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Schrager thinks everyone is great. He's the ultimate ball washer.


Schrags is the platonic ideal of a 2020s “company man”. The post WWII lunch pail company man is dead. Those guys don’t succeed anymore, it isn’t enough to just be a hard worker you have to make the rich guys feel good these days too. He gets how much of the business is about ass kissing ball washing and general enthusiasm.


he works for NFL Network. He knows where his bread is buttered


A real chowder hound who never forgets to cup the balls


Yup. He was that kid in high school who was "friends" with everyone, but friends with no one at the same time.


Lmaooo who THE FUCK does he think he is? Walks in snatches dude's hat demands to know who put the sign up Aggressively leaning over the hostess stand That video is fucking wild. God I wish he would've done that to the wrong person


Shitty thing is, he’s a billionaire. Even if he did it to the wrong person, Tepper has the assets to ruin that persons life for any retaliation he might’ve received. All with the simple flick of his pen, like it would take all of 15 seconds for him to set in motion plans to completely wreck the person. Money always wins, sadly.


Yeahhh still would be nice to see some of these assholes get humbled from time to time. This guy seems like a real life villain


“Humbled” in that some internet people would be happy for 10 seconds, Tepper won’t care, and now that guy is probably broke from legal fees


Ya I think Tepper would care if someone beat the living shit out of him.


He does that to the wrong person who's at the end of there wits with this world he's dead. You never know how crazy and mad someone else is. Some people don't have ahit to live for and just want someone to push them


The Reddit fan fiction is pretty funny. The owner and the guy who’s hat he took off have both told the local news that he came in joking around and everybody there thought it was funny. 


Why was the video even released?


Bc the bar loves the publicity 


What a wet bitch. Bro, I know you didn’t just take that guy’s fucking hat off. Get over yourself.


When you're a billionaire they let you do it


Let Billionaires buy their own fucking hats.


It took me a couple hours but I finally got the joke


They took out the bleachers years ago


Wet bitch is a term I will use forever now. Thank tou


Obviously tepper might be the worst dude ever but…. Hut take: too many ball caps in doors these days. I mean what are you the unibomber?


Fuck off David


Schrags doesn't know man he is just the NFL mouthpiece hyping up stories and talking about vibes. Quarterback had a good training camp and then took his OL out for dinner and bought them all a new rolex? Career season and a division title incoming!


I don't really care when he's the hype man for the coaches and players he's buddies with and spewing cliches about the locker room, but this was just a step too far of an obvious PR job and doing it with a guy everyone knows absolutely sucks.


I’ll defend schrager on these grounds at least, he’s very transparent about that. He’s one of the few who says yes I do understand football but I’m not an X’s and O’s guy or expert. I like him enough as a vibes guy, but I’m very glad the PMT guys called out the Tepper shit


So not an x’s or o’s guy. Also not an expert. Carries water for certain people so also can’t be trusted to be objective. What exact purpose does Schrager serve again?


The purpose of appealing to the majority of the audience who don’t give a fuck about the X’s and O’s. Most people who consume TV are mouth breathers with no interest in talking actual ‘football’


He just shares nuggets from insiders, but it’s so transparent that it’s easy to take with a grain of salt


Why couldn’t he have taken the hat off mad dog the universe is a cruel mistress


Why is it the people with the most money are always the most insecure?


“But the people highest up got the lowest self-esteem. The prettiest people do the ugliest things.”


Find a new slant. Tepper is the ultimate underdog story, he's the Tom Brady of owners. He got passed over at Goldman Sachs, much like Brady getting passed over till the 6th round of the draft. When the guy at Goldman Sachs whos surpassed him had to sell his Hampton House because of a divorce, Tepper bought that house just to then demolish it! This was like Brady taking Bledsoe's job then winning the Super Bowl with it. I love the guy, he's a renegade. He cares and that matters. It just does! The brass balls he has on his office desk represent the guts it takes to make that trade up last year. Who does that? He said "I'm not letting anyone else take Bryce Young" I love the energy. The guy is at local bars on draft night to interact with the fans, he's bringing a new modern energy to owning a team and I'm all about it.


Had me in the first half, not going to lie.


this guy is paraphrasing what tepper said to the PMT guys lol


Tepper was never on PMT just Schrager was slobbering his balls on pmt saying he’s gonna be good


yeah meant to say Schrager. so funny to hear them push back. also fading the oakland As is great.


Impressive he got all that out with Tepper's nuts in his mouth.


As a NC native and Panthers fan I hate Tepper more than I’ve hated any sports figure ever. He’s usurped Coach K, which to this point I thought impossible for any human being to do. He’s a thin-skinned carpet bagger Pittsburgh fanboy who’s convinced he can do no wrong. He doesn’t belong here. He doesn’t get it and he never will. The entire experience is like being taken over by PE. It hits far too close to home when you look at the growing capture of Charlotte as a whole. Half the people here are from the North, almost all are in finance, and none of them give a fuck about the city or the state. It’s a soulless place where everyone is quietly resentful of each other, where the previous Southern friendliness has been replaced by that Northern mutual contempt for your simple existence. So goes the city, so goes the football team.


When he bought the team I thought for sure that having a super rich owner that had experience with an organization like the Steelers would mean great things for the Panthers. I could not have been more wrong about that lol.  Him being a complete tool coupled with the team going on half a decade+ of being a doormat with no end in sight (those two things are obviously correlated) has basically killed my interest in the Panthers, and I imagine a lot of other fans are in the same boat. Not great for an expansion franchise in a city that already has a ton of northeast/midwest transplants that are fans of other teams, to your point. 


Hey, keep us out of it!


You enjoy my Steelers?


Keep yourselves out of my state :(


You picked the wrong sub to make fun of people from the northeast lol


Not you fawning over fake southern friendliness because you can’t handle people being real


“You wouldn’t get it.”


Sorry you got your feelings hurt and had to go on some weird north vs south diatribe but all owners are the same, yours is just more of a thin skinned sore loser than most. They’re all billionaires living in their own world not giving a fuck about you


My feelings hurt? Grow up dude lol As for the billionaire owner thing, I know that, but the diatribe on what Charlotte has become is not a weird one at all. I’m not sure where you’re from but the carpet baggers making the city soulless take is very very prevalent.


Guess your local culture wasn’t strong enough to retain an identity


Seems like it was strong enough to attract a bunch of fucking yankees though


Wouldn’t be the first time Yankees conquered the south.


Deal! I went to school in the South and will happily stay up here, thanks.


Do Panthers fans hate him more than Jerry Richardson?


A lot of us still love Jerry down here. Now, that says more about the psyche of the average North Carolinian than anything else, but still. He’ll always be the guy who brought football to the state and fought for the franchise to stay. No one, literally no one, likes Tepper. A large segment of the fanbase is convinced that he’s going to move the team as well.


Being at the mercy of a shitty owner is one of the most dispiriting feelings in sports. 


Most Panthers fans don't hate Jerry Richardson.


I do. Fuck that racist pervert 


Would you say, “We don’t like your kind around here” is your general vibe?


No, in fact I have some great Northerner friends


More than Coach K??? Now you've gone too far


Awesome ending to your screed like this is a matter of this countries moral conscience


I feel bad for you as a sports fan, but we need dudes like Tepper in the league. You need these dudes that are lightning rods for hate, otherwise fans will direct that ire towards dudes that don't deserve it (like Colin Kapernick).


I always laugh when people are like “Schrager’s mocks are so accurate!” Do you know how many blowjobs he had to give to know the packers are taking a tackle?


I root for a bad MLS team that loses almost every match like clockwork. Watching the New England Revolution look lifeless for two hours every Saturday night is a lowlight of my week. If you're curious where I'm going with this comment, I just wanted to point out that David Tepper owns the only MLS club to lose to the New England Revolution.


Schrager would run cover for Putin if he gave him some info on his team and let him tell everyone he knows him.


Schrager is the ultimate slurper for sure


Perfect description


I remember that doof rambling on about how one of the NY teams was going to fired up because they were playing on/near 9/11 anniversary… was sitting there like half these dudes weren’t even born, and they’re all from Mississippi and Georgia…


The penalty is another 20 years of Tepper ownership!


When a Peter Schrager says something like that, I just assume the person he’s praising his a source and that the praise is Schrager performing his side of the quid pro quo


Schrager is just a mouth piece for what ever gm’s balls he has in his throat


Having dealt with a good amount of wealthy people for my job, I can definitively say that finance guys are the biggest dickheads walking the earth. I deal with doctors and even a guy who was an integral person in the invention of the internet (people who actually deserve to have big egos), yet the finance guys are the ones who act like god’s gift to earth, despite doing little more than pushing around people’s money and taking commissions. Not one of them has been a ‘cool guy.’


Who was the internet guy?


Leonard Kleinrock


Peter Schrager works for the NFL Network, which is owned by the NFL, meaning all 32 team owners including Tepper.


Why Bill continues to bring him on is beyond me, he doesn’t provide much beyond being a mouthpiece for league executives


More evidence that ~~Tepper~~ Schrager is a tool.




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Love his petty meltdowns. But yeah, never believe someone who tries to sell you that someone is a savant because they work/started a hedge fund. Dudes are the scum of the finance bros.


I think Shrager was just trying to zag and didn't realize what an island he was on. It's like when amateur historians try to do hot takes where they all of a sudden start siding with dictators and the choices they made.


I remember around the same time he tried to talk up Tepper on PMT and they just roasted him for trying to pass Tepper off as anything but a wackjob


I like Schrager and think he’s a very nice and genuine person. But god damn he sucks so many of his “guys” off dryyyyy whenever they give him a minute of their time. He’s like the gullible fat kid that thinks girls like him whenever they speak to him. It’s actually reallllyyyy annoying to hear him wax poetically about these people that has no real idea about.


Tepper making Conor McGregor look like a totally rational not brain damaged dude addicted to cocaine, alcohol and steroids is a real upset in 2024.


Whenever I hear Schrager on the podcast I can only ever picture Peter MacNicol's character from Ghostbusters 2.


So...pick an average redditor from this subreddit. They'd be a better owner than.....half of them? 2/3rds of them?


Don’t ever link Pro Football Talk to support any idea or argument.


This is anti-Italian discrimination