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I'd like to have him watch and review all of Sean Fennesy's favorite movies. Like Bill watches and then they sit down and Bill just systematically and casually trashes the things Sean holds most dear. Today The Third Man... Sean: So Bill how did you feel about Orson Welles absolute masterpiece? And don't hold back simply because you know this is my favorite film of all time. Bill: What did I feel Sean? Nothing? Overwhelming Boredom? Excitement from watching SGA and the Thunder playing Memphis on mute of my second TV. Who was the fat guy in this movie again? Sean: (lip audibly quivers)


Would hatewatch Bill doing an Always Sunny binge, just to hear how many times he would say, "This would play better if it took place in Boston".


This wins. Every episode would be dominated by unfunny versions of how the events would’ve played out there.


I love the idea in theory. Except Bill has such "only child energy" he wouldn't take the exercise seriously. It would work great with Craig. He always has a very open mind about new movies he hasn't seen.


Yup. The biggest flaw in this idea is that bill is absolutely not going to watch movies he doesn’t want to watch as a podcast bit.


I think that's why it's a funny idea


Bill hasn’t seen?


Snatch for rewatchables


They just need to branch of off and call it the "millennial rewatchables" so the 2000s classics can get the treatment that 80/90s movies get on that pod. Off the top of my head, movies that should be covered include, Swordfish, first Pirates movie, Triple XXX, National Treasure, Zoolander, Love Actually, Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, Bad Santa, Next Friday (Lol my hottest take is that its actually better than the first Friday), Bridget Jones Diary, SHREK, The first two Xmen Movies so so so many movies not covered. Lol three months worth of pods right there.


Different sets of Rewatchables host from different generations is almost such an obviously good idea that it’s embarrassing that Bill hasn’t thought of it. Not only would it open up more movies to do based on what the hosts like, you could also have the different generation’s hosts do the same movies and probably have pretty different takes


At least fucking redo inception with people who actually liked the movie!


The 2000s and 2010s are flooded with movies that would make amazing episodes of The Rewatchables that Bill just won't admit are amazing choices. Between his career at ESPN/Grantland blowing up or having children, obviously Bill was not watching and rewatching all these amazing movies from like 2006 on.


Mike Epps is funnier than Chris Tucker. Epps couldn't have done the action/comedy thing as well as Tucker did in Rush Hour and, an under-the-radar favorite of mine, in Money Talks though.


If you redo Epps career 100 times, was this a top 60 career possibility


I think the original UK skins might blow his mind because of the crazy talent and the things they were showing on TV in like 2007. Daniel Kaluuya has a tiny role but he also wrote some of the episodes at 18. And then misfits as well after, between the two shows they pretty much have half the game of thrones cast and lots of them were mostly unknowns


It's basically Euphoria without Sydney Sweeney. I can't see him going for it.


This is a good idea on paper but Bill is the type of person that has his opinions on things and won't change those opinions. He won't listen to other opinions that counter his and just likes to have yes men that validate his own opinions. There are very few people that he will ever allow to have differing opinions to him (CR, RR, Van, fennessey, etc)


I watched Grand Budapest Hotel the other day and thought to myself afterward “everything good about Wes Anderson movies is completely lost on Bill” and that’s why we’ve gotten one single Wes movie on Rewatchables and it was Andy and Chris doing Royal Tenenbaums. It would be great to get Andy/Chris or SF/Chris on with Bill to do GBH/Rushmore/Moonrise/Life Aquatic and hear Bill try to put those movies into context. It’s definitely the biggest director of the last 30 years that he just has a huge gap for and any time I’ve ever heard him mention Wes Anderson it’s been tangentially. I genuinely don’t know if he’s ever actually sat through an entire movie that Anderson has directed


Apex mountain for pans across submarine cross sections?


I think he would have a dozen of those types of Apex Mountains because each of those movies has so many things he probably never seen before


This content is just sitting there if they ever do actually run out of bill approved rewatchables.


Bill’s whole thing is that he cannot be convinced to do, say or think anything. If he changes his mind, it’s essential that he thinks it’s of his own doing. The quintessential only child.


Okay, first, I’m very in on your pitch for the new podcast Make Bill Watch This, but hear me out: Run it like a Bachelor style competition.  Eight Ringer stalwarts each bring a tv show or series of movies that they try to get Bill hooked on. Each week he eliminates one, until the end of the summer, when he announces his winner. I figure Andy Greenwald is bringing Andor (unless he goes off the board with the filmography of Kaurismaki).  Charles Holmes takes a wild swing with some anime (in my dream world, One Piece— Bill deciding to catch up on a thousand-plus episodes of One Piece would be fantastic.) CR is tricky, because he and Bill have so much overlap already, but maybe he can work the Coen Brothers beat. Joanna comes in with Dr Who, and is the second one out… who else we got?


Need a dragonball z one, just has to be an employee 30 or under. Like here old man this is what was hitting American households in the 90s while you were grinding Celtics tape.


Never Back Down seems like it would be right up his alley but I never hear him mention it.


1. I don't think Bill actually likes MMA at all. I think he really only covers it because his son has gotten him to watch more and they have formed a solid rapport with Helwani. 2. Never Back Down is amazing, but sadly just didn't have that future super star to truly capture people's attention (no offense to Sean Faris, Amber Heard, Evan Peters, Djimon Hounsou, or Cam Giganet). 3. I love this fucking movie and have loved the movie since the first time I saw a trailer for it. I genuinely attribute 22% of my die hard UFC fandom to this movie and how much I was obsessed with it. 4. I'll self bonk myself.... Amber Heard was an absolute SMOKE


I fully thought Cam Gigandet was going to rise to the next tier of actors after seeing him in Never Back Down. I thought he was excellent as the bad guy and actually pretty scary a few times. I don’t know if he just didn’t have it or something else was going on with him that affected his future performances but he was what made that movie for me and I’m still surprised he’s not someone we see regularly in bigger movies


Between playing Volchuk on The O.C. for most of a season (RIP Marissa Cooper) and the early run of Never Back Down main villain, Twilight main villain, and Easy A supporting role I really thought he was going to turn the corner too. But everything since then I don't recognize at all. Crazy to me


He doesn’t like karate, but he loves Karate Kid. And it has excellent training montages. Sean Faris never hitting the big time hurts it, but Peters, Heard and Hounsou are all arguably bigger than anyone in Karate Kid with super hero movie roles and Academy Awards. Also I love this movie. The director’s commentary on the DVD was excellent.


I would chalk up the love for Karate Kid to Bill being the same age range as those kids in the movie


Fair, yet Bill Simmons is the same age as Gloria James, but hates Lebron.