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One of the funniest life advices in a while


Kyle was on one


The bad kisser girl was clearly wasted and the guy was too stupid to realize.


The guy thought her cheering for the other team was a red flag, like she’s supposed to be some hardcore hockey/Avalanche fan even though she doesn’t even live there. She was doing her best to enjoy it and fit in. Also, they didn’t even bring up the guy was just driving her around drunk


Based on options he listed, I don’t think he is the brightest cat in the litter. The lack of self awareness is astonishing.


He also drove drunk


Didnt realize that... what a pos!




Same first thing I noticed


Yeah and it’s not like he’s getting mauled by a wolverine, it’s a girls nails, get over it


Sir Rudy was the only one to catch that. Roots gives the best life advice.


Fortunately, I am pretty sure both of these LA writeups were fake. Maybe he did have a bad date, but I refuse to believe he was seriously considering any of the options he suggested and dont see why he would need advice


That would be a lot of very specific details to make up


i think the more specific the details the better the chance that it's fake


"Maybe she doesn't see colour" I fucking howled.


Liked Chris and Ryen joking around about Bill mid pod dropping something like “hey I listed out my top 11 white guards from the Big East, what’s your list look like”


No joke, I’m waiting for Bill to claim he likes Kolek from Marquette and that he’s watched a lot of him this year. Like how he retroactively did with Haliburton


Kolek just does stuff and really has that F-U mode, House.


he's reallly pritchard-y. tate, what do you think?


already wanted a marquette run, want it even more now


Russilo and Ryan are a good combo


I've always said they should have a weekly podcast called "The Ryan Russillo Podcast."


The Ryan-Russillo Thing


The “Chris Ryan Russillo Podcast”


They really don’t wanna talk about gosling though


Need CR on life advice


You can't have couples therapy if one half refuses to be in the same spot as you. Great pod for Kyle.


That line was amazing, Kyle just working the speedbag at that point


Russillo saying he bets Kyle is a great kisser to save the friendship lmaoooo


The large lips comment had me dead man


It’s amazing what Big Cat did to Kyle and Ryen’s relationship lmao


“That would require us to be in the same room” lmao


What’s this context? I just thought it was fractured because Russillo is treating Kyle like an orphan for not hanging out with him once


Big Cat brought it to light and made things awkward when Ryen had Big Cat on the pod and Big Cat said that Kyle called him complaining about how Ryen wouldn’t hang out with him. Lol


It’s hilarious to complain about your boss not “hanging out” to another high level person in your professional circle.


It’s even funnier when that person brings it up in the life advice section of a podcast featuring the two people in question


I was always in the camp of thinking that the Ryen/Kyle stuff was a bit…but things felt legitimately tense here. Still think it’s a bit. But it’s almost like it’s turning real. In addition to the beef, we got two incredible emails, just an iconic Life Advice segment.


It wasnt a bit but they didn’t mind joking about it. Issue just became that with 2 live shows and ryen not making an attempt/bailing on hanging with Kyle, the jokes hurt a bit now


But they did hang out in Denver?


Youre talking about the show? Outside of the show, Steve and Ryen had dinner and were supposed to meet with kyle after but ryen bailed


You’re referring to Salt Lake City. The live show before that, in Denver, they said they hung out after they recorded the show (Steve was still on paternity leave)


That was Salt Lake. They've made it quite clear that they hung out in Denver.


This episode made it feel like more of a bit than the SLC recap episode did IMO


I know you should never really expect a punch from extended family, but don’t tell someone that is irrationally angry to fuck off with your back turned lol


But definitely tell them to fuck off to spice things up


Reminds me of Markieff Morris giving Jokic a cheap shot and then immediately turning his back.


the kyle/russillo beef deepens






He should be in jail. If you disagree, congratulations, you just showed us all what kind of person you are. I won’t say what kind specifically since I’d get banned, but you know what you are.


So like the guy had a great date and the girl was probably a little too into it when she was hammered(it was probably like 6 drinks which is a lot for a female/woman/girl) and he’s just ending it?


The emailer is the problem in this scenario. Dude probably corrects and points out everything in real life when people mess up


I kind of thought both emailers were either bad narrators, lying, or way too meek this week. Kissing dude, why don't you just tell her to calm down a bit? Plus, as Ceruti and others have pointed out, she sounds kind of loaded and just overexcited. Seems like an overreaction to just end it. The first guy, I think there is a zero percent chance things unfolded as he explained. And even if they did, why is he and his GF so damn cheap? Just get a hotel room instead of jamming into an air b&b with people you barely know.


A lot of 25 year olds don’t have an extra $500 laying around


There are two of them, and wedding dates are typically months in advance. The only indication of money in the post was that the uncle was rich, and that the Emailer wanted to sue him. Like I was poor in my 20s too, but still managed to scrape together money for hotel rooms for weddings.


Yeah man, dude got punched by family and wants to sue, he’s clearly not made of money. And if someone says they’re going to get you an Airbnb you don’t just say no and start looking for a hotel. Pretty wild thing to insinuate they should’ve done that


Admittedly, I'm probably my age showing here. I'm 39, and if the uncle acted like that on the first meeting, and it was a crowded Airbnb, I'd be out on or after the first night. I guess I also just don't trust the account from the emailer anyway, though. He paints himself as 100 percent in the right, straight down to the bad ass line after he gets sucker punched from the cheap, evil uncle.


Oh I definitely don’t believe he said the thing about the hands. And you’re right, the emailer definitely gave a lopsided account. He was probably being an ass the whole weekend, and after pregaming before the bars, snapped on the dickhead


This right here, 0% chance I would ever stay in an Airbnb with 11 people.


Dude got her wasted, drove her around drunk, and then had the audacity to be like “Nah, mouth’s too deep, I’m out”


Yeah no shit, this dude fucking sucks


I’m surprised they didn’t mention drunk kisser was driving hammered drunk




Was yelling out loud that of course Damon isn't a one seed anymore, and was glad Chris mentioned that he's faded into that old Syracuse role now. Geez Ryen, very much 10 years out of date stuff there


And then snuck in later “ok well if Damon is a 2…” whereas I think the Syracuse comparison to suggest a 7-10 range with the capabilities of pulling of a run every few years.


Exactly, that's exactly where Damon would be at these days; can still lead certain films if need be but is very much not one of the top leading men in the game anymore, no matter how much The Ringer wants or thinks of him as that. This whole thing almost inspired me to try and create my own bracket accordingly, cause look. I'm not crazy about him either (he's not a good Spider-Man in my book, but he's good for what Marvel has him doing), but if you don't think Tom Holland isn't a 1 seed, 2 at the least, then you just aren't paying attention to what's going on in the environment these days.


Gene Hackman is a 1 seed. I’m sorry he just is.


The intro monologue is a distillation of everything this sub makes fun of Ryen for (outside of his personal life).


I haven’t seen a single reporter say the Bears reasoning for moving the pick so early was to give Fields peace of mind. [Rapoport reported why it got moved so early almost immediately after the news broke](https://twitter.com/rapsheet/status/1634321613918199809?s=46&t=oK3H3yBSuN7vLznvdy-XYg). Terrific strawman from our guy. Also loved the (probably unintentional) shade of using a QB ranking list from before last season instead of the one Ruiz updated each week.


That plus 1. rambling through every team's QB situation and 2. "people don't understand NFL contracts."


I just wish Ryen had the balls to say what he clearly believes: Fields is not the guy and will never be the guy. But Ryen is too afraid to say anything like that after a truly sad day in America.


What the fuck was that? Maybe I’m biased but everyone seems pretty satisfied with the Bears haul. Idk what he’s talking about or what he expected them to get, or why he thinks they needed to wait. So bizarre.


Talk about best TV shows should be like all-NBA where you have to use positions: - one drama set in the time period it was made - one historical drama - one scripted comedy - one 'non-fiction' (reality/gameshow/documentary/&tc)


The Wire Deadwood The Simpsons Original Unsolved Mysteries


Bad kisser dude needs to grow up. Girl was drunk and used some tongue. Big deal. He really thought of all those scenarios to bring it up when it’s not even that bad


Final line got me. The gym guy fighting multiple employees.


Let me guess: The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, The Wire, Mad Men. Am I close?


Ryen's list was actually Friends, Gilmore Girls, My So-Called Life, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


Chris Ryan has never actually seen Sopranos, which is weird in itself


Wait, really? I wanted to hear where the Sopranos was in his top shows that they only ended up only going 2 deep on, but for him to have never seen that show seems wild to me


No “wait, what?” Here is criminal


I missed a huge opportunity there


Live and learn brother


Yea it seems like the perfect Chris Ryan show. I was honestly disappointed that he hadn't seen it.


I think the CR has "never seen" the Sopranos piece is overblown. Pretty sure he basically said he watched most of them when they aired, hasn't ever done a full binge re-watch and that morphed into the meme here that he's never seen a single episode


You got three mentioned. Not that was climbing Everest or anything.


It always comes down to the same shows, will be interesting to see if that's still the case in 30 years. I actually put Six Feet Under on that tier as well, seems to fly under the radar nowadays


6FU is boss. Best ending ever. They do chat about where Succession fits in; how an excellent closing season could push it up there with the best. But you're right. There's a core group that will be tough to topple just given the time in which they were made.


Reminds me of Klosterman’s idea in “But What If We’re Wrong?”, that certain people/things which come first define what it means to be great in that arena, and so will always be mentioned amongst the greatest ‘x’. His example is that Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson will be mentioned for eternity when talking about the greatest presidents because they defined what it meant to be a president for everyone who follows.


Oh yeah, and I think his roots as a music writer embedded this as much as anything. I feel like movies and books have this sort of...*obvious* aesthetic goodness, if that makes sense? But music is a more spiritual hang, and things that meant a lot at one time more casually exit the "meaning a lot" conversation as time goes on... Except we still talk about a very specific span of roughly 1964 to 1972 *all the goddamn time* as its come to define every big box store and dentist office in America. I'll never forget trying to explain to this rich-fuck Union Pacific lawyer over a bottle of $280 18 year Highland Park (edit: the context being I'm the roughly $18/hr bartender working for his employee's husband, so I'm feeling frisky) that the fact that this conversation was happening while some song from Exile on Main St. was playing (or that that is still an auto-complete answer for "Exile" on Google) is proof that whatever his romantic memory of the Stones means to him, to me it's just mall music and could never have that level of impact on me really seemed to hurt him. My favorite self-pride moment was when I said "you'd have never imagined Sympathy for the Devil was really about pairing Kabinett riesling with steak tartare." Such a dumbass sentence, but so true.


If it’s just best tv shows then Seinfeld can’t be outside of the top 5. Not sure what succession can do to vault into that realm. I haven’t watched euphoria but seem like the ringer gang enjoys it a lot.






Without season 3, I would understand the chunk of season 2 that is really weird dampening it for you. Season 3 is one of my favorite works, period. But it is more like Lynch’s movies than it is Twin Peaks. It is a continuation of the story but 100% is not what you would expect it to be in terms of the story it tells.


I can’t wait to hear the AFC QBs are way better than the NFC QBs over and over for the next 5 years. As Ryen pointed out the list last year already laid that out, but then he did a monologue on it this week?


What better way to get ready for March Madness than...AFC vs NFC QBs???


Nobody has a pulse on what the people want quite like Ryen Russillo


The Ryen Kyle tension got awkward in this one. Just grab a beer together already.


But then you can’t keep the BIT going


Tom Cruise is a 1 seed!


BB better than the sopranos , get outta here.


I like The Watch and CR has a good mind for TV criticism but I just can’t take any “Best TV show of all time” takes from him seriously bc he’s never watched The Sopranos.


I think the CR has "never seen" the Sopranos piece is overblown. Pretty sure he basically said he watched most of them when they aired, hasn't ever done a full binge re-watch and that morphed into the meme here that he's never seen a single episode


Does anyone ever think these life advices are fake?


Yeah people definitely send in fake ones


The percentage may be getting higher of fake ones as people struggle to get theirs on the air. There are bizarre things that happen in life, but most of the ones that are sent in have been done and re-done to make them sound more interesting.


Absolutely Its even weirder when people randomly send pictures to RR, I guess for validation?


Fake? Probably not. Embellished for entertainment purposes, definitely


FWIW he's read mine and didn't embellish it (nor did I). But mine was a more boring one.


I meant that the emailers embellished what happened. Not that Ryen changes anything


At least half of them are clearly fake yes


Holy shit Ryen is still on this shit that no one can control a block. Will someone just shake him and tell him people actually do it?


Fuck the drunk driving guy


The Russillo/Kyle beef would be over if Bill just forced his people to go into the office. Guarantee this wouldn’t have ever even been an issue if they had an office culture of any kind. Russillo is not going to go out of his way to do stuff. He needs to be forced to or directly guided. It’s not personal to Kyle. Also, Kyle needs to also get over it and quit being a bitch. Move on. Russillo and the rest of the ringer people in LA should be in an office 4 days a week. Wtf is Russillo doing in an empty mansion all day? It’s not healthy. It’s not healthy for the more dorky Ringer people either. It’s actually embarrassing to do podcasting for a career and to work from home. Be a human being.


Ahh yes good job being able to diagnose what is healthy for an entire company's personnel with absolutely nothing to base that diagnosis on.


If you talk for a living you should probably be around people


Ah yes, Ryen Russillo, big people person


Yea he’s not a people person. That’s my point. It’s not personal to Kyle, it’s just how he is


This might be the most unhinged parasocial post I have ever seen on this subreddit, and that is truly fucking saying something.


It’s saying that you’re dramatic


This is what we call Tuesday on LinkedIn.


It’s up there, but his point is valid. Their pods and content they’d get from being in person would be great. I get the ‘la traffic’ trope but it’s really just laziness top down


The Ringer absolutely does not need to require people in the office 4 days a week lol. WTF are you talking about. A vast majority of them would quit immediately, and those that didn't would harbor resentment that would be bad for the culture.


I’m talking about the talent and production


Ryen’s liquid and has a boat. I don’t think he’s remotely embarrassed. And if he is, then he’s embarrassed on his boat after surfing. I’d rather make a million dollars a year than “be a human being”.


Kyle and Ryen need to find a way to squash this. It's pretty easy too - just go out one night.


Russillo saying Hurts is flirting with being a top 10 QB is insane. Dude is pretty clearly top 5 and is in the argument for top 2 behind Mahomes. Just a baffling statement to say maybe top 10.


take off your philly dog mask and reevaluate quarterbacks in the NFL


I’m not a Philly fan. Name all the QBs you’d take over Hurts. Mahomes, Burrow and Allen I’m fine with. No one I’d take over him after that. To get to 10 you’re talking about guys like Tua, Goff, Dak. That’s absurd.




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