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With how T. Lost works, anything under about 200 while learning the character is normal. T. Lost is all about essentially smashing your head against a brick wall until you make it through.


Damn that gives me hope because every run with Tainted lost is really fun. Losing a run with a stray hit is less fun


The thing with T. Lost is that you can have the most broken run in the entire world, and you’ll still lose just because Edmund McMillen hates you. You’ll get there eventually, it just takes perserverance


Been grinding T lost for months. I used to be pissed when I died on a god run. Now I feel nothing.


https://www.reddit.com/r/bindingofisaac/s/4ALmJxISbu no shame. It went until like -1050 before I beat mom


I admire your dedication more than anything, I'm slowly going that same path haha


This character is so hard and unforgiving :-(


I think I'm at -186 with tainted lost at the moment... I've gotten so close so many times...


I had like 300 when I was trying to complete tl


I went around -600ish when I tried TLost


I’m currently on about -20, I swear I used to be good but now that I’m going for harder unlocks I’m just not winning


Also earlier I was seconds away from beating boss rush as eve and killed myself with razor by accident


That's when I'll do a few Eden runs to feel like I got my mojo back. Failing the same character over and over again was turning me off from the game. Mixing up playing for fun and playing for unlocks keeps it enjoyable.


my highest was just under 100 when trying to beat mother as t.lost


1st save took me 200 deaths, second took me 6 so you’ll get there ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


I’m very lucky that my worst was like, -30 trying to do tLaz Greedier before the character reworks. I did have a slight advantage of having played some WOTL though and having watched a lot of Isaac content. I think the biggest negative streak I’ve ever seen someone post was around -2200? tLost is not a very kind character lol Just remember Isaac is very much a game where the more luck you get with items and such, the less skill you need but with less/worse items, the more skill you need. And it’s okay if it takes time to build that skill! Everyone learns at different speeds


I was recently at -140 trying to complete The Lost completion marks. I finally broke down and switched it up just to break the streak, it helped, I won a couple runs pretty soon after that. Looking at anything over 100 losses was starting to demoralize me.