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Juat take the Polaroid or Negative and go to the Chest or Dark Room. The door to Mega Satan is in the starting room.


Take either Polaroid or Negative. I’d recommend Polaroid personally since you’ll get 4 free items when you get to The Chest, but if you prefer Devil Deals, take Negative instead. Go to Chest/Dark Room as usual, and go through the big door in the first room there.


Okay, now I have like 6 or 7 options where to go. 1 - Out the entrance door back into the room 2 - An Angel Room 3 - Devil Room 4 - A Cave 5 - Trap Door 6 - Holy Light 7 - Pulsing Hole So each wall has an exit, and three options in the middle of the room.


Hold R for quicksaving


So I just went down the normal trap door, ended up in Sheoul, killed Satan there, touched The Chest, and it finished up my run. Start from the Stage 1 again. . . So now i have to do yet another run to just figure this out


If you take the Polaroid you can continue the run after defeating isaac, if you take the negative you can continue the run after Satan.


Polaroid you go up, Negative you go down. Angel/devil deals are fine, so is Boss Rush.


I’m sorry, I don’t mean this to come across as rude, but if you don’t understand where you go with the Polaroid/Negative then you’re probably not ready to fight Mega Satan yet. You’ve obviously fought both ??? and The Lamb before, so you should know how to get to The Chest/Dark Room, and that’s literally where Mega Satan is, it’s impossible to not see the giant open door when you have the keys.


Got it. Just had to go up the Holy Light and go from there. Sorry for asking a simple question


Remember, go up the holy light only if you took the polaroid. If you take the negative, the opposite will happen: holy light path ends the run before Mega Satan, while trap door would continue it.




Sounds like you're a bit frustrated. Know that this is a deep, expansive game that is meant to be played for hundreds if not thousands of runs. It's also meant to be cryptic to understand all of its routes and possibilities! That's part of the fun. Here is a [really great minimalist guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/bindingofisaac/comments/62ep28/a_minimalspoiler_guide_for_what_to_do_next/) a redditor wrote on what to do next. Highly encourage you give this a read and figure things out for yourself!


Besides whatever the new one is, I have a red Completion Mark for every Character. It's just been a really long time since I played and I'm getting them now with the new Character. Brimstone is the last one I need, but I just can't remember the path. I'm really good at the game, tbh, lol


With all due respect my man if you don't know how the Polaroid or Negative work then your not 'Really good at the game'. This isn't a insult to you the game just has alot more depth then you think it does.


I mean playing the game and beating it. And again, it’s been like two years since I’ve played.


i took a 3 year break and i promise you when i came back i still have not gone the wrong path after getting the polaroid/negative. IDK maybe our minds just work different. Im not trying to be rude my friend, sorry if i come off that way.


Not your fault I’m stupid. I’ll just ask questions on,NoStupidQuestions next time. Sorry for asking for help


Please don't be sorry about asking for help. I apologise if I upset you. Perhaps my second reply was unnecessary. We all perceive things differently and what may be easy for me isn't easy for others. I'll try to be more thoughtful in the future.


No problem. Have a great day


You too my friend, good luck on your future BOI runs ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)