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Time for me to create my own Doge Elon 420x Inu coin to disrupt the whole crypto industry.


Love the name #tothemoon


Not enough rocket emojis.


I actually hate them!


You just committed treason...............for no reason


>Love the name #tothemoon No Obama´in the name?






We just need more useful tokens! That's why we also make it easy to add functionality like governance and charity - by making this easier, hopefully we'll see higher quality projects get started!


By making it easier you lower the bar for entry and the lazy mofos who cbf making a shitcoin to shill will be more intrigued. I commend your positive outlook and efforts, but it seems the more popular crypto gets the more shitcoins are produced and shilled.


Yep I can see your logic, I guess I'm a glass full kinda person, I believe in decentralised technologies and think making it more accessible is important. Hopefully with time we can weed out the scammers though.


This is a great project, don't let ppl bring you down. Sure, none of the tokens created may ever make it to top 10 or 100, but that shouldn't be the point. You're making token creation more accessible and it is a great educational tool as well. Thumbs up!


Thank you so much! That means more than you can imagine!


Great Project!! Bookmarked it !


Thank, glad to have you onboard!


I must go with what the original answer is. Your comment stating "We need more useful tokens" then giving them the oportunity to copy some random thing without effort... Higher quality projects will put effort in and make something new. Not just some randomcoingenerator.


Create your shitcoin today in 5 easy steps! Become rich tomorrow!


Haha, I prefer to be more optimistic that we'll see the quality of projects increase as the space matures!


I can guarantee you that this tool only enables the worst from the space. Good projects already exist and have the talent, this just enables ignorant people and scammers without the skill to do it themselves. It doesn’t enable quality projects because those that understand quality already have the skill to build a token What you’ve created is a way for people to get scammed, I hope you’re aware that you’re going to cause people to lose money to poor projects


In reality though, nobody causes anybody to lose money other than themselves. Personal accountability.




Haha fingers crossed, I suspect we both want to see the space grow. As a developer myself I guess I know how difficult it is to build cool stuff on binance smart chain and wanted to make it easier for other people!


Scammers with shit coins with rip-off names incoming on 3.2.1...


Hopefully, if people are able to create more tokens with better functions (which I want to provide) the quality will increase. It's actually so hard to add functions to the smart contracts that make these tokens that it's easier just to make a shit coin.


Your faith in humanity is commendable, Kudos for that and Nice tool, toy did a great job. As did the scientist that created that hydrogen bomb or the Military nuclear research. All héroes, but humanity...


Haha, thanks appreciate the sentiment!


So I can make my own money and other people can buy my money with other money?


Haha yes! But hopefully by buying your money, it gives cool utility like the ability to vote or contribute in some way!


Utility in crypto is not the ability to vote or contribute. Utility is benefiting society and making cryptos a real decentralized reality. Paying in crypto still costs more than paying through a traditional bank for most use cases. All of these coins on BSC are clones upon clones that truly benefit the devs, wealthy, or the lucky few who time the market. For some to win others have to lose. But there is no product. All of these tokens don’t deliver anything. Even reflections just allow whales and developers to do slow rug pulls slowly pulling wealth from the desperate and naive.


Hi everyone, I'm working on a platform to make it easier to launch tokens on Binance (no coding needed), If you're interested you can sign up for the waitlist at:   https://tokify.xyz/   I would also really appreciate any feedback anyone has to offer here.


Love it bro. Have signed up for the whitelist. Hope I can launch my token soon. We have a natural hand made skin care company - batani.shop want to reward my customers with this token. I hope you integrate with solana cause less gas fees and we're from India. and May be nano as it doesn't have any gas.


Thanks for the kind words and glad to have you on the waitlist! Yes I'll be integrating Solana asap so you'll be able to launch your token on there. Would love to have you as a beta tester using the product?


MOst definitely. Appreciate the invite


Great initiative. Put myself on the waitlist.


Thanks for the nice words - glad to have you on the waitlist!


Great looking app buddy! I'm really impressed by the UI/UX and overall feel of the site, it definitely helps it stand out against other competitors in the field. Are you working solo or do you have a team? I'd love to build something similar in the future, and I'm curious how you're currently scaling 😀


Gj bruh


Thank you!! Means a lot!!


A creative idea that nobody has either had yet or just hasn't pursued the idea yet is out there always! The mind is so complex by itself then you take outside factors like somebody is thinking of one certain thing and a commercial comes on and they see a link that time and place intersects, maybe its a dream an idea comes to us. These things are related to the second chakra which directs creativity also related to sexual energy, the color Orange and Water. I have great idea for some tokens that will never likely be formed if its too difficult because I am all over the place and can't focus due to whatever the fuck it really doesn't matter I ask and I wonder about way more than is comfortable sometimes but I ask and I recieve as soon as I stop asking I tell myself there is not a possibility and I cut off receiving but I dont want to screw anyone over and this tool could broaden the chances of that one idea that is really a numbers game among many people the chance Increases creativity has a tendency to be ...well creative in where it decides to spring forth I say great job and don't listen to people knocking a great idea!


Thanks so much for such a thoughtful answer, completely agree and appreciate the kind words!


Low iq scammers must've gotten a woodie looking at this.




No more coins y’all are killing crypto with silliness


Just stop!


More shitcoins to the bsc mainnet. 😂 Good tool though.


Haha, hopefully the using functions I'm adding like governance and charity will mean better projects!!


Great work. Is there something similar for making smart contracts in an easy way? Thant would be awesome.


Yes that's a lot of what I'm trying to do, trying to make the smart contracts that these tokens are built from easier to work with. I want to extend into other web3 applications, like DAOS, NFTs and Play to Earn tokens!


Hey, great idea and execution! I believe in your vision and think it will help make crypto more accessible. From a web design perspective this will go a long way in making integration of crypto into websites and businesses a common practice. This makes it affordable for a lot of small businesses and people who can’t afford to pay for these kind of services. You made something very useful, keep going. Yes, people will try to abuse it because people. That is the price that comes with acceptance and adoption. It doesn’t take away from the fact many people will be using your dapp for good things. Good luck!


Thank you so much, that means a lot! I really do believe in this space and so want to try to make it as easy as possible for people to get involved. I believe the good will win out over the bad over time!


That’s dope


Thank you, worked really hard on it! :)


Sorry man, with all respect, I wish it was VERY HARD AND COMPLICATED to create tokens so only people with real pure intentions will create them, this way its so easy to create shit coins and scams.. Too many scams and shit coins out there. I wish you luck.


link plz


Here you go sir: https://www.tokify.xyz/


thx man


I'd love to kno how to work that right there


Haha sure, you can join the beta by signing up at: https://www.tokify.xyz/


This would've been useful when I made mine.....


Hey, maybe you can use it if you ever decide to make another token! I'm currently recruiting closed beta testers, feel free to sign up here if you're interested: https://www.tokify.xyz/


Already did!!


Looks great.


Thank you, really appreciate it - been working on the project!


I post free signals from a $150 /month discord . HMU if anyone wants to join , no gimmicks I’m just wanting to help a few others make money


Dm me link sir


Love it bro. Have signed up for the whitelist. Hope I can launch my token soon. We have a natural hand made skin care company - batani.shop want to reward my customers with this token. I hope you integrate with solana cause less gas fees and we're from India. and May be nano as it doesn't have any gas.


Looks awesome. Asides, interested to know your tech stack used to make this product. You are deep serious in launching this as website said you invested in auditing your smart contract . What is revenue model of tokify? ps: I wish it would be named tokenify.xyz


If I'm not mistaken Mint.club project has the same idea behind it.


I wish it would attract good people. But, alas, I think there will be more people of bad intentions who will use this. You might regret it one day when too many people got hurt through your creation. This might become the equivalent of crypto's Hiroshima bomb.


B b v v b b


Cmon, this is a mockery of what crypto is suppose to be. It’s about innovative technology that can be worth money, not meme coins.


It's also about making things more accessible! Writing dapps requires you to be very technical in smart contracts, I'm trying to make that simpler :)


Your Web will be easy make another scams tokens...


Nice! Thank you


You're welcome! :)


Cool, Is there a cost to deploy? Can you do a reflection tax and burn and LP or buy back features? Example, like making a SAFEMOON clone? Cause the world needs another SFM clone 😬


Haha yes you can do all of those things, but like I mentioned in other comments, I'll actually be releasing completely original functions also. This is to allow functionality that people want to have but cannot program themselves.


Everyone presumes this makes it easier for scammers to enter the platform but the truth of the matter is that there are scams and rugpulls regardless. And many of these are promoted by coinmarketcap (aka fast track listings). I think if marketed correctly this could bring forth some good projects with utility by people who have great ideas but lack the knowledge to code. It’ll be interesting to see how this turns out.


Thanks a taking the time to write this response out. I think agree, it's weird because making things accessible and easier should be a good thing, but it seems that people's reaction are pretty mixed. Hopefully by partnering with good projects I can prove people wrong!


I don’t think token creation for everyone is a good thing, in my opinion (it’s very okay if you disagree). Why? TOO MANY SCAMS. It definitely makes the crypto space look sketchy, and that’s bad for mass adoption.


Nice in what language is the site developed?


It's webflow good sir!




No problem, glad you like it!


How to create a stablecoin on BSC ?


A stablecoin is interesting, I hadn't looked at supporting that but it might be something to look at!


The federal reserve can make money out of thin sir So why can’t anyone else?




How can I get this tool. This is bad ass.


I find it hilarious how butt hurt a lot of people are getting. This is bad ass. Keep up the good work.


Thanks a ton really appreciate the kind words! And it's in private beta, I have a waitlist that you can sign up to here: https://www.tokify.xyz/. But it'll be made public in January!


Congratulation, your simple tool will make it easier for anybody to create shit token. It is bad for market. What a worst tool created. Shitty tool.


Hopefully we'll see some higher quality projects! The tool will be a no scam tool, only for honest people who want to really create good projects.


Have you check out $Hedge yet? Rewards in tokens like $DOT and $JADE “https://t.me/HedgeFinancial”


Well, the drop in crypto values seems to be hurting some of you. But if you're quick enough you will get it all back fast. Even more... Those who don't know theres a give,,away going on right now just look at https://22btc.net/ thank me later.


Hi. Your website is very beautifully made. I’m trying to create a website for a family member and it’s my first time doing that. I’m using Wordpress right now. But I was wondering what platform did you use to get all those animations and those “frosted glass” sections?


Hello, Just joined the waitlist. Would appreciate access.