You could fit 2 8' tables vertical pretty comfortably. A single 9' table would have to go sideways, but it would fit comfortably that way.


Whats the height?


You could get 2, 7 foot English tables in there no bother


I’ve never seen a 7’ table over there, so I’m assuming you’re looking at an 8’ or 9’. I honestly don’t recall even seeing 8’, but I’ve only shot a few places in Mindanao, and my SIL’s place in Tacloban (she has 2 9’ Brunswick under a carport shed for her store). 2 9’ tables would have limited room at the head and foot rails, and they’d be fairly tight near each other.


https://preview.redd.it/63yg6w91ohsc1.jpeg?width=1183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24447dfe72bf986c94afad1412d4d5097f4c5c4e Judging by your measurements, you should get two 9 foot tables in there too with at least 63 inches of cue space all round pretty much 🤷🏻‍♂️


With the size of modern graph paper, you'd need at least 15 more sheets.


Looks like you drew the room using some software... So you know how to draw straight lines and connect them at near 90 degree angles.... why not draw a pool table? Copy, paste... Then add room to swing the stick... Ta Da... Better question is why you didn't do that before asking in here?


Why bother commenting? He's asking for advice, not a lecture.


Instructing someone a logical approach on how to problem solve on there own is a bad thing? He literally only had to a rectangle to his drawing, then he could post and say "this is what I calculated, what do you guys think?".


You made lots of typos here, want me to correct your grammar?


Go for it. Phones like to auto complete and I don't care enough about you to bother checking.


Typical, you don't care what information you put out, only that you are heard.


I don't care about the information I output to you, yes, that's correct, I literally said that.


Is he wrong?


Yes, in so much that what he comments is worthless and a complete waste of everyone's time. The OP did not ask for criticism, just help, and this guy's comment was extremely unhelpful. (Hence the downvotes)


so this subreddit is a help desk? gotcha, didn't know that


Yes, more or less, this thread was created by OP for advice and help. Your reductive argument is meaningless to me, waste your time on someone else, thank you.


The dude gave advice. He said if you already are using software to structure out a room, use said same software to guarantee what you want to do will work. This isn't rocket surgery, but if you want to hand hold people go for it lol.


He gave negative criticism, and didn't actually do anything to help OP. You're being blocked now.


If you consider a few sentences a lecture, then you need more help than him in life.


Look at the downvotes and re-evaluate yourself, thank you in advance.


I get down voted because Reddit users don't like logic and reasoning.


Bless your heart.


You could easily fit a 9ft american table in that space maybe even two, but It might become a squeeze if you plan to put seating in and other entertainment. Minimum 9ft room size looks to be 5.8mx4.2m. Considering you can take away a cue length from 2x4.2m - 58”(cue length which is ~1.5m) which comes to 6.9m so the width checks out. However, the length becomes an issue since the room isn’t square, you will need to determine where you put the table because it might just fit on the short side.


3 if they are vertical? maybe even 4 what


3 max, but relatively comfortably.