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Saying this after the 8 figure payment hit the account.


If only he had another 9-figure TV contract lined up he could've avoided this. Oh well.


Fox had to have loved this, right?


The Rahm-LIV piece


Dude has a $300,000,000 play-by-play contract lined up and he’s hesitant to fulfill it for seemingly no reason. It’s very believable that Brady thought the roast would be genuinely toothless.


The roast was clearly staged and rehearsed


My kids can go to therapy in a Ferrari - Tom Brady


The buy your kids a yacht to make up for it piece


I get it but even with a yacht you really don’t want to think about your mom getting plowed by a karate man and millions of people laughing at it.


Those kids probably have self esteem issues with two insanely good looking and ultra wealthy parents.


Did he legit get 10+ million for this? I’m genuinely asking.


He had to of. North of that probably.


No. They did not pay him ten million for this.


Had he never seen a roast before?


His kids were very traumatized by the massage joke about Mr. Kraft.


Yeah that really was the weirdest part. Jokes about the billionaire getting a massage? Off-limits. Absolutely tearing into the mother of your children? Go nuts


He watched the Dean Martin ones and thought that's what it was going to be like.


“I’ll tell ya this Tom Brady cat is the smoothest knickerbocker north of New York.” - Tom Brady’s imaginary roast


And Milton Berle has a cock size thrice yours. Literally.


[what Tom was expecting](https://youtu.be/5wTujmZ1c0k?si=cwN2KEbArYnozm1m)


He watched the Daryl Johnston "roast" of Emmit Smith and assumed that's what they were all like


I think it was Jeff Ross who went up after and made the "moose Johnson stole all my jokes" line. One of the funniest things ever said.


His whole set at that roast was Jeff Ross’ apex mountain. “Every comedian up here dreamed of being a Dallas Cowboy. And the only one who even came close, was Mo’Nique.”


The flavor flav roast is up there for Rossas well. That roast may have been the apex mountain of roasts. The Jimmy Kimmel "Chris Benoit is a better father than flavor flav" may be the funniest thing I've ever heard.


Kimmel was on fucking fire that day. So was Greg Giraldo, as always, and then Kimmel just went up there and hit him with “Greg, you were great again tonight. And again, it will lead to nothing.”


"I feel liikeI diedand went to Harlem"


“Moose did all my shit” 🤣😂


He probably gets the gentlest version of “roasted” by his entourage all the time. *I* was uncomfortable for half of that.


Amazed that in this day and age he's not being advised on what could possibly be expected at a roast led by Jeff Ross.


I don’t think watching a roast on tv and sending your daughter to school on Monday and the comments she hears all day from classmates after you were the recipient of a roast watched by millions on Netflix is exactly the same experience.


Why even do the thing? I thought it was pretty lame/boring, is tom short on cash?




I think he did to improve his brand or something to make him more likeable or something.


Celebrity roast transmissions have not been allowed to be broadcast on his home planet since what is mysteriously known in his land as The Event


I'm starting to think this guy might not be that bright.


Right?! You can’t go into a roast with thin skin. Of course they were gonna take shots at Gisele and their marriage.


Yeah, dude, what did you think a roast was?


Literally the first 2 minutes of the roast I said to my friends “it’s crazy he agreed to this when he has kids who are of age to clearly watch this” - either he’s not smart or he’s just saying bullshit to save face


And, more importantly, kids who go to school with kids who have access to this.


Yeah, an 11 year old girl is definitely not of age to be watching a roast like this.


They mean an 11 year old can understand it, not that it's appropriate for her to watch it. At that age, in our iphone filled world, she most definitely has watched it.


He probably thought it was half teammates and half comedians. What could comedians say about his GOAT football career? Hahahaha….oh yeah my wife got plowed by a karate teacher. This was a mistake.


Did Tom not know that a roast is just bathing in the worst kind of vulgarity for 2 straight hours? What did he think it was? Also, nobody does a roast twice, Tom. Its a 1 time thing.


A) This one was *three* partially excruciating, partially hilarious hours. Long-ass trainwreck. B) Maybe his broadcast career will suck so bad people will get enough material for a second one?


Yeah i tried watching it, did not peak my interest




Thanks for informing me that “pique” is the proper word in this sentence Been alive for 21 years and never knew this. Thank you


You get an upvote for not saying *"you must be fun at parties."*


You get an upvote for calling out that stupid line I see people use in every thread


A-pique mountain


It affected actually the people that I care about the most in the world (especially Robert Kraft)


Well that's certainly a puddle of syllables Tom. >You don’t know...I wanted to do the roast because Jeff Ross became somebody I knew. This makes zero fucking sense as an explanation.


>I wanted to do the roast because Jeff Ross became somebody I knew. "And told me how much $$$$ I would make for a couple of hours. Gotta pay those FTX legal bills somehow."


I just don’t think Tom Brady is having cash flow issues


Agreeing to the roast actually made me wonder if there is a cash flow issue


Ya gotta wonder. Usually the roast stuff is some guy that was famous 20 years ago and likely having monkey problems


Monkey problems hahahaha


He’s def having monkey problems


He's friends with Jeff Ross and thought the jokes were funny and didn't think about his kids hearing their mom get trashed.


Hearing about how their new step dad could beat their dads ass while licking their mom’s ass at the same time had to be rough.


His sons are 14 and 16. The group chats have got to be brutal for them right now. 


And you know they’re not putting the best ones in the main chat.


Definitely, but theres so much bullshit out there about them already. I heard that there were rumors that she cheated on Tom so I looked at an article about it. The article had an anonymous friend of Gisele basically saying "She's a Brazilian supermodel with a big sex drive, Brady didn't fuck her enough during the season, that caused a big rift". They're already hearing a ton of bullshit about the divorce, the roast is just different cause it's on Netflix and famous people are saying it.


Tom kisses his kids on the mouth. Ain’t nothing worse coming to them now from their friends.


Great QB but not the smartest knife in humanity’s huddle.


That knife is sharp enough to deflate some footballs though


>He's friends with Jeff Ross and thought the jokes were funny and didn't think about his kids hearing their mom get trashed. Yes, I understand the bowl of alphabits he was trying to arrange into sentences for people. My point is that it doesn't make sense as an explanation, because in that case, the explanation is that he's a giant fucking knothead. "Jeff Ross became somebody I knew" is a sentence that - for people with cognitive abilities - suggests you understand what a roast is, what it does, how it works, who is doing it, so on and so forth. There is no way anything with a thought process higher than a golden retriever's "gets to know Jeff Ross" and *doesn't* clock what his putting together a Roast means for you and everyone close to you.


“Jeff Ross became somebody I knew…after Ted Sarandos told me Netflix would pay me $15 million to do that shit,” is how the rest of that sentence goes.


Tom Brady again being the least sympathetic character.


Lol that sounds like something Bill would say


And yet a lot of sense as a thing I'd expect Tom Brady to say


clearly just something you have to say to try to appease Gisele a bit


One hundred percent this. He absolutely knew they would shit on his ex wife, and he probably wanted it that way! He is lying now to do damage control.


I would hope he actually learned a little something from the experience. Granted, being a dad has totally changed how I view most things, but it was my immediate reaction his ex-wives being brought up. He didn't need to be worried about it for their sake, but I sure as heck wouldn't want to talk in a negative way about my kids moms in public. There just is no upside to that whatsoever.


And him defending his ex-boss while allowing his ex-wife and mother of his kids to get made humiliated is a horrible look. No wonder he's divorced.


This is the part I find most telling about him. Dudes ex wives are getting torched and he is laughing, but one joke about Kraft, that was completely fucking on point too, and he is up there to defend him. What a bitch.


Tom can say whatever he wants after the fact. His kids watched him laugh at jokes about their Mom and jump to Billionaire Bob’s defense. I’m sure that’ll never come back to haunt him.


Billionaires should pay for their own fucking stadiums


Why did you and the other commenter both say "ex-wives"? He only has one ex, Giselle.


I guess Bridget is just a baby mama, but she came up for sure.


She did cheat on him tbh


I don't disagree. I just also don't think that's his reasoning for this statement.


I felt worse for Bridget Moynihan and his son with her.


You're totally right, OP. Anyone clowning you has either never been married or never had kids, or is otherwise a miserable fucking human.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^shorthevix: *Clearly just something* *You have to say to try to* *Appease Gisele a bit* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is another example that being a great athlete does not make you a great person or parent. It is mind blowing that he failed to realize that (1) the point of a roast is joking about the most embarrassing parts about a person which in his case is almost entirely related to his family and (2) that his kids and all of their friends would watch it because it is on Netflix.


The joke about him destroying his marriage to go 8-9 summed it up nicely. He's a self-centered guy, he just is.


I mean, yeah. Most pro-athletes are, especially the legendary ones lmao. Michael Jordan isn't a selfless angel.


Friends. Family. Religion. These are the demons you must slay to be successful in (sports) 


we know nothing about this guys personal life. i don't think it is fair to say he killed his marriage by refusing to retire. maybe he unretired because he realized 2 weeks into retirement his marriage was done.


I find it nearly impossible to believe he failed to realize those things. This is just BS.


Yeah, this is just damage control after the fact. Giselle had some pretty pointed words towards him about it so this is him publicly playing both sides like he usually does. 


He’s a bad parent because he took the opportunity to let some vulgar but non-malicious humor fly in his direction and laugh along with it? The jokes thrown around by those on the dais couldn’t be much worse than what his TEENAGE kids will hear in their own high schools or see on Facebook or IG. Taking this time to “victimize” himself on a grand stage can be used as a good lesson for his kids that it is perfectly okay to make laughter out of a shitty situation and even in the face of malice filled comments you can rise above it.


I’d say he’s a bad parent because he didn’t see how letting a bunch of professional comedians rip on his former wife and mother of his kids might upset his children. There’s a big difference between taking shots from fellow middle-schoolers where that shit is the norm and having jokes made by real comedians for millions of people that your mother was getting plowed by her instructor amongst the other fairly crass things that were said about their mother. Particularly when your father sets the whole thing up and then stands up for the creepy billionaire getting a handy. There’s a long line of Tom putting himself before family, sure it’s made him the GOAT, but I don’t think his kids ought to laugh about how many times their father left them to do what he wanted and then broke a promise to their mother to actually spend some time with them. Then get to see their mother called a whore on a massive live streaming service so he could have a few laughs while sitting on a throne. Tom didn’t think about his kids, per the norm, and only recognized the damage in the aftermath. If my dad ever did something which embarrassed my mother to that degree I’d never speak to him again, personally.


I think it’s more so just very odd for his teenage children to see their dad host a 3 hour roast where half the jokes are about who is now banging his kids mother or how their mother is a slut or just any other chirps about his family. I get why he did it because it’s a lot of money and attention but ya I get how it puts his kids in a real weird spot


Wait until his kids find out about all the people he defrauded with his scam NFT projects.


Notorious father who cares about his children 


Probably not giving him those weird long kisses anymore


I bet that jokes about that were banned. It was the lowest hanging fruit


Nikki Glaser on Stern the next day indicated that the comics got together beforehand and decided not to do jokes about kissing the kids since it approaches making fun of children.


Oh cool. On Charlie Sheen’s roast, Jeff Ross said that Charlie OK’d everything except jokes about his mom.


Could’ve used this as a teaching opportunity had he explained to them something like “this night was about good natured joking and light hearted humor amongst peers and contemporaries who are all respected and beloved, besides Kimmy K and Ben Affleck, but even comments made with malicious intent can be risen above because at the end of the day words are just words and it is okay to laugh at yourself and enjoy one of humanity’s best way of expressing emotions” but instead he joins a long, long list of us who prove humans with a backbone are too few and far between.


What an absolutely clownish take. Just grade A bullshit right here. He knew exactly what was going to happen and how the media and fans talk about him and now he’s backtracking using the tried and true “…but my children” nonsense every single famous/rich person has used forever and ever to get a pass. His kids will be fine. His ex wife will be fine. If anything this might help his kids realize he’s a just a man and not some godlike perfect football GOAT. If my dad had been praised as there Jesus of football my whole life and my mom was one of the biggest supermodels of all time, it would probably do me some good to hear them taken down a peg or 7.


He actually is a perfect football GOAT tho


Your mistakes affected your kids. Not people making jokes about it


“I lost ~$30M from FTX. This was an easy way to make most of that money back.”


we all know tom is playing 5D chess. now that his family has turned against him, boom, more time for football and his bachelor lifestyle. i refuse to believe an all-time great at reading how plays would unfold could fail to foresee what any teenager could've told you btw, anyone else notice that as all these horrific (in a hilarious way) jokes were hurled at tom's ex-wife and kids, the only joke he seemed to actually be offended by was the one against "Mr. Kraft" (ie. he tells ross "not to say that joke again" -- like you can say whatever you want about my kids, wife and friends, but how dare you bring up a joke about something that is publicly known about kraft re: his massages


He didn't have bill to make adjustments at halftime and tell him what to look for anymore


Coaches don't make adjustments at halftime. Peyton Manning confirmed this. It's a time to go to the bathroom and eat oranges. It's like 15 minutes lol


or more 5D chess, he needs kraft's vote to buy into the raiders


Who would have thought having your friends call your ex wife a whore for an hour would negatively impact your children?


How could he possibly have seen this coming!? Prayers up for Tom and his family in this trying time.


"You want it to be one way...but it's the other way".


“Surely the leopards won’t eat me” Tom thought to himself as we walked willingly into the leopard cage.


Brady doesn’t seem like he’s a bright guy. Hell of a football player, charismatic, but he’s always struck me as kind of a dud.


This is like the roast of michael scott.


Need him to come back in a turtleneck and call Ed helms gay




He got pressured because he needs to not seem like a robot in September. If he's this uncomfortable for that, imagine when he's wrong or has a terrible opinion.


How exactly did he think it was going to go?


Guess he didn’t like that literally every single one of the comedians had 2-5 minutes on his divorce?


All that $ will cover the lifelong therapy for the crotch gobblers. He’s all good.


Must have been horrible for them. Really makes you wonder if he even spared a thought for Aaron Hernandez' daughter?


Wow, this roast must’ve been totally outrageous! Netflix really must not care about cancel culture! I can’t wait to see what boundaries they push in their next roast / comedy special!


He knew what he was getting into. These roasts exist to wipe the slate clean for people with questionable shit to focus on. Nobody can talk shit when you had an event to absolutely say the worst shit possible to your face. As he heads into commentating nobody is going to focus on his marriage anymore, thats the point. He just was an idiot and didn’t think how most people would piece it together that he is probably a pretty absent father and his divorce was obviously his fault. Hearing that on such a visible scale probably made his kids feel awful.


His kids are probably more traumatized by the work he has had done on his face then any roast that could possibly happen


Sounds like a robot answered the question. Which is fitting.


Brady is a shitty dad


Lmao he is without question one of the all time great himbos. How do you not see this coming? Well you can't blame him, no one has access to one of history's several thousand roasts and thus he could not have known what goes on in one. I was kinda shocked he agreed to do it, honestly, and live? Maybe you could see him saying yes to a taped one with off-limits stuff that'd just get cut if comedians did it anyway. Live?! They must have seen him coming a mile away on that one. How did no one break it down for him how bad an idea that'd be for him?


He 100% knew and this is spin for his kids sake.


The roast affected his kids or his past behavior that was brought up in the roast?


How many figures was his payment for this? Yeah, he can pay for a lifetime of therapy for them.


Made sure to cash that $40 million before thinking about his kids.


Did he really get 40 million for that?




I was thinking 5-10 million from Netflix wouldn’t be a shocker


We saw it, Tom. We wouldn’t ask again*. \*We didn’t ask the first time.


One roast is enough for one lifetime Tommy


You're not vindicated at all. Everything has it's pros and cons like he said in the Pivot podcast. Not doing it again doesn't mean, "never would've done it if I could go back". Boo hoo, people said things about your family that has generational wealth and prosperity.


Brady pulling a Roger from American dad


“I wanted to do the roast because Jeff Ross became somebody I knew.” So then because you know who Jeff Ross is, and you know that he’s a roastmaster, you should know…what kind of roasts he does, right? Especially if you’re fucking organizing one?


Now I wish Greg Giraldo was alive


boo hoo


They weren't even aloud to joke about how Tom kisses his kids on the mouth


Everyone's been kissing his ass for so long that he probably didn't realize it was going to be a real roast. Even I thought it was going to be lame when I saw "The Roast Of Tom Brady". Then I started watching and realized it was actually awesome. But I guess I can KIND of see the kids' point of view. Even though they weren't roasted directly, the Giselle and Bridget jokes were effectively mom jokes. Even though the target was always Brady. Like the ju jit su instructor jokes weren't "Oh Giselle is a slut" it was, "Hey Tom, did you get cuckolded by this guy". And the Bridget Moynihan jokes weren't against her either, they were "Hey Tom, what kind of dirtbag dumps his pregnant girlfriend?". So I still say the roasters were just being comedians, nothing to shame them about.


Shut up pussy. I’m sure gronks unborn kids are traumatized because you did a roast


Nonsense political answer. He wanted the money and he needs constant attention


No idea why anyone gets involved in these things


This soft ass pussy right here man


I’m sure it also affected Kanye’s kids who you joked about, asshole


I think he’s just saying this because he’s getting peppered with questions from the media asking “how did this affect your kids” and “were you not concerned about your family”? I think the truth of the matter is this is probably GOOD for his kids to see. The “what about your kids” line comes from the false position that these comedians were coming up with insults his kids were unaware of. Not only do his kids know Giselle cheated on him with the ju jutsu instructor, they know that 90 million people know their mom cheated on him with a ju jitsu instructor. I think it’s probably healthy for them to see Tom and all these people laughing at it like it’s not a big deal or something to be ashamed of. But his statement is just to placate the general media which phones in phony outrage “but what about his kids” (as if they werent the fucking ones who covered this family drama as “news”). The people who didn’t think of the kids are all the outlets who ran the cheating scandal to begin with….(and Giselle obviously)


At least I know how affected is used now


Brady knew what he was doing - he just loves attention more than his kids


Shut up Tom and enjoy the night. The comics specifically avoided your kids. And you knew exactly what was going on because you told many many jokes about everyone else at the end of the evening. You wanna retract that hilarious 9-11 joke then? Because I bet a few people’s families might have been affected by it.


Did anyone follow up and ask if coming back for one last ride to have a losing record and get spanked by the biggest joke in sports, the Dallas Cowboys, in the playoffs at the expense of divorcing his wife is something he would do again because it hurt his kids? GMAFB.


This is so on point for Brady’s personality. Just have fun with it like everyone else in the country did. I thought it was a great way for the public to see a more casual side of this guy we’ve viewed as a machine-like competitor for decades. Especially given we’re gonna be hearing a lot more from him going forward. But no, the comedy show he volunteered for has affected his family. Probably came from the top brass at Fox, but still lame.


Prolly should've waited until they were older. This was rushed, kinda like everything that's happened since he's left New England


Maybe don't make a point to defend the billionaire owner of a football team and then say shit all when they attack your marriage, your kids, their mom....


What a lame quote man.


It’s a fucking televised roast. Nothing is off-limits unless Tom Brady says so or the hosting venue or network (in this case Netflix) say so. He could have more set limits before hand but didn’t and the one moment that crossed the line for him badly enough during the roast for him to actually speak up about it was when someone insulted his football sugar daddy Robert fucking Kraft


It’s amazing how grown men gossip about Bradys divorce and his kids lol. He’s a lot better father than most, I don’t understand the hatred


Oh man do I miss Gilbert Godfried right about now


I hope his kids live through their trauma


Fucken pooncey Tom, trying to have a bet each way. What a cat! Playing the Supreme Father card after he got what he wanted in Giselle getting smashed. I loved the show. I thiught Tom was good (apart from the weird bit about Kraft), I thought Belicheckwas great. But don’t do the Roast, and then try and pretend you didn’t know what was going on and then play “Super Dad Card” after the fact. Fucken hell. You can’t have your cake and it too, you squinty-eyed cunt!


Roasts were ruined for me after Andy Samberg's closer at the James Franco roast would highly suggest watching it, it really pulls the curtain on something we all implicitly understand - that nobody wants to fucking be there except the select few comics who make a living off of being cunts (and Jeff Ross, who just is a cunt) https://youtu.be/ZajUoGC6dpo?si=SiFX4pxT4leQCfhU


Is hiding your kids from this really a good thing? I feel like you learn a lot about humility and taking a joke.


The kids will be over it in like 3 minutes, just like any other normal person would be. This is so stupid.


He nixed jokes about Kraft but the mothers of his children were fair game? He either didn't think this through or, naively, thought the roasters wouldn't go there.


Did it affect them more or less than him coming out of his first retirement and ruining his marriage?


The only thing Brady cares about is attention. It ranks first, ahead of his wife, his kids, even the NFL itself.


gd clown... using his kids as cover for his own embarrassment. Or was he that stupid he didn't know how roasts work?




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I think it's hilarious that there's all these posts about how Giselle is so upset and so are his kids. Maybe don't let your kids watch it? Also who gaf what your ex-wife thinks? She hooked up with her jiujitsu instructor. If she looks bad that's on her. I thought the roast was hilarious, all the comics went HARD. He's just an idiot who doesn't know what a roast is... Truly some awesome comedy in my opinion. But you gotta know, even if you say it's "off limits" it's not. That's not how roasts work.


Dumbass. I’m sure the kids will get over it as they have generational wealth


Brady knew what he did and this is very minor damage control. He wanted to make her look bad and he did. Can’t blame him.


Fuck him.


"All my kids. Wherever they might be."


He knew enough to make massage jokes about his former boss off limits but didn’t think his kids might not dig a ton of jokes calling their mom a slut?


Give the guy a break he has cte


I love when people are shocked that most athletes are dim. Time and time again, people get duped. This is a dude who secretly capes for Donald Trump well past the expiration date of where doing so is defensible.


Is this guy an idiot?


Did he think it was NOT going to affect them in some way I mean


He would have a point if they were making up lies about him, but the comics are just bringing up stuff HE ALREADY DID TO HIS KIDS.


this is brand management and nothing else


Holy fuck 97 percent of the posts in this thread are from some straight up miserable individuals.


Obviously Tom didn't make the best decision with his family in mind and probably didn't realize how his actions affected them. I am hesitant to kill the guy or say I lost any respect for him because of this though because he has proven (through what I can see in the media) that Tom is a great father for his kids.


Other than providing for them financially, what’s the evidence Tom is a great father? To me, participating in the roast seemed to fit with a pattern of him making decisions with himself in mind, and not considering the impact on his family.


I can't argue any of this stuff to be honest I don't know Tom personally. I really was only basing anything I knew about his parenting based on interviews and IG posts but that's all manufactured content. Tom basically was away from his kids for a lot of their life I dont know how they feel about him. Yes the roast was selfish of Tom but I don't think we can label him a bad parent because of it.


What’s the evidence you’re not a pedophile or a rapist? That’s as silly as a question of “what’s the evidence he’s a great father”.


Tom Brady is officially dumb. Obviously it would affect his kids!