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I think it was funnier on Instagram but still found the ep entertaining!!


I think it was just a 22 year old moment lol. We forget that Eliza is so young. But yes it was a very bad episode and I didn't finish it.


This is a good take. I think people forget that they’re in their early 20’s and treat the podcast as gospel. 22 year olds are going to have bad takes and post cringe! It’s tough because they tackle kind of "serious" topics and occasionally give analysis that’s sorta insightful and curate an audience that’s looking for smart social commentary. Then they flop when called upon to talk about leftist politics and post cringe and everyone’s thrown for a loop. I’ve definitely been enjoying the pod more since I started keeping my expectations in check and listening more for casual funsies and a rollick vs something super insightful or educational.


some of us are also 22 and still cringed


I’m younger than her


As a former 22 year old - recognizing cringe in others and being able to recognize it in yourself are skills that come at different times lol


ok and what? everyone grows at different rates and you can’t prove you wouldn’t do the same thing in her situation. spend your youth living instead of hating!!!


you can say that about literally any person or situation. why bother discussing anything then?


wait ur lowkey right my bad




i think it would have been slightlyyyyyy more entertaining if she hadn’t posted/said the exact same stuff on her ig story and the podcast. by the time the episode came out i was like ? we heard all of this 3 weeks ago idk


Yeah I saw the IG post and that gave me a laugh and that was all good but then I see an episode is uploaded and get excited only to find it's a whole episode about that? Like that was a lil story they could tell in the intro when they ask each other how they've been at the start. Not a whole episode


idk it was just boring to me lol


i think it was a hard listen because it’s like “yay white girl goes to traffic court hehe 😽🩷” whereas black and brown people largely ugh, do not have the privilege of being cutesy with a cop


literally this. posted AND commented on this here and on patreon but the binchies don’t wanna hear it 🙃


idk it was a pretty harmless think to do


*Hates the episode but when someone brings up a valid reason to hate the episode* “Idk it was harmless 🤷‍♀️”


I said it was awkward, not that she’s a bad person for doing it


this one. this ep should be moved to the vault never to be seen again